Res 1963-96 81 *rrf.,0T,,,ITTION Nn 6-1q62 A 777:nT,T3TION ORT7ING .71710',IF-7,7,77,--:. AP --),.0i1.11I 0-;1 PT PLNS, Or?..TDEP,ING ITIVT,1-?;_rilISI ,17T -TOR 'RIDS (PROJECT T:70. 64) T-ITTEREAS, the resolution of t'-e City Council adoPted the 20th day of : ay, 1°63, set the date for hearing on the proposed improve- ments, as sPecifi_caJly noted in the notice o hearing attached hereto for reference as --JT/J7DIT "A", and T=TEEIS, all the proPerty oi,Tners wose property is liable to III he assessed with tb 7 e rakin of these i7prove,71ents (as noted in said notice) were given ten (JO) days notice by -:_ai7 and published notice of the CounciT hearl_rgi through two (n) ITeekly publications of the required notice, and the hearin7 was held and the property owners heard thereon at the learin7, as noted in said rotice. 1n7X`, 777,77-7 , PE IT RSOTVED, by the Council of the City of 7ridley, Minnesota, as follows: 1- That the fol.lowing improvements heretofore propose by Council resolution arc hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonebly possible, to-,Jit! (a) All of the improvements as noted in the notice of hearing on the sare as are noted (in Exhibit "A" in said notice) excent (none) : that the work involved in said improve- ments as listed above shnll hereafter be designated as: ST0774 S}a1KR IY:F,OVTTTINT PROJECT NO. 64-1963 2. The plans and specifications pre,-)ared by Comstock and 'Davis, Inc., Cons'nting 7ngineers, for such improverents and eac of them, pursuant to the Council rTsolutions heretofore adopted, a copy of which rlans and specificatins are 1-ereto attached and made a III -) - tart hereof, are hereby approved and shall be filed with the City Clerk. ,,,'• The work to be per ro=d under STORI' r77T3 IMPRO'VEHNT PROJECT NO. 64-1963, shall be performed under one contract. The City Yarap-er shall accordingly prare and cause to be inserted in the official newsPaer advErtisements or ',ids upon the raking of such improve7ents under such apnroved - lars and specifications. iille advertisement shall be Imblshed for three (3) weeks (at least 21 days) , and shall srecify -Le work to Ine done and will state that bids will be opened and considered at l2:0O Noon, on the lOth day of June, lc3, in the Council Charb-rs of the City T-Tall , and that no bids will be con- sidered unless sealed and filed with the City C7erk, and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified creek ayabl_e to the City for five percent (55) of the amount or such bid. Mat the advertise- [Tent for bids for sTon: ai-],,TTI -71. 7,,E, 7,17T PROJECT m. 61-1963 shall be substantially in form as that noted in Exhibit "P" attached hereto for reference and 'made a pert hereof. ADOPTED T7 THE CITY C IIFCIT 07 TIT; CITY U TRIDIEY THIS 3RD 1-)AY C7 JUNE, 1_263. It 4tai,,„,„--- , / # • _______,......... E „.,0„ .... ',,'i111.i... ' ■ . Nee IATTEST: ___ ...CEn4. At_.■,?___. 1 _ .4 CII _ ,._ 77 1- Yarvin C. Pruns ef1 (7)44 _ .. 4 7.,-F:fr7 UTIOT,1 1\70. % ELUIPIT "At' CITY OF 7.RIDL77 NOTICE 07 Til .UING ON 1-,17 -VErEFTS H7AS, the City council of the City of ',;1.rif] y, .iiroka County, Y ITRinnesota, has deemod it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. T-7:-7J, TT-T_ETP,EORE, NTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 3rd day of 82 ' „ e, 1n62, at [-':00 o'clock the City ',Duncil_ will meet at the Cit7 7.a1 7 In said City, rI1,1 7,7i1T at said time, and 7:Lace, hear all Anterested in said irr,--)rovements in whole or in part. 'jibe 7eneral nature of ti:e improver in the construction (in te lands and streets noted below) of -1-Je followin7 improvements, 1,71717 'term Sewer and anurtenarces located in all of the streets and serving all of the a-,'ea described as follows: of T:jH7_: - Section 12, Township 30, R,am7e 24. Lyin7 East a Central Ilvene, 'outb of Osborne Roaf,, Test of Ilrtur -tfreet, and 17orth of te extension of 'rth Avenue. nT_L c , -1 in. 0 ( TIT IT 'I: "7-1, ,c; ID IMPR OITITLEN T is Af M-VT ". 7or c,-,nstrction ite A, above: f,11 of the land abuin p. uTor said streets flayed above and all ands adacent and ab7ittin7 -nereto. AlT1 of said lard to 1-o aspesed nro-flortionately accordin7 to the benefits received 1-,77 such improvements. Mfl,t OUPCl p-oT)oses to proceed with eacd of said L=ove ments as se=-to i.mproveents, except as '::-Ierenfter otherwise pro- vided by the Council all under the foliTowin7 authority, to wi-t: Yinnesotp fiatutes Charter 429 and Taws amendatory thereof, and in cenfor7ity w -ft the Cfty Charter. :ArliLD 2n7- PAY 07 TAY, 1_(.73 P7 CPR C TTE CITY C,.-UNCIT Q7 CIT 0 FRITJbEY. MAYOR — 1A3 1 i J. Nee ATTEST: ( 6-) CITY CT,177. - Earl P. 7/..7nor 1,111-WS: 1,''ay 22, 2(), 0,T-LIT 1707'T No. (7)6- n 1,-KTITTI-7 "7" NOTIC','] TO coNTaAcTeas Snaled bids 1,711] be recel.ved, 2ub1-icTy o-nered, anJ considered by e City Colman of the CIA7 or ri‘rid7ey, Anoka County, Yinnesota, at thP ofTice of the City ir'ana7er Tn said Cit7 on the 1101±, day of Jure, at 12:0fl o 'clock for te fiJrrisiiinr- of Storm Sewer Improve- nert Pro5ct l'iurher 64. The pro:7ect consists of the followin7 construction items: ('-T)0 Tin. TJ't. of 24 70C2 Storm Ilarbo7es and Anpurtenarces. All in accordEince it 71ars (-11-1d is7-) ccations pre-eJ-red for tT,e City or :rid ley, 1-inresota, by LoTistock inc., Con - 21.1.1±-7,n7 n1OrH , 1/ 6 County ood "j", 1 -innea7olis 32, I:innesota, Thlephone: aTnset 4-(:346. 7l0rs and, sci2lcations nny be exa7iired at t're office of the City and copies may e obtained for the Contrrictor 's Indi- vidual uso bv a to fl n n nd jeositing with the rw- neers = 2 .0C or cach set. a de-Posit viii be refunded t nach bider subl-itting a bonafide bid. uron return of the documents in no: condition within ter (10) days 7ron the date of omenine bids. Lids rust be Tr!a,.3e on the basis of CEIF pay- nt for the work occonparie 17 a cash de--)csit, certif'ied chec7,: (on a res7,onsiT-7 e 83 l:ark in the Sae (-)7 Yinnesota) , or a bidder 's bond and made pay- aLle 1,1-ithout condition to the City o Fridley, Yinnesota, in an amount of not loss than f,; of the total_ arlount of the bid. Me City res-rves -ti-ie, right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bid received without exPl anation. No bid may be withdrawn for a Period of thirty days. 7v order 07 the City Council of the City of Fridley, 1/annesotal Dated tiTls 24th 5ay of Tay, 163. III C1717 rANAGER - Earl P.,/ v!agner 7Y':-77'.7S: bay 29 and June 5, l 963. RESOLUTION t NO __,,,,......_ ,......_-,....-___ A -T_TS:DiriT,T1 C DDRING M pp olf-E ,7}-,',7,,Th, A ppi---:), Tm c 7 ATT,, AND OR D'TR ING .A7P7T77r= = 773S. 777FA.S, the resolution of the City Council adopted on the 6th day of i417, 1(7,63, set the date for hoaring on the Pr000sed improvements, as specifically noted in the notice of :cearinc attached hereto for ::):-TTT77-J7 !1 ", and reference as TJT7R7P,F, all Property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the Takin7, of the :Loproverents (a noted in said notice) Jere 2Iven ten (10) Jays of published rntice of the Council Trearing throu7h two (2) weekly oublications of the renuired notice, and the hoarin:(7 wr,s iceld and the property olTners heard thereon at the hear- in , as noted in said notice. III N-C-, TH7RE7ORT , 77 TT RSOI-Va), by the Council of the City of Tridr-y, Tinnesota, as follows: - . 1 'ihat the followin7 irprovements leretofore proposed by Council .;_ resolution are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably -oossi'le, to-wit: (a) ATJ of the improve7ents as noted in the notice of hearing on the some as are noted (in 7xhibit -A" in said notice) except (none : that the worIT involvo in said irprove- rents as ) isteci above shall hereafter be designated as: STREET TYP7071:;,VE:RT PROJECT 10. 1Q3-1 9. The olans and snecifications pre Pare: by the City -1-ngineer for sued i -77ovements and each of the r , pursuant to the Council for such irrrovements and each of t'oe7:, pursuant to the Council_ resolutions heretofore adooted, a cony of 1.Tich plans and specifications are hereto attached and wade a part hereof, are hereby aPorove,1 and shall be filed withthe City Clork. 2,. Tlie work to be per corned under flT777T IITT'TOVE:_T1TT PROJECT ST. 193-1 shall be performed under one contract. III 'The City Tanager shall accordingly pre,)are and cause to be in- sorted in the o7ficial newspaper advortisements for bids upon the rakinc of such irproveents under such approved Plans and specifica- tions. The advertisement shall be nubl ished for two (2) weeks, at least 74 days, and sholl specify the work to Ice done and will state that bids will. be opened and considered at 12:0(' O'clock Noon, on the 1st day of July, 7196 , in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk, and accompanied by a cash deposlt, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five Percent (55) of the amount of such bid. Mat trle advertisement for bi,Th for STREET ITTrTVEYENT PROJECT ST. 1953-l_ shall be substantially in 7orm as thrA noted in Exhibit "'" attached hereto ', 0r reference and ' a:',_e a part hereof. 7).0.77:7) T--7_ 77-1---rn-! couNoTT 07 TRIDTEY TITTS 3R0 PAY 07 JUNE, 1963. Lt4<k4t444.P l -.- . 7.77...._ ,_, . jam J. Nee