Res 1963-75 63 FFSOI U'T TCN NO. 75-106' A GOT UTIOT UTT=T FAT,TT1 r rr7SST ,;I T ROT' .OT IFF O';N NT OJ1 CT NO. 1061 ST T TN ,CeEmAT'{T=1 (TARTS AT )TrON A?:_J R TERTI±'YII'G TN', AScrSS' -'ITTS CY jA FIVE '7/R PERIOD. '7Y2-AS, the assessments for Street Sur facin- and Curb Im'rovement Project No. 1061 Street were, by inadvertence an error, certified on a one veer basis on Tots 17, 1 '7 , and 1°, Pl ock , -dnewater Gardens Add- it'on, and, 'he assessments should have been certified on a five year basis, and, 'T` FTIF.AS, he one -ear certification places a great burden on the ^ro_)erty owmer, NTT, TU 77;'- 7 FR IT -'-SCT V=;D, that t'-e City Clerk is hereby directed to make up a corrected assessment roll for Improvement Project No. 1061 Street for Lots 17, 78, and 19, Flock 1, -dgewater Gardens Aiditi-on, and forward said assessment roll to the County Auditor so that corrected tax statements can be issued for the year 1962. AD2277D °v ' 77 CITY C"UNCIT OT T77 CITY O7 i_DI 7,Y, T7IS 20th DAY 07 NAY, 1r'6?. Lk/A L_4I _)/()C—R- FAsrm — t 1l liam Nee CITY YT':ACER - arl '. warmer AT-PST: C -TY CI;='K - r'arv�_n C. ""runs-ell /x/11/ FFSCI UTION NO 76-1063 - N�,�,,'*,- " TLRN r� ST fly RATE T A - 'SLUT±ON ��S Gi<.. � rx HI . . G T�; `�T??t�' �0'� TO � - ,_- FAT; - -+ i r. `PTiC' _ T,- TT 7 SO] v7D 7v the City Council of the City of i.dl ey, as follows: Glenn Johanson is hereby designated as an alternate director of the ''uburban Tate Authorit:r, to serve as a remrosentat':ve of this mun' c7-nal i-ty on the Boar of Directors of the Su'e 'r:-an Rate Authority during the absence or a;sabili-!-y of the 'irector heretofore desig- nated b-r this Council . pP.,=�,J Ur"?' ,D 2077 DAY C F -nv, 10(:?, F z -7. CITY C 'UIvCIT 0-7 TT- CITY 07 F DT TY. - T'il li J. Nee AT T: _ A. __ CI CT- . - Narvin C. 7runse1 l