Res 1963-100 86 --- -,,,--J iTT, ,, ,,,T,U. ,,,,i, (ccr, t I:,) 11_,)C71I-1 TY 1I7, C77 C: 77.;CTI C,--11 77 OTT-7 CY=1 "7-LEDLEY THIS 3-RD --AY OP ,-U-:---., i953. VAIIALIAA4LX - IATT-1 • 7.91 i . rr J. Nee ai- .7 ,-- , / / / ./ - I , ''--?- 1,- Ar-7, , ',,1 , _) L , CITY 1:1J:jAM:R - 7:ard. P. ','fagner (1(1d()Af_l_ 4'_2(:._J-/lALAAA4olt 11 CITY cl TT — ctrwza C. Trunsei 1 V ......:,ESCLITL'IC,T, I,:C. L2:-.12.:22._ A - 3 r,7T,I71"T C - 9:'77 T TIM 7-1-',i'PAR i.'‘.TI ON 07 A S S E,c1',S: ETr l'.OD A7.13 ITA 1T7R !_-7 c:ArT'7: 3Y 3'7,77 7 7O:' lA7,7,71T P70,117C7 I TO. 59. ---7 7 7 SC7717.,:i 7'7 -777 C ITT'CIT C7 TT IT' CI7 ' :::.,7 7RIDLEY, ANOKA COUNTY, T*T117-.7ZOTA, A.S 7001_,IiC ,'S: 1 . Tt is hereby determined that the assessible cost of con- struction 1,-Ith respect to the followin7, named improve- ment to-wit: TATER AND SANITARY SLWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 59 including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at 920,974. 0. . '. The City ' ,,Inap-er with the ass-Istance of the Clerk shall forthvith calculate the roper amounts to he secially assessed for said Im,-,ro-ve-ert arm-II-1st every asessible lot, piece or parcel of lani1 benefited by said improve- went accordinF to le,.,. P,DOP7T) ' Y THE C7T7 CPUT:Ca 07 7HE CITY 07 FRIDLEY, THIS 3RD DAY CT JUT:T'-,, I 963. to ..I I , (- 1-1,64Y0T-3, - vJfl ln J. Nee 0-- A.T- TIT: CITY YJJ:,Acr'.7a - 'liar P. uarTn,,r _ „.., cm7yr rT-- K - .t-:,,-vin L. LrunseT] 3-7SOLU7TOT: 7.). ino-10(,)-1 ...___,........,.....,_,....____....._____,.......„. _,.... A 7 c,-TUTTO''' DICTTNC,T 71.TITC1iTTOT: OF ,=-Nr„, ON PROPOSF,1 ASSSSFF.NT 7-ni.T -nil 7 T,*'77,7 1-,'11\TD ,,T,4,7cIT'T-ZY --::',''''7----' IIPT?:',--_,T1' '1,'N'T PROJECT "FO. 59 717771iS, 1-7 a r(2solution passe 171 the council on June 3rd, III thn C-ity .):I.Prk Lino 'irecte5 to pre-are a proi)osed assessrent of t'e cost o ' 7'ater and ainitLry ,Jover 7m=over,lent Project No. 59, and, tHe Lierk has notified the Council that such proposed assess-ment '-nll ban been cm-nleted and l'Eled in his office for public insnection, TIT fl7-J7'0,P , 7=-- ' 7 7):-Z0-=, 1-7 the City Council of the City of -+ridley, Anoka County, 7Jinnesota, as follows: 1 . he City L'eurciT shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Adley, Anoka County, innesota, on the 1st day of July, at :0(-) o'clock 1'. . , to nass 'Ipon the pronosed assess- 1:lent for the fol-lowinr named improvement: 87 11THR AND 71iT'ITARY SE7a 7117q011 =T 70JCT NO 59 2• The City 1:-ana7er shall publish notices of the tire and 7:lace of the meeting in the officia7 newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. ADOPT771) 7Y THE CITY COMTE, THE 01-77 07 73.IDLEY THIS 3RD DAY OF ,1177N , 1963. 11 ,, MAYOR T 9' . Nee ATTEST: CITY YANAGFR - Earl P.,/!Iagner CITY C1-1-71 C. Prunsell 13q'SCTUTION NO 101-1063 7 -2,CLUTION 7:1,7L7NG COON ]1API1-S, TrIN7ESOTA. 7HON THE NORTH SUB- URBAN HOSPITAL DISTRICT. 77=EAS, t' is municipality is included within the worth Suburban 1-70spital istrict, a district organ17zed and existing pursuant to Minn- esota Statutes, Sections /47.31 to 447.37, inclusive, and including the ar(?as of the Cities of Co1urnbia Hei7hts, 7r11,17ey and Coon Rapids, and the Villages of 71alne, Circle Pines, Ijilito-t), Texinton, Founds- view, and ;')1,-,ring Lake Park, and by Jaws 7963, Chapter 300 t'Le Leclislature of the State of cl lnresota has authorized the etachment of any City or VilJage from the district by the procedure provided for dissolution or for organiz- ation of the district, which procedure requires approval by resolution of the Overning body of eacb of the ra),nicipalities comprising the jis- trict, and T773.7ILS, this Council has received and examined a copy of a resol- ution dated April 17, 1963, adopted by the City Council of the City of Coon Rapids, requesting that the City be detached from the District. TIFT,170-RTY., BE IT RSOLV7,D by the Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, that the detachment of the City of Coon :',aids from the North Suburban Hospital -)istrict, pursuant to the nrovision of Laws 1963, Chapter 3n0, is ap-roved by the Council of the City of Fridley. PATTED THIS 3RP DAY OF JUTE, 1963. 111YOR - Wi11iamNee ATTEST: CITY CI7RK - 1,:arvin . Drunsell