12/06/1961 - 000240466�.,� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Evert Carlson was presPnt� and explained that the State Highway Department had taken part �f their land, and this was the reason the lots had to be re-arranged. He stated they wished to have permits for four Uvildings at this time. The�Mayor asked if it wouldn't be better to act on the wYiole row of seven building sites rather than just the four at this time. Mr. Carlson stated he did not wish to proceed on the balance �' them at this time. Motion by Wo1ke� that permission be granted for the re-arrang�ment of lots at the above addresses� and permits be granted for apartment buildings� providin� the Cit,y Manager receives from the City Ai,torney� his opinion that this procedure is proPer and legal without gning through the Planning Conmission, r4otion seconded Y�y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� those votin@ "yes"� Johanson� Na�el� Wolke� voting "no" Greig. TIME Of�'F DURING CIIFtISTMAS SEASON FOR CITY LMFLOYEES: Glen Johanson asked it it wouldn't be all right to let the City Enployees off at noon on I'riday before Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, '1'he Council agrFed that it was all righty and decided a motion was n�t necessary. ALJOURNP�NT : Motion by Nagel to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by lvolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully subr�itted: t Marvin C, Brunsell Secretary Lo the Council COUNGIL I�IINUZ'L5 - DECEMbER 6� 1960 � ` homas E, Greig Mayor A Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at '7:30 P.M.� Decemher 6� 1960. Members Fresent: Members Absent: APFHOVAL OF MINU2ES: Johanson� Greig� Na�el, Sheridan� Wolke None Motion b,y Sheridan to approve the Minutes of the November 10� 1960 meetin�. Sfconded t�y Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there be3ng no nays� �he motion carried unanimously. Motion �y Sheridan to approve the Minutes of November 15� 19b0 mseting. - Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice ti-ote� there teing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion b,y "Jagel toapprove the Minutes of the November 22� 1960 meeting. Seconded Uy Johanson. Upon a voice �ote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS� SECONP READING OP' ORDINAVCE AN�NDING ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 8,SC2: P4otion by Sheridan that this second rea�7ing be tabled until the next regular meeting. Seconded k�y Nagel, Upon a voice vote� there be3ng no nays, the mntion carried unaninously. �� rr�w �usir�ss: PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING - The City Mansger explained that this public hearing shnu�ld Yiave been held in August� �ut that notices had not teen puhlished� so it was de- layed until this time. The Council asked if neighbors had been notified, The City Manager stai,ed thFy hc�d be<n for Lhe Plsnning Commission meeting iaut not for 1,he Council meeting. The City Mana�er stated that th� residents in the area had ob�ected to an H-3 type rezon- - ing but were iavorable to C-1 rezoning. Mr. Wolke asked sf A-3 type It mul�iple buildings could go in C-1 district� and the Nlanager replied "yes". Mr. Nagel said he U1 u�d go along w=ith this for now� but the Council should know by the next meeting �,�hat is inten�3ed to �o in this area� and the feeling of the people in the area. T!�er�e were n� r,ersons appearing for or against the pro�ased rezoning, Motjon by Johanson to c,lose the public hearin� on 1.lze rezoning for Lmil Sward� and to accept this as the first reading of the errlinanee. Seconded by uheridan, Upon a voice vote, there rein� no nays� the motion carried unanimnusly. The City riana�er stated that the ordinance could be made to include certain restrictions if the Council w�shed to restrict the t,ype of �ui]ding wYiich cou]d go jn this area. The Council asked that when the second readin� coues up on this� the Council be informed as to what the people in the area want� and alsa� that interested parties should be invited to attend the Council meeting to exr�ress their opinion on this. PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - D',EADOWLANDS SECOND r�DDI710tQ: The City Manager explained that the prelirrinary �lat had been accepted on October 22� 1959. The ordinance states that there is a maximum of 6 rnonths period between i.he acceptance of the preliminary plat and the acceptance'of the final plat, or else the proceedings �a�uld have to start over again. Also� the Plar_nin@ Conmission had accer�ted this preliminary plat as a preliminary plat a�asn, There was a discussion on ti�hether or not the title had been receive3 for the outlot which was i,o be deeded to the City. Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the prelininary nlat of Meadowlands Second Addition� sub�ect to the C3ty receiving the deed for Outlot �1 from �rco� Inc. Seconded by Jol�anson, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. FIDfAL PLA`I' ME;ADOLJLANDS SECOND ADDITION AND TUBLIC HEAFiING: No one appeared for or against the acceptance of the final plat of Meadowlands Second Addition, Motion by Nagel that the kiearing be closed on the final plat of Meadowlends Secnnd Addition, �econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ACCEFTANCE OF FINAL PLAT - N�;ADOWLANDS SECOND APPITION: Motion by Johanson to accept this as a final plat of N[eadowlands Second Additjon� sub�ect to bhe City receivin� the deed f'nr Outlot �1 pursuant to the original proposal made l�y the owners of the pro- perty. 5econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there keinE> no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The Manager stated that the public hearing had been ordered in Sept,ember, but the hearing was not to be lield until Erco� Tnc. pre- sented a re-plat. The Mana�er then presented the re-plat of the lots in question. No one appeared for or against the proposed rezoning . Motion by Johanson to close the hearin@ on the rezoning for Lots 4H, 4Ia 4A� �uditor's Subdivisian No. 21. 5econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by 5heridan to order the first reac�ing of the ordinance on the proposed rezoning of Lots 4H� 41� 4A, Auditor's 5ubdivi�n No. 2I upon receipt b,y the City of the final Plat of the lots in question.' Seconded by Johanson. Uron a voice vote� there being no na,ys, the motjon carried unanimously, �