Res 1963-97 icark in the at,ae c Yrinnesota) , or a bir,33er 's bond and made pay- able vithout condition to the City of tTridley, 71innesota, in an f?,mount of not l.ess than 5 of the total amount of the bid. Me City resrves tTe right to reject any and all bids and to waive any inforifLalities in any bid received without ex-,lanation. No hid may be withdrawn for a -:)_eriod of thirty days. 77 order n7 the City Council of the City of 7oridley, 1,:innesotal 'Dated this 21,th daY CITY TIANAGER - Earl_ P.,/ agner N77S: 1ay 2Q and. June 5, nEsoTuTIoN NO. Q7,-,1 (-23 -• A PSOTUTCJ flRiNG TT 07IITy,7,1jf' APPT--?_071j fTS, AND ORDERING 14_77JRT17_ EOP. 771S. T = S, the resolution the City Council, adopted on the 6th day of 1417, 1Q63, set the date for hoaring or the nro- osed improvements, as s-flecifically noted in the notice of hearin47 attached hereto for rerPrence as ',,X71-7TT " , and 7-11771!S, all nroperty owners whose property is liable to be assesed w-',_th the - ,11,-incr, of the ir-proverlerts (as noted in said notice) were g-Iven ten (10) c7,ays of miblished notice of the Uouncil 70aring through two (7) weekly -Publications of the reouired notice, and the hi,arin7 wr's held en0 the property owner heard thereon at the hear- in7, as noted in said notice. T77REFOJr-,, 77 IT T=TV-,:]:), by the Council f the City of Asinesota, as follows: that the fol7 owin7 ir7novements oretofore proposed by Council resolution are hereby ordered to Ic-,e effected and completed as soon as reasonably osi le, to-wit: (a) Al] of the imnrove7ents as noted in the notice of hearing on the same as are no (in y} nit - A" in said notice) exce:)t (none : that the wrr77 involvo in said improve- rents as liste above hereafter be designated as STREET TYP707TVEKT PROJECT NO. 1011-1 2. The plans and sPecifications pre-fl'are= by the City :4igineer for such i.-77ovements and each of the , pursuant to the Council for such larrovoments and each c)-' pursuant to the Council resolutions 1-leretoore acio-nted, a cony of V,ich plans and specifications are hereto attached and made a part hereof, are hereby aprove1 and shall_ he filed withthe City Cirk. 7. work to be T)erforTned under i(:)7TRT-:7:,17 B1PEOVE1E11T PROJECT FT, 1963-1 shall be performed under one contract. The City Iianaoer shall accordingly prer)are and cause to be in- serted in the official nevspaper adw=a-tiserents for bids upon the making of such irprove,-ents under such approved r)lans and s'oecifica- tions. The advertisement shall be published for two (2) weeks, at least 4 days, and shall sr)ecify the work to lie done and will state that bids will be opened and considered at 12:00 O'clock Noon, on the 1st day of July, 1963, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will he considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk, and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five -oercent (55) of the amount of such bid. TI-tat tine advertisement for 1-)1,71s for S TREEY11 MP7OVEYENT PROJECT ST. 163-1 shall be substantially in norm as tht noted in Exhibit "7" attacd hereto for reference and -ad_e a part hereof. 77-1T CnITTTOTT OT 7-7Ftrq PY 7.7 IS 31-7) DAY OR JUNE, 19613. T'TP7OP iem J. Nee - 17arvin - 84 71 T TT`-'7C)1,T 1C. c7 '--7:1- T,--,-, !! ,tt CITY OF T.T DI.717 n7= 07 7;-;1\ TITG CF TYPOVENTS 1F7EAf7, 'cj.-,e City Council of the Cit7 of Fridley, Anoka County, 7-Tinnesota, has deemed it necepsary (1n19 e->:',--)edient that the iTlIprove- mei-Its bereirafter described be lade, 1707, 7177,77ORT'l. YOTTC7, TS 7_ EPY GIV7J rITAT on the 20th day of 7,c9,v, 7963, at F1':00 o 'clock P.r. , the City Council will meet at the City 1.W1_1 , in said. City, and will at said time and iace hear all nartles intersted ir said imnroverents in whole or in -oart. The general nature of the im-nroverents in th construction (in III the land's and streets roled below) o tie following improvements, to-wit: CnNT7UCTTO 7.7i:7- A. Street improvements, includinF grading, stabilized base, bit- uminous surcing, concrete curTi, an-J gutter nnd appurtenant fac,ilities, located ns follows: I. Anna venue - Lharies to 5(7) 7a7, 2. Tny'or Street - 52nd Tiorth to Cu] de Sac 3. Van :Buren Street - 76th to Cs'c)orne 1- oad I . Tennison Drive - Gardena to Tjackmann Avenue t . Ab]e Street - 73rd Avenue to 76th Avenue 6. Gardena Lane 7. Gardena Circle S. 6L,th Avenue - University to fth St. c). 76th Avenue - V /1_ f)uren Street to Able Street. '-',ST.T=VD COST. (7.:itk.aspbalt.curb) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,127.51 T-'STTE7-_) COST. ( ith.ccmcvta.Cuvb.and.Gutter) . . . 87,493.76 THAT T h APA PriOPOSED TO -' , V' ESSED OR SAID TYP7OVEYENT III TS AS 7OTTUJS: or Construction Item A, above: All of the lard abutting, unon said str(-ets named above and all lands within, adIncent arr.'j abutting t-ereto. Al] of said land to be assessed r)ro-nortionatel7 according to the benefits received by such improverents. That the Council 7)roposes to proceej with each of said improve- merts as serlarate irproverents, except ar hereafter otherwise pro- vide:: by the Council all under the following authority, to-wit: inrnsota Statutes, 1761_, Chapter 42(T) and laws amenc3atory thereof, an( in cr)nforTvity 7,ith the Cit7 Charter. ID A T7,7D TT-T,IS 6 Ti-T DAY 0-T 1:111,7, 7 963, BY oPaia OP THE CITY C:UNCII, V tik 4 ,...„. YA.Y.07. - Wil,r_ TR J. Nee ATT7'7: L. , III if 2 (/)et < , - CITY YANA= - TJ:n_ri F. i'l ,,,r,--r NEWS: ':17,7 -k, 15, 1" 85 a77,SCTUTTON NC. 7 TIflTT ”: ti TJc7InE 70 CONTRACTMS Sea1ed bids will be received, publicly cPened and considered by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, 'Minnesota, at the office of the City Nanacer in said City on the 1st day of July, 1963, at 12:n0 o 'clock Noon for -U-e furnishinF of work and materials for Street Improvement 'roject TP63-1 consisting of the following approximate ouantities: 15,361 Sq. Yds. /:" Soil Stabilized Base ' ,030 Lineal Ft. Pituminous Curbing 151361 Sc . Yds. le-" Plant Bituminous Surfacing 6,950 Lineal t. Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter All in accordance with Plans and specifications prepared by Calvin G. Brawn, City '-'ngineer, E'ridley City Hall, 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley 21, Minnesota. Telephone 560-3450. Plans and specifications may be examined at the Office of the City Panager, and conies may be obtained for the Contractor's indi- vidual use by applyin7 to the City Lingineer and depositing with the City ingineer 15.00 for each set. The deposit will be refunded to each bidder submitting a bonafide bid upon return of the docu- ments in good condition within ten 0_0) days from the bid opening date. Bids must be Trade on the basis of cash payment for work, and accom, panted by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota) , or a Bidder's bond and made payable without con- dition to the City of Fridley, lannesota, in an amount of not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bids rnceived Wthout explanation. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. Fy order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1963. CITY 1ANAGER 1Learl P. Wagner NTTYS: June 19, 26, I963 ?t,ESOLUTION A RESOLUTTnN AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESalENTS ON FOUL 1640, AUDITOR'S SUP. NO. 129 7Tp=As, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain lands and said land has subsuquently been subdivided, and, NOW, TFEREFflRE, PP IT RESOTV7D, as follows: That the assessment levied a7ainst the following described parcel, to-wit: Tot 23 (.7x. W. 5 ') , Iluditor's Subdivision Ko. 129, (Parcel 16,,,fl) , ray and shall be apeortioned and divided as follows: Or1r7ina1 Parcel Fund Original Amount Lot 22 (Ex. T. 51), Aud. SW-46A (Sewer Tateral) P 2,244.50 Sub. =120 (Parcel 1640) SW-CA (Water lateral) 720. 7 7:-4A rater Laeeral) 1/4 .32 New Parcel Lot 22, ix. 11. 85 ', Aud. SW-0A (Sewer Lateral) 1,091.55 Sul- To. 129 (Parcel into) SW-0A rater LateraT) 425.92 Tot 22, 7.85 of Lot 22, SW-486. (Power Lateral ) 1,152.95 Aud. Sub. :!/12 (Parcel SW-48A (Water Lateral) 40.27 1660)