1999 Budget 1999 C.1:7Y 1999 Budget _Message Contents I) Introduction 1 II) Budget Context and Issues 2 A) The Legislative Context 2 B) Budget Session Issues 4 III) The Budget in Perspective 9 Table 1 —Budgeted Expenditures-All Funds 9 A) General Fund 9 B) Special Revenue Funds 10 1. Cable Television Fund 10 2. Grant Management Fund 11 3. Solid Waste Abatement Fund 11 — 4. Housing Revitalization Fund 11 _ C) Capital Project Funds 12 1. Buildings and Lands 12 2. Streets 12 3. Parks 12 — D) Enterprise Funds 13 Table 2 — Enterprise Fund Budgets 13 1. Water Fund 13 2. Sewer Fund 14 3. Storm Water Fund 14 4. Liquor Operations Fund 14 E) Debt Service 14 IV) Tax Impact of the 1999 Budget 15 Graph—Taxes on a $90,000 Home 17 V) Financial Health of the City 17 A) Fund Balance 17 Table 3 —Fund Balances 18 B) Revenues 20 Table 4—External Revenues vs. Expenditures 20 Table 5 — General Fund Revenue Sources 21 Table 6—General Fund Transfers 22 '— C) Expenditures 22 Table 7 —General Fund Budgeted Expenditures 23 VI) The External Environment 23 A) New Construction 23 B) Employment 24 C) Retail Sales 25 D) Property Values 25 E) Crime Rates 26 F) Public Assistance 27 G) The Broader Economy 27 VII) Conclusion 28 — I. INTRODUCTION The 1999 budget in many respects is a 50`h birthday budget that is unlikely to be duplicated in the near future. Expenditure increases far exceed increases of recent years and reflect the City's commitment to upgrading local streets, as well as its commitment to — public safety and youth programming. More broadly, it reflects the City's interest in preserving and improving its quality of life through preservation of its infrastructure, as well as through its response to the growing needs of youth and seniors in our local society. — In discussing the budget, I will focus on the state legislative context in which the budget was prepared and the planning process that led to the development of budget proposals. Next, I will highlight the issues that arose in budget work sessions and — compare the 1999 budget with the 1998 budget. Finally, I will turn to the social and _ economic context in which Fridley City Government operates and which, along with the state, national and international context, drives our revenues as well as our expenditures. As the budget is presented, I would like to recognize the involvement of the — participants. The department managers and staff deserve a lot of credit for preparing thoughtful proposals that are responsive to Council's direction. The City Council deserves credit for many hours reviewing written materials and for their participation in budget work sessions. Credit is also due to Rick Pribyl, Alan Folie and other members of our — Finance Department, who compile the numbers, make the changes and assist me extensively in preparing the budget and the budget message. I would also like to thank Bill Champa who also gave considerable assistance in preparing this message and to Roberta Collins for her work in typing and editing the message. II. BUDGETING CONTEXT AND ISSUES A. The Legislative Context: Last year at this time, we forecast that the 1998 legislative session would provide few changes for cities. We said, however, that there would be more adjustment of property tax rates and that levy limits on cities would be kept, but not extended. We also forecast no major changes in the distribution of state aid or HACA. The results of the 1998 legislative session conform largely to our forecast. There was further tax rate reduction for all classes of property, except homesteaded residential property having a value of less than $75,000. Commercial, industrial, utility and apart- ment property received the greatest reductions. The tax rate for commercial/industrial property with a value greater than $150,000, for example, was reduced from 4.6 percent for taxes payable in 1997 to 3.5 percent for taxes payable in 1999. While there were strong efforts from both the Governor and the House of Representatives to extend local levy limits for an additional three years, the current levy limits, due to expire at the end of 1999, were maintained. State aid and HACA distributions were also kept very close to current levels. Aid distributions to all cities was increased by 3.4 percent. HACA, however, was not increased. For Fridley, this meant a $6,730 increase from both sources of State revenue. In addition to tax rate reduction, maintenance of levy limits and modest changes in state aid distribution, the 1998 legislature also made efforts to offset the impact of tax rate reduction on residential property. These steps included the extension of the $80,000,000 education subsidy that was initiated in 1997. The legislature also earmarked an additional $13,000,000 for HACA distribution and an additional $3,000,000 for local government aid in the year 2000. Additionally, there were other smaller changes in various aid programs, including the desegregation aid program, for cities and schools. As in most legislative sessions, there were a number of things that did not happen that would have had a big impact on cities. A bill that would have restored the cities' exemption from state sales taxes was narrowly defeated in the House of Representatives. An attempt by NSP and other electric providers to eliminate the personal property tax on electric generation equipment was "postponed." And, a bill that would have limited increases in the market value of property was also defeated. As we approach 1999, our legislative expert at the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities predicts little change in state law as it relates to local government finances. He again predicts that state aid and HACA distributions will remain about the same. He also opines that the cities' efforts to restore the state sales tax exemption will fail. Additionally, he forecasts that levy limits will not be extended and that there will be only minor tinkering with property tax rates. While education is always a very high priority for our state legislators, he also believes that there is not likely to be enough budget surplus in 1999 to continue the education subsidy at the $80,000,000 level. The size of the education buy-down, however, hinges not only on the amount of available budget surplus, but on the commitment of a new governor to the use of surplus for income tax reductions. Other projections about 1999 state legislative actions include the expectation that, — while there will be considerable discussion about transportation funding, the stalemate between rural and metropolitan area legislators over transportation issues will continue with no new revenues generated for highways or mass transit. Our expert also expects a strong push by business to establish limits on market value increases of property, and another major effort by electric companies to eliminate the personal property tax on electric generation equipment. In both of these cases, he estimates that the outcome "could go either way." Yet another strong business push is likely to be aimed at challenging local land use regulations and fees. The implication of these projections is that cities will continue to receive the same amount of state aid, while the state is forced by a weakening economy to cut back on its surplus-related subsidy of education. This, in turn, is likely to generate pressures on cities to maintain or even reduce levels of property taxation as school-related property taxes are increased for operation of the schools. At the same time, cities will begin to feel the effects of property tax rate reduction and will face continued challenges from business groups that want further tax reduction. B. Budget Session Issues: -" For the last two years, we have begun our annual planning process with comprehensive issue surveys of Council members. In 1998, we surveyed commission members and Council members. The purpose of the survey is to use staff's perspective about future issues facing the various City departments to raise questions for our policy- - makers. It complements our biennial citizen survey by providing a practitioner's sense of future choices. Many of the 1998 survey results had policy implications, but not budgetary implications. Among the results that had budgetary implications, many directed that money not be spent. Other results prompted the budgeting of new funds. While the survey _ results seldom reflect Council unanimity, many of them do indicate strong Council support or opposition to an idea. This year, for example, Council members clearly preferred to maintain existing street lighting standards rather than implement new standards and their associated cost. Council members also favored using local revenues to replace existing grant revenues for Project Safety Net. Council also agreed, through the survey, to stick with our multi-year plan for replacing fire equipment. And, Council indicated that we should be expanding our fee waiver program for recreational activities. While there were mixed responses to the question about municipal garage improvements, a majority of the Council members indicated a willingness to support code—related improvements and other improvements that would create space for locker — and shower room facilities. Most Council members also opposed the initiation of a _ monthly brush pickup program. Council generally preferred finding ways to improve existing park facilities rather than creating new parks in underserved areas. Council also indicated a preference for redeveloping existing park facilities over construction of additional improvements at the Fridley Community Center. And, Council also showed little support for creating skateboarding or online skating facilities. Other survey results showed that Council preferred maintaining existing levels of service at the City's recycling center over closing the center or reducing levels of service. On the subject of new revenue sources, Council provided only lukewarm support for any new revenue alternative. Likewise, Council's responses to a question about use of fund balance did not establish a clearly preferred alternative. Council did, however show a strong preference for hiring new police officers, purchasing complaint tracking software and the resumption of mowing of the University Avenue corridor. Council's responses to these and other survey questions were used by staff to establish goals and objectives for 1999. They also set the stage for the budgeting process and had a major impact on the budget recommendations that were brought to Council's budget work sessions in June. Since the proposed budget reflected the survey results, there were few areas of strong disagreement that arose during budget work sessions. As in past years, the sessions were organized around major expenditure proposals rather than around budget detail. Altogether, Council addressed twenty-five expenditure issues. These included a proposal to hire two additional police officers, subject to grant funding, and another proposal that would have the City picking up $60,900 in costs for youth workers that were formerly covered by federal grant funding. Council also considered a request to spend an additional $16,500 for operation of the newly completed lower level of the Fridley Community Center. Additionally, it reviewed a proposal offered by the City's Community Development Department to spend an additional $19,960 for part-time employees who would assist with records imaging and code enforcement. The issues that generated the most discussion were those related to the future of the City's recycling center. Operating costs for the center are projected to rise by nearly $8,500 to a total of $120,905. Additionally, staff proposed nearly $50,000 in capital improvements at the recycling center in 1999. Faced with these costs, Council asked staff to consider the implications of closing the center. Since the budget work sessions in June, staff has been exploring the implications of various options for the center with Anoka County and with the City's Environmental Quality and Energy Commission. Having reviewed all of the options, it was staff's recommendation to Council that the City reconstitute the recycling center as a problem materials drop-off center. This means reducing the materials that are collected to appliances, fluorescent lamps, household goods, clothing, used furniture and scrap metal. It also means reducing the hours of the center's operation from five days per week to one day per month. With Council's informal consent, the budget for the recycling center, including appropriations for capital improvements, has been eliminated. The revised budget includes funding for a special recycling day. In addition to the recycling center issues, there were several other capital improvements issues that generated some Council discussion. These included a proposed $2,000,000 expenditure for upgrading streets in the Riverview Heights section of Fridley. In general, Council, while willing to fund the project, was very emphatic about working with the neighborhood to design the project. Council also expressed considerable interest during budget work sessions in proposed water and sewer capital improvement costs for telemetry upgrades. After careful questioning about the proposed expenditure of $228,000, Council generally concluded — that, while the costs seemed high, they were probably unavoidable. Another budget issue that has been around for several years concerns improvements to the City's Public Works maintenance facilities. During this year's budget discussions, Council considered an alternative to an earlier proposal that would have cost an estimated $1.2 million. Rather than expand the existing garage, as this earlier proposal would do, staff suggested that a new metal building be built next to an existing storage building. By moving equipment out of the existing garage facility, space would be created for new locker room and shower facilities for Public Works employees. While the cost for the metal building is estimated at $55,500, the cost for the new locker room and shower facilities is estimated at $25,000. These estimates assume that much of the work for both projects could be done by our employees. Although not committed, Council generally was supportive of this proposal. Finally, Council considered utility projections and the funding of a projected gap between General Fund revenues and expenditures. On a happy note, our Finance Director reported that our utility projections did not show a need for a utility rate increase for 1999. While General Fund expenditures are expected to exceed revenues by $886,782, the general consensus of Council was that any shortfall should be made up from fund balances rather than new property taxes. III. THE BUDGET IN PERSPECTIVE The 1999 budget that emerged from these discussions provides for the expenditure of slightly more than $15 million. This amount is $2.6 million or 21.2 percent more than was budgeted for all funds for 1998. Table 1 displays these expenditures by fund. Table 1 Budgeted Expenditures -All Funds '— 1998 1999 Difference % Difference General Fund $10,288,536 $11,074,936 $ 786,400 7.6 — Special Revenue Funds 1,056,046 934,005 (122,041) -11.6 Capital Projects Funds 1,032,472 2,990,000 1,957,528 189.6 Agency Fund 7,822 7,822 0 0.0 Total Budget Resolution $12,384,876 $15,006,763 $2,621,887 21.2 A. General Fund: General Fund expenditures will increase by $786,400, or by 7.6 percent. Much of this increase is accounted for by increased employee costs and by equipment purchases. Our costs for employees will increase by $418,672, or by 5.6 percent. This amount includes the cost of a 3 percent cost of living adjustment for all employees that is estimated to cost $177,442. It also includes a 9.5 percent increase in the City's share of employee health insurance premiums that will cost an estimated $8,000. There are also a number of projected personnel changes that will add approximately $233,235 to the —' budget. The personnel changes include the addition of two part-time positions in the Finance Department, two part-time positions in the Community Development Department and the addition of two police officers. They also include the assumption of costs for a — full-time youth outreach worker and up to seven part-time workers who will staff the City's RAP and Zone programs. Our costs for equipment in 1999 will be $474,936, or 39 percent more than was budgeted for replacement equipment for 1998. The major contributors to this increase include an additional police squad, a new rescue truck for the Fire Department, a 2,100 gallon dual purpose tanker truck used for flooding ice rinks and watering landscaping, a new front-end loader for street maintenance and a one-ton dump truck with plow. Other notable changes in the General Fund appropriations for 1999 include $35,000 to update our comprehensive plan as required by Minnesota law. B. Special Revenue Funds: In addition to the General Fund, a number of special revenue funds have been established to account for expenditures and revenues that may not be commingled with General Fund expenditures and revenues. The 1999 budget provides $934,005 for four funds: the Cable Television Fund, the Grant Management Fund, the Solid Waste Abatement Fund, and the Housing Revitalization Fund. 1. Cable Television Fund: — The 1999 budget provides $161,479 for cable television programming. This compares with $137,330 that was budgeted in 1998. The increase is explained by the purchase of two remote cameras which will replace existing equipment that is ten years old. These new cameras will allow us to cablecast our meetings without the use of studio camera operators. 2. Grant Management Fund: We have created this fund to account for our various grant programs. The 1999 budget allocates $197,751, or $56,513 less than was budgeted in 1998 for these programs. The reduction reflects the elimination of two federal youth services grants. The money that remains includes $36,787 for our Section 8 Housing Assistance Program, and $15,188 for our senior Handyworks/Senior Companion Program. It also includes $149,962 in Community Development Block Grant allocations. Of this latter amount, $122,962 is designated for housing rehabilitation. Another $22,000 has been reserved for human services programming. 3. Solid Waste Abatement Fund: _ Even after elimination of the Fridley Recycling Center expenses from the budget, the 1999 budget reflects a 7.5 percent increase over the 1998 budget. This is due — primarily to a projected increase in curbside recycling contract fees which account for 78 — percent of the entire solid waste program expenses. While there is no appropriation for the proposed problem material center, the budget does include $10,000 which was not budgeted in 1998 for special recycling day(s). The closure of the Recycling Center also — results in a decrease of about $90,000 in revenues. The net operating costs of our solid waste abatement programs is $54,775, assuming that solid waste abatement fees are reduced by $17,000 in 1999. If these fees are not reduced, the net cost is $37,775. 4. Housing Revitalization Fund: — This fund was established in 1994 by the City Council for use in acquiring and/or — rehabilitating single or multiple family housing. Once again, $250,000 has been budgeted. C. Capital Project Funds: The City's budget for capital improvements in 1999 is considerably more than the — amount budgeted for capital improvements in 1998. Much of the increase of$1,957,528 is attributable to the Riverview Heights area street project and to the planned purchase of — a new fire engine. The Riverview Heights Street Reconstruction project will be the largest street reconstruction project in the City's history with an estimated cost of — $2,210,000. 1. Buildings and Lands: — Appropriations for projects in this category will increase from $280,000 in 1998 to $479,000 in 1999. Of the amount to be spent in 1999, $80,500 will be used to upgrade the Municipal Garage by adding a structural metal building. Another $30,000 is earmarked to install a ventilation system in the Fire Department. The largest expenditure, $320,000, is projected for the fire engine purchase. 2. Streets: — Appropriations for 1999 street projects include $2,050,000 for reconstruction of the Riverview Heights area. Another $160,000 is budgeted for the 1999 Sealcoat Program. The total budget for 1999 street improvements, $2,160,000 compares with — $483,737 budgeted for 1998. 3. Parks: — We also expect expenditures for parks capital improvements in 1999 to be slightly more than those that were budgeted for 1998. Projected expenditures include $212,000 — for playground equipment upgrades, $36,500 for asphalt court repairs, $15,000 for — ADA-related park improvements, and $5,000 for picnic tables, benches and trash containers. In addition, $25,000 is budgeted for the western boundary fence at Springbrook Nature Center and $7,000 for Kalwall Roof Resurfacing at the Nature "- Center. The total outlay, $300,500 compares with $268,735 for 1998. — D. Enterprise Funds: The City of Fridley has established four enterprise funds: water, sewer, storm sewer, and municipal liquor. While the budgets for these funds are not included in the — City's formal budget resolution, we prepare and implement them for management purposes. Table 2 portrays enterprise fund expenditures for 1998 and 1999. — — Table 2 Enterprise Fund Budgets 1998 and 1999 — 1998 1999 — Account Description Budget Budget Change % Difference Water Fund $1,604,751 $1,681,629 $76,878 4.8 Sewer Fund 3,866,952 3,958,889 91,937 2.4 Storm Water Fund 345,533 352,256 6,723 1.9 Municipal Liquor 3,144,042 3,458,446 314,404 10.0 Total $8,961,278 $9,451,220 $489,942 5.5 1. Water Fund: Expenditures will increase by $76,878, or by 4.8 percent. A major reason for the increase, is the moving of a clerk's payroll cost from the Finance Department budget to _ the Water Administration budget where 80 percent of the clerk's time is spent. Also, there is $8,000 included in the 1999 budget for federally mandated water testing. Additionally, depreciation costs are expected to increase by $34,000. 2. Sewer Fund: Sewer fund costs are projected to be 2.4 percent higher than those budgeted for 1998. This $91,937 increase is almost entirely accounted for by increased disposal and depreciation costs. 3. Storm Water Fund: Table 2 indicates that charges to the Storm Water Fund will increase from $345,533 to $352,256, or by $6,723. The entire amount is attributable to an increase in depreciation expense. 4. Liquor Operations Fund: The 1999 appropriation for the operation of the City's two liquor stores is $3,458,466, or approximately 10 percent more than the amount budgeted for 1998. The majority of the increase is due to an increase in the costs for goods sold (liquor products). E. Debt Service: In addition to operating funds, the City has a number of funds that have been established for the administration of debt service. In 1999, $283,426 has been allocated to cover principal and interest payments on special assessment bonds. We also expect to pay $384,743 in debt service costs for water system.improvements. About 44 percent of this debt service, or $170,195, stems from our issuance of bonds in 1996 for construction of Water Filter Plant No. 3. The remainder of this cost is debt service on the 1.5 million- gallon storage tank that was built in 1991, renovation of the Locke Lake filtration plant in 1993, and repair of Well Nos. 1 and 6 in 1995. In addition to special assessment bonds and water system bonds, the City has debt _ outstanding on bonds for sanitary sewer and storm sewer projects. Annual debt service on these bonds is $145,903. This includes $115,088 for bonds that were issued in 1996 for water, storm water and street improvements. Other than special assessment debt and utility fund debt, the City has no other long-term general obligation debt. Moreover, none of the City's debt service payments are from the General fund. This debt status, along with relatively strong fund reserves, has helped the City to maintain an Aa-1 credit rating from Moody's Investors Service, -' Inc. IV. TAX IMPACT OF THE 1999 BUDGET Although the 1999 budget does not anticipate a property tax increase, the local portion of the property tax bill in 1999 will increase. At the same time, the total cost of the property tax bill is likely to go down for most Fridley property owners. The explanation is somewhat confusing . It begins with the recognition that the Minnesota State Legislature has over the last two years dramatically reduced property tax classification rates for commercial/industrial property. These reductions range from 18 percent to 26 percent, depending on the class of property. As these rates have been reduced, the Legislature has also used budget surplus to buy down the cost of the local education levies. -" Since the State is not buying down the local government portion of the shrinking property tax pie, its share of the total is increasing. At the same time the total is decreasing due to the huge impact of the education levy buy down. There is one other factor at play. Overall property values have appreciated by a rate of about 5 percent between 1997 and 1998. Homesteaded residential property values have increased by 4.5 percent during the same period. Therefore, the impact of this property appreciation together with the impact of the class rate changes and the shrinkage of the total property tax bill is boosting the City level of property taxation as well as -' increasing the City's portion of the whole tax bill. The Fridley home valued at $90,000 in 1998 , assuming appreciation of 4 percent, will be worth $93,600 in 1999. The impact of this change together with the impact of the tax rate change for commercial/industrial property will be to raise the City's portion of the tax bill for this property by $19. As the City's portion of the tax bill on the average Fridley home increases, total taxes on this home will decrease between $42 for property located in School District 14 and $81 for property located in School District 13. The estimated taxes, by school district, for homes valued at $90,000 in 1998 and 1999 are displayed in Figure 1. — Total taxes based on a $90,000 home $1,200 $1,162 $1,200 - $1,054 =iig ° $1,056 '� - - $1,056$1,061 $1,000 =/ $800 ; 1111 IF ir:._ — 0 I $600 01998 = $400 = = III 01999 $200 II #11 #13 #14 #16 School District FIGURE 1 The above graph reflects estimated taxes for 1999 and may vary slightly depending on which watershed district a home is located within. V. FINANCIAL HEALTH OF THE CITY A. Fund Balance: Table 3 displays our most recent calculation of fund balances. The term — "discretionary" indicates funds that are included in the General Fund, the Closed Bond Fund, the Capital Improvements Fund, and all other governmental funds. As the term is used here, it means that these are funds that could, if necessary, be used to support City operations. While the funds are available for operations, the majority of them are — designated for certain uses, such as proposed capital improvement projects, working capital, and fixed asset replacement. In reading Table 3, the reader should understand that the numbers listed for the years 1998 and 1999 are estimates and as such are likely to vary depending on the degree to which actual revenues and expenditures conform to the budget. Typically, the actual numbers for any given year are more positive than the budget-based estimates. TABLE 3 Fund Balances 1994-1999 Unreserved Unreserved Discretionary Fund Balances & Retained Year General Fund Fund Balances Earnings -All Funds 1994 6,803,230 22,998,929 38,961,904 —' 1995 6,566,390 23,303,588 37,372,126 • 1996 6,955,626 24,316,159 38,643,141 _ 1997 7,042,469 21,924,924 39,498,218 1998 6,765,662 * 20,550,587 * 38,736,561 * 1999 5,878,880 * Not Available Not Available *Projected Estimate Since the numbers for 1997 are the latest actuals, we should pay more attention to — them than to the estimates for 1998 and 1999. In contrast to our estimates for 1997, our actuals for 1997 look very good. General Fund balances, for example, are more than $500,000 better than were our estimates for 1997. Our discretionary fund balances are about $1,400,000 less than our estimates for 1997. And, our combined fund balances and retained earnings are approximately $800,000 better than were our estimates at this time _ last year. The positive variance between last year's General Fund estimates for 1997 and this year's General Fund actuals for 1997 is attributable to revenues that exceeded budget estimates by $409,540, and expenditures that were under budget estimates by $210,135. The favorable variance for revenues is approximately 4 percent of the total revenue budget and the favorable variance for expenditures is approximately 2 percent of the total expenditure budget. The negative variance in our discretionary fund balances is due in large measure to the setting up of a $1,465,834 reserve in the Closed Bond Fund for a loan made to the HRA. The other positive variance reflects the General Fund variance in — combination with a negative variance of$1,200,000 in the Closed Bond Fund a negative variance of $900,000 in Capital Improvement Funds and a positive variance of $2,400,000 in our Enterprise Funds. Barring a major disappointment in what remains of 1998, the balances will remain very strong relative to annual operating costs, and should continue to be strong through 1999. This strength of fund balances is a source of favorable bond ratings for Fridley and a great source of interest revenue that can be used to avoid property tax increases. B. Revenues: We have used Table 4 to compare General Fund expenditures with General Fund revenues. The "excess" line represents the amount of revenue that must be transferred from other funds to balance the General Fund budget. Table 4 General Fund External Revenues vs. Expenditures 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Revenues $8,746,668 $8,942,118 $9,595,587 $ 9,882,031 $ 9,627,706 $ 9,770,254 Expenditures 9,037,704 9,647,338 9,479,381 10,030,524 10,288,536 11,074,936 Excess $(291,036) $(705,220) $ 116,206 $ (148,493) $ (660,830) $(1,304,682) —' While the general trend has been toward use of an increasing amount of fund balances to balance the General Fund budget, we did reverse this trend in 1996 through a combination of property tax increases and expenditure reductions. The 1998 and 1999 figures are estimates that are based on budgets and not on actuals. While the actuals are likely to be more favorable than the estimates, they tend to demonstrate that we will continue to rely heavily on fund balances unless new sources of General Fund revenue can be found. L Table 5 depicts changes in the various sources of General Fund revenue. This year's numbers reveal a small shift away from intergovernmental revenue sources and property taxes and a sizeable move toward greater reliance on internal transfers. This -" trend reflects our decision to avoid property tax increases as well as the very small increase in State-funded local government aid. It also reflects the larger than usual - General Fund expenditure increase for 1999. Table 5 - General Fund Budgeted Revenue Sources 1994-1999 (By Percentage) - Source 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Intergovernmental 32.6 31.1 31.9 31.7 32.0 30.0 - Licenses and Permits 4.5 4.3 5.5 5.4 6.0 5.9 Property Taxes 38.0 35.8 38.3 37.8 37.8 35.0 Fines and Forfeits 2.7 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.6 Charges for Services 9.1 8.2 10.4 10.6 11.1 10.4 Miscellaneous 5.5 5.9 5.4 5.2 5.0 5.3 - Transfers 7.6 12.3 6.3 7.4 6.4 11.8 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 - Table 6 displays the budgeted sources of transfers to the General Fund. In general, it shows that reliance upon Liquor Fund transfers has increased significantly. At the same time, we are projecting a substantial increase in our use of General Fund balances. Table 6 General Fund Transfers 1994-1999 Fund 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Liquor Fund $ 25,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $140,000 $ 170,000 Closed Debt Service Fund 248,414 266,526 134,843 145,821 232,902 232,900 Employee Benefits Fund 200,000 50,000 General Fund Reserve 313,694 491,084 276,807 886,782 Other 15,977 11,121 15,000 Total $473,414 $705,220 $209,843 $727,882 $660,830 $1,304,682 C. Expenditures: Table 7 displays General Fund budgeted expenditures in actual and constant dollars. It shows that General Fund budgets have increased by 18.3 percent over the past six budgets. This amounts to an average increase of a little over 3 percent per year. While these budgets typically do not increase in terms of constant dollars, the 1999 budget is $504,746 or 5.4 percent higher in constant dollars than the 1998 budget. The change is attributed to low inflation rates and higher than usual expenditure increases. Table 7 General Fund Budgeted Expenditures In Actual and Constant Dollars 1994-1999 Year Actual Dollars Constant Dollars* 1994 $ 9,364,724 $ 9,364,724 1995 9,949,347 9,696,792 1996 9,790,481 9,208,415 1997 10,029,705 9,252,520 1998 10,288,536 9,302,837 ** 1999 11,074,936 9,807,583 ** * Constant dollars are based on the value of 1994 dollars. ** We have assumed an annual inflation rate of 1.7% VL THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT While there has been a significant decline in new construction in Fridley, our social and economic context remains very positive. Unemployment is again at an all-time low, the number of jobs in Fridley is growing, retail sales are expanding, and property values continue their climb. Generally, the demand for government services as reflected in crime and welfare statistics is decreasing. At the same time there are strong signals from those monitoring our global economy that economic growth for our country and our state is slowing under the impact of existing and potential foreign currency crises. A. New Construction: The value of new construction as of October 1, 1998 is $20.0 million. This compares with $29.6 million in new construction that occurred during the same period in 1997. Should construction continue at its current rate, it will reach a value of only $26.7 million by the end of the year. This compares with actual 1997 construction value of over $37 million. 1. A major factor contributing to the 1998 decline in construction value is the — absence of large amounts of public sector (mostly school district) construction in 1998. The value of this construction has declined from $12.4 million in 1997 to $2.9 million in 1998. The value of commercial/industrial construction, however, has also declined from $10.5 million during the first nine months of 1997 to $8.6 million during the same period in 1998. — Also of note is the continued decline in the number of larger building projects in Fridley. Last year I reported that the eight projects valued at more than $500,000 — compared with eleven such projects in 1996. This year, the number of projects valued at more than $500,000 has dropped to three. B. Employment: While new construction in Fridley appears to have slowed dramatically over the — last two years, average unemployment for the first eight months of 1998 has decreased to 2.2 percent of our local workforce. This compares with average unemployment of 2.7 percent for the first eight months of 1997 and 3.2 percent for the first eight months of 1996. It also compares with state-wide, average unemployment of 2.7 percent for the first — eight months of 1998. Declining unemployment has been accompanied by a 2.9 percent increase in the number of Fridley jobs. According to data supplied by the Minnesota Department of Economic Security, the number of jobs in Fridley has increased from 23,453 in 1996 to — 24,123 in 1997. The composition of Fridley jobs is also changing. The number of jobs in manufacturing has again dropped slightly from 10,925 jobs in 1996 to 10,886 jobs in 1997. The number of service sector jobs, however, has increased from 4,403 in 1996, to 4,567, or by 3.7 percent, in 1998. The number of retail jobs has again increased. The increase is from 4,403 jobs in 1996 to 4591 jobs, or by 4.3 percent, in 1997. C. Retail Sales: Retail sales in Fridley slumped badly in the first part of this decade. With the construction of the Wal-Mart Store in 1993, sales figures rose dramatically to $239,477,964. By 1995, they were at $303,855,349. In 1996, the latest year reported by the State Department of Revenue, Fridley's retail sales jumped to $310,537,559, or by 2.2 percent. We can probably expect these numbers to continue to rise through the combined _ influence of Home Depot, Bachman's, Walgreens and others. D. Property Values: Although property values as a whole and the values of property in most property categories have increased since September of 1997, the tax capacity of Fridley property has again dropped substantially. This drop in tax capacity reflects the reduction of tax class rates for industrial and commercial property that has been enacted by the State Legislature during the past three legislative sessions. Values for all classes of property in Fridley have increased by 5.3 percent to $1,274,348,500. This total includes a 4.5 percent increase in the value of homesteaded residential property, a 3.9 percent increase in the value of non-homesteaded residential property, a 2.8 percent increase in the value of industrial property and a .3 percent decrease in the value of commercial property. Fridley's tax capacity, however, has dropped from $26,292,507 to $24,858,801, or by 5.4 percent, over the last year. This is added to a 7.3 percent decrease that was reported last year. E. Crime Rates: Crime rates, in general, are down for the first nine months of 1998. All crimes are down from 3940 in 1997 to 3638, or by 7.7 percent, in 1998. Part I, or more serious crimes such as burglary, robbery and assault are down by 6.3 percent. Part II crimes such as forgery, fraud, and vandalism are down by 8.4 percent. '- Within the Part I category, the incidence of larceny and rape is down significantly. There has, however, been some increase in the number of burglaries, assaults, and robberies. Within the Part II category, the largest decrease in crime has been for vandalism. — This decrease is partly offset by small increases in the incidence of sex offenses, weapons violations and forgeries. Overall, however, none of the changes in Part I or Part II crimes fall outside of historical norms. F. Public Assistance: While I reported significant decreases in the use of various forms of public assistance in last year's budget message, this year, use of public assistance in Fridley has changed only moderately. According to Ms Linda Ewen from the Anoka County Department of Income Maintenance, the number of Fridley residents receiving cash — assistance and food stamps has decreased from 656 in October of 1997 to 615, or by 6.3 percent in October of 1998. According to Harriet Johnson of School District 14, however, the number of students in the Fridley school system who receive free or assisted meals has increased from 651 in October of 1997 to 682, or by 4.8 percent, in October of 1998. While this is an increase, it would not seem to contradict the overall impression that public assistance levels in Fridley have stabilized after two years of sharp decline. G. The Broader Economy: _ It is no surprise to anyone to hear that Fridley's economy and the demand for local governmental services are to a large extent driven by events throughout the world. An October, 1998 report from State Economist, Tom Stinson, reveals that while State —' revenues for 1999 are on target, there is a coming economic slowdown that will impact our State and local economies. The same report forecasts that while a recession in 1999 is regarded as unlikely, there is a 50 percent chance that a recession will occur within the next two years. According to this report, much of the impetus for a recession could come from the spread of global economic crisis to Brazil and other Latin American trading partners. VII. CONCLUSION The 1999 budget was crafted within the context of continued economic boom in the United States as well as Minnesota. As we began the year, the State Legislature focused largely on what to do with the huge revenue surplus that had accumulated as a result of the economic good times. In addition to buying down the cost of capital improvements and returning money to tax payers, the Legislature also continued to buy down the cost of local education. At the same time, it continued to reduce property taxes for commercial and industrial properties. While cities did not benefit directly from any of these decisions, they did, at least, see their local government aid increased slightly. Cities also were able to avoid a very serious effort by business interests to place limits on increases in property valuation. As the State Legislature was meeting, Fridley Council as well as City commission members addressed a wide area of policy issues that had been put to them in survey format by City staff. The responses to the survey were used in preparing the budget. Many of the issues raised in the survey subsequently arose in Council's budget discussions. These included consideration of requests to hire additional police officers and to extend City funding to youth programs that were previously funded by federal grants. Council also grappled with the future of the City's recycling center, addressed facilities improvements at our public works compound, pondered the cost of telemetry system improvements for the City's water and sewer systems and debated the wisdom of a $2.2 million street and storm drainage improvement project in the Riverview Heights '- section of Fridley. As a result of these discussions, Council informally concluded that two additional police officers should be hired and that the City should pick up the cost for youth outreach workers. It also determined to close the City's recycling center as it now exists, but to continue to collect problem items, such as florescent bulbs and appliances. — Additionally, it was informally decided that we should improve the Public Works facilities, add telemetry improvements to our water and sewer systems and construct a major street and storm drainage improvement project in Riverview Heights. Council also determined not to levy additional property taxes or to charge additional utility fees to fund City services. The cost impact of these projects and services is significant. Altogether, these items together with projected cost of living adjustments for employees and other increases amounted to 21.2 percent more than was budgeted for 1998. Of the $2.6 million increase, however, $2.0 million is designated for the Riverview Heights project. The General Fund budget increased by $786,400, or by 7.6 percent. Much of the —' increase is accounted for by changes in personal service costs and by new capital outlay expenditures. Among these costs are those for two new police officers, costs for local funding of youth out reach workers and costs for two additional part-time employees in the Finance and Community Development Departments. The 1999 budget also includes a —' 3 percent employee cost of living increase as well as a 9.5 percent increase in the cost of _ employee health insurance premiums. In addition to higher costs for personnel, our 1999 General Fund budget is impacted by significantly higher costs for capital outlay items. Projected purchases include, a front-end loader, a new tanker truck, a new rescue vehicle and four new police cars. While the General Fund budget has increased, projected expenditures from our four special revenue funds have decreased by nearly 12 percent, or by $122,041. This decrease reflects the expiration of two federal grants for youth workers and the replacement of our Fridley Recycling Center with a problem materials drop-off site. The decrease would have been larger had it not been for our decision to budget funds for the purchase of two new remote cameras for the City Council Chambers. The most significant budget increases for 1999 are found within our three General Capital Improvements budgets. Altogether, projected expenditures from these budgets will increase by $1,957,528. In addition to the Riverview Heights street improvement _ project which is budgeted at $2,050,000, we have budgeted $320,000 for a new fire engine, $80,500 for municipal garage improvements and $300,500 for a wide variety of parks upgrades. In addition to the funds that are found in our official budget totals, we have also _ budgeted expenditures for our public utility, enterprise funds. These include an additional 4.8 percent for our Water Fund, an additional 2.4 percent for our Sewer Fund and an additional 1.9 percent for our Storm Water Fund. While the Water Fund increase reflects a transfer of a person from the General Fund, other portions of these increases represent the cost of inflation for existing operations. There are no rate increases projected for any of these funds. In addition to budgeting operating expenditures for our utility funds, we have also budgeted for several, utility related, capital improvement projects. Altogether, $224,000 _ has been earmarked for water and sewer telemetry upgrades. Another $175,000 has been budgeted for water and sewer repairs that may be required as part of the Riverview Heights street improvement project. Our budget also includes $120,000 for storm sewer improvements in Riverview Heights. While their will be substantial new expenditures in 1999, we have not chosen to increase our local property tax levy. Also, due to the impact of the State's buy down of the education levy, property taxes in all four Fridley school districts should decrease for property owners of average value homes. Continuation of this buy-down and the lower taxes, however, will depend heavily on the future availability of State budget surplus as well as on future restructuring of the State's income tax. Although the City of Fridley remains financially healthy, our budget transfers together with the $1.6 million loan to the HRA in 1997 and the $1.5 million expenditure of funds for the Fridley Community Center improvements in 1996 have served to reduce significantly our unreserved, discretionary fund balances. Altogether these balances have declined from about $24.3 million at the end of 1996 to an estimated $20.5 million by the end of 1998. As fund balances have been declining, our levels of transfer from these balances to the General Fund (over $1.3 million budgeted for 1999) have been increasing. We are also seeing expenditure increases that, for the first time, exceed the annual rates of inflation. No doubt this is at least partially attributable wage and fringe benefit pressures that exist in our current labor market. All of these changes in our local financial health appear to be taking place in the context of generally healthy, but slowing, local, state and national economies. While new _ construction in Fridley declined considerably in 1998, unemployment remained extremely low. The most recent numbers from the State also indicate that the number of jobs and retail trade in Fridley are growing. Numbers from our City Assessor also reveal that property values in Fridley have increased, for the second year in a row, by more than 5 _ percent. At the same time our State Economist, Tom Stinson, tells us to expect significant slowing of our State and national economies over the next two years. As we move toward the future, we will no doubt want to continue to move aggressively toward maintaining a high quality of life in Fridley. Most recently, this has meant new programs and added expenditures in areas such as youth and senior programming, community oriented policing, upgrading of City streets, code enforcement, comprehensive planning, parks improvements and redevelopment of blighted areas. As we continue these aggressive efforts, it only makes sense that we also search aggressively for new resources. While the 1999 budget provides for an impressive array of projects and services, it is at spending levels that can not be sustained without depleting existing resources. With these observations, and with a great sense of pride in what we have accomplished together, I present the 1999 budget for Council's consideration. - 1999 PROPOSED - BUDGET PROPOSED BUDGET 1999 City of Fridley State of Minnesota Table of Contents PAGE 1999 Proposed Budget Resolution 1 General Fund: Revenue Summary 2 Expenditure Summary 5 Expenditure Summary by Department: Legislative Department 8 City Management Department 12 Finance Department 16 Police Department 23 Fire Department 25 Public Works Department 29 Recreation and Naturalist Department 38 Community Development Department 42 Reserve 45 Nondepartmental 46 Special Revenue Funds: _ Revenue Summary 48 Expenditure Summary 50 Cable TV Fund 52 _ Grant Management Fund 53 Solid Waste Abatement Fund 54 Housing Revitalization Fund 55 Capital Projects Funds: Revenue Summary 56 Expenditure Summary 57 Capital Improvement Fund: General Fund 58 Streets Fund 59 Parks Fund 60 PROPOSED BUDGET 1999 City of Fridley — State of Minnesota Table of Contents PAGE Agency Fund: - Six Cities Watershed Fund 61 Enterprise Funds: Water Fund: Revenue Summary 62 Expense Summary 63 Expense Detail 65 Sewer Fund: '' Revenue Summary 73 Expense Summary 74 Expense Detail 76 Storm Water Fund: _ Revenue Summary 81 Expense Summary 82 Expense Detail 84 qk 1 CITY OF FRIDLEY 1999 PROPOSED BUDGET - ESTIMATED REVENUE APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND Taxes and Special Assessments: Legislative: - Current Ad Valorem $3,825,521 City Council $96,139 Delinquent,Penalties, Planning Commissions 1,753 Forfeited 54,062 Other Commissions 6,600 Special Assessments 2,588 City Management: - Licenses and Permits: General Management 272,693 Licenses 182,067 Personnel ' 131,017 Permits 471,257 Legal 296,280 Intergovernmental: Finance: - Federal 5,000 Elections 0 State- Accounting 559,168 Homestead and Agriculture Assessing 137,835 Credit Aid 1,038,950 MIS 212,877 - Local Government Aid 1,684,587 City Clerk/Records 113,076 Local Performance Aid 34,413 Police: All Other 546,211 Police 3,501,219 Charges for Services: Civil Defense 12,645 HRA 255,860 Fire: Water Fund 159,987 Fire 809,644 Sewer Fund 154,150 ✓ Rental Housing Inspections 93,182 Storm Water Fund 85,687 Public-Works: ... Liquor Fund 61,217 Municipal Center 213,564 Cable TV Fund 23,317 Engineering 456,816 Construction Funds 60,639 Lighting 203,795 All Other 355,802 Park Maintenance 826,157 - Fines and Forfeits 181,589 Street Maintenance 1,243,287 Interest on Investments 435,000 Recreation: Miscellaneous Revenues 152,350 Recreation 774,646 Other Financing Sources: Naturalist 246,474 - _ Sales of General Fixed Assets 15,000 Community Development: Closed Debt Service Fund 232,900 ✓ Building Inspection 247,903 Liquor Fund 170,000 ✓ Planning 437,189 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER Reserve: FINANCING SOURCES 10,188,154 Emergency 102,569 - Nondepartmental: 76,408 Fund Balance: General Fund Reserve 886,782 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $11,074,936 $11,074,936 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Cable TV Fund $104,541 $161,479 /NM Grant Management Fund 204,973 197,751 Solid Waste Abatement Fund 270,000 324,775 Housing Revitalization Fund 250,000 250,000 Fund Balance 104,491 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $934,005 $934,005 O M. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Improvement Fund Taxes-Current Ad Valorem $70.550 General Capital Improvement $479,500 HACA 15,000 Streets Capital Improvement 2,210,000 Interest on Investments 417,225 Parks Capital Improvement 300,500 - Donations 30,000 Fund Balance 2,457,225 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS $2,990,000 $2,990,000 AGENCY FUND Six Cities Watershed Fund Taxes-Current Ad Valorem $6,197 Six Cities Watershed $7,822 HACA 1,625 TOTAL SIX CITIES WATERSHED FUND $7,822 - TOTAL ALL FUNDS $15,006,763 $15,006,763 1 GENERAL FUND The General Fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures necessary to carry out basic governmental activities of the City, such as general government, public safety, and public works. Revenues are recognized by source, such as property taxes, licenses and permits, intergovernmental, charges for services, and fines and forfeits. General Fund expenditures are made primarily for current day to day operations. This fund accounts for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. L _ z BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 _ ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET TAXES 311.10-00 CURRENT AD VALOREM 3,752,724 3,688,109 3,825,521 3,825,521 3,825,521 311.20-00 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 21,550 21,488 33,098 21,519 319.10-00 PEN/INTEREST ON DEL TAXES 27,585 16,482 19,403 19,118 19,118 319.20-00 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 1,277 39,867 11,397 11,397 13,425 * TAXES 3,803,136 3,765,946 3,889,419 3,856,036 3,879,583 LICENSES & PERMITS 321.10-00 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 75,480 57,458 67,640 67,640 67,640 321.20-00 HEALTH 2,606 2,708 2,976 2,976 2,828 321.30-00 RENTAL HOUSING INSPECTION 36,360 43,385 43,385 36,360 -- 321.40-00 ANIMAL / DOG 2,302 2,176 2,412 2,412 2,354 321.60-00 PROFESSIONAL/OCCUPATIONAL 11,620 11,435 11,092 11,092 11,267 321.70-00 AMUSEMENT/BINGO/GAMBLING 360 1,245 3,275 3,275 1,245 _ 321.80-00 ALL OTHER 152,037 60,373 52,731 52,731 60,373 322.10-00 BUILDING PERMITS 329,379 349,135 300,000 300,000 320,000 322.20-00 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 38,608 47,374 36,133 36,133 42,991 322.30-00 PLUMBING PERMITS 13,903 13,799 12,699 12,699 13,851 322.40-00 HEATING PERMITS 40,935 45,669 33,501 33,501 43,302 322.50-00 FIRE UNIFORM CODE PERMITS 15,841 12,525 15,336 15,336 14,183 322.60-00 LOAD LIMIT WAIVER 835 250 530 530 542 .- 322.70-00 ALL OTHER-SIGN/SPEC USE 9,022 8,826 8,920 8,920 8,924 322.80-00 EXCAVATION PERMITS 29,193 25,735 26,097 26,097 27,464 322.90-00 RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMITS 0 * LICENSES & PERMITS 722,121 675,068 616,727 616,727 653,324 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 331.60-00 CIVIL DEFENSE 8,036 4,967 6,713 6,713 5,000 331.62-00 FEMA DISASTER AID 96,073 0 334.01-00 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 1,625,082 1,643,908 1,677,068 1,677,068 • 1,684,587 i.., 334.02-00 HOMESTEAD/AG CREDIT AID 1,033,435 1,048,338 1,039,739 1,039,739 1,038,950 334.03-00 LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID 31,801 37,466 37,466 34,413 334.04-00 PERA COORDINATED AID 13,641 26,141 26,141 • 13,641 E 334.16-00 MISC POLICE AID 1,193 0 334.16-50 POLICE TRAINING REIMS 0 334.18-00 MUNICIPAL STATE AID-MAINT 194,598 288,360 184,730 184,730 190,904 334.20-00 INSURANCE PREM TAX - FIRE 97,782 94,158 82,200 82,200 93,200 334.21-00 INSURANCE PREM TAX-POLICE 233,403 225,202 204,069 204,069 219,913 334.25-00 ALL OTHER STATE GRANTS 22,281 11,673 24,815 24,815 13,620 336.30-00 HRA 5,237 5,885 6,061 6,061 6,151 L 336.31-00 OTHER CITIES AND COUNTY 1,542 9,308 8,782 , * INTERGOVERNMENTAL 3,222,589 3,473,314 3,289,002 3,289,002 3,309,161 - CHARGES FOR SERVICES 341.03-00 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEE 11,783 10,273 14,439 14,439 10,479 341.04-00 MONITORING WELL FEE 0 L. 341.05-00 SALE OF MAPS/PUBLICATION 962 1,304 902 902 1,021 341.06-00 ADMIN CHARGES-INSURANCE 2,463 2,681 2,500 2,500 2,685 1 , 2 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET 341.06-05 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 259 0 341.07-00 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 1,895 1,146 2,118 2,118 1,506 341.08-00 PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION 15,205 4,365 10,735 10,735 4,500 341.09-00 FILING FEES 40 3 20 20 20 - 341.10-00 REGIONAL MUTUAL AID DUES 440 460 460 460 460 341.11-00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEE 201 200 200 200 341.12-00 ADMIN CHARGES-OTHER FUNDS 838,857 735,843 774,782 774,782 800,857 341.13-00 LIC SURCHG RES CONTRACTOR 2,454 2,195 3,948 3,948 2,153 341.14-00 NSF SERVICE CHARGE 417- 1,010 377 377 521 341.15-00 PUBLIC WORKS/RECREATION 300 992 646 341.16-00 ANTENNAE RENTAL FEE 0 - 342.02-00 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES 19,415 30,113 21,894 21,894 24,122 342.03-00 ACCIDENT REPORTS & PHOTOS 8,534 9,332 7,556 7,556 8,296 342.04-00 INVESTIGATION FEES 625 2,430 1,622 1,622 1,785 - 342.06-00 COLORING BOOKS 44 198 614 614 245 342.07-00 FIRE IMPACT SURCHARGE FEE 34,890 38,197 28,619 28,619 33,052 342.08-00 POLICE SECURITY 7,827 10,721 11,776 11,776 9,274 342.09-00 FALSE ALARMS 5,463 28,925 4,982 4,982 5,463 342.10-00 SAFETY CAMP 1,830 1,609 1,690 1,690 1,663 342.11-00 BICYCLE REGISTRATION 22 28 37 37 25 342.12-00 CURFEW VIOLATION DROP OFF 27,000 30,000 38,000 38,000 30,000 - 345.02-00 RECYCLING FEES 0 345.03-00 WEED CUTTING 50 584 584 25 345.05-00 POUND FEES 1,093 918 1,286 1,286 1,161 345.07-00 TREE REMOVAL 0 345.08-00 DRIVEWAY IMPROVEMENTS 1,811- 175 2,100 2,100 150 347.80-00 ATHLETICS / SPORTS 77,731 81,354 81,000 81,000 85,000 347.81-00 PARK CONCESSIONS 2,639 4,964 6,200 6,200 6,000 347.82-00 YOUTH INSTRUCTIONAL 19,727 14,472 10,500 10,500 15,000 347.83-00 SENIOR CITIZENS 788 1,342 18,080 18,080 18,000 347.84-00 ADULT INSTRUCTIONAL 5,565 3,528 6,695 6,695 6,000 - 347.85-00 PLAYGROUNDS 9,489 9,094 12,500 12,500 12,500 347.86-00 SPECIAL EVENTS 11,152 16,707 14,420 14,420 17,000 347.87-00 NATURE 24,034 29,092 28,290 28,290 30,050 347.88-00 MISCELLANEOUS 303 271 300 300 300 347.89-00 PARK EQUIP/FACILITY RENTL 8,572 8,177 9,000 9,000 9,000 347.90-00 TRANSPORTATION 2,471 2,356 742 742 2,500 347.91-00 MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAMS 5,645 5,464 6,000 6,000 10,000 - 347.92-00 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 7,062 4,494 15,450 15,450 5,000 * CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,154,142 1,094,693 1,140,418 1,140,418 1,156,659 FINES AND FORFEITURES 351.10-00 FINES 176,060 185,541 181,083 181,083 181,589 * FINES AND FORFEITURES 176,060 185,541 181,083 181,083 181,589 SP ASSESSMENTS & MISC REV 361.10-00 FROM COUNTY - PRINCIPAL 375 4,150 928 928 2,588 361.15-00 FROM COUNTY - INTEREST 0 361.20-00 DIRECT TO CITY-PRINCIPAL 2,200 5,637 0 3 0 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED . 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET 361.25-00 DIRECTLY TO CITY-INTEREST 79 0 - • 362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 286,724 385,185 362,120 362,120 435,000 362.20-00 RENTS AND ROYALTIES 2,390 195 3,466 3,466 1,849 362.30-00 GENERAL CONTRIB/DONATIONS 52,501 46,785 0 362.41-00 INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT 95,233 183,774 64,530 64,530 84,112 L 362.42-00 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 473 0 362.51-00 SALE OF MISC. PROPERTY 32,155 323 12,985 12,985 7,053 362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 1,365 1,375 14,097 14,097 1,336 - L 362.71-00 3% GAMBLING TAX 44,597 59,473 52,932 52,932 58,000 * SP ASSESSMENTS & MISC REV 517,540 687,449 511,058 511,058 589,938 El OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 391.01-00 SALE OF GEN FIXED.ASSETS 13,830 11,121 11,121 15,000 391.02-00 COMPENSATION FOR LOSS GFA 0 L 392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 209,843 220,821 372,902 372,902 402,900 392.02-00 RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFER 0 I * OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 209,843 234,651 384,023 384,023 417,900 ` 9,805,431 10,116,662 10,011,730 9,978,347 10,188,154 L. i L L L L L L L 4 BUDGET 1999 �- CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED EXPEND EXPEND 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET GENERAL FUND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT * CITY COUNCIL 85,830 86,472 94,659 94,659 96,139 * PLANNING COMMISSIONS 593 951 1,889 1,889 1,753 * OTHER COMMISSIONS 3,238 1,893 10,796 10,796 8,600 ** LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT 89,661 89,316 107,344 107,344 106,492 CITY MANAGEMENT * GENERAL MANAGEMENT 268,115 305,813 283,460 283,460 272,693 * PERSONNEL 90,917 94,291 96,422 96,422 131,017 * LEGAL 230,527 262,735 253,000 253,000 296,280 * ENCUMBRANCES 0 ** CITY MANAGEMENT 589,559 662,839 632,882 632,882 699,990 FINANCE * ELECTIONS 29,653 38 27,146 27,146 0 * ACCOUNTING 523,073 526,822 571,577 572,792 559,168 * ASSESSING 117,313 119,590 123,242 117,849 137,835 * MIS 138,592 140,801 164,591 165,591 212,877 * CITY CLERK / RECORDS 102,291 126,764 109,275 109,275 113,076 * ENCUMBRANCES 1,035 0 - ** FINANCE 911,957 914,015 995,831 992,653 1,022,956 POLICE * POLICE 3,163,681 3,294,719 3,290,101 3,098,819 3,501,219 * CIVIL DEFENSE 9,546 12,072 10,145 10,145 12,645 * CLEARING 2,336- 1,000 0 * ENCUMBRANCES 3,196 0 • ** POLICE 3,174,087 3,307,791 3,300,246 3,108,964 3,513,864 FIRE 5 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY "- STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED EXPEND EXPEND 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET * FIRE 694,610 783,289 762,089 803,380 809,644 ... * RENTAL INSPECTIONS 101,172 95,791 90,866 90,866 93,182 * ENCUMBRANCES 4,166 0 ** FIRE 799,948 879,080 852,955 894,246 902,826 '-' • PUBLIC WORKS * MUNICIPAL CENTER 187,590 221,289 200,944 199,730 213,564 ,^ * ENGINEERING 398,006 423,050 441,972 441,945 456,816 * STREET LIGHTING 192- 0 * LIGHTING 184,142 207,870 195,795 195,795 203,795 * PARK MAINTENANCE 670,782 736,256 695,912 695,281 826,157 * STREET MAINTENANCE 1,090,055 1,167,190 1,163,601 1,161,015 1,243,287 - * ENCUMBRANCES 153 0 ** PUBLIC WORKS 2,530,575 2,755,616 2,698,224 2,693,766 2,943,619 RECREATION & NATURALIST * RECREATION 556,348 586,313 674,741 446,414 774,646 * NATURALIST 201,402 221,647 232,647 232,647 246,474 * ENCUMBRANCES 2,446 3,000 0 ** RECREATION & NATURALIST 760,196 810,960 907,388 679,061 1,021,120 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .... * BUILDING INSPECTION 211,751 206,014 231,784 230,662 247,903 * PLANNING 339,397 366,805 392,474 424,915 437,189 _ * ENCUMBRANCES 0 ** COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 551,148 572,819 624,258 655,577 685,092 RESERVE * EMERGENCY 100,000 102,569 .... ** RESERVE 100,000 102,569 6 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED EXPEND EXPEND 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET NON-DEPARTMENTAL 72,251 38,100 69,408 76,408 * ENCUMBRANCES 0 ** NON-DEPARTMENTAL 72,251 38,100 69,408 76,408 *** GENERAL FUND 9,479,382 10,030,536 10,288,536 9,764,493 11,074,936 7 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY -' STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL * PERSONAL SERVICES 50,722 51,079 50,910 50,910 52,209 * SUPPLIES 1,055 570 1,200 1,200 1,100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 34,053 34,823 42,549 42,549 42,830 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** CITY COUNCIL 85,830 86,472 94,659 94,659 96,139 PLANNING COMMISSIONS * SUPPLIES 36 550 550 400 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 593 915 1,339 1,339 1,353 ** PLANNING COMMISSIONS 593 951 1,889 1,889 1,753 OTHER COMMISSIONS * SUPPLIES 20 200 200 100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3,238 1,873 10,596 10,596 8,500 ** OTHER COMMISSIONS 3,238 1,893 10,796 10,796 8,600 ... *** LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT 89,661 89,316 107,344 107,344 106,492 8 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 ITY OF FRIDLEY TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET - CITY COUNCIL 104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 33,918 33,750 33,592 33,592 33,668 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 477 519 512 512 499 '121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 929 1,333 1,390 1,390 1,393 122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 2,045 2,220 2,192 2,192 2,135 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 8,726 8,777 8,874 8,874 9,779 .A132 DENTAL INSURANCE 366 186 180 180 181 133 LIFE INSURANCE 210 210 210 210 210 ,134 CASH BENEFITS 4,051 4,084 3,960 3,960 4,344 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION PERSONAL SERVICES 50,722 51,079 50,910 50,910 52,209 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 122 148 400 ' 400 400 221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 933 422 800 800 700 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP SUPPLIES 1,055 570 1,200 1,200 1,100 "330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 21,088 19,505 21,000 21,000 21,000 4332 COMMUNICATION 648 639 543 543 2,700 ..4333 TRANSPORTATION 893 1,426 2,500 2,500 2,500 334 ADVERTISING 288 202- .335 PRINTING & BINDING 2,009 1,758 3,246 3,246 2,000 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 2,713 2,930 2,872 2,872 2,850 337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 3,181 5,361 6,840 6,840 7,150 340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 706 958 2,798 2,798 1,805 4341 RENTALS 264 200 325 325 325 '"346 MISCELLANEOUS 100 100 100 350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 2,263 2,248 2,325 2,325 2,400 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 34,053 34,823 42,549 42,549 42,830 ,560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES CAPITAL OUTLAY -$* CITY COUNCIL 85,830 86,472 94,659 94,659 96,139 9 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET PLANNING COMMISSIONS ... • 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 100 100 100 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 36 450 450 300 * SUPPLIES 36 550 550 400 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 589 912 835 835 950 4332 COMMUNICATION 50 50 50 4333 TRANSPORTATION 100 100 100 4334 ADVERTISING - 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 4 3 4 4 3 . 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 200 200 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 150 150 150 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 593 915 1,339 1,339 1,353 • • ** PLANNING COMMISSIONS 593 951 1,889 1,889 1,753 .. 10 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 '-ITT OF FRIDLEY TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET OTHER COMMISSIONS 220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20 200 200 100 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 20 200 200 100 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,325 1,466 8,550 8,550 6,726 331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,105 1,020 1,020 700 332 COMMUNICATION 50 4334 ADVERTISING 783 382 1,000 1,000 1,000 -135 PRINTING & BINDING 336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 25 25 26 26 24 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS _4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3,238 1,873 10,596 10,596 8,500 • OTHER COMMISSIONS 3,238 1,893 10,796 10,796 8,600 :11 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY �. STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET CITY MANAGEMENT GENERAL MANAGEMENT * PERSONAL SERVICES 224,717 232,601 241,220 241,220 214,745 * SUPPLIES 4,715 4,508 4,550 4,550 4,700 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 38,683 68,704 37,690 37,690 53,248 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 r., ** GENERAL MANAGEMENT 268,115 305,813 283,460 283,460 272,693 PERSONNEL * PERSONAL SERVICES 73,367 81,704 84,362 84,362 118,100 ... * SUPPLIES 667 298 1,130 1,130 1,000 ... * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 16,883 12,289 10,280 10,280 11,267 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 650 650 650 ** PERSONNEL 90,917 94,291 96,422 96,422 131,017 LEGAL 0 * SUPPLIES 19 12 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 230,508 262,723 253,000 253,000 296,280 ** LEGAL 230,527 262,735 253,000 253,000 296,280 ENCUMBRANCES 0 * SUPPLIES 0 ** ENCUMBRANCES *** CITY MANAGEMENT 589,559 662,839 632,882 632,882 699,990 12 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CXJY OF FRIDLEY 4TE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL _ ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET -- GENERAL MANAGEMENT 01 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 153,189 158,405 194,748 194,748 181,045 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 74 y1,04 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 5,658 4,697 12,000 12,000 • 05 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT ...12 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 34,019 36,778 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 8- -20 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 2,831 2,937 2,959 2,959 2,568 21 PERA CONTRIBUTION 4,245 4,473 5,704 5,704 3,974 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 9,998 10,393 10,401 10,401 8,882 1=25 ICMA CONTRIBUTIONS 6,839 7,017 7,711 7,711 5,000 31 HEALTH INSURANCE 6,450 6,242 6,216 6,216 11,380 4i32 DENTAL INSURANCE 366 363 360 360 543 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 396 470 396 ' 396 618 34 CASH BENEFITS 50 WORKERS COMPENSATION 734 752 725 725 735 - PERSONAL SERVICES 224,717 232,601 241,220 241,220 214,745 4212 FUELS & LUBES 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,608 2,619 1,400 1,400 2,000 21 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,107 1,845 3,000 3,000 2,500 .c.22 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 44 100 100 100 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 50 50 100 • :29 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS * SUPPLIES 4,715 4,508 4,550 4,550 4,700 130 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 489 26,005 500 500 500 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,719 2,238 2,280 2,280 2,283 4332 COMMUNICATION 11,729 13,382 8,790 8,790 14,000 ;33 TRANSPORTATION 4,449 4,477 4,850 4,850 4,600 ..;34 ADVERTISING 1,462 606 750 750 620 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 9,752 13,382 10,565 10,565 13,030 •-136 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 2,427 2,220 2,570 2,570 2,159 137 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 4,584 3,189 2,900 2,900 3,000 • 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,993 3,205 4,285 4,285 12,756 -L441 RENTALS 100 100 100 546 MISCELLANEOUS 79 100 100 200 • OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 38,683 68,704 37,690 37,690 53,248 360 FURNITURE & FIXTURES CAPITAL OUTLAY .AP GENERAL MANAGEMENT 268,115 305,813 283,460 283,460 272,693 13 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL - ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET PERSONNEL ■ 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 53,241 59,311 70,825 70,825 89,287 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 274 402 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 8,487 ■ 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 7,932 9,236 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 836 931 964 964 1,396 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 2,702 3,023 3,669 3,669 5,064 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 3,574 3,983 4,121 4,121 5,970 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,314 2,308 2,298 2,298 7,053 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 182 181 180 180 362 ■ 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 84 84 84 84 84 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,997 1,988 1,980 1,980 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 231 257 241 241 397 * PERSONAL SERVICES 73,367 81,704 84,362 84,362 118,100 4212 FUELS & LUBES 350 ■ 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 37 480 480 300 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 158 261 650 650 700 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ■ 4225 SMALL.TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 159 * SUPPLIES 667 298 1,130 1,130 1,000 ^ 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11,878 4,426 4,520 4,520 4,700 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 175 125 285 285 285 r. 4332 COMMUNICATION 572 574 530 530 550 4333 TRANSPORTATION 429 344 420 420 420 4334 ADVERTISING 300 300 200 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 1,335 1,533 2,005 2,005 900 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 613 732 650 650 712 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 488 90 710 710 700 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,393 4,465 460 460 2,800 ^ 4341 RENTALS 400 400 4346 MISCELLANEOUS ■ * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 16,883 12,289 10,280 10,280 11,267 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 650 650 650 .._ * CAPITAL OUTLAY 650 650 650 ■ ** PERSONNEL 90,917 94,291 96,422 96,422 131,017 14 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY ATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET - LEGAL 21 OPERATING SUPPLIES 19 12 * SUPPLIES 19 12 30 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 230,508 262,723 253,000 253,000 296,280 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL x'46 MISCELLANEOUS • OTHER SERVICES It CHARGES 230,508 262,723 253,000 253,000 296,280 LEGAL 230,527 262,735 253,000 253,000 296,280 • 15 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY -- STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET FINANCE ELECTIONS * PERSONAL SERVICES 26,468 24,061 24,061 0 * SUPPLIES 1,379 38 900 900 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,806 2,185 2,185 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** ELECTIONS 29,653 38 27,146 27,146 0 ACCOUNTING * PERSONAL SERVICES 451,845 421,301 487,335 487,335 466,199 * SUPPLIES 4,984 11,175 11,680 11,680 13,355 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 66,244 94,346 72,562 73,777 79,614 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** ACCOUNTING 523,073 526,822 571,577 572,792 559,168 ASSESSING * PERSONAL SERVICES 109,203 111,541 114,556 109,163 128,936 . * SUPPLIES 564 391 612 612 612 , * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 7,546 7,658 8,074 8,074 8,287 .._ 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY ** ASSESSING 117,313 119,590 123,242 117,849 137,835 MIS * PERSONAL SERVICES 83,560 43,279 86,181 86,181 123,712 * SUPPLIES 7,979 7,681 6,600 6,600 8,850 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 47,053 89,841 71,810 72,810 80,315 * CAPITAL OUTLAY ** MIS 138,592 140,801 164,591 165,591 212,877 ., CITY CLERK / RECORDS * PERSONAL SERVICES 92,116 114,411 102,396 102,396 105,266 .� 16 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET * SUPPLIES 1,831 1,498 1,920 1,920 2,615 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 5,937 6,466 4,959 4,959 5,195 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,407 4,389 0 ** CITY CLERK / RECORDS 102,291 126,764 109,275 109,275 113,076 ENCUMBRANCES SUPPLIES 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,035 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** ENCUMBRANCES 1,035 0 ... *** FINANCE 911,957 914,015 995,831 992,653 1,022,956 17 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 -- ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ELECTIONS 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 77 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 340 400 400 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 25,390 23,000 23,000 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 170 170 170 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 30 30 30 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 95 95 95 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 130 130 130 -- 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 213 213 213 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 9 9 9 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 6 6 6 4134 CASH BENEFITS 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 8 8 8 * PERSONAL SERVICES 26,468 24,061 24,061 �' 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 190 38 300 300 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,189 600 600 ... * SUPPLIES 1,379 38 900 900 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES . 4332 COMMUNICATION 200 200 4333 TRANSPORTATION 8 20 20 4334 ADVERTISING 415 425 425 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 321 340 340 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,000 1,000 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 1,062 200 200 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,806 2,185 2,185 .- 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES * CAPITAL OUTLAY ** ELECTIONS 29,653 38 27,146 27,146 ■ 18 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 ,7ITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ACCOUNTING .101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 321,561 295,764 407,270 407,270 384,750 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 179 ,5104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 280- .112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 55,595 58,895 013 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 5,199 4,964 5,797 5,797 5,232 .121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 16,730 15,769 21,096 21,096 19,930 .122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 21,933 20,804 24,052 24,052 21,976 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 18,362 14,376 16,890 16,890 27,447 --.132 DENTAL INSURANCE 538 397 540 540 724 .133 LIFE INSURANCE 420 368 420 420 378 4134 CASH BENEFITS 9,977 8,489 9,900 9,900 4,344 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,530 1,576 1,370 1,370 1,418 ' PERSONAL SERVICES 451,845 421,301 487,335 487,335 466,199 '"'.212 FUELS & LUBES 230 117 225 225 200 .220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,052 4,479 2,200 2,200 3,500 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,690 5,907 9,055 9,055 9,055 �.6222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 32 100 .225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP .229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 12 640 200 200 500 . SUPPLIES 4,984 11,175 11,680 11,680 13,355 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 13,057 36,876 16,500 16,500 23,634 -"331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,621 2,403 2,765 2,765 2,765 .332 COMMUNICATION 8,146 8,600 8,300 8,300 8,500 4333 TRANSPORTATION 772 528 680 680 680 4334 ADVERTISING 2,010 3,835 1,980 1,980 2,000 335 PRINTING & BINDING 5,148 4,962 5,800 5,800 3,900 -.336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 3,731 4,393 4,000 4,000 4,400 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 2,892 2,081 5,325 • 5,325 5,000 -340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 26,333 30,370 27,012 27,012 27,320 341 RENTALS 1,058 288 1,215 1,215 4344 CASH SHORT 4- -346 MISCELLANEOUS 476 14 200 200 200 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 66,244 94,346 72,562 73,777 79,614 560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES * CAPITAL OUTLAY ** ACCOUNTING 523,073 526,822 571,577 572,792 559,168 / 19 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ASSESSING "' 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 79,735 81,555 96,779 96,779 99,892 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 9,316 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 12,252 13,190 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION . 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,276 1,370 1,401 1,401 1,583 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 4,490 4,205 5,013 5,013 5,657 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 5,456 5,857 5,992 599 6,768 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,725 2,125 2,298 2,298 2,546 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 54 182 180 180 181 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 88 84 84 84 84 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,997 1,988 1,980 1,980 2,172 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,130 985 829 829 737 * PERSONAL SERVICES 109,203 111,541 114,556 109,163 128,936 4212 FUELS & LUBES 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 174 240 247 247 247 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 340 151 365 365 365 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 50 ..-. * SUPPLIES 564 391 612 612 612 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 242 210 890 890 890 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 685 1,175 998 998 1,054 4332 COMMUNICATION 754 1,484 765 765 765 4333 TRANSPORTATION 928 1,083 975 975 1,050 . . 4334 ADVERTISING 274 49 60 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 179 508 70 70 70 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 877 913 1,119 1,119 1,119 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,196 1,029 1,232 1,232 1,254 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 2,311 1,207 2,025 2,025 2,025 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 7,546 7,658 8,074 8,074 8,287 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES * CAPITAL OUTLAY ** ASSESSING 117,313 119,590 123,242 117,849 137,835 20 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 -.. ^.ITY OF FRIDLEY • ;TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ..m ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET - MIS 101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 57,068 24,411 48,046 48,046 51,838 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 9,033 24,263 24,263 55,989 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 11,822 3,164 mm .120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 969 507 1,048 1,048 1,501 ,121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 3,283 1,284 3,746 3,746 2,946 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 4,143 2,168 4,483 4,483 6,418 - .131 HEALTH INSURANCE 5,461 2,527 4,098 4,098 4,507 ;132 DENTAL INSURANCE 514 180 180 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 25 48 42 42 89 -4134 CASH BENEFITS WORKERS COMPENSATION 275 137 275 275 424 * PERSONAL SERVICES 83,560 43,279 86,181 86,181 123,712 .220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13 933 100 100 200 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,966 6,748 6,500 6,500 8,500 -� 225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 150 * SUPPLIES 7,979 7,681 6,600 6,600 8,850 - mm 330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,987 16,456 10,190 10,190 10,190 .331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 785 713 350 350 655 4332 COMMUNICATION 1,105 2,008 1,275 1,275 2,225 333 TRANSPORTATION 38 66 50 50 150 334 ADVERTISING 75 75 75 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 6 165 165 165 ,.., 336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 1,078 1,126 1,268 1,268 1,268 337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 923 4,007 2,600 2,600 4,100 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 38,131 65,465 55,837 56,837 61,487 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 47,053 89,841 71,810 72,810 80,315 4540 MACHINERY -47560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES '1 * CAPITAL OUTLAY mm •* MIS 138,592 140,801 164,591 165,591 212,877 • • 21 .r 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL i ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 T ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET CITY CLERK / RECORDS 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 55,786 67,076 66,899 66,899 68,733 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 9,753 16,859 17,861 17,861 18,423 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 10,194 10,142 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,118 1,383 1,258 1,258 1,306 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 3,382 4,179 4,391 4,391 4,514 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 4,781 5,914 5,377 5,377 5,582 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,561 4,761 3,907 3,907 1,782 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 93 275 306 306 127 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 109 138 113 113 113 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,997 3,374 1,980 1,980 4,344 ! 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 342 310 304 • 304 342 "" * PERSONAL SERVICES 92,116 114,411 102,396 102,396 105,266 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 706 290 750 750 750 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,125 1,208 1,170 1,170 1,865 !- 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP * SUPPLIES 1,831 1,498 1,920 1,920 2,615 r1- 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 370 320 385 385 500 l 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 340 270 300 300 305 4332 COMMUNICATION 361 656 407 407 410 4333 TRANSPORTATION 107 43 85 85 95 4334 ADVERTISING 555 724 100 100 100 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 809 968 772 772 775 --- 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 887 1,561 939 939 939 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 561 602 700 700 750 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,947 1,322 1,271 1,271 1,321 1°'... * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 5,937 6,466 4,959 . 4,959 5,195 , 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 2,407 4,389 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,407 4,389 F- ** CITY CLERK / RECORDS 102,291 126,764 109,275 109,275 113,076 r 1 1- 22 BUDGET 1999 - CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET POLICE POLICE * PERSONAL SERVICES 2,740,934 2,902,626 2,923,962 2,732,680 3,111,537 * SUPPLIES 126,753 130,852 104,963 104,963 108,021 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 195,290 190,822 182,176 182,176 184,861 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 100,704 70,419 79,000 79,000 96,800 ** POLICE 3,163,681 3,294,719 3,290,101 3,098,819 3,501,219 -- CIVIL DEFENSE * SUPPLIES 273 393 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 9,273 11,679 10,145 10,145 12,645 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** CIVIL DEFENSE 9,546 12,072 10,145 10,145 12,645 _ CLEARING * PERSONAL SERVICES 2,336- 1,000 0 - ** CLEARING 2,336- 1,000 0 ENCUMBRANCES -„ * SUPPLIES 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,196 0 - ** ENCUMBRANCES 3,196 0 *** POLICE 3,174,087 3,307,791 3,300,246 3,108,964 3,513,864 23 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY - STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 - ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET POLICE - 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 1,706,741 1,838,192 2,197,384 2,197,384 2,333,805 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 106,141 98,214 98,219 98,219 102,972 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 124,185 124,225 143,549 143,549 149,727 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 340,597 361,470 4113 SEVERENCES & SEPARATIONS 2,000- 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 17,439 19,557 19,967 19,967 22,044 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 221,786 238,463 238,306 238,306 255,119 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 28,797 31,256 35,255 35,255 40,458 4123 POLICE PENSION CONTRIB -. 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 123,510 112,729 120,846 136,015 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 4,907 4,480 4,680 5,251 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 2,070 2,059 2,079 2,142 4134 CASH BENEFITS 9,334 12,732 10,870 15,204 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 57,427 59,249 52,807 48,800 * PERSONAL SERVICES 2,740,934 2,902,626 2,923,962 2,732,680 3,111,537 4212 FUELS & LUBES 39,336 37,112 36,050 36,050 37,050 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 23,740 21,770 22,301 22,301 22,747 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,855 9,862 4,272 4,272 4,357 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 39,461 40,164 20,605 20,605 22,017 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 632 875 1,143 1,143 1,166 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 4,521 4,496 4,592 4,592 4,684 - 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 15,208 16,573 16,000 16,000 16,000 * SUPPLIES 126,753 130,852 104,963 104,963 108,021 ,_ 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,860 14,067 4,804 4,804 13,377 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 984 1,245 1,623 1,623 2,723 _ 4332 COMMUNICATION 31,088 30,374 31,250 31,250 30,875 4333 TRANSPORTATION 1,500 1,718 1,700 1,700 1,734 4334 ADVERTISING 3,892 2,668 4,402 4,402 4,490 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 14,880 13,935 21,352 21,352 14,835 - 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 37,502 41,844 39,706 39,706 40,701 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 28,986 15,826 9,353 9,353 9,040 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 3,482 4,239 3,482 3,482 3,552 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 65,105 64,331 62,980 62,980 62,980 4341 RENTALS 1,011 555 1,524 1,524 554 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 20 --* OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 195,290 190,822 182,176 182,176 184,861 4530 IMPROVE OTHER THAN BLDG - 4540 MACHINERY 96,479 70,419 69,000 69,000 96,800 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 4,225 10,000 10,000 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 100,704 70,419 79,000 79,000 96,800 ** POLICE 3,163,681 3,294,719 3,290,101 3,098,819 3,501,219 - 24 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY ;TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET CIVIL DEFENSE 217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 273 148 .225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 245 * SUPPLIES 273 393 331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 100 100 100 100 100 4332 COMMUNICATION 622 622 622 4333 TRANSPORTATION 285 285 285 .334 ADVERTISING 472 335 PRINTING & BINDING 37 212 212 212 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 168 134 385 - 385 385 -7337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 354 245 768 768 768 X338 UTILITY SERVICES 546 1,071 580 580 580 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 7,633 10,092 7,193 7,193 9,693 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 9,273 11,679 10,145 10,145 12,645 4540 MACHINERY 560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES * CAPITAL OUTLAY ** CIVIL DEFENSE 9,546 12,072 10,145 10,145 12,645 24 . BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 '^ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET FIRE -- FIRE * PERSONAL SERVICES 577,678 616,116 626,159 667,450 642,669 * SUPPLIES 42,556 45,076 47,746 47,746 52,977 ... * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 58,510 64,315 72,184 72,184 80,120 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,866 57,782 16,000 16,000 33,878 ** FIRE 694,610 783,289 762,089 803,380 809,644 RENTAL INSPECTIONS * PERSONAL SERVICES 89,026 82,351 77,017 77,017 78,521 * SUPPLIES 3,825 4,521 3,916 3,916 4,518 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 7,150 8,919 9,933 9,933 10,143 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,171 0 ** RENTAL INSPECTIONS 101,172 95,791 90,866 90,866 93,182 ENCUMBRANCES * SUPPLIES 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,666 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,500 0 .._ ** ENCUMBRANCES 4,166 0 *** FIRE 799,948 879,080 852,955 894,246 902,826 25 '1/19/98 BUDGET 1999 fJTY OF FRIDLEY ATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET - FIRE 01 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 206,317 237,056 286,636 286,636 280,828 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 18,285 17,836 17,330 17,330 18,281 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 142,892 139,730 160,609 160,609 168,378 - 05 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 86- 12 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 35,687 44,539 41,291 4113 SEVERENCES & SEPARATIONS "20 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 4,295 4,737 5,235 5,235 5,803 21 PERA CONTRIBUTION 27,742 31,358 31,585 31,585 30,910 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 10,138 10,789 6,790 6,790 9,201 024 FIRE PENSION CONTRIBUTION 97,782 94,158 82,200 82,200 93,200 31 HEALTH INSURANCE 6,108 7,261 6,216 6,216 15,707 .32 DENTAL INSURANCE 366 417 360 360 724 +133 LIFE INSURANCE 3,805 3,816 3,927 3,927 252 - 34 CASH BENEFITS 6,222 6,880 7,920 7,920 4,344 50 WORKERS COMPENSATION .18,039 17,625 17,351 17,351 15,041 34 PERSONAL SERVICES 577,678 616,116 626,159 667,450 642,669 .412 FUELS & LUBES 5,888 4,605 5,366 5,366 5,474 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 8,847 6,775 10,446 10,446 14,906 20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,238 1,323 1,200 1,200 1,225 21 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10,012 10,666 12,828 12,828 13,103 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 9,910 12,853 10,933 10,933 11,151 -25 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 3,673 4,744 4,073 4,073 4,160 29 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 2,988 4,110 2,900 2,900 2,958 :.. SUPPLIES 42,556 45,076 47,746 47,746 52,977 ..,30 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,176 598 3,568 3,568 3,568 :331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,427 1,814 2,580 2,580 2,590 32 COMMUNICATION 4,301 5,751 4,460 4,460 4,553 33 TRANSPORTATION 605 572 783 783 805 •334 ADVERTISING 94 45 300 "35 PRINTING & BINDING 1,726 201- 2,600 2,600 1,801 36 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 11,880 11,266 13,073 13,073 13,000 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 4,558 5,558 8,200 8,200 14,239 X38 UTILITY SERVICES 7,812 8,918 7,000 7,000 7,140 40 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 24,155 29,076 28,205 28,205 30,400 .41 RENTALS 450 450 459 346 MISCELLANEOUS 712 854 1,200 1,200 1,200 50 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 64 64 65 65 65 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 58,510 64,315 72,184 72,184 80,120 10 LAND 4530 IMPROVE OTHER THAN BLDG 9,087 4540 MACHINERY 4,999 53,798 11,500 11,500 29,378 60 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1,780 3,984 4,500 4,500 4,500 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,866 57,782 16,000 16,000 33,878 26 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY ... STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ** FIRE 694,610 783,289 762,089 803,380 809,644 27 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 "':ITY OF FRIDLEY ;TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL .... ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ▪ RENTAL INSPECTIONS :101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 54,311 47,898 43,613 43,613 44,767 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 3,153 2,195 2,652 2,652 2,796 -4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 10,443 15,439 16,960 16,960 18,542 :105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 5,018 2,620 _4113 SEVERENCES & SEPARATIONS :120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,017 962 883 883 946 :121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 7,591 6,701 5,988 5,988 6,209 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 648 957 1,216 1,216 1,323 --4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,951 2,661 3,918 3,918 ±132 DENTAL INSURANCE 183 125 180 180 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 59 46 42 42 42 4134 CASH BENEFITS 486 925 2,172 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,166 1,822 1,565 1,565 1,724 PERSONAL SERVICES 89,026 82,351 77,017 77,017 78,521 4212 FUELS & LUBES 1,122 1,594 1,190 1,190 1,190 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 9 1,015 565 565 777 -4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,254 843 681 681 681 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 656 743 610 610 610 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 181 202 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 478 124 350 350 740 +229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 125 520 520 520 SUPPLIES 3,825 4,521 3,916 3,916 4,518 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 100 130 130 130 . 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,294 2,402 2,750 2,750 3,114 +333 TRANSPORTATION 2 188 4334 ADVERTISING 447 102 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 1,587 2,656 2,100 2,100 1,623 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 813 1,029 1,058 1,058 1,001 +337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,407 2,042 2,650 2,650 2,700 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 500 500 1,245 1,245 1,575 ^4341 RENTALS +346 MISCELLANEOUS 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES r OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 7,150 8,919 9,933 9,933 10,143 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES • 1,171 • r CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,171 r* RENTAL INSPECTIONS 101,172 95,791 90,866 90,866 93,182 28 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED _ 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS ... MUNICIPAL CENTER * PERSONAL SERVICES 24,549 27,058 30,091 29,775 30,007 * SUPPLIES 13,581 12,085 15,240 15,090 15,140 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 147,788 175,348 155,613 154,865 163,867 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,672 6,798 4,550 ** MUNICIPAL CENTER 187,590 221,289 200,944 199,730 213,564 ENGINEERING * PERSONAL SERVICES 350,465 359,681 369,672 369,645 384,841 ... * SUPPLIES 9,559 10,106 10,050 10,050 9,900 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 36,061 51,625 62,250 62,250 62,075 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,921 1,638 0 ** ENGINEERING 398,006 423,050 441,972 441,945 456,816 STREET LIGHTING * SUPPLIES 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 192- 0 ** STREET LIGHTING 192- 0 LIGHTING * SUPPLIES 169 613 3,695 3,695 3,695 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 183,973 207,257 192,100 192,100 200,100 ** LIGHTING 184,142 207,870 195,795 195,795 203,795 PARK MAINTENANCE * PERSONAL SERVICES 388,229 431,631 425,413 425,301 453,197 * SUPPLIES 86,537 94,301 85,840 85,840 96,540 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 129,407 137,035 132,845 132,840 139,320 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 66,609 73,289 51,814 51,300 137,100 ** PARK MAINTENANCE 670,782 736,256 695,912 695,281 826,157 29 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET * PERSONAL SERVICES 643,563 637,026 695,161 694,300 710,326 * SUPPLIES 165,089 177,505 176,190 175,665 177,215 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 147,386 149,492 128,450 128,050 158,088 • * CAPITAL OUTLAY 119,444 203,167 163,800 163,000 197,658 • * DEBT SERVICE 14,573 0 ** STREET MAINTENANCE 1,090,055 1,167,190 1,163,601 1,161,015 1,243,287 ENCUMBRANCES * SUPPLIES 153 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** ENCUMBRANCES 153 0 *** PUBLIC WORKS 2,530,575 2,755,616 2,698,224 2,693,766 2,943,619 30 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY '- STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED ., 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET MUNICIPAL CENTER ... 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 21,291 23,536 26,307 26,000 26,355 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 309 341 382 380 382 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 600 636 587 585 611 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,320 1,459 1,631 1,630 1,634 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,029 1,086 1,184 1,180 1,025 * PERSONAL SERVICES 24,549 27,058 30,091 29,775 30,007 "' 4212 FUELS & LUBES 9 2 450 450 450 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 2,404 2,288 2,700 2,650 2,700 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 115 213 90 90 90 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,646 924 3,300 3,200 2,700 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 7,292 8,658 7,900 7,900 8,800 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 67 600 600 200 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 48 200 200 200 * SUPPLIES 13,581 12,085 15,240 15,090 15,140 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 38 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 40 60 40 60 60 .-. 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,807 8,633 3,655 3,655 4,000 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 4,173 3,126 4,418 4,000 3,042 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 99 150 150 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 56,218 65,762 61,000 61,000 66,000 - 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 83,615 95,694 84,000 84,000 88,615 4341 RENTALS 150- 500 4350 PYMT TO OTHER AGENCIES 1,085 1,936 2,000 2,000 2,000 ..... * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 147,788 175,348 155,613 154,865 163,867 4510 LAND 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 4,550 4540 MACHINERY 1,672 6,798 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES . * CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,672 6,798 4,550 ** MUNICIPAL CENTER 187,590 221,289 200,944 199,730 213,564 31 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 *'SITY OF FRIDLEY :TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ,,. ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ... ENGINEERING x101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 236,622 244,924 297,753 297,750 309,463 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT -4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 17,227 17,222 14,711 14,700 15,540 012 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 44,250 43,032 v113 SEVERANCES & SEPARATIONS 2,162- _4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 4,056 4,281 4,405 4,400 4,510 021 PERA CONTRIBUTION 12,809 13,250 15,932 15,930 16,030 022 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 16,498 17,489 17,675 17,675 18,479 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 18,664 17,097 16,890 16,890 18,252 --4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 424 363 360 360 724 :133 LIFE INSURANCE 252 249 252 250 252 4134 CASH BENEFITS 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,825 1,774 1,694 ' 1,690 1,591 PERSONAL SERVICES 350,465 359,681 369,672 369,645 384,841 - 4212 FUELS & LUBES 1,039 1,067 1,050 1,050 1,050 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 40 30 50 50 50 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,507 1,712 1,650 1,650 1,700 -4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,514 5,682 6,200 6,200 6,200 +222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 9 1,265 200 200 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 450 350 900 900 900 * SUPPLIES 9,559 10,106 10,050 10,050 9,900 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 440 2,373 500 500 500 ""4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,200 1,835 1,500 1,500 1,650 +332 COMMUNICATION 3,044 2,744 3,330 3,330 3,280 4333 TRANSPORTATION 345 169 400 400 400 ...4334 ADVERTISING 520 1,778 350 350 350 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 1,978 1,418 2,480 2,480 2,665 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 4,523 4,453 4,790 4,790 4,330 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 3,596 4,489 3,700 3,700 3,700 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 20,415 32,366 45,200 45,200 45,200 4346 MISCELLANEOUS -v.* OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 36,061 51,625 62,250 62,250 62,075 4540 MACHINERY 1,921 1,638 _4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES * CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,921 1,638 ** ENGINEERING 398,006 423,050 441,972 441,945 456,816 ■ 32 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY -'- STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 - ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET LIGHTING -' 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169 613 3,695 3,695 3,695 * SUPPLIES 169 613 3,695 3,695 3,695 4332 COMMUNICATION 4334 ADVERTISING 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 20 - 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 178,920 194,096 187,000 187,000 194,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 5,053 13,141 5,100 5,100 6,100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 183,973 207,257 192,100 192,100 200,100 ** LIGHTING 184,142 207,870 195,795 195,795 203,795 .. 33 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 .,gITY OF FRIDLEY +TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET - PARK MAINTENANCE +101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 186,667 190,023 241,709 241,700 243,032 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 8,829 15,010 4,677 4,600 8,243 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 90,855 123,314 112,183 112,180 134,135 +105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 149 161 397 397 419 +112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 37,329 37,337 4113 SEVERANCES & SEPARATIONS -+120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 4,070 5,300 5,209 5,200 5,589 +121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 13,053 10,684 12,985 12,985 13,264 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 17,404 22,665 19,379 19,379 20,120 .¢131 HEALTH INSURANCE 17,806 15,079 16,637 16,635 13,622 :132 DENTAL INSURANCE 293 211 108 100 290 .133 LIFE INSURANCE 288 267 277 275 277 4134 CASH BENEFITS 3,993 4,125 3,960 -3,960 6,516 :150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 7,493 7,455 7,892 7,890 7,690 :170 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-LABOR -* PERSONAL SERVICES 388,229 431,631 425,413 425,301 453,197 4212 FUELS & LUBES 13,729 12,033 12,190 12,190 12,190 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 3,146 5,123 3,550 3,550 5,150 :220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 130 97 200 200 200 :221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,894 1,481 1,400 1,400 1,500 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 50,534 57,666 51,000 51,000 58,500 .225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 1,214 2,674 1,500 1,500 2,000 :229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 14,890 15,227 16,000 16,000 17,000 ...: SUPPLIES 86,537 94,301 85,840 85,840 96,540 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,103 1,721 1,335 1,330 1,400 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 353 293 390 390 390 :332 COMMUNICATION 285 661 1,400 1,400 700 :333 TRANSPORTATION 1,219 597 400 400 400 4334 ADVERTISING 2,074 3,623 1,100 1,100 1,100 ":335 PRINTING & BINDING 263 237 350 350 515 :336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 10,353 10,665 10,960 10,960 10,375 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 920 1,502 950 950 1,200 .4338 UTILITY SERVICES 42,752 46,545 47,000 47,000 49,600 :340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 60,332 58,242 58,000 58,000 62,400 4341 RENTALS 9,094 12,218 10,300 10,300 10,500 4346 MISCELLANEOUS :350 PYMT TO OTHER AGENCIES 659 731 660 660 740 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 129,407 137,035 132,845 132,840 139,320 :510 LAND 314 300 4520 BUILDING 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING :540 MACHINERY 66,609 73,289 51,500 , 51,000 137,100 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 66,609 73,289 51,814 51,300 137,100 34 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED --1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ** PARK MAINTENANCE 670,782 736,256 695,912 695,281 826,157 35 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 m`.ITY OF FRIDLEY ;TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET STREET MAINTENANCE X101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 384,018 385,582 489,988 489,900 488,993 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 30,454 29,121 19,961 19,960 30,945 .4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 40,229 39,556 54,993 54,990 56,606 X105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 146 140 146 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 67,887 64,045 4113 SEVERANCES & SEPARATIONS ,120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 7,465 7,417 8,147 8,100 8,167 ;121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 21,808 21,653 26,933 26,900 27,510 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 31,921 31,714 34,835 34,800 34,920 -1131 HEALTH INSURANCE 40,263 42,153 42,049 42,000 46,544 ;132 DENTAL INSURANCE 1,339 1,045 1,152 1,150 1,159 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 559 545 563 560 563 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,997 1,988 1,980 "1,900 2,172 ;150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 18,717 18,820 18,914 18,900 17,101 ;170 WORK ORDER TRANSFER•LABOR 3,094- 6,613- 4,500- 5,000- 4,500- PERSONAL SERVICES 643,563 637,026 695,161 694,300 710,326 4212 FUELS & LUBES 26,923 24,801 26,300 26,300 26,300 ..4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 8,593 11,804 8,800 8,800 11,300 ;220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 559 824 665 665 665 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,121 1,486 2,125 2,100 1,650 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 99,952 100,679 102,300 102,300 101,700 ;225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 1,310 1,429 3,000 2,500 1,600 ;229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 25,631 36,482 33,000 33,000 34,000 SUPPLIES 165,089 177,505 176,190 175,665 177,215 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,528 4,524 3,000 3,000 3,108 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 428 451 500 500 500 .332 COMMUNICATION 3,062 3,130 3,100 3,000 3,200 .333 TRANSPORTATION 1,102 1,222 700 700 900 4334 ADVERTISING 479 2,270 700 700 1,000 ;335 PRINTING & BINDING 974 1,057 1,200 1,100 860 ;336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 15,478 16,883 16,250 16,250 16,420 • 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 992 1,267 1,200 1,200 1,200 "'":338 UTILITY SERVICES 11,247 11,081 10,600 10,600 10,700 ;340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 108,445 104,956 88,600 88,500 116,900 4341 RENTALS 1,126 479 1,100 1,000 1,100 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 1,525 2,172 1,500 1,500 2,200 ;350 PYMT TO OTHER AGENCIES • OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 147,386 149,492 128,450 128,050 158,088 ;510 LAND 4520 BUILDING •4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING :540 MACHINERY 119,444 203,167 163,800 163,000 197,658 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 119,444 203,167 163,800 163,000 197,658 36 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET 4630 CAPITAL LEASE PAYMENTS 14,573 -- * DEBT SERVICE 14,573 ** STREET MAINTENANCE 1,090,055 1,167,190 1,163,601 1,161,015 1,243,287 37 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET - RECREATION & NATURALIST RECREATION * PERSONAL SERVICES 381,303 400,381 430,707 204,180 511,198 * SUPPLIES 42,075 42,777 55,020 55,020 58,562 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 132,231 141,355 187,214 187,214 202,886 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 739 1,800 1,800 2,000 ** RECREATION 556,348 586,313 674,741 446,414 774,646 NATURALIST * PERSONAL SERVICES 147,887 162,181 165,546 165,546 187,026 * SUPPLIES 18,106 20,189 22,155 22,155 20,337 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 35,409 37,497 44,146 44,146 37,511 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,780 800 800 1,600 ** NATURALIST 201,402 221,647 232,647 232,647 246,474 ENCUMBRANCES * SUPPLIES 430 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 2,016 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,000 0 ** ENCUMBRANCES 2,446 3,000 0 *** RECREATION & NATURALIST 760,196 810,960 907,388 679,061 1,021,120 • 38 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY - STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED _ 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET RECREATION �" 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 181,888 185,153 226,527 231,544 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 106 321 877 877 897 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 110,185 120,536 148,409 148,409 214,333 ... 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 89 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 35,809 36,951 4113 SEVERENCES & SEPARATIONS 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 4,509 4,741 5,320 5,320 6,412 ... 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 10,174 13,179 12,668 12,668 14,406 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 19,224 20,144 18,100 18,100 20,843 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 10,059 10,190 10,314 10,314 12,325 .... 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 549 324 360 360 181 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 210 217 210 210 252 4134 CASH BENEFITS 3,993 4,126 3,960 -3,960 4,344 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 4,597 4,410 3,962 3,962 5,661 * PERSONAL SERVICES 381,303 400,381 430,707 204,180 511,198 4212 FUELS & LUBES 813 840 850 850 867 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 3,034 4,425 4,065 4,065 4,065 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,162 1,878 1,875 1,875 1,910 _, 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 35,589 34,585 47,230 47,230 50,720 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 65 910 300 300 300 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 295 70 200 200 200 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 117 69 500 500 500 * SUPPLIES 42,075 42,777 55,020 55,020 58,562 ... 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 889 705 545 545 550 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 444 532 1,180 1,180 1,200 4332 COMMUNICATION 14,500 15,924 18,712 18,712 18,732 _, 4333 TRANSPORTATION 4,244 3,607 6,400 6,400 6,700 4334 ADVERTISING 369 1,794 550 550 700 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 17,657 15,227 20,543 20,543 20,400 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 6,003 6,553 6,356 6,356 6,374 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,053 1,832 3,235 3,235 3,050 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 59,847 56,479 75,617 75,617 79,803 4341 RENTALS 3,295 2,082 800 800 800 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 100 50 50 50 4350 PAYMENTS TO OTHER GOVTS. 23,930 36,520 53,226 53,226 64,527 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 132,231 141,355 187,214 187,214 202,886 4510 LAND 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 1,800 4540 MACHINERY 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 739 1,800 2,000 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 739 1,800 1,800 2,000 ** RECREATION 556,348 586,313 674,741 446,414 774,646 39 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 .CITY OF FRIDLEY TATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET - NATURALIST 101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 90,798 94,457 114,352 114,352 118,802 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 183 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 15,293 19,141 23,407 23,407 37,077 105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 16,688 20,248 4113 SEVERENCES & SEPARATIONS 931- ""120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,777 2,051 2,014 2,014 2,241 121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 4,852 5,272 5,923 5,923 6,759 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 7,599 8,768 8,612 8,612 9,584 11.131 HEALTH INSURANCE 6,659 6,826 6,396 6,396 6,872 132 DENTAL INSURANCE 331 240 180 180 362 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 130 138 126 126 126 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,996 1,988 1,980 1,980 2,172 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,695 2,869 2,556 2,556 3,031 * PERSONAL SERVICES 147,887 162,181 165,546 165,546 187,026 212 FUELS & LUBES 2,571 1,901 3,560 3,560 570 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 1,348 1,718 1,900 1,900 1,938 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 403 1,194 978 978 997 ?21 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10,434 12,362 11,522 11,522 12,553 .222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 2,721 1,967 3,345 3,345 3,412 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 290 586 335 335 342 -"?29 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 339 461 515 515 525 * SUPPLIES 18,106 20,189 22,155 22,155 20,337 530 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 334 421 342 342 350 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 472 520 440 440 449 4332 COMMUNICATION 4,546 4,888 6,658 6,658 6,812 i33 TRANSPORTATION 1,097 1,024 1,840 1,840 1,877 134 ADVERTISING 852 1,806 500 500 500 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 8,071 7,023 9,000 9,000 9,180 "'i36 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 2,929 2,557 3,101 3,101 2,487 i37 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 40 105 800 800 815 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 4,166 5,280 4,944 4,944 7,242 1.340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 12,643 13,758 15,771 15,771 7,039 i41 RENTALS 155 115 500 500 510 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 100 100 100 4350 PAYMENTS TO OTHER GOVTS. 104 150 150 150 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 35,409 37,497 44,146 44,146 37,511 1..10 LAND 30 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 4540 MACHINERY ;;560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1,780 800 800 1,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,780 800 800 1,600 40 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY ..- STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ** NATURALIST 201,402 221,647 232,647 232,647 246,474 41 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION * PERSONAL SERVICES 138,588 150,636 152,367 152,367 169,632 * SUPPLIES 2,134 1,532 2,607 2,607 1,957 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 55,378 53,846 76,810 75,688 76,314 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,651 0 ** BUILDING INSPECTION 211,751 206,014 231,784 230,662 247,903 PLANNING r * PERSONAL SERVICES • 282,723 313,695 325,844 325,844 336,584 * SUPPLIES 3,859 4,366 3,916 3,916 5,940 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 52,815 48,744 62,714 95,155 93,965 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 700 ** PLANNING 339,397 366,805 392,474 424,915 437,189 ENCUMBRANCES * SUPPLIES 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** ENCUMBRANCES 0 "- *** COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 551,148 572,819 624,258 655,577 685,092 42 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY - STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED _ 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET BUILDING INSPECTION -" 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 78,330 87,231 121,315 121,315 87,595 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 40 347 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 20,184 19,138 7,655 7,655 56,358 - 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 19,242 21,753 4113 SEVERANCES & SEPARATIONS 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,737 1,852 1,865 1,865 2,064 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 5,172 5,603 6,681 6,681 7,457 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 7,429 7,919 7,975 7,975 8,825 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 5,134 5,421 5,465 5,465 6,035 - 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 264 250 234 234 235 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 133 142 139 139 139 4134 CASH BENEFITS _ 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 923 980 1,038 1,038 924 * PERSONAL SERVICES 138,588 150,636 152,367 152,367 169,632 4212 FUELS & LUBES 25 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 889 363 742 742 742 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,082 1,169 1,865 1,865 1,215 _, 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 138 * SUPPLIES 2,134 1,532 2,607 2,607 1,957 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 172 210 5,255 5,255 2,766 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 450 500 545 645 645 4332 COMMUNICATION 1,917 1,865 1,832 1,832 2,643 - 4333 TRANSPORTATION 3,439 3,402 5,550 5,550 5,550 4334 ADVERTISING 1,517 1,100 1,100 1,100 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 1,494 1,731 1,222 1,472 - 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 1,824 2,003 1,931 1,931 1,948 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 573 564 3,350 3,350 3,350 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 45,509 42,054 56,025 56,025 56,840 4346 MISCELLANEOUS * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 55,378 53,846 76,810 75,688 76,314 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 15,651 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,651 ** BUILDING INSPECTION 211,751 206,014 231,784 230,662 247,903 43 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 .cJTY OF FRIDLEY FATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL -- ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ▪ PLANNING 101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 201,869 220,645 265,594 265,594 266,870 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 161 ,, 104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 2,085 3,234 7,845 7,845 15,649 105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 37 .112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 32,925 41,284 4113 SEVERANCES & SEPARATIONS -120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 3,451 3,844 3,959 3,959 4,151 121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 10,274 11,362 13,758 13,758 14,348 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 14,756 16,232 16,351 16,351 17,528 41.231 HEALTH INSURANCE 11,493 11,302 12,792 12,792 9,779 132 DENTAL INSURANCE 386 291 360 360 362 .i33 LIFE INSURANCE 252 249 252 252 252 4134 CASH BENEFITS 3,999 4,702 3,960 3,960 6,516 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,072 513 973 973 1,129 • PERSONAL SERVICES 282,723 313,695 325,844 325,844 336,584 !12 FUELS & LUBES 213 321 200 200 320 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,783 2,851 1,978 1,978 2,990 ,3, 21 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,863 831 1,638 1,638 1,730 :22 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE ,225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 800 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 363 100 100 100 SUPPLIES 3,859 4,366 3,916 3,916 5,940 4. 30 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7,931 9,545 22,265 50,000 38,840 31 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,865 2,118 1,865 1,865 2,165 4.532 COMMUNICATION 5,322 8,104 5,931 5,900 8,135 4333 TRANSPORTATION 271 280 300 300 300 34 ADVERTISING 11,341 6,617 10,656 10,656 7,700 _35 PRINTING & BINDING 3,732 3,692 4,618 4,618 19,050 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 2,424 2,462 2,566 2,566 2,462 -37 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 935 1,815 2,250 2,250 2,250 40 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 18,994 14,111 12,263 17,000 13,063 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 1350 PYMT TO OTHER AGENCIES - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 52,815 48,744 62,714 95,155 93,965 ▪ 20 BUILDING 60 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 700 '- CAPITAL OUTLAY 700 :: PLANNING 339,397 366,805 392,474 424,915 437,189 44 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET EMERGENCY 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 100,000 102,569 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 100,000 102,569 ** EMERGENCY 0 100,000 102,569 45 BUDGET 1999 �- CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - DEPARTMENT SUMMARY • ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET NON-DEPARTMENTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL * PERSONAL SERVICES 35,666 2,351 5,000 5,000 * SUPPLIES 186 406 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 36,399 35,343 64,408 71,408 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 ** NON-DEPARTMENTAL 72,251 38,100 69,408 76,408 ENCUMBRANCES * SUPPLIES 0 • ** ENCUMBRANCES 0 ▪ *** NON-DEPARTMENTAL 72,251 38,100 69,408 76,408 9,479,382 10,030,536 10,288,536 9,764,493 11,074,936 46 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY .._ STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED _ 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET NON-DEPARTMENTAL - 4140 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 35,666 2,351 5,000 5,000 * PERSONAL SERVICES 35,666 2,351 5,000 5,000 4212 FUELS & LUBES 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 166 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 186 240 .... * SUPPLIES 186 406 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8,784 16,161 25,000 25,000 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4332 COMMUNICATION _ 4333 TRANSPORTATION 4334 ADVERTISING 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 70 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 385 579 408 408 - 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 18,366 11,786 30,000 20,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 6,114 6,675 9,000 26,000 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 2,750 72 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 36,399 35,343 64,408 71,408 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS ..� * OTHER FINANCING USES ** NON-DEPARTMENTAL 72,251 38,100 69,408 76,408 • • 47 E.. — SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ✓ Special Revenue Funds are used to account for revenues derived from specific taxes or other earmarked revenue sources. They are usually required by statute, charter provision or local ordinance to finance particular governmental functions or activities. Cable TV Fund This fund receives revenues from the issuance of a franchise agreement with the cable TV provider. These revenues are used for the operation and maintenance of a government access channel. Grant Management Fund This fund administers grants received from a variety of intergovernmental agencies. In most cases, grant funds are provided on a reimbursement basis following proper a-4 documentation of expenditures, however, in some cases the money is provided in advance to be spent on specific activities outlined in the grant. Solid Waste Abatement Fund -- This fund was established in 1991. It reflects the City's solid waste abatement activities such as curbside recycling pickup and yard waste transfer management. Housing Revitalization This fund was established in 1994 in response to Council's "A" priority of impending --- housing rehabilitation programs to revitalize aging neighborhoods in the community. Police Activity Fund This fund was established in 2000 to manage the return of the excess funding from the 74 Police Consolidation account to the local jurisdiction. Fridley received $2,242,586. Per resolution 25-2000, this money may be used for providing extended funding for - police personnel originally funded through federal grants, capital outlay and - information technology. ■ 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 ■ CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED ■ 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET .... CABLE TV FUND 225-2600-321.80-00 ALL OTHER 106,530 117,555 113,000 113,000 97,041 225-0000-341.06-05 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 167 0 -- 225-0000-362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 8,101 6,135 7,500 7,500 225-2600-362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 454 7,500 0 225-0000-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 ■ 225-2500-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 225-2600-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 * CABLE TV FUND 114,631 124,311 120,500 120,500 104,541 ■ GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 227-0000-331.20-00 FEDERAL GRANTS 68,238 171,587 0 ,,,, 227-0000-331.30-00 CDBG 27,934 17,594 146,848 146,848 149,000 227-0000-331.40-00 CHORE SERVICES - TITLE 3 8,645 10,413 10,413 10,413 11,088 227-0000-331.50-00 COPS MORE GRANT 8,771 47,745 0 227-0000-331.63-00 SECTION 8 50,134 43,4% 43,146 43,146 44,798 227-0000-334.25-00 ALL OTHER STATE GRANTS 2,493 51,840 53,770 53,770 0 227-0000-336.31-00 OTHER CITIES AND COUNTY 0 227-0000-362.30-00 GENERAL CONTRIB/DONATIONS 87 ■ 227-0000-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 227-0000-391.01-00 SALE OF GEN FIXED ASSETS 5,000 0 227-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 * GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 166,215 347,675 254,177 254,177 204,973 HRA REIMBURSEMENT FUND ■ 236-0000-336.30-00 HRA 17,249 16,521 0 236-0000-336.31-00 OTHER CITIES AND COUNTY 0 236-0000-362.20-00 RENTS AND ROYALTIES 0 ■ 236-0000-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 1 0 * HRA REIMBURSEMENT FUND 17,250 16,521 0 ■ SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 237-0000-334.25-00 ALL OTHER STATE GRANTS 78,286 75,673 75,672 75,220 75,000 237-0000-336.31-00 OTHER CITIES AND COUNTY 21,000 0 '-' 237-0000-345.01-00 YARD WASTE 5,055 3,575 7,200 4,000 4,000 237-0000-345.02-00 RECYCLING FEES 136,355 137,383 205,000 205,000 188,000 237-2900-345.02-00 RECYCLING FEES 0 ■ 237-0000-345.04-00 RECYCLING PENALTIES 3,945 4,566 3,254 3,000 3,000 237-3400-345.09-00 RECYCLING CENTER FEES 73,217 106,000 78,165 0 237-2900-362.30-00 GENERAL CONTRIB/DONATIONS 0 237-0000-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 107 833 0 ■ 237-2900-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 237-3400-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 1,000 5,450 0 237-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 -'- 237-2900-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 * SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 223,748 316,247 398,126 370,835 270,000 DRUG & GAMBLING FORFEIT 48 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY "' STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED ■ 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET 240-0000-351.20-00 DRUG 8 GAMBLING FORFEITS 1,090 0 * DRUG it GAMBLING FORFEIT 1,090 0 HOUSING REVITALIZATION 245-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 250,000 250,000 250,000 * �' HOUSING REVITALIZATION 250,000 250,000 250,000 521,844 805,844 1,022,803 995,512 829,514 • 49 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 - CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - FUND SUMMARY ,.., ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET CABLE TV FUND * PERSONAL SERVICES 41,467 56,228 62,301 62,301 60,125 _, * SUPPLIES 2,005 1,458 2,650 2,650 2,650 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 51,616 106,445 58,379 58,379 58,704 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,380 33,004 14,000 14,000 40,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 ** CABLE TV FUND 101,468 197,135 137,330 137,330 161,479 GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND * PERSONAL SERVICES 110,484 207,658 104,727 104,727 47,549 -' * SUPPLIES 5,049 8,866 165 165 240 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 23,823 33,827 149,372 149,372 149,962 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,771 111,112 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 ** GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 148,127 361,463 254,264 254,264 197,751 HRA REIMBURSEMENT FUND * PERSONAL SERVICES 132 0 * SUPPLIES 483 162 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 16,123 16,635 0 - * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 - * DEBT SERVICE 0 - ** HRA REIMBURSEMENT FUND 16,738 16,797 0 SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT - * PERSONAL SERVICES 29,369 68,828 76,098 76,618 52,059 * SUPPLIES 5,379 71,888 7,074 7,074 5,400 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 197,802 210,902 331,280 333,223 266,316 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,050 1,065 1,000 15 0 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - FUND SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ** SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 243,600 352,683 414,452 416,915 324,775 DRUG & GAMBLING FORFEIT -- * SUPPLIES 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 155 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** DRUG & GAMBLING FORFEIT 155 0 HOUSING REVITALIZATION * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 388 5,801 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 41,991 250,000 250,000 250,000 ** HOUSING REVITALIZATION 42,379 5,801 250,000 250,000 250,000 552,312 934,034 1,056,046 1,058,509 934,005 51 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 2 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 ESTIMATED .... 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET CITY CHANNEL CITY CHANNEL 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 2,517 7,889 29,466 29,466 0 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 40 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 12,787 17,379 3,200 3,200 30,440 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 21,653 22,303 22,972 22,972 22,972 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 2,061 2,984 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 252 406 473 473 431 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 780 1,234 1,526 1,526 1,550 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,079 1,736 2,025 2,025 1,844 "- 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 231 2,125 2,478 2,478 2,546 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 27 181 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 4 42 42 42 42 4140 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 63 103 119 119 119 ..... * PERSONAL SERVICES 41,467 56,228 62,301 62,301 60,125 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7 7 50 50 50 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,002 1,403 1,300 1,300 1,500 -- 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 760 48 300 300 100 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 202 1,000 1,000 1,000 * SUPPLIES 1,971 1,458 2,650 2,650 2,650 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,466 5,844 500 500 650 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 805 1,550 1,550 1,000 4332 COMMUNICATION 334 386 390 390 400 4333 TRANSPORTATION 213 348 250 250 350 4334 ADVERTISING 176 726 1,000 1,000 1,000 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 96 59 450 450 50 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 707 843 749 749 820 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 225 275 730 730 500 -.. 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 4,463 4,693 9,960 9,960 10,280 4341 RENTALS 100 100 100 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 40,200 41,854 42,700 42,700 43,554 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 47,880 55,833 58,379 58,379 58,704 4540 MACHINERY 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 6,380 33,004 14,000 14,000 40,000 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,380 33,004 14,000 14,000 40,000 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 "" * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 g.. ** CITY CHANNEL 97,698 146,523 137,330 137,330 161,479 52 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 .- ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 _ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 41-01 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 4,315 0 41-02 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 15,347 0 41-04 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 88,343 151,364 84,973 84,973 41,992 41-05 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 2,131 723 0 41-12 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 4,583 2,240 0 41-20 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,426 2,404 1,276 1,276 609 41-21 PERA CONTRIBUTION 2,937 8,351 4,401 4,401 2,175 41-22 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 6,099 9,713 5,454 5,454 2,603 41-31 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,190 7,075 4,098 4,098 0 - 41-32 DENTAL INSURANCE 37 0 41-33 LIFE INSURANCE 98 63 63 0 41-34 CASH BENEFITS 2,130 2,990 2,990 0 ..... 41-50 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,775 3,861 1,472 1,472 170 * PERSONAL SERVICES 110,484 207,658 104,727 104,727 47,549 42-20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 320 101 165 165 165 42-21 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,729 8,765 75 * SUPPLIES 5,049 8,866 165 165 240 43-30 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8 1,400 0 43-31 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 43-32 COMMUNICATION 2,878 3,397 2,486 2,486 2,896 43-33 TRANSPORTATION 1,318 355 200 200 320 43-34 ADVERTISING 294 203 0 - 43-35 PRINTING & BINDING 1,156 355 670 670 297 43-37 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 6 201 0 43-40 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 2,605 21,775 3,168 3,168 3,601 43-41 RENTALS 176 0 43-46 MISCELLANEOUS 0 43-50 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 15,382 6,141 142,848 142,848 142,848 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 23,823 33,827 149,372 149,372 149,962 45-10 LAND 0 -' 45-20 BUILDING 0 45-30 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 50,000 0 45-40 MACHINERY 8,771 27,923 0 _, 45-60 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 33,189 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,771 111,112 0 47-20 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 - ** GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 148,127 361,463 254,264 254,264 197,751 - 53 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT "" SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 41-01 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 15,352 29,154 36,300 36,300 38,672 .. 41-04 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 7,270 5,893 3,696 3,696 3,881 41-05 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 16 0 41-12 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 2,285 3,821 0 41-20 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 358 452 473 473 519 41-21 PERA CONTRIBUTION 998 1,487 1,880 1,880 2,003 41-22 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,530 1,931 2,023 2,023 2,220 41-31 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,293 4,064 4,098 4,098 4,507 - 41-32 DENTAL INSURANCE 98 0 41-33 LIFE INSURANCE 25 42 42 42 42 41-50 WORKERS COMPENSATION 160 178 191 191 215 * PERSONAL SERVICES 29,369 47,038 48,703 48,703 52,059 42-20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 86 100 100 100 "" 42-21 OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,126 13,503 5,820 5,820 5,300 42-22 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 747- 0 .-. * SUPPLIES 5,379 13,589 5,920 5,920 5,400 43-30 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,942 303 200 200 0 43-31 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 20 19 225 225 225 43-32 COMMUNICATION 1,671 3,644 1,975 1,975 1,975 43-33 TRANSPORTATION 340 200 200 340 43-34 ADVERTISING 460 455 500 500 1,100 "- 43-35 PRINTING & BINDING 157 1,794 1,793 1,750 43-36 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 1,715 1,957 1,816 1,816 1,904 43-37 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 60 200 200 200 43-38 UTILITY SERVICES 1,162 0 43-40 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 188,726 192,617 242,305 242,305 258,822 43-41 RENTALS 60 0 43-46 MISCELLANEOUS 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 197,751 202,351 247,421 249,214 266,316 "- 45-30 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 11,050 1,000 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,050 1,000 ** SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 243,549 262,978 302,044 303,837 324,775 *** SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 243,549 262,978 302,044 303,837 324,775 54 PREPARED 11/19/98, 08:51:00 DETAIL BUDGET WORKSHEET PAG FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999 - HANSEN, PAUL HOUSING REVITALIZATION DETAI ESTIMATED - 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET HOUSING REVITALIZATION HOUSING REVITALIZATION HOUSING REVITALIZATION 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 344 0 - 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 44 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 5,000 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 801 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 388 5,801 0 4510 LAND 41,991 0 -^ 4520 BUILDING 250,000 250,000 250,000 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 41,991 250,000 250,000 250,000 ** HOUSING REVITALIZATION 42,379 5,801 250,000 250,000 250,000 *** HOUSING REVITALIZATION 42,379 5,801 250,000 250,000 250,000 **** HOUSING REVITALIZATION 42,379 5,801 250,000 250,000 250,000 55 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Projects Funds are used to account for the resources expended to acquire permanent or :long-term assets. These funds are established to pro vide special accounting for bond proceeds, grants and contributions designated for the acquisition of capital assets. Capital Projects Funds provide a formal mechanism which enables administrators to ensure that revenues designated for specific purposes are properly used Capital Improvement Fund This fund is used to account for monies received from property taxes, state aids, interest income and contributions that are used to finance major improvements and the acquisition of assets that require a large capital outlay. This fund is broken down into three separate divisions; General, Streets, and Parks. _. The City prepares a separate five year Capital Improvement Plan which details the o proposed use of these funds. It is included in this section. 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY ... STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 408-0000-311.10-00 CURRENT AD VALOREM 0 408-0000-311.20-00 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 0 "" 408-0000-334.02-00 HOMESTEAD/AG CREDIT AID 0 408-0000-334.25-00 ALL OTHER STATE GRANTS 0 408-0000-336.31-00 OTHER CITIES AND COUNTY 62,500 0 . _" 408-0000-361.10-00 FROM COUNTY - PRINCIPAL 2,110 1,792 0 408-0000-362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 111,173 94,764 84,192 85,000 86,072 408-0000-361.20-00 DIRECT TO CITY-PRINCIPAL 0 _ 408-0000-362.30-00 GENERAL CONTRIB/DONATIONS 21,500 0 408-0000-362.41-00 INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT 0 408-0000-362.51-00 SALE OF MISC. PROPERTY 0 408-0000-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 - 408-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 1,563,515 0 * CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 134,783 1,722,571 84,192 85,000 86,072 STREETS 408-0006-334.19-00 MUN STATE AID ST-CONSTRUC 411,160 605,233 0 408-0006-336.31-00 OTHER CITIES AND COUNTY 66,118 0 408-0006-341.08-00 PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION 0 408-0006-362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 262,152 218,369 246,951 250,000 290,716 408-0006-361.20-00 DIRECT TO CITY-PRINCIPAL 0 408-0006-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 408-0006-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 271,717 0 * STREETS 739,430 1,095,319 246,951 250,000 290,716 PARKS 408-0007-311.10-00 CURRENT AD VALOREM 71,339 71,155 70,550 70,550 70,550 "" 408-0007-311.20-00 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 438 419 0 408-0007-334.02-00 HOMESTEAD/AG CREDIT AID 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 408-0007-362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 108,389 98,884 22,007 23,000 40,437 .. 408-0007-362.20-00 RENTS AND ROYALTIES 0 408-0007-362.30-00 GENERAL CONTRIB/DONATIONS 1,300 0 408-0007-362.31-00 PARK FEES 40,978 31,140 10,000 10,000 30,000 _ 408-0007-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 408-0007-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 * PARKS 236,144 217,898 117,557 118,550 155,987 ** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,110,357 3,035,788 448,700 453,550 532,775 56 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - FUND SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND ... * PERSONAL SERVICES 0 * SUPPLIES 6,222 3,502 12,000 12,000 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 28,741 74,636 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 126,121 1,744,679 268,000 268,000 479,500 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 ** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 161,084 1,822,817 280,000 280,000 479,500 STREETS - * PERSONAL SERVICES 5,300 1,086 37,737 37,737 50,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 600 160,000 160,000 0 - * CAPITAL OUTLAY 47,913 21,726 286,000 286,000 2,160,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 710,845 1,082,956 0 ** STREETS 764,658 1,105,768 483,737 483,737 2,210,000 -, PARKS * PERSONAL SERVICES 813 654 7,735 7,735 0 _ * SUPPLIES 103 270 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 155 1,250 0 .._ * CAPITAL OUTLAY 204,233 223,288 261,000 261,000 300,500 ** PARKS 205,304 225,462 268,735 268,735 300,500 *** GENERAL 1,131,046 3,154,047 1,032,472 1,032,472 2,990,000 57 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 1 '- FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 ESTIMATED _ 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND "- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 0 ... 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 0 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0 * PERSONAL SERVICES 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,222 804 12,000 12,000 0 --- 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 2,698 a 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 0 * SUPPLIES 6,222 3,502 12,000' 12,000 0 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 27,109 9,700 0 4334 ADVERTISING 103 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 0 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,632 64,737 0 ... 4341 RENTALS 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 96 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 28,741 74,636 0 4520 BUILDING 1,710,018 159,500 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 61,048 34,661 215,000 215,000 0 — 4540 MACHINERY 53,000 53,000 320,000 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 65,073 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 126,121 1,744,679 268,000 268,000 479,500 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 -- ** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 161,084 1,822,817 280,000 280,000 479,500 58 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 2 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET STREETS 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 5,300 1,086 37,737 37,737 50,000 ., * PERSONAL SERVICES 5,300 1,086 37,737 37,737 50,000 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 4334 ADVERTISING 76 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 524 160,000 160,000 0 - * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 600 160,000 160,000 0 4510 LAND 0 .... 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 47,913 21,726 286,000 286,000 2,160,000 4540 MACHINERY 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 47,913 21,726 286,000 286,000 2,160,000 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 710,845 1,082,956 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 710,845 1,082,956 0 ** STREETS 764,658 1,105,768 483,737 483,737 2,210,000 59 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET PARKS 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 813 654 7,735 7,735 0 * PERSONAL SERVICES 813 654 7,735 7,735 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 103 270 0 * SUPPLIES 103 270 0 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 4334 ADVERTISING 155 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,250 0 4341 RENTALS 0 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 155 1,250 0 4510 LAND 0 4520 BUILDING 0 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 204,233 223,288 261,000 261,000 300,500 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 204,233 223,288 261,000 261,000 300,500 ** PARKS 205,304 225,462 268,735 268,735 300,500 *** GENERAL 1,131,046 3,154,047 1,032,472 1,032,472 2,990,000 **** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,131,046 3,154,047 1,032,472 1,032,472 2,990,000 1,131,046 3,154,047 1,032,472 1,032,472 2,990,000 60 t AGENCY FUND Six Cities Watershed Agency Fund This fund was established to account for the collection of taxes received from the County on behalf of the Six Cities Watershed District. t IRS. Y ,_, „ , _..„, lt.:,,..,,.,, ..L.,..,:i. W1- BUDGET 1999 City of Fridley ... State of Minnesota Agency Funds Expenditure Detail-Line Item Detail 805 S''C�i' Wat $ �,,wr b- *470 a ' uA p .I 161Y.,--4 i � )/ ,y ': 7-a ACCT ACCOUNT DE$CR+ �'4 ` : . I END a' B NO � . .. << �� � PERSONAL SERVICES: 4101 Full time-regular 4102 Full time-regular,ot 4104 Temporary-regular 4105 Temporary-regular,ot 4112 Employees leave 4120 Medicare contribution 4121 PERA contribution 4122 FICA contribution 4131 Health insurance 4133 Life insurance 4140 Unemployment compensation 4150 Worker's compensation 4170 Work order transfer TOTAL 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 SUPPLIES: --. 4220 Office supplies 4221 Operating supplies 4212 Fuels and lubes 4217 Clothing/laundry allowance �■ 4222 Repair&maintenance supplies 4225 Small tools and minor equipment 4229 Work order transfer parts TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 — OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES: 4330 Professional services 4332 Communication 4333 Transportation "" 4334 Advertising 4331 Dues and subscriptions 4335 Printing and binding 4336 Insurance,non-personnel .—, 4337 Conferences and school 4338 Utility services 4340 Services contracted 4346 Miscellaneous 4350 Payments to other/contribution 0 3,900 7,800 7,822 7,822 7,822 TOTAL 0 3,900 7,800 7,822 7,822 7,822 CAPITAL OUTLAY: — 4510 Land 4520 Building 4530 Improvements other than bldg 4540 Machinery 4560 Furniture and fixtures — TOTAL 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 3,900 7,800 7,822 7,822 7,822 '— 61 t. Y 11 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds are used to account for the operations of self-supporting governmental r7 activities which render services or goods to the public. The accounting records are maintained on an accrual basis. k The reporting for enterprise funds is similar to comparable private enterprises. Creditors, legislators or the general public can evaluate the performance of a municipal enterprises on the same basis as they the y can performance of investor-owned a enterprises. Public Utilities es Fund [ { This fund accounts for the operations of the City-owned water, sewer and storm water systems. Liquor Fund This fund accounts for the operation of three off-sale liquor establishments. ,. . 1 1 , , „. L 7 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 - CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET WATER FUND 601-0000-342.04-00 INVESTIGATION FEES 0 601-0000-361.10-00 FROM COUNTY - PRINCIPAL 91- 0 - 601-0000-362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 109,333 92,891 178,001 178,001 191,027 601-0000-362.20-00 RENTS AND ROYALTIES 0 601-0000-362.41-00 INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT 0 601-0000-362.51-00 SALE OF MISC. PROPERTY 78 0 601-0000-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 36 2,284 0 601-0000-371.10-00 WATER SALES 1,543,782 1,599,329 1,450,955 1,450,955 1,599,329 601-0000-371.20-00 WATER FLAT RATE SALES 4,301 17,546 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 601-0000-371.50-00 CONNECT/RECONNECT FEES 665 730 300 300 300 601-0000-371.60-00 PENALTIES/FORFEIT DISCONT 37,270 40,461 25,000 25,000 25,000 601-0000-371.70-00 METER SALES 17,117 13,476 13,600 13,600 13,600 _ 601-0000-371.80-00 WATER TAPPING & MISC. 18,220 14,948 14,300 14,300 14,300 601-0000-371.90-00 STATE CONNECT PENALTIES 0 601-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 13,252 13,650 14,060 14,060 14,060 601-0000-392.01-10 TRANSFER OF BOND PROCEEDS 0 * WATER FUND 1,743,885 1,795,393 1,701,216 1,701,216 1,862,616 62 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY - STATE OF MINNESOTA WATER FUND SUMMARY ESTIMATED - 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET WATER FUND - POWER AND PUMPING * SUPPLIES 2,386 5,663 2,400 2,400 2,400 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 271,174 270,167 254,320 254,220 255,020 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** POWER AND PUMPING 273,560 275,830 256,720 256,620 257,420 *** POWER AND PUMPING 273,560 275,830 256,720 256,620 257,420 PURIFICATION - * SUPPLIES 50,215 52,258 65,775 65,675 65,775 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 14,317 15,365 31,370 31,200 38,440 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 27,828- 0 ** PURIFICATION 36,704 67,623 97,145 96,875 104,215 - *** PURIFICATION 36,704 67,623 97,145 96,875 104,215 TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION * PERSONAL SERVICES 251,304 264,080 265,841 263,490 278,963 * SUPPLIES 48,901 39,036 47,000 46,800 42,960 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 46,610 24,881 33,945 33,690 38,605 _, * CAPITAL OUTLAY 31,260 0 • ** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 378,075 327,997 346,786 343,980 360,528 �' *** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 378,075 327,997 346,786 343,980 360,528 - ADMINISTRATION * PERSONAL SERVICES 181,046 188,048 195,936 195,936 231,519 ., * SUPPLIES 2,659 159 2,300 2,300 250 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 455,049 501,179 502,128 502,128 532,968 '� * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 2,773 2,856 2,942 2,942 2,986 ** ADMINISTRATION 441,527 692,242 703,306 703,306 767,723 - 63 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 - CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA WATER FUND SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET *** ADMINISTRATION 641,527 692,242 703,306 703,306 767,723 _ DEBT SERVICE-1991 BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 91,843 88,435 86,920 86,920 83,123 ** DEBT SERVICE 91,843 88,435 86,920 86,920 83,123 *** DEBT SERVICE-1991 BONDS 91,843 88,435 86,920 86,920 83,123 DEBT SERVICE-TI BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 26,589 24,854 24,540 24,540 22,780 ** DEBT SERVICE-1990 TI BOND 26,589 24,854 24,540 24,540 22,780 - *** DEBT SERVICE-TI BONDS 26,589 24,854 24,540 24,540 22,780 BONDS OF 1994 * DEBT SERVICE 4,394 4,161 4,910 4,910 4,645 ** BONDS OF 1994 4,394 4,161 4,910 4,910 4,645 *** BONDS OF 1994 4,394 4,161 4,910 4,910 4,645 ..... 1996 BOND ISSUANCE * DEBT SERVICE 24,842 86,102 84,424 84,424 81,195 ** 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 24,842 86,102 84,424 84,424 81,195 *** 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 24,842 86,102 84,424 84,424 81,195 1998A BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 0 ** 1998A BONDS 0 *** 1998A BONDS 0 **** WATER FUND 1,477,534 1,567,244 1,604,751 1,601,575 1,681,629 64 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 2 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 .„ WATER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 -' ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET POWER AND PUMPING - 4212 FUELS & LUBES 1- 100 100 100 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 5 100 100 100 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 2,382 5,663 2,200 2,200 2,200 * SUPPLIES 2,386 5,663 2,400 2,400 2,400 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,094 2,333 2,100 2,100 2,300 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 238,612 233,297 238,000 238,000 238,000 -„ 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 30,468 34,537 14,100 14,000 14,600 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 120- 120 120 • * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 271,174 270,167 254,320 254,220 255,020 4510 LAND 0 - 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** POWER AND PUMPING 273,560 275,830 256,720 256,620 257,420 umma ...... �a 6 5 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 3 - FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 WATER FUND _ ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET - PURIFICATION 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 543 75 75 75 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 126 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 50,215 51,589 65,700 65,600 65,700 * SUPPLIES 50,215 52,258 65,775 65,675 65,775 "- 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 852 6,000 6,000 6,000 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,380 1,505 1,420 1,400 1,540 4334 ADVERTISING 2,000 - 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 10,241 12,810 • 21,900 21,800 26,900 4341 RENTALS 993 1,005 1,150 1,100 1,100 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 851 45 900 " 900 900 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 14,317 15,365 31,370 31,200 38,440 - 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 27,828- 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 27,828- 0 ** PURIFICATION 36,704 67,623 97,145 96,875 104,215 i • 66 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 4 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 WATER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION - 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 145,107 150,311 182,170 182,100 190,814 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 22,121 21,440 20,817 20,800 22,713 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 9,635 9,307 11,547 11,500 11,495 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 25,641 30,926 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 2,912 3,032 3,094 3,000 3,155 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 8,599 8,852 10,515 10,500 9,885 "' 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 12,450 12,966 13,227 13,200 13,492 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 14,830 15,193 14,592 14,500 17,668 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 71 253 180 180 362 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 210 210 210 210 210 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,997 1,988 1,980 2,172 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6,499 7,264 6,309 6,300 5,797 4170 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-LABOR 1,232 2,338 1,200 1,200 1,200 - * PERSONAL SERVICES 251,304 264,080 265,841 263,490 278,963 4212 FUELS & LUBES 5,450 5,371 5,100 5,000 5,400 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 2,353 3,673 3,000 3,000 3,000 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 396 65 400 400 400 - 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,242 691 1,000 1,000 1,060 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 37,693 25,752 33,500 33,400 29,100 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 382 789 1,000 1,000 1,000 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 1,385 2,695 3,000 3,000 3,000 * SUPPLIES 48,901 39,036 47,000 46,800 42,960 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 559 636 1,000 1,000 1,000 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 8,321 702 8,955 8,900 8,955 4332 COMMUNICATION 136 709 340 340 2,740 4333 TRANSPORTATION 1,062 503 650 650 1,010 4334 ADVERTISING 537 400 400 500 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,077 1,917 1,600 1,600 1,900 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 5,024 5,991 4,600 4,600 5,900 - 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 30,431 13,781 16,200 16,000 16,400 4341 RENTALS 105 200 200 200 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 - * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 46,610 24,881 33,945 33,690 38,605 - 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 4540 MACHINERY 31,260 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 31,260 0 ** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 378,075 327,997 346,786 343,980 360,528 67 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 5 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 WATER FUND - ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ' ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ADMINISTRATION 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 22,680 26,463 31,988 31,988 59,126 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 0 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 148,575 153,032 157,623 157,623 159,987 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 4,098 2,762 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 401 428 479 479 786 --. 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 1,203 1,390 1,657 1,657 3,063 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,714 1,831 2,049 2,049 3,362 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 334 2,726 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 28 0 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 42 42 42 42 84 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,873 1,988 1,980 1,980 2,172 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 98 112 118 118 213 * PERSONAL SERVICES 181,046 188,048 195,936 195,936 231,519 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 122 86 200 200 100 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,487 73 2,100 2,100 150 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP - 50 0 * SUPPLIES 2,659 159 2,300 2,300 250 - 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,417 1,795 16,537 16,537 16,654 I 4332 COMMUNICATION 15,493 13,585 18,770 18,770 17,324 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 4334 ADVERTISING 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 23 2,063 400 400 2;000 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 15,301 12,719 16,200 16,200 12,719 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 20 125 125 125 - 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 9,165 6,214 13,170 13,170 13,170 4342 DEPRECIATION 272,068 328,503 298,897 298,897 332,947 4343 DEPRECIATION-CONTRIBUTED 118,029 118,029 • 118,029 118,029 118,029 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 95 0 4348 COST OF GOODS SOLD 23,458 18,251 20,000 20,000 20,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 455,049 501,179 502,128 502,128 532,968 4540 MACHINERY 0 - 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 2,773 2,856 2,942 2,942 2,986 * OTHER FINANCING USES 2,773 2,856 2,942 2,942 2,986 ** ADMINISTRATION 641,527 692,242 703,306 703,306 767,723 68 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 6 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 rn" WATER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET rnrn DEBT SERVICE 4603 DISCOUNT ON BONDS PAYABLE 0 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 91,305 88,010 85,920 85,920 82,123 ... 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 538 425 1,000 1,000 1,000 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0 * DEBT SERVICE 91,843 88,435 86,920 86,920 83,123 ** DEBT SERVICE 91,843 88,435 86,920 86,920 83,123 - rnrn rnrn rnrn 69 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 7 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 WATER FUND ._ ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET DEBT SERVICE-1990 TI BOND 4603 DISCOUNT ON BONDS PAYABLE 0 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 26,105 24,533 23,540 23,540 21,780 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 484 321 1,000 1,000 1,000 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0 * DEBT SERVICE 26,589 24,854 24,540 24,540 22,780 ** DEBT SERVICE-1990 TI BOND 26,589 24,854 24,540 24,540 22,780 70 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 8 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 _- WATER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET BONDS OF 1994 ""' 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 4,310 4,061 3,910 3,910 3,645 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 84 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 _ 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0 * DEBT SERVICE 4,394 4,161 4,910 4,910 4,645 ** BONDS OF 1994 4,394 4,161 4,910 4,910 4,645 71 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 9 -. FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 WATER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 7,944 86,102 83,424 83,424 80,195 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 1,000 1,000 1,000 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 16,898 0 * DEBT SERVICE 24,842 86,102 84,424 84,424 81,195 ** 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 24,842 86,102 84,424 84,424 81,195 72 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY - STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED - 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET SEWER FUND -- 602-0000-361.20-00 DIRECT TO CITY-PRINCIPAL 0 602-0000-362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 32,579 59,791 34,979 34,979 91,284 602-0000-362.51-00 SALE OF MISC. PROPERTY 78 0 602-0000-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 602-0000-372.10-00 SEWER SALES 3,268,847 3,242,172 3,017,500 3,017,500 3,242,172 602-0000-372.20-00 SEWER FLAT RATE SALES 521,601 1,334,466 997,500 997,500 1,334,466 602-0000-372.50-00 CONNECT/RECONNECT FEES 2,807 1,030 300 300 300 ... 602-0000-372.60-00 PENALTIES/FORFEIT DISCONT 61,868 68,735 40,000 40,000 40,000 602-0000-372.70-00 SEWER TAPPING/SUPPLY/MISC 1,484 2,000 2,000 2,000 602-0000-372.70-10 EXTRODINARY GAIN-MWCC SAC 80,327 0 - 602-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 21,741 22,393 23,065 23,065 23,065 602-0000-392.01-10 TRANSFER OF BOND PROCEEDS 0 * SEWER FUND 3,991,254 4,728,665 4,115,344 4,115,344 4,733,287 73 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 - CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA SEWER FUND SUMMARY ESTIMATED ACTUAL 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET SEWER FUND DISPOSAL * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3,112,047 3,016,381 3,098,000 3,000,000 3,156,862 ** DISPOSAL 3,112,047 3,016,381 3,098,000 3,000,000 3,156,862 *** DISPOSAL 3,112,047 3,016,381 3,098,000 3,000,000 3,156,862 POWER AND PUMPING - * SUPPLIES 5,058 4,624 7,050 7,000 6,700 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 19,955 56,536- 22,800 22,800 23,600 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** POWER AND PUMPING 25,013 51,912- 29,850 29,800 30,300 *** POWER AND PUMPING 25,013 51,912- 29,850 29,800 30,300 SEWAGE COLLECTION * PERSONAL SERVICES 256,563 277,484 269,088 268,550 280,945 * SUPPLIES 26,589 39,193 32,775 32,775 35,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 24,881 60,242 38,470 38,470 32,120 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ... ** SEWAGE COLLECTION 308,033 376,919 340,333 339,795 348,065 *** SEWAGE COLLECTION 308,033 376,919 340,333 339,795 348,065 ... ADMINISTRATION * PERSONAL SERVICES 143,154 147,449 151,872 151,872 154,150 * SUPPLIES 100 100 100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 204,887 231,791 231,502 231,502 254,382 * OTHER FINANCING USES 10,052 10,354 10,665 10,665 10,665 ** ADMINISTRATION 358,093 389,594 394,139 394,139 419,297 -' *** ADMINISTRATION 358,093 389,594 394,139 394,139 419,297 BONDS OF 1994 * DEBT SERVICE 4,114 3,881 4,630 4,630 4,365 74 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA SEWER FUND SUMMARY ESTIMATED ACTUAL 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ** BONDS OF 1994 4,114 3,881 4,630 4,630 4,365 - *** BONDS OF 1994 4,114 3,881 4,630 4,630 4,365 - **** SEWER FUND 3,807,300 3,734,863 3,866,952 3,768,364 3,958,889 • 75 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 2 '- FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 SEWER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET DISPOSAL DISPOSAL 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 3,112,047 3,016,381 3,098,000 3,000,000 3,156,862 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3,112,047 3,016,381 3,098,000 3,000,000 3,156,862 ** DISPOSAL 3,112,047 3,016,381 3,098,000 3,000,000 3,156,862 *** DISPOSAL 3,112,047 3,016,381 3,098,000 3,000,000 3,156,862 • 76 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 SEWER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 - ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET POWER AND PUMPING - POWER AND PUMPING 4212 FUELS & LUBES 0 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 5,058 4,535 7,050 7,000 6,700 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 89 0 * SUPPLIES 5,058 4,624 7,050 7,000 6,700 "- 4332 COMMUNICATION 3,401 3,258 3,500 3,500 3,500 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 13,210 64,596- 15,000 15,000 15,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 3,344 4,802 4,300 4,300 5,100 4341 RENTALS 0 - * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 19,955 56,536- 22,800 22,800 23,600 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0. 4540 MACHINERY 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** POWER AND PUMPING 25,013 51,912- 29,850 29,800 30,300 *** POWER AND PUMPING 25,013 51,912- 29,850 29,800 30,300 77 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 4 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 SEWER FUND ..... ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ... SEWAGE COLLECTION SEWAGE COLLECTION 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 148,208 150,154 183,570 183,500 191,587 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 22,147 30,968 21,423 21,400 21,691 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 10,044 13,999 9,605 9,600 11,868 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 41 63 0 .. 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 25,059 26,957 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 2,292 2,514 2,442 2,400 2,504 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 11,636 12,413 13,198 13,000 12,925 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 9,799 10,749 10,440 10,400 10,708 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 14,191 14,109 14,232 14,200 15,707 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 549 544 540 540 543 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 210 210 210 210 210 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,996 1,988 1,980 1,900 2,172 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 8,290 8,830 8,148 8,100 7,730 4170 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-LABOR . 2,101 3,986 3,300 3,300 3,300 * PERSONAL SERVICES 256,563 277,484 269,088 268,550 280,945 4212 FUELS & LUBES 6,987 6,962 7,000 7,000 7,000 -- 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 2,535 3,885 3,000 3,000 3,700 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 105 100 75 75 100 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 557 77 400 400 400 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 9,951 18,665 13,000 13,000 14,300 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 396 417 800 800 500 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 6,058 9,087 8,500 8,500 9,000 "' * SUPPLIES 26,589 39,193 32,775 32,775 35,000 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 604 707 1,000 1,000 1,050 .... 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 232 170 270 270 270 4332 COMMUNICATION 140 153 150 150 150 4333 TRANSPORTATION 403 317 600 600 500 _ 4334 ADVERTISING 161 200 200 200 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 24 50 50 50 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 892 1,571 1,200 1,200 1,400 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 3,210 4,267 3,300 3,300 4,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 19,376 48,652 31,500 31,500 24,300 4341 RENTALS 4,244 200 200 200 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 24,881 60,242 38,470 38,470 32,120 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 -� * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** SEWAGE COLLECTION 308,033 376,919 340,333 339,795 348,065 78 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 6 • FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 �. SEWER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 r ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 143,154 147,449 151,872 151,872 154,150 * PERSONAL SERVICES 143,154 147,449 151,872 151,872 154,150 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 100 100 100 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 0 * SUPPLIES 100 100 100 _. 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 925 13,475 2,030 2,030 2,200 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,400 2,400 2,400 ' 2,400 2,400 4332 COMMUNICATION 4,132 4,109 6,144 6,144 5,144 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 4334 ADVERTISING 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 140 140 140 �- 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 8,114 7,031 8,591 8,591 8,591 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 3,069 3,069 5,569 5,569 5,569 _, 4342 DEPRECIATION 60,574 76,034 80,955 80,955 104,665 4343 DEPRECIATION-CONTRIBUTED 125,673 125,673 125,673 125,673 125,673 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 4348 COST OF GOODS SOLD 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 204,887 231,791 231,502 231,502 254,382 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 10,052 10,354 10,665 10,665 10,665 * OTHER FINANCING USES 10,052 10,354 10,665 10,665 10,665 .... ** ADMINISTRATION 358,093 389,594 394,139 394,139 419,297 *** ADMINISTRATION 358,093 389,594 394,139 394,139 419,297 79 11/19/98 BUDGET PREPARATION WORKSHEET PAGE 7 FOR FISCAL YEAR 99 SEWER FUND ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET BONDS OF 1994 BONDS OF 1994 4625 BOND ISSUANCE FEES 0 - 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 4,030 3,781 3,630 3,630 3,365 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 84 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0 * DEBT SERVICE 4,114 3,881 4,630 4,630 4,365 ** BONDS OF 1994 4,114 3,881 4,630 4,630 4,365 *** BONDS OF 1994 4,114 3,881 4,630 4,630 4,365 **** SEWER FUND 3,821,950 3,745,637 3,866,952 3,768,364 3,958,889 3,821,950 3,745,637 3,866,952 3,768,364 3,958,889 80 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY ..- STATE OF MINNESOTA REVENUE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED ... 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET STORM WATER FUND -' 603-0000-311.10-00 CURRENT AD VALOREM 8,604 0 603-0000-311.20-00 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 192 0 603-0000-336.31-00 OTHER CITIES AND COUNTY 50,000 0 .- 603-0000-361.10-00 FROM COUNTY - PRINCIPAL 26,529- 26,060 0 603-0000-361.20-00 DIRECT TO CITY-PRINCIPAL 256,196 41,418 0 603-0000-361.25-00 DIRECTLY TO CITY-INTEREST 0 603-0000-362.10-00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVEST 38,875 42,052 50,073 50,073 70,574 "" 603-0000-362.12-00 INTEREST-LOAN 0 603-0000-362.61-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 295 10,189 0 603-0000-373.10-00 STORM SEWER COLLECTION 300,891 302,974 300,000 300,000 300,000 .- 603-0000-373.20-00 HARRIS POND ASSESSMENTS 1,597 1,522 1,000 1,000 1,000 603-0000-373.60-00 STORM SEWER PENALTIES 5,007 5,925 5,000 5,000 5,000 603-0000-373.70-00 STORM SEWER MISC. 5,883 4,788 0 _ 603-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 923 0 * STORM WATER FUND 632,215 444,647 356,073 356,073 376,574 ... MOM 81 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 • CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA STORM WATER FUND SUMMARY - ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED EXPEND EXPEND 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET STORM WATER FUND TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION * SUPPLIES 5,695 5,933 3,875 3,875 5,925 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 27,628 7,981 16,275 16,275 15,475 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 33,323 13,914 20,150 20,150 21,400 *** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 33,323 13,914 20,150 20,150 21,400 -- ADMINISTRATION * PERSONAL SERVICES 79,575 81,962 84,421 84,421 85,687 * SUPPLIES 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 157,378 161,890 168,994 168,994 176,760 "- * OTHER FINANCING USES 22,168 22,833 23,518 23,518 23,871 ** ADMINISTRATION 259,121 266,685 276,933 276,933 286,318 *** ADMINISTRATION 259,121 266,685 276,933 276,933 286,318 BONDS OF 1994 * DEBT SERVICE 9,696 8,798 9,245 9,245 8,450 ▪ ** BONDS OF 1994 9,696 8,798 9,245 9,245 8,450 *** BONDS OF 1994 9,696 8,798 9,245 9,245 8,450 1996 BOND ISSUANCE * DEBT SERVICE 12,075 40,230 39,205 39,205 36,088 ** 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 12,075 40,230 39,205 39,205 36,088 *** 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 12,075 40,230 39,205 39,205 36,088 LOCKE LAKE DAM LOAN * DEBT SERVICE 0 ** LOCKE LAKE DAM LOAN 0 *** LOCKE LAKE DAM LOAN 0 • 82 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY - STATE OF MINNESOTA STORM WATER FUND SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED EXPEND EXPEND 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET **** STORM WATER FUND 314,215 329,627 345,533 345,533 352,256 - 83 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL _„ ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 4212 FUELS & LUBES 20 16 25 25 25 - 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 74 100 100 100 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 5,513 5,917 3,750 3,750 5,800 4225 SMALL TOOL & MINOR EQUIP 88 0 * SUPPLIES 5,695 5,933 3,875 3,875 5,925 -- 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9,688 0 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 4332 COMMUNICATION 208 208 275 275 275 4334 ADVERTISING 0 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 1,232 764 1,500 1,500 1,200 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 16,500 6,384 14,500 14,500 14,000 4341 RENTALS 625 0 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 27,628 7,981 16,275 16,275 15,475 4540 MACHINERY 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 ** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 33,323 13,914 20,150 20,150 21,400 *** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 33,323 13,914 20,150 20,150 21,400 84 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY ... STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH. 1999 .." ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET ADMINISTRATION ... ADMINISTRATION 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 79,575 81,962 84,421 84,421 85,687 * PERSONAL SERVICES 79,575 81,962 84,421 84,421 85,687 4212 FUELS & LUBES 0 * SUPPLIES 0 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 370 380 412 412 418 4332 COMMUNICATION 0 4334 ADVERTISING 150 175 175 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 0 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 3,973 2,520 4,206 4,206 2,451 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 0 4342 DEPRECIATION 27,570 32,773 47,966 47,966 47,674 4343 DEPRECIATION-CONTRIBUTED 125,315 126,217 116,235 116,235 126,217 4348 COST OF GOODS SOLD 0 --* OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 157,378 161,890 168,994 168,994 176,760 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 22,168 22,833 23,518 23,518 23,871 * OTHER FINANCING USES 22,168 22,833 23,518 23,518 23,871 ... ** ADMINISTRATION 259,121 266,685 276,933 276,933 286,318 *** ADMINISTRATION 259,121 266,685 276,933 276,933 286,318 85 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 --- CITY OF FRIDLEY STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET BONDS OF 1994 BONDS OF 1994 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 9,444 8,698 8,245 8,245 7,450 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 252 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0 * DEBT SERVICE 9,696 8,798 9,245 9,245 8,450 -- ** BONDS OF 1994 9,696 8,798 9,245 9,245 8,450 *** BONDS OF 1994 9,696 8,798 9,245 9,245 8,450 • 86 11/19/98 BUDGET 1999 CITY OF FRIDLEY .� STATE OF MINNESOTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL - LINE ITEM DETAIL ESTIMATED 1996 1997 1998 THROUGH 1999 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET 12/31/98 BUDGET 1996 BOND ISSUANCE �. 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 3,715 40,230 38,205 38,205 35,088 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 1,000 1,000 1,000 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 8,360 0 * DEBT SERVICE 12,075 40,230 39,205 39,205 36,088 .. ** 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 12,075 40,230 39,205 39,205 36,088 *** 1996 BOND ISSUANCE 12,075 40,230 39,205 39,205 36,088 am WM .r 87