Res 1963-66 SC UTIOP,' T'0. 66-1963 A 1`,, . TI r iUP --' 7C - Pe -- ? 7-PMT AND PUP TIC =T t?7. OT• ,T,-T � r I'�_Ir°�!? ..Y �' �0�_1 Ate ) CI-TING A nUr-T . C ON TTT T Pry Tr-, S 1-Ur" r ION ,-' \i 7. AT?`'G Cr. NT_ . . C _._ C.-. � .��; 1��, _ C 'RTA _N ���P'.Oti��.:`_ENTS: (p-pp• ' T .,-,CJ 7.C' NO. ST. l063-1 ) '' IA:S, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to he in th" irterst of the City of Fridley and tl-e nronerty owners af'- ectel thereby. 17 , IT 7 SC,T;• T , by the City Council of the City of Flridley as "o lows: 2 . '"hat the preliminary report submitted by the City yng- inee-r. , Calvin G. 7ro1.m, 1'.b�., is hereby received and accented. 2. That this council will meet or the 9Cith day of ""av, 7063, at ";nn o 'clock 7. . , at the City '?all in the City of 'ridley for the eureose of hol din;; a Public Tharing on the imnrovement noted in the Notice attached hereto and r ar',e a hart thereof b y reference, Exhibit ''A". �. That the area 7)rc; •"sed to be assessed ''or said improve- ents and each of teem as noted in said notice are all 1-The lards ar i ar ,as as noted in said notice; all of the sere to _-a assessed nroPortiona.tely according to the benefits received. / . .hat the City ' ana-er is authorized an ' directed to give notice of such 0u1:;1 is bearing by puhl ishi ng a notice thereof in the o"f-i"cial nes'sea nee of '_he City o c Fridley according to law, such notice to bo substantially 'n the form and substance cf the notice attached ' r-reto as 'exhibit- "A". r (--i_T • .0 OFT �.,_ T l I ' m_.... 017:7 PI_'7 TX, 7TS 6TH ./AY OF r 0...4 fir\/�• "A - ..ill T• i'ee - _,arl . arer -,_22_. .P IOI' ''0. ,6 CITY o= �7T i :i1_ I � 1-OTICT icy, 'T- "'Zi' C ON -'•'PTIOIT,1 FITS 77777AS, the City Council f tbe City of Fridley, Anoka County, "innesota, 'e as deemed it necessary and exne `lent that the improvements here'na"ter :escr;hei be made. m_r. OPU NOT IC: I -,l� 5Tj+ , m the I',; C=:, IS _., ._.�Y �r, .,,- L Ps. on h -0th day of '-ay, ,r '.3, at ';:n0 o'clock 7.r. . the City O'ouncil will meet at the C'+.r :gal"l in said City, and will at said time and Place hear all parties inter-sted in said improvenents in whole or in part. he general_ nature of the improvements in the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CC*,c,__ 7iCTION TTh A. Street Improvements, including grading, stabile' zed base, hitur inous surfacing, concrete curb and cutter and annurtenant facilities, loc- ated as follows: 7 . Anna ".venue - Charles to :o-'- -aTT. 9. n *lor Street - " or th to CUI 'e l-ac Van 7uren Street - 76th to Cs' orne hoad I . Tennison .rive - '''ar?•_•na to iiaciee''enn Ave. Able Street - 7`rd Avenue to 76th Avenue 55 -HT-,Tm t"A" 1 ccn 't) (ardena Lane 7. Gardena Circle ',. 64th Avenue - University to 5th St. 0. 76th Avenue - Van ,=uren Street to Able Street 'i,"nTJ: -T- ) COST ( -ith Asphalt Curb) •i, 70,127.51 ST AT D COST (` i.th concrete curb and gutter) '87,403.76 THAT KS :,_ OT)-`;=;G 70 BE ASS S:. TM SlIP _ pSSV--_'?A T IS AS NOI I O?'S: 'or Construction Item A, Above: All of the land abu tin ur>on said streets named above and all lands -:ithin, adiacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed nroportionat,ey according to the benefits rnceived by such improvements. That the Council ereposes to proceed with =ach of said i-mnrove- nents as senarnto imnrovements, excent as hereafter otherwise provided by the Council all under the fol 1 owi nT author:i tv, to-wit: ISinnesota Statutes, 1 061 , `'haC)ter t,='0, and lays amendatory thereof, and in con- formity w'th the City Charter. ( TT ) THIS 6 TH s%Y 0 - , 196 .3 _ GA S7,1 CT J' 'TT CITY COUNCIL GYO'3. - r,'ill i asri' J. Nee (-- ? ( 0,> - t,). CITY ',`..TWI':�'; - -arl_ P. ner IIIi1 „'7: lay Ci, 75, 10,63 v P SCOT U7 10s_ NO. 67-1963 TI ,SA r A ;-,-_r�'T,U _ Gr,'! ,x_trll:G eA' .�',.Iis Of ��RTA J`: FUNDS 'CSS, the City Council has nr,eviously authorized certain expen- ditures beyond tie budeeted anounts allocated to the various departs tints of the Cit`t's General evernment nreviousJy anticipated in the 1063 i.uo"et. ;7'-, T I : -_ IT PA SOLI--',D, Ty the -ity `'ouncil of the City of 4l'idl ey, r-eetino at e 7erfular session of the 6th day of Nay, 1963, as follows: 1. `;'hat an-,ronriat'ons for the Tol lowine activities be reduced as follows: =hereency Apnronriati on 2,n30.fO ^.nd that the appropriations of the fo' owing activities be increased as follows: III City Council 1 1 ,!;3('.P0 {finance �en<rtr,en_t 32 .00 General Covet Sl ?s s, 760.00 7,nsrin(,,eranr-- _ 215.!1'0__ Tr)TA -, r2'3C.s,0 ). That a try ns f-r f oa the inn Leinal T icuor Oi.snensar-y Fund to the General fund in the arcunt of `50,000.r'0 as nro- vi,ded for in the 1963 budeet is hereby approved and confirmed. A.JCPT -. ICY THE CITY C' 11NCI'. 0q' TEE CITY CC T.ITAEY THIS 6TH SAY OF I,_AY, 1963. IV : ...^› , . - -2/4------e CXeyi...)(A)A, YAYOR - Willial .. Nne ________ C/c CIS arvl . . -7:rnsen— _v =7.1-17L... -771arl iagner