Res 1963-87 71 R„,,,u,To, No,..,_ 87715-61t:3 _ A 1=LUTTON OHTNG PRIJIYINARY PLANS, SPCI7ICATTONS, A17) =YATES 07 'HI CCST2 TTTT1EOF: (SAITRY S7:7773 AN,9 7P,rr_lR - 1-10JPCT NO. 65 - ALONG 77TH '-rAY 'TTZ017 FT 7,IVER ROAD TO 77 TT 7S0T7T , b the Council of the City of Tridley as follows: 1. That it appears in the interest of the City and of the nrflperty ol.Tners nffect-d that there be cinstructcd certain IIIimproveents, to-wit: a. Sanitary Sewer mains and laterals and service connections in all the lands and streets located as follows: (1 ) Along 77th ' a,,y from hat River Road to the Great Northern Tal.):uay. 2. That it appears in the intercst of the City and of the proerty owners affected tat there he constructed certain inprovements, to-wit: a. 'Tater service mains and :laterals and service connections mall the lands and str-ets located as follows: N Alon7 77th 7ay from Tfipt River Road to t he Great Northern Railway. 3. That he Consulting Engineers for the City of Fridley, Corn- stock and 17:avlc- Inc. -e hereby authorized and directed „ _ _ _ _0, Inc. ,. , 0.,_ i ., _, to draw 7,,retliminary -plans and specificatins and to tabulate the results of their estimates of the costs of said improve- ments, includin7 every item of cost rror inceAion to cam- flietion and al fees and expenses incurrpd (or to be incurred) III in connection therewith, or tine firarcim7 thereof, and to make a preliminary reflort or their findings, stating therein whether said improvements are oasible and whether they can hest be made as proposed, or in connection with soTe other i=oveTents (and the ostimated cost as rccom7ordod including also a description of tine I ands or area as T,ay receive benefits therefrom and as may be proposed to be assessed. / . That the City CIerk shall act to ascertain the name and adress of the owner of each parcel of land 91..rectly affected c) . within the area of lards as may he propose to be assessed for said improvements (and each of ther), and, upon receipt from said Ytngineers o the said -:7reliTinary report, calculate estimates of assessments as nay be Proposed rPTative t:ereto against each of said lands. 5. That said preliminary report of the Engineers and estimates of assessments of the Clerk, shall he furnished to the Council, and made available for inspection to the owner of any parcel of land as may be affected 'hereby at any public haring held relative thereto, as well as at any Prior time reasonable and convenient. ADOPT-PD BY THE CITY CO1MCIL C7 THE CITY 07 7RIDLEY, TEIS 20TH DAY 07 'Ziff 19613. 1 III WA- • , ..,," .. • - MAYOR - Wil . 6ri J. Nee ••___ ATT7ST: , F ----"MA CITY CI= - 3.1Tin C. Trunsell