Res 1963-69 7 57
--'Tf1"L'ItI "A"
` ]RTYAS, the City Uouncil of the City of Dr dl ey, Anoka uounty,
I`innesota, has deer:ed it necessary and ex .edient that the i, Provements
hereinofter 1-scribed be made.
HOTT TITEP..,-T NOTIC TS P REPY GIVER THAT on the 6th day of Nay,
1063, at 8:fl0 o 'clock P.' ., the City `ouncil will meet at the City Hall
in said City, and will at said time and place, hear all parties interested
in said improvements in -hole or in Part.
The coneral natu'e of the improvements in the construction (in the
lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements to-wit:
Cri1iS 13UC T_ON ITEM:
A. "ater La.t^ral and S rvice Connections and Sanitary "ewer
Tatoral an rvice Connections located in all of the streets
and servino all of the area described as follows:
e. Tot 18 hPditor's Subdivision No. 78 - Parcel No. 1700
b. Tot 4, 3l ocl- 9, Hayes liver Lots - N1- Section 92, T-30 R-24
c. Portion of Tot 1 , huditor's Subdivision No. 78 - Parcel 475.
d. Tot 13, -'°uditor's Subdivision ro. 78
ESTI'-":`" D COST 1Q,600.00
'hat the area promosed to he assessed for said improvement is as
"'or Construction Item A, .-hove,
All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all
lands adjacent and abutting thereto.
All of :aid land to be assessed proportionately according to the
benefits received by such improvements.
That the Council Proposes to proceed with each of said improve-
ments as separate irnrovements, except as i ereaft,r otherwise provided by
the Council all under the following authority, to-wit: i`-'innesota Lays
lrh3, Chanter 3°C' and laws amendator;' thereof, and in conformity with the
City Charter. THE
a T, Tr-- r - ny „D - 7 i -i-';i T -, THfi
.�t1T„� �: iC 1 `�il� :�^Y q:�nl-1 , l��' 3, ...L 0 � , 0 C?TY C U'��CIT 04
AYOR - Nee
CITY Cl RK - erarvin C. Rrunsel1
:;fTIpTT "PU
Pealed bids will be received, publicly opened, end considered by
the C i t- Council of the CI y of Hr;dleY, Anoka C o Pty, ' innesota, at the
o 'fice of the City ;"onePer in said City on the 3rd day o" June, 1063, at
1":00 o 'clock moon for the fprnishin-r o l work and : atorial s for the inst-
allation of Sew r and Hater Improvement Project No. 63.
The project consists of the following anroximate quantities:
11. 0 Tin. A. of S" P 6" Sanitary Sewer Tines, manholes, Highway
Crossin- and A- nrtenances.
T450 Tin. y't. of 8" and 6" Pater Tines with Appurtenances.
All i_n accordance with plans and specifications prepared for the
City of Fridley, Minnesota, by Comstock P Davis, Irc. , Consulting Eng-
ineers, 174; Count-, hoad "T", i`inneecelis '?9, lannesota, Telephone:
SUnset /,-',",f.
elars and seecifications may be examined at the o :"ice of the
City Yana-er, and codes may be obtained Co ° the Contractor 's indi-
vidual use by applying to the Engineers and de 'ositing with the
Tnnincnes MOO for each set. The denosit will he refunded to each
bi-d er su, ritti_ne- a bonafide bid upon return of the documents in
good condition within ten (in) days from the date of opening bids.
'-ids rust he trade or the hasis of cash naynent for the work,
and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a r snonsible
ban's in the State of ' innesota) , or a bilder 's bond and made pa'rabie
without corditfon to the Ci t•,- of -,r;dle-;, , innesota, in an amount
of not less than 5' of the total amount of the bY.
'Zhe C1 HT council reserves the right to reelect any and all bids
an'_'' to waive any informalities in any ,yids r-ceived without explana-
"o hid may He mite raven for a period of thirty days.
-- ` - _ ' 77 CITY C TXT1 If T?'_ , CITY 0? ITIDT EY, i.:II';YISOTA,
-CA'-'77: TI'T.f 17T-- .,,':Y , ., T i'lY 1 l C',3
(✓ ' )
CT7Y :`fdTl,_G77 - - __ P. 'amner
':i' CC, 1QA3.
_`SnT ;TIC%' NO„ (50-1 ,1
A 7T7TTe1 - r'TTv'IPf r T TAIN S_hCIAP A=S-r'-TS IN 51-flIP P;' TJ
":TTTR. TT-PPC _*'T `Tnd';CT N . G -A.
..., _ , by _nadv�rtanoe and e °ror the aseessmerts for
-ever ,nn a Water Tmnrovement 'ro i ect T''o. A C-A were certified to the
County on a ter. 7 ar basis, and,
CTAS, the aho- e noted assessments should have been cert-
ifie-:" or a twenty year hasis,
, `i , E, 77, IT !'_S()TV'.C, that the assessments for water
laterals and sewer laterals for Sewer and '�ater Improvement Tro i ect
o. 4' -A be withdrawn f'roe.' the Court- th'Jitor 'a Office, and a new
roll h ' recertified to the Court-- Auditor certifying the assessments
or a twenty year basis. exco tine, therefrom, those lots for which
the '?e_f'erre- ba'<ance has been pn i c' at the Ci t,'- Cl er?'_'s o°five.
`.'ho' e lots for which the "irst year's Payment has already been Paid
et h Coun -y Auditor 's Office shall have tie deferred balance of the
assessments certified over nineteen years.
pie 77--, - C_m`% C7J1;CIT, C CITY CT T„-D' lY T ITS 6TT' 7''Y 07
. 7 C
(10 ` \
.'AYCU - 1'1114, J. Nee
)yrxn sell