Res 1963-99 7 -7777In 70. cF, (can 't) 77 T17 CITY Cfli.77CIJ T77 CITY 07 7RTDLEY THIS 3D T)AY 07 JUTE, :1953. IL/4 I 1A= • WiTT . ,m J. Nee A7T7ST: CITY LAG 7R - Ear; P. Wagner 0.))/k4.2„feV1.4404,4,441 CITY CT ry C Frunsell 1-7,,ESOLUTITIOIL1,J0. A ? SCIUTIOF .37:717777.-NG PREPARA.TION OT ASSESS: ENT ROD, FOR vATER PL,77) SANITARY 37,777,_ TYP7U=NT P70J7CT IF). 59. 77 TT 77SCT7E73 77 777 C7NCIL C7 THE CITY OF MID:LEY, ANOKA COUNTY, T'':INT77iSOTA, AS FOLI„C7,,'S: T. It is hereby eterrined that the assessible cost of con- struction with respect to the following named improve- ment to-wit: WATEH AND SANITARY SEWER IKPROVEVENT PROJECT NO. 59 including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at 20,974.80. 2. The City 141nag.er with the assistance of the Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to he specially assessed for salc3 ir7ro7e7ent against ev-ry asessible lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by said improve- 7,ent according to Taw. i -DOPTED 7Y THE CTTY cnurciL 07 717 CITY 07 FRIDLEY, THIS 3RD DAY OF 1763. MAYOR. - v,1_11,• n J. Nee 6-3 417,777: CI7Y NANAGIR - Ear P. ljap.,ner (.11:YVIII,JA,Z4vt,(4EktAAA^46114 CTTY (TTJTK unsell - 70 100-1 A 7-SCTUTTO7 ')IalifTTNG PITITCTION: 07 TIETRING ON PROPOSF:0 ASSSSVFNT ?OT.T -:RR "177 JID SAiJTPY 517-',_ -"NPR T PROJECT NO. 59 77777AS, 'hy a resolution passec by the Uouncil on June 3rd, the City Clerk was 1.rected to prepare a proPosed assessment of te cost e-7 1ater and Sanitary ,:)01Jor Improve7ent Project No. 59, ard, 77:7137A , the Clerk has notifle,j1 the Council that such proposed assess-merit, roll bee been corplted and filled in his o:7fice for public insnection T107:1, TT-71T1E7OR7, F]T IT RI-L'OL7.=, 177 the City Council of the City of ijiridley, Anoka County, 1,1innesota, as follows: be City L'eurcil shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, ,,innesota„ on the 1st day of July, 1Q62, at o'clock to pass qpon the pro-posed assess- r-Lent for the folTowinr named improvement: