Res 1963-76 63 77,9(-IT UT ION NO. 7 -1 96,1) A. ---'POTUTIOP 'Tr TIT A7.7Tp„r aP7ESS1'ElT ROT,, POP jr;`p 07 Er NT T''R.OJECT NO. 1 961 S_7 ViT TT, Y F OATIO GAR.DH T'TS ADDITION AND R CERTI 4 PING TIT ASPESS'' .2NTS ON A 'FIVE '71R PERIOD. '?ITR.-AS, the assessments for Street Surfacing• and Curb Improvement Project No. 1061 Street were, by -inadvertence an,': error, certified on a one year basis on Tots 17, 1 , and 19, .Pock 7 , -dgewater Gardens Add- i t'on, and, '"'PR`. ` 'he assessments should have been certified on a five year basis, and, L';AS, he one -ear certification places a great burden on the nroTerty onner, ''T""T TE77777 RE IT T SOTVPD, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to rake up a corrected assessment roll for Improvement Project No. 1G61 Street Eor Tots 77, 10, and 19, Plock 1, -dgewater Gardens A':d-i.tion, and forward said assessment roll to the County Auditor so that corrected tax statements can be issued for the year 1962. ADOPTED PY ' H7 CITY COTJNCI- 07 TIT CITY Oy FR DT 7Y, THIS 20th DAY 01 KAY, 7G(`-," . - I,illiam . Nee CITY NA-NA= - Earl •. 'Wagner AT"I'SO. C-_TY CI:731 - 3•`arvi_n C. ^runsel 1 RrS(QI UT ION NO 76„196g A 'SOLUTION :TOSIGNATTEGT AT TERNA TE PT'<PCTOP TO M!P ."2.FAN RATE ATJTTIOPITY P- IT 7 -SOT177D "y the City Council of the City of 17,7rid7ey, as follows: Glenn Johanson is hereby designated as an alternate director of the 'Juburban Pate Authority, to serve as a rePrese.Rtative of this gun' 03 nal tY on the Board of Directors of the Sub-Than Rate Authority during the absence or '1isability of the 'irector heretofore desig- nated by this Council . P .O`D Al T3 THIS 20T7 DAY C7 , 1 n .2, PY CITY C .Uh CIT 0-? TT CITY 0 E DT EY. - J. Nee ATP`''`?T: Marvin C. CliffilAA'‘i(allrunsell