1959 Budget 4 • ADOPTED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA em, FOR THE FISCAL YrAR BEGINNING JANU •RY 1 , 1959 • c/TT COUsiCIL CIS OF FRIDI1Z, SbP' I..BER 25, 1958 • The att+ shed. annual budget for the oalcndar year • 1959 as sdap$ed by Ordinance l4tiaber.109 is hereby approved tff till s following :webers of the City Council as required 14y Solstice 7.05. of the City ., w P'• ®r Eile foo) • ,&.** rTh • 1 Office of the City Manager Fridley, Minnesota December 15 9 1958 4 To the Mayor and City Council: After public hearings and other meetings of the Coun- cil, certain revisions were made in +he. 1959 budget as recommended by the City Manager. The revised budget here- 1 in submitted, under the column headings of "1959 Adopted", 1 includes these changes and presents the budget as approved by the Council, and adopted by the passage of Ordinance ,No. 109. The revisions made by the Council are shown in detail throughout the budget, and are summarized in the following statement: Net Appropriations ti All Funds • Recommended by thn City Manager $270,340 Adjustments by the Council; Decrease (thus reducing ropp osed ad valorem tax) $ 24,881 Revenue as adopted by `he Council 245,459 Based on information available at the time of budget adoption,_ .it appeared that a mill levy of 40.29 mills. would be necessar!T for City purposes. Based on final figures for assessed value now available from County offices, the mill rate will be 40.07 mills. It is hoped that the budget as adopted will provid0 . a complete and cor'prehensive budget document to assist . the Council and the administrative staff in administering the City' s program during 1959. Respectfully submitted Clarence E. Maddy City Manager RY4d • PROP EED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF FRTDLEY, •MINNE.,OTg FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIWIING JAtWUARY 1, 1959 Office of the City Manager Fridley; Minfieaota ,August 18., 1958 To the Mayor and Council: Section 7.04 of the Charter requires.the City Manager to prepare and submit estimates for the annual budget .to the City Council. Para* . suant to this direction 1 am hereby submitting for your consideration. the City Manager's recommended bullet for the 1959 fiscal year. This budget, ceded•as the Council desiree, (a blank column has been pro- vided for this purpose) will serve ap the official budget which the, Charter, in Section 7.05, requires muuat be adopted by ordinance during the month of September following public meetings for consideration oaf the budget estimates. The Charter provides that the ,budget Trepared by the City Mane. - . ger shall show actual revenues and expenditures for the two preceding fiscal years, and as far as practiaablei the amounts estimated for ex ' ' penditure dozing the current year,• in addition, of course, to-estimates of revenues and expenditures for the ensuing.fiscal year The tax levies required to yield the $192,645 of ad valoree taxes used in financing the recommended budget for 1959 are as follows: kaCt 2.9.114m Paz Yip General 37.71 • $156,195 $151,509 Firemen's Relief 1.00 40141 4,074 . Debt Service (G:O.Bond).83 3,455 3,290 Contribution to Public Employees Retire- - meat Fuzed . 0.68. 2,835 2,700 :O.22 ,l+2$ $361473 The above figures are based on an estimated assessed-valuation of $4141,400. Dollar yield onounto for the General Find and 'iremen'e Relief are based on estimated gross collection- of 97 per cent including collection of some previous year delinquencies. Dollar yield t© tat ' Service and P. E. R. A. are based' on legal requirements for levying an amount 5 per cent in excess of the anticipated requiremento Section 7.02 of the City Charter provides for a mextnam.tex levy for general purposes of 30 mills but further provides that upon adoption of a resolution declaring the need-and calling a Public Hearing to con eider same that the Council may levy a tax in excess of the 30 mills. Such a resolution was passed by the Council at their meeting of July 1958, and the hearing is to be had August 21, 1958. The budget hereby submitted follows a corm letel y different-form • than-those of previous years in the City of Fridley. ;The reason-Ass this is that the classification of accounts recommended by the State Public T c ers.office•have been placed into use and our City Charter • requires the account breakdown into three (3) major categories: (a) Salaries-awl Wages, (b) Ordinrry Espouses, and (e) Capital Cutliy. The requirements of the Examiners office and the Charter are compatible. The difference in form between this and previous budget proposals is basically that this document is in far greater detiil. For this raison, during the change-over period, the information shad for previous years in loamy instances will not present a true comparison with the proposed 1959 budget figures. I believe that the appropriations herein recommended for 1959 will provide only an absolute m i ntnnn i of services. It is not a plea,. sant duty to submit a budget proposal that calls for approximately a 50 Far cent increase in the City's General tax mill rate. In consider. ing this budget proposal, I believe that the City Council must bear in mind that the tasks not performed in 1959..be it street repair records keeping, purchase of Park property, proper inspection of building eon . etruction or inspection of other improve>~ents-- will multiply. the poets of municipal government in Fridley in the succeeding years. The ia- orease in cost to the owner of a 315,000 home between the 1958 levy and the proposed 1959 levy would be approximstely $1.25 per month. The proposed expenditures for each fund and activity and the es- timated revenues for financing those expenditures are discussed in general terms in the following pages. Respectfully submitted, Clarence E. Msddy City Managetr (4) • EXPLN/ UE ESTIMATES .001.01,11110. • Geneeselert2nd , • 1412.9x 4a4 cmall The recommended appropriation is n1,660 greater than estimated 1958 expenditures, including 3550 for proposed salr,ry lecreoro for ineyor end Councilman, 3500 for printing an annual report, 3200 for more eueercuo loeal Fablicetions„ and $1,00 to cover expense of one member of Council to attend a ectional coefereece of the National Municipal League. CitvIARUSM2Lofticto At the time of oxployront by the laileoe of Fridley the Ilemegor was assured of being given the use er a raeicipel ca r aed expeescr foe attoadance of Conftrenoes of the Internatioeal City raneecen Assoc:et:ion. The nee of the second police ear by the Mauler during the week has proven to be aa eneorkable errargonezt es, of necessity, the car must tie be available first for police worle The budget propoeai iecluf,es the Nominal alloeae.- -1 of apprexinately .:200 to be paid on a verifiod citim as : ice fee the businoet ase of the Manegere personal car. Though denied during 1958 expeace allovence for attondieg 1. C. :1. A. Conference ei) is reueseed in the 1959 ereoesed budget. The proposed increase in expenditures by the Nalelicipal Court is principally ...In- creases in salary for the Probation officer end Clerk. The eetablishment of a Coecil- liation Court has Increased the weeklenad of the parteAme Clerks job. Expeese of jail keep for prisoners d in 1liencapelio for Fridley is eepectel to be leas because of increased use by the Court of the Fridley jail by settencieg prisoners,to be held welt- ands only in Feidley, .4.1-eci--A.210.1.4/14-YoterP.PZIZIEgi.4-on The proposed expendituees are :reduced because fever elections are anticipated. J-1 some future budget the use of voting machines should be anticipated. 114421,01cl =.2 The principal item of proposed increased expenditure is for a now typewriter for use by the Clerk. Of -Wit 5 typevriters ouned by the City, none we Turchased aou„ none are in good condition. The proposal is to buy one electric typewriter. agmagigu_411,0 The proposed expenditures in this activity are $4,010 less because of the high c r) ital expense during 1958 of the purchase of machine accounting equipment. Under salsa,. and wages an additional office girl is proposed; total salaries and wages are reduced, however, by charging the salary of one girl and, half of another girl directly to the Mu.,, cipal Liquor pieensary and Water and Sever Utilities Operations. A number of 64411 • (") • ExPENDrimmusugam General Fund DaralCUE-gal22 - Continued capital expenditures ro proposed ae shoun in the details of the capittl outlay schedule. The proposed includee centinuetion of a full-time property appraiser with one-half time devoted and charged to ieFrovemant peojecte for special asseeement work. Under cap- ital outlay a new de-le, chair an2 table aeo peepozed. Ind_tus;rdettArfett:-.ne This item is tee anticipated General Feed portion of the 1958 Public Examineze Audit. Pro-rete peet-7..e:as will be charged to the Lieeoe teed Mintier, operations. LtasZ, (ft) The peopcsal is inceeased to eeEleot a more realietIc estimate of legal foes ene includes 31,CCO for codification of the City's ordinances ao recite:re:I by the Chtrter - in 'tee years after it adoption- The ;21,000 figure will not permit a reaLiy adeylate codification eed 'prinliug but shoull be eafacient to fulfill minimum Charter receire: e -_- ,ilatittetegZenietit9:0 Some study eed considerction of minor chcnge for clarification of the 0,hertee Le 4( e- . anticipated during 1959. /2210e Civil Service gominip.t. The elloeenee le for testing ecrviee provided by the State Civil Seetice Boaei Le grading eaveairtatioas given by the Commission The retaining of Consultant Planners for continuous study and improvement Oi City Planning would be highly •iesirable but to expenditure is proposed becauee c.i e funle. ,awa. This item is for maintenance and improvement of the City Hall and Equipment Gee Major expense item is for utilitier--electricity, fuel, water, and sewer service o&a d., Additional temporary office space is included. Conversion of the furnace in tie 01: f 1 part of the City Hall from oil to natural gas will permit utilization of space tow up by oil storage tanks as a vault for belly needed record-storage space. F 1 gakikltruRE ESTIMATES Police The Department requeFt included the addition of three patrolman to permit 2 cans on patrol every night. Such a proposal would allow closer scrutiny of traffic as'the checking of buildings could then be divided. Increased commercial and industrial dev- elopment will require a great deal more time to check for the doors left unlocked that are invitation to the theif and the broken glass that is the indication of burglary. T"he present 5 full time employees and one part-time employee represents approximately 0.55 employees per thousand population as compared to desteed ratios between :L5 and 2,0 peg ;thousand population. Under capital outlay it is anticipated that we will have to replace both cars in. 1959° Very little change is anticipated from 1958 expenditures except in a more ac .: Dy 7 allowance for replateaeet of the grass-fire fighting unit. An allowance of $1,0CX) : f made in the 108 budget to trade this unit for a newer and smelter unit, bat thus f3a' amount allocated appears inadeeuate. An amount of 4625 is included for purchase of hose. #asctive I cti A112 bsee i The increase in expected expenditures for Building Inspection over estimate 195 expenditures is 36,870. Included under 'salaries and wages are two full-time inepe one-third of the salary of an office girl(other 2/3 engineering) and 206 of the caL> . the Director of Public Works. Under Capital Outlay are included two desks, two cb:tin: and a file cabinet. Civil.Defense No previous budget has made allowance for Civil Defense activities'. The prc Toc: 4500 for this purpose anticipates a minimum aneunt of expense for supplies and trace, pease, and a partial reimbursement for time spent by the Director in Civil k,"der,„ nine. Very recent federal legislation makes prc isions for matching funds for C.. ti^a expense for Civil Defense but at this time very little is known about the of this law. Our Civil Defense Director, along with the Chiefs of Police and Fire, and t.:4- intendant of Streets and Utilities proposed the purchase of a base radio statio _ mobile stations in one police car, the four fire fighting units and two public cwt- f1 vehicles at an approximate cost of 46,300 of which one-half could be paid by.the Government* While the proposed would give mach needed comsraxnicatioa to the Fire while units are at a fire and would give better service than the present Mobile El system used by the Streets and Utilities Department, these items were not included in,te proposed budget for the reason of anticipated lack_of funds. • stinussimina General, Fund • At 4 Co trol 1 Catohiaa and P�1 For personal reasons the dog-catcher has devoted less time than expected in this activity during 1958. The 1959 proposal of $1,400 would otherwise be a normal increase of activity coincident with our growing ,population. The proposed budget of $12,1 anticipates a staff composed of an engineer, ass: sta engineer, surveyor, rodman, clerkectenographar, and an engineering inspector (6 months) but that over $16,000 of salaries and wages would be charged directly to special improve ment projects. To be feasible, either the engineer or his assistant must be a registere engineer so that the City can actually perform engineering work. The assistant and insp,. tarn would be employeed only when a sufficient amount of work had been petitioned for to finance the staff. Capital outlay items include the necessary desks, file cabinets, map cabinets, etc WARM The appropriation recommended represents the greatest proposed increase over 19 expenditures of any activities. The proposed increase from 1958 Budget of 04,080 to 3710820 in 1959 includes the addition of two new men to bring the total of regular emp x ees to five (two other employees are charged to the serer and water utilities), ands for phase of street maintenance materials to be applied by our own forces in the .:o. of 31,500, a ;129000 increase for purchase of equipment and $10,500 to pay one-half o2 cost of improving 61st Avenue from 7th Street to West Moore Lake Drive (School Oistric other one.,half) o Snomr and Ice #emaval This item reflects very little change. The 32,000 allowance is for hiring of addi_,, equipment as needed ;raffia Sign& Sineabi and Markingg Very little change is anticipated from 1959 expenditures. Included in 1958 figures is the cost of the, school signal installation at 51st and University. This activity includes installation of work tables and purchase of scene tools. tr A sum of $50 per year per light is paid to Northern States lower Compaq, for instal l ation, msi'Renea ge and power. The 1959 proposal appropriation anticipates,the addition e; a street light at 61st Avenue and 7th Street near the new elementary school. • Genera. Fund Vela itrndicei,ion • • No r-moge is proposed. This sum is used to hire the mowing of weeds on public property. Past Csatrol. This amount is for gopher bounty payments reimbursed by the County, and for =term. I: ation service at City Hall. This proposed appropriation anticipates payment of fees to the City Health Officer for reports required to State Health offices, and miscellaneous environmental sanitation inspections. AISCSItiaa. The joint School and City Recreation Commission has requested an increase in allot:- ation from J2,000 to $2,800 to finance their programs. We have received a letter from tho School Hoard of District #23 suggesting that allowance be made for a full.-time Park rnd Re:cr•- eation Director. ?b ici na.? Pa: The proposed increase of 33,000 (From 37,000 to 310,000) is reflected in a proposal to set aside 34 l00 for purchase of park property, the employment of a summer park main• tenance man, .-nd the payment of water and sewer service charges. In conformance with the program planned with the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the funds set aside for development of the amoral park area would be reduced from 35,000 in 1958 to 32,500 in 1959. Amounts appropriated to this account are transferred by action of the Council during the budget year to the activities in which unforeseen expenditures against the appropriav activity. The appropriation suggested for 1959 is $12,3 74 Which represents 55 of entici peted General. Pawl expenditures. • n N.& basal Wanda Ifivat • • The proposed increase in revenue from general property taxes is made up of $23,830. as a result of an increase in assessed valuation from $39367,634 to an estimated $4,200,000, and $61,890. from a proposed increase in mill levy from 28.63 for general Fund Purposes to 43.37. Exact figures for assessed valuation has-not yet been determined by the County Offices. Waage end ,Permits /WW1 The estimated revenue from this source has been increased to reflect anticipated tees from licensing of building trades contractors. i- JSINI S, The estimated increase from approximately $9,000 to $15,000 is in anticipation of fees for building, plumbing, heating, gas piping and other permits . in accordance with the revised permit fee schedule recently adopted by the Council.- • Lim AUSi FcrreitMit The anticipated revenues from Court fines is expected to be less than previous years for two reasons:(1) increased use by the Court of the provisions of the "Huber Lever" which permits weekend confinement in lieu of fines, a practice that provides puniehaent but does not deprive the family of the prisoners regular income (the weekend prisoners Pee for board thus increasing revenue under "Service Charges . Public Safety")) and (2) decreasing numbers of traffic cases because the Police Department has less time available for patroling due to increases in other activity. aw Agensies Cigarette and Liquor taxes are collected by the Stte and returned to the .P.uni--• cipality based on population (1950)0 I'ortgage Registration fees are collected by the County and returned to the hunicipality, Nominal increases are expected in these revenue sources. sew gbiZESL - 11202Ltia Government Normal increasein revenue is anticipated.from this source. Se e 011arees - Public Safety This revenue source includes fees collected for administering "Drunkometer" tes . for other Police Departments, holding of prisonersfor other municipalities, board fees charged -to week-end prisoners as mentioned under "Court Fines" above, and dog,., pounding fees collected and turned over to the City by the Dog Catcher. kiran Qum. - This item has been primarily deposit of funds for street patches to be made by t . City for 'service connections made to sewer and water lines in the street. It is ant;; cipated that street patching costs Will be included in the connection fee cherged`by - `the'utility operation and that the expense of the replacement will also be. handlse en- tirely through the hater and Sewer Utility operation. O hada In 1958 a "Bookkeeping" service charge was made to the Utility and Liquor operation, and a General Government charge made to Special Improvement Projects for calculation of special assessments. In 1959 it is proposed that salaries f©r these purposes be charged directL,y to the benefitting activity. 0Non_-B.evrue, Iffier lets- Transfers In ctuor The reduction in anticipated transfer from the Municipal Liquor Dispensary Fund is proposed so that operating capital can be built up in the Liquor operation. Excessive transfers do not allow sound operating practice-- vo3 m# purchasing and minor improvements and alterations to improve long range profit making. Rau Au ban Prif► ous Int Based an expenditures to date, no surplus is anticipated at the end of fiscal year 1958 for carry over into 1959. • n n SUMMARY OF CURRENT REV WE Hi FUND AND SOURCE • • • 4 .. i 1 • C r (-.) 8 1�J p sc M /�..... .tr4. ; i g 1 g:fas....; gyms. .4.4 2 2 t 3 ill R d •, ° i 0 v 03 +2 i!' lei a,d+2 A l 4I) i vii Q¢' ..0 - Sri q p i i i oo+■ 8 et O H 8 A ?,la s§ § ,,.., b. --1, r0i A M o. 0, a,r3 cat ri 01 01 5 (1 G 42 111 g § § § : § §,aa I § i 6 -, a w •, a •w •q w e i a h r4 c m 8 cat ri N i crl .Ci C' o I to �j $ g tom- O CI +0 +0 • VI v7+ &tit S C / I iii,r1 i N CO in m ri 4,..,..? E1+ CQ M ri CD M U N ... rg v. O t� M % � $ oz 4 I 4) i ;I I I/la N t... v i ' 11 1 .:j gglil 2 1 tic lg/1 14 . ._-.. V UN . •,,,,,4::,,,,,, O's 43 4. M • UN 0* cl 11 '''ll''''';,,, Ns 0 n i Q Q �t if, AIN 4.1 i c UN r-I r d ■ •■■ -%. ' Pa. A isi tKE x'66 - S n .� ,,:-.,-:.: • r - CITY OF irRID&EY PROPOSED bUDetEf SUMMARY OF CURRENT REVENUE BY FUND & SOURCE Fund & Source 1956 1957 1956 1958 1959 1959 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed Adopted Remark Public Employees Reti remen, General Property Taxes $11645,00 $1: 645.00 $2¢835.00 $22•835.00 • 3 a ,,. 2 CITY OF FRIDLEY PROPOSED BUDGET Summary of Current Revenue by Fund & Source 1956 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 Fund„do_S_ou_rce Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed Adopted Remar P Fire Relief General Property Taxes $866.02 $26235.93 M430.00 $3e360.00 $4 0200.00 $4,200.00 1 Mil U V QNi13 'IY SZIII1000f x SIlifItlatifildMit GHTIV ,aq 30 111111.MS U 8 0 f 4164 b : a . 8 Ai 3 .8 g 0 i, .• C2 a. oils o o uv . • f I.- ir, I' i' • - . - . v .. ..40 0 ' Q LIN\ 42% . '''' W IS 11-VIGP gar% a t w w w ♦ .1. la 1 1P1 1 UN 09 C44" w 8' -ip Pi p 64 ffi . ° ° a 'a'i 8 m o` : O O O M N Ws °`ft CI 0 F-P A § H r4 ,R<t C'4 r-! r-i ON...4 a' N N r-3 M o >4 C4 . V 0 0 0 '� E+ a •,U, 0 0 r► ON >r tra 1"144 Q . i hp r{ sa acCi "' r g ON. I4 .. rI .� N so 0) 1 f a�S . g.-1 : 0.v ,T,4ta i s 0 arl .r4 CI m 'I m •ri 4, per`, E. Ia •rt 4 W u..r, i0i oo .38".9i ii yo y , . I ,j In t e'er a i $ . '4 i ci I 1 .. .. i 9 0 PM Q:c • 4 s.� jg 9 ti CITY OF FR I DLEY .�j.� ����j;L.g4 4� 1959 PROPOSED BUDGET ^'fO11.... S • , • �.• �A� �.i �•:. •._... 91 1 •J (t= 1956 1957 1958 Estimate 1959 1959 M� Code Description Expen» Expenl. Budget . Total Proposed Adopted Remarks ' (41,09,4 G TINA diture diture_' 1. 8 •set Budget , L4W..10 Salaries & Wages 6,525 7,800 8,250 8,250 8,700 8,250 Total Wages 6,525 7,800 8,250 8,250 8,700 8,250 `402.20 Communications 261 360 344 380 380 X2.21 Printii:g & publishing 16 20 20 402323 Travel, Conferences, LC.M..A. Annual Conference St. Schools 905 1,321 350 350 550 300 Louis, League.11eeti s M '402.30 Office Supplies 316 - 400 300 300 300 lease Personal Car-. Odi .00 402.39 General Supplies 70 80 80 402.41 Insurance & Bonds 100 ' 110 110 .4402.43 Subscription & Mem, berships 25 35 40 40 I.C.M.A. Dues Total Ordinary Expenses 1,221 1,583 1,135 1,215 1,480 1,230 '402.52 Furniture & Fixtures 151 156 --50 50 $50.00 Chair Total Capital Ex- penes 151 156 50 50 Dept. Grano Total 7,897 9,539 9,385 9,1.65 10,230 . 9,530 CITY OF FRIDLE3 Als,41_,Llenere 1 9 5 9 P R O P O S E D B U D G E T De t: Munioi al Court : • of B • :eted Ex•enditures- b. Accounts Aotivit: : 1956 1957 1958 Estimate 1959 1959 code Description Expen. Expen.. Budget Total Proposed Adopted .Remarks • (Account Title diture . ,t e , .. _.. •. . . . -..e, 14031 a10 Salaries & adages (Regular Employees) 3,240 3 240 4,200 4,200 4031.12 Salaries & 'vaag s (Temporary Employees) _2,025 2,835 100 300 300 300 Lots" Salaries,,ries & 1 1 wugos 2,025 2,835 3,340 3,540 4,500 4,500 x s 14031.,20 [Communications 15 40 110 110 Add Phone at Cl a rk a s Desk • 14031.21 Priirting & publishing 50 ' 14031.23 Travel, Conferences, i School I 163. 360 368 15 . 15 14031,29 Other Contracture]. 1 . Services 1,222 1 1,484 i 1,000 1 1,450 1,000 1,000 Prisoners at Minneapolis 14031.30 Office Supplies 1 64. 25 300 200 200 4031.41 Insurance & Bonds 10 8 10 10 . 4031.82 Refunds & reimburse- menu 10 100 100 100 Total Ordinary • , 1 Expenses 1,222 1,719 1,460 2,266 1,435. 1,435 4031.52 Office furniture & Equipment 100 100 100 File $85, Typewriter Stand $15. Total Capital Expenditures 100 100 100 - Dept. grand Total:- 3,24' ' 4554,- -`. .4•19W �. � ` . 4:635i;,' . . . • CITY OF FRIDLEY 9Fy zQengra1 1959 PROPOSED BUDGET Depts Elections & Vote Summary of Budgeted Expenditureso by Accounts Activity Resietaration _ 1956 1957 1958 Estimate "1.g 9 5 Code Description • Expen ' .Ekpen. Budget Total Proposed Adopted Remarks • r . , Dn. o,et. 404.12 Salaries & Wages 431 311 720 600 500 500 Total Salaries & Wages 431 311 720 600 500 500 '404.021 Printing & publishing 60 120 100 100 • 404024 Maintenance & Repair of Equipment 10 10 45 45 Replace Flags . . 404030 Office Supplies 373 : 10 10 15 15 ' Total Ordinary ` Expenses 373 80 140 160 160 404052 Office Furniture • 1 ' Equipment 231 20 20 Additional Card Files Total Capital Outlay 231 20 h 20 B • Dept. grand Total 1,040 311 800 740 660 680 F y SIWI CYLwlY..•r.vv4may.".a6t...:::.: ' .,....:..... ,. :. :. D ) CITY OF FRIDLEY t'u n d s - General 1 9 5 9 P R O P O S E D BUDGET. $ Scasxary„of Budgeted Expenditures, bar Accounts - Aetivitya Mxtnieipel Clerk '" 956. 957 8 19 Estimate 1959 ' 1959 Description . - Expen Expen. Budget Total Proposed Adopted R marke '— (Acootmt�T tte). ditmro ,ditUrq et B '4051.10 Salaries & Wages (Regular Employees) 3,198 3.600 4,000 4,000 4.275 4,075 Includes Bet. 15 Special Coun- 405 1012 Salaries & Wages -ail Meetings at $5.00. . (Temporary Employees) 100 500 200 200 Total Wages 3.198 3,600 . 4.100 4,500 4,4�5 4,275 ;4051.20 Communications 186 60 60 75 75 . 4051.21 Printing & publishing 30 40 40 4051.24 Maintenance & Repair of Equipment 25 25 25. 25 `4405",130 Office Supplies 357 543 600 600 750 750 4051.39 1 General Supplies 312 50 60 60 • 4051.41 Insurance & Bonds 5 5 5 4051.82 Refunds & Ret berse- 12 mente 14 • Total Ordinary 1 Expenses 683 730 685 782 955 955. - :4051.52 Office Furniture & Equipment 46 337 150 650 600 Typewriter,$455, Chair, $60, Filo Cabinet, 685. Total Capital • Expenditures 46 337 150 650 600 , Dept. Grand Total 3,927 4,667 4,935 5,2 6,080 59830 t i t ' 1. 1 CITY OF FRIDLEY 1ind: General, 1959 PROPOSED 'BUDGEa . �� i!! �- ,,.. �.1 e• e" _ Aotivit _. :1 1956. 1957 1958 Estimate 1959 1959 - Code Description Expen. Ecpem. Budget Total r oposed Adapted Remarks • 14052.10 Salaries & wages (regular employees) '6,376 11,204 10,860 11,500 10,980 10,980 ;4052.10 Salaries & Wages (Tel porary Employees) . 500 600 480 480 45243 Professional & Consul.. tent services • 400 500 500 500 • Total Salaries & Wages 6,376 11,204 11,760 12,600 11,960 11,44 Includes all other telephone .4052.20 Communication;. 1,022 2,008 1,940 1,940 20340 2,3 stations through svitohboard. R40 i2.21 Printing & Publishing 14052 23 Travel, Conference, Car expense $100, League School Schools 111 150 325 200 35.0 0, M.F.O;A. Conference $200. 4052.24 Maintenance &.Reps' • of Equipment 117 275 150 350 $50 405230 Office Supplies 140203 2,000 2,600 2,600 2,800 2,800 14052.39 General Supplies 132 97 625 500 625 625 14052640 Rents 100 100 100 100 4052.41 Insurance & Bonds 3,760 1,435 150 175 175 4052.43 Subscriptions & Memberships 15 15 20 20 . Total.Ordinary Expense 6,229 5,807 5,880 5,905 7,160 6,960 4052.52 Office Finn. & Equip. 299 619 6,140 -6, 1,315 1,315 4052.54 Other Total Capital Espen. ditures 299 619 6,140 6,140 1,515 1,3i5 Dept. Grand Total 12,904 r 7,630 23,780 24,645 20,635 19,719 1 CITY OF FRlDLEY Ponds G e n e r a l 1 9 5 9 P R O P O S E D BUDGET '^z * • S of Budeted enditwree�„bar Accounts 4fi Vi jJ ,, se ►s - 1956 1957 1958 Estimate 1959 1959 Code Description EScpesr- E pen- Budget Total Proposed Adopted Remarks (A soount Title) ' ture diture 4053.10 -alaries & Wages (Regular Employees) 1,550 1,700 19980 1,980 2,580 2,400 Six Months 14053.12 Salaries & Wages (Tsmporary Employees) .1,745 1,265 3,650 5,475 2,100 2,100 r Total Wages 3,295 2,965 5,630 7,455 4,680 4,520 '141)53.21 Printing & Publishing I 10 100 100 • 4053.23 Travel, Conferences, Schools 300 150 300 550 550 Mileage for Appraisers :4053.30 Office Supplies 12 25 25 100 100 14053.41 Insurance & Bonds 5 20 20 Total Ordinary Expenses 12 500 180 335 770 770 . /4053.52 Furniture & Fixtures 415 415 Total Capital Outlay 415. 415 Dept. Grand Total 3,3(17 3,465 5,810 7,790 59865 5,270 I • mo 1 1 m A i 1 0%11 g ti • Pi N N en HS. 11V $ 8 " A w w /:11 •• o o o to 03 to P 41-i A N r 4 .-1 �"� r) c4� o • d 8 • . 8 cmt 4, 00 aaf # st 0 £4a .3 V O . i UN m CO. . I-I • r .. 4 1 m 1 0 . O • e m •e4 wri CO b 1 Om fl g fI R CITY OP FnIDLEY •., f, 1959 PROPOSED BUDGET oP :et �� ._ '.. , .� �A•� �� . .. _ 19 • 1957 1958 Estimate 1959 1959 . Coda Description • open- Expenn Budget Total Proposed Adopted Remarks (Account Title) diture diture 1958 Budget et ,406013 Professional & Con, eultant Services 899 1,634 1,500 3,600 4,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 Codification of Ordix anoes • Deptc Grand Total 899 1,634 10500 3,600 5,000 5,000 • G• r. N • • 4 e"fr 4 • r • et M Vi to b H car P,144 'dam CA 40 Lai`.d CD psi ew a 8"a � � es.V► bea sab • U 0/ TT OF FRIDLET 1959 PROPOSED BUDGET Ci rS a Stimmuy of Budgeted Expenditures„ by Aeteawite Aotivit7t 1956 t 1957 1958 Estimate 1959 1959 • Code Deseription Expend• Ezp.n- Budget Total Proposed Adopted Remarks (Aceomit Title) • _ • • -.,a .1 • - • .13 Professional & Cam- eultent Services 60 60 60 Dept. Grand Total 60 60 s • • • f i ‘i Inn PuvaJ •Idea Geri laTuoz v siT Tuns[d *004, •4aepfH 'ems 866t o iEP amp p (ate.c�6 ) ix p%fir pesocio.m tve4oz italtputi -aa troT ai a 656t 6 6 6 1 i e% tg 8c6t Lc6t 9561 :��i�=' i.._._._ a of Zq a ee..m pue 'Pel•e ►H ,o AXatitanS OZ td =fit SaoaaS aaS0JOvd 666t twatie =l C C CITY OF FRIDLEI !Funds General 1959 PROPOSED BUDGET - s General of et 'Y'• 1957 958 Estimate 1959 1959' Code Description Expen. Ecpea. Budget Total Proposed adopted Remarks •oo T tle diture • t 1'r 409..21 Printing & publierYing 10 409.22 Dtilities 1,763 3,119 3,700 3,700 4,000 4,000 409.28 Cleaning & Waste Removal 618 95 150 150 150 �,09034 Maintenance & Re- pair of Equip. 240 128 150 100 150 150 i 035 �Ci4nt. & Repair of Ridge. & Structures 457 386 180 180 180 180 09.38 Cleaning & Waste Removal 577 150 160 160 .,09039 General Supplies 387 626 500 420 500 500 . ,;:09.41 Insurance & Bonds 179 375 .300 350 350 Total Ordinary Expenses 3,475 5,016 ' 5,000 5,000 50490 5,490 409.50 Lewd 4,000 409.51 Bidgs 0 & Structures 407 98 : 800 800 500 500 Tempoarary Office Space 409.54 Other Improvements 3,805 900 660 990 990 er I+1et Convert eatear, 5� Chairs • $89 Total Capital Bspen. $160 dituree 4,407 '3,903 ' 1,700 1,400 1,,490 1,490 Dept. Grand Total 7,882 8,919 6,700 6,400 6,980 6,5t0 1 3 CITY OF FRIDLE1 : 9 P k Safety - of 9 .PROPOSED eted enditures.U., AcEcounts Aativit. z Police 1 • 1957 1958 Estimate 1959 1959 Code Description Expeor. Expen. Budget Total Proposed Adopted Remarks = di " e dit , • 411010 Salaries & Wages (Rmguier Emp1oy►ees). 21,617 24,,321 29,482 30,482 310978 31,978 '4171.11. Overtime of Regular Employees 1,000 1,188 1,188 ROliday Pay -4.1112 SaltOl es & Wages (Temporary Employees) 943 Total Salaries & Wages 21,617 24,321 31,425 30,482 33,166 32,302 :+11.20 Communications 256 325 325 325 350 350 Inc. $300 Share of Telephone .,1.1 Q21 Printing & publiehs ng 15 200 150 150 150 '11,23 23 Travels Conference, Schools 177 28 600 600 500 250 Ina. bcpenaes for Chiefs 411.24 Maintenance & Repair Meeting in New York of Equipment 987 2,222 2,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 411.29 Other Contractura1 Services 1,000 1,000 1,000 10000 1;000 1,000 Radio Service, 2 Car Radios. b1]..30 Office Supplies 26 82 100 100 100 100 Hennepin County •41133 Motor Fuels & Iubri- cents 3,000 3,788 3,750 3,750 4,000 4,000 411.34 Maintenance & Repair of Equipment 243 250 250 400 400 411o37 Subsistence, Care & art of Persons 115 536 375 375 675 875 .. , s . , . , .I$O uniform 411.39 . General Supplies 505 263 625 500 500 9 for time 141140 Rent 1,650 Y 1411.41- Inmu'snn a & Bonds 591 159 - 225 .. 396 400 - 400, 411.43 Snbso iptiam Meai:ers i ps 83 123 50 50 50 50 • Total 8kpeneee . 8,405 8,769 99500 9,496 . 10,125 10,075 D ) CITY OF . FRD E .°11/141-111121/1111 1959 PROPOSED BU ) GEy a pq ,p gat , - • of Bu':eted :D,. •enditurea, b, Aocounts Activit- : Police, cont. 1 • *;.s. 7 95.. Eat -.n-.t. 1959 1959 Code Description Eapen. Expen- Budget Total Proposed Adopted ' . Title diture diture ' ; ;'.__•.!. ., :...:.:2_,..._.._ 411.52 Office Furniture & Equipment 136 286 100 560 85 85 '11.53 Machinery & Automotive Equipment 2,g68 3,345 2,500 1,300 2,800 2,800 Total Capital Outlay 3,004 3,630 2,600 1,860 2,885 2,885 • 3 • Dept. Grand Total 33,026 36,721 43.525 41,838 46,17+6 45,262 K r; { • . , f p;. f p If D ) 2 tat Goma, CITY OF FRIDLEY a Oept: P u b l i c S a f e t y 1 9 5 9 P R O P O S E D B U D G E T Activity: Fire w.u:.i •_ 1.:.• _ _tea w, • •• r • • l Code Description 1956 957 1958 ) stimate 1959 1959 (Account Title) &pen. Egpep- Budget Total Proposed Adopted Remarks • et 12.10 Salaries & Wages .___. (Regular Employees) 1,600 1,604 1,600 1,60'. 1,800 1,800 Dispatchers (Other Half '12012 Salaries & gages Charged to Police) (Tem/orary Employees) 2,137 2,41 3,000 2,725 3,0 3,000 Total Salaries & Wages 3,737 4,025 4600 4,325 4,8 14,800 32.20 Communications 286 267 440 400. 400 1100 Telephone 3,2.21 Printing & publishing 200 100 100 100 Fire Prevention Material 2.23 Travel, Conference, Schools 478 391 800 700 900 900 4 Wn State Fire School, 2 Men '2.24 Maintenance & Repair State Fire Convention, 2 Men of Equipment. 424 430 810 1,000 1,000 1,000 this Instructors Conference X2.28 Cleaning & Waste 5 25 Removal 25 12.30 Office Supplies 10 100 50 5 ,:2.31 Small Tools 100 100 100 •12033 Motor Fuels & Lubri- cants 163 250 250 300 300 300 :12.34 Maintenance & Repair of Equpment 297 311 100 200 200 200 ',12.39 General Supplies 499 759 500 750. 500 500 ;12.40 Rents 50 50 50 50. :11,2.41 Insurance & Bonds 247 r. 150 150 412.42 Awards & Indemnities 100 40 40 Fire Prevention»Sohool Program 1 412.43 Subscription & N.F.P aA.(Firemsns Magazine) Msm.. Memberships 78 50 150 150 154 heirship St. Croix 11110,y Regi- nal Fire Fighters Association North Suburban Ritual Aid Asso Total Ordinary EXpensrs 2,354 2,736 3,500 3,725 3,965 3,965 h p R CITY QF FRIDLEs t,,..Q '!11._ 1959 PROPOSED BUDGB ` s of eted tures�b couate i it ac aot lre• 95 Estimate ` 59_ 1959 Code Description Hoerr. Bpeu" Budget Total Proposed Adopted Remarks (#420441#110 diture ditu re Bud . 2 052 Office Furniture & Equipment' 163 500 200 100 100 Chair, Table !..12653 Machinery & Automo•. • time Equipment - 67 2,500 1,500 3,625 3.625 22,54 - Other Improvements 4,438 5,804 Jeep Crass Fire Unit and Fire Hoes. Total Capital Outlay 48,505 5,967 38000 1,700 38725 3,7Z • Dept. Grand Total 10,596 12,728 11,100 99750 12,490 12,1490 r .......................... _..... 1 • •;. . .. , . al . L ... 1 - 1 , , . • ..... , . . , . 4,1 . ..1 . ti ig . Aril 1d .....--................................................,............................................................... ore.•w•w■■■■me•••••et.aro. 0.%.V 4 § f ..,..., I4 8. A. 4. . •....•....a,. .........m....o.............voravmar.........r•...I•4,we.........eramora§.e.4.s....a..revs........vnomarormo........m•••••■141........................p.............^....•,•...............,.....,,,,,,,,," • tt.., 1 I - 9 -9 4, . 8 9 ti'%'NA 0 0 4,CN t.A. UN .p Cr•- sa' , .4) 43 crt 4...)-i--e4 Ilr". 0 44 .... r• 0.1 NO 1 ,41... t`r OS P4*Cil 0\ OR Ift, IN • 14 r-I ;1.-I Q!, Pi 0:I r4 (.r, $4.4 INO.M.}.1.10.4•111.0....*0■00.0.....*,-.................... .................emonots.s......e*riflarsor.......s.e.worwerewanwormomm..."*...*.....n.a. , . r;) .f a i 1 _, 40 -,`7.? .0 0 .., ' :: i E4g: le 5...../ cCor t...4.• • r‘,71 f-4.4 b 04 "«. * r. (... r•li I.:-. 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F pa0.» _•+ ,•• litudget Total Propoaad Adopted r xY ,a;ics• Accotant Title di a Y- • 1. 71 .70 Perinartent Trocfca.o 2,000 2,000 2,80t? lt9.00 • • • • , Dsgt. Grand Total 2,000 . 20000 2,600 kir • • � A C\ ur r1 - s y * .`-'1' Q - . - N ' ti Irs'f'). . .0 .6 . _. i 1 j v3" .t4 V1 f-7 .. >, p tp2 'Ad A 8 8 C3 w as w w w . .:,,,,, tr.) ..7 g. _ . . - a ,,,,' . ,,,, ' . „. , , t... , , _ ; _ „:::,,,,,..,,,,,,, t .,,111 r p P'f f'# r"9 ri t'1 �`� ' . . " '-• 41 +U. 0 v A 4 V w4 c ta ,, t i , 8 H•, . % ` r• c �. 4 K Hi# mb lfra: E-+ ..._ • , . _,i, . . _ . . . , .., . . , , r 1' - - •i .. ` da t t l 43k tit ,.p t.,. Y'l . , ..., M 'z.,,,,±7:-_----ter a `,ca.:, c.,r:'E..rZa.,, emu . - ---- ------ -—--—..-- - - •-- •.". - . -AIL — -......- • . 1• . . . i . n . 1 1 1 k -4.3 1g I.. E I 00 114 14) 1 1 .. zr a t 4. • fi A v. .zi ri ___ , . § . . 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C3 -,r1 144 i O. 0 3 .., i ,-I 4-1 . 43 .1■. 4 54 1 "0 1,11 . tili A . ft • • 44. ei 0 , .d a '4 I a 11 • 1. . ., . • , ...................................... ............ . 0 ... ..._ DETAIL OF PERSONAL SERVICES " • , 1958 Proposed .1958 1959 Job Title Monthly Monthly Annual Proposed Adopted Salary Salory, • TIRYSTALC20.211. 401 ---HUYor 37.50 50.cr 45o.00 600.00 iaLoo Councilmen 33.33 41.67 40C`.r0 500.00 10X .00 Total 2050.60 21,600.00 2,050.00 Hanacr C402) -Tanager • 637.50 725.00 8 ;250.00 3,700.00 8,293.00 Municlmal Court 403 ""---W, /50.00 150.00 1.,Cco.ioo 1.98oc0oo 4800.00 Probation Off. .70.0C 75.00 160.00 900.00 900.00 (Pius 360 allavable • Clpric 90.0r 125.00 1:080.00 2.1500.0c 1,5oo..tio special Judge 2 .00 25.er 100.00 300.-00 300,00 (.4) Total 39340.00 41500.00 4,500.00 'lecticrs&voter ljatatTitraFT04.- le-FiFingiget (A.51surne I 'Regular & 1 Spe- cie.) Toot-ton, 9 Clerks L. Judges 16 hrs. tt 50/hr.) 140600 1111+7) Temporary Mat. (Pronaro crIrd files for elc.) • 60.00 Total 500.00 500. o Municipal Clerk 1"3";.33 750.00 Ii- coo.oe 4,275,00 Al075.03 /5 rgt. Sne. ectin- V,eet.,) .Tor . -Melo '500.00 200.00 200,A1 Total 4,500,00 4,475.00 4,275.00 Finance Devt, 40r ••-• mew.* Treavury 40.1)2 Treasurer t39t .CC 520.r0 599400 6,240.00 6,021 ,.c,., Boold-7ePper 315.00 ' 20.0C 3,780.00 1,980,00 19990.00* 4920.00 Accts.,rse. a.k. 260..,'M (02.45.00 27970.00* 2,940.00' * Charge to Liquor dispensary and Utilities. -3g I DETAIL OF 'p TiSONAL :77.e71 Ic 'S(„cnat, ..) • 158 Job Title Monthly Monthly Annual Pronosed95Adopted palary Salary • Treasury (contd.) Switchboard, • • Cashier,Recap. 210.00 2,760.00 2,520.00 Part time 50C.00 480.00 480.0b Professi on al8 r Consulting : 1+00.01 500.00 Soo .00 Total 16,820,.CO 16,304.000. Less charged to others 4 8&c 0Q 4 86O,O0_ Total charge to General Fund - ,9 0.0G 11, Assessing 4053 Chief Appraiser 400,00 (6/43000 4,800.00 5,160.00*= 4,800.0 Persoral Prop. Appraisers 1.75h r. 1.751T. 221,00400 2,100.63 n Total • 7,260.00 6,900. Less charged to o• hers • ? 80 Total charge to General Fund ,.00 1400.W * one..half cha-'ged to Special Imp. . • Projects for figuring Spe. Ass rntsa - Public Safot . ".o iee I1 • Chief • 495.00 502 .00 ' 5,,94-0.00 6,237.00 6,o24, Sergeant .. ° 1477'. o0 5,121►.C.i • Patrolman i; 5®C0 . 452 .00 .5,340.00 5,607.00 S: ti00 Patrolmen .1 5.4+445 142 .:. x',130.00 5,607.00 $,14211.00 'atrolman 365..385 (60 92, o0 ' (6 t 22. 00 1+,500.00 5,040.00 11,1114.00 { Patrolman • 832-hrs. 6:11. $2.25/hr. 2,080•.00. 1,872.00 s Dispatchers (6) Police 1,800.00 • . xci�aay�pay. 135.00 150.00 1,600.00 1,188.00 �; • Total 33,166.00 Apcoo r) r , Protective Insp. 1+13 Bldg. Insp. 385.0c 458333 4,620.00 5,500.00 5,00,0o Plumbing, Heating,Gas • Piping 458,3.3 5,500.00 5;x.00 • n DETAIL QP PERSONAL sERtr T_Crs (contd.) • Proposed a 95Job Title Monthly Monthly Annual Pro p osed Ado P ted Salary Salary Prot. xnspp (contd.) Dir.1 Pub.Arks. - . . . (Supervision n Clerk-steno. (33 1/3%) Total . ' '13,640.0'6. 11,000.00 �r 421 Mngineer (20%) • Bldg. Insp.(2C ) Utilities(2 a) • Highways(' } ImpirorrSpecial Assess, :(3 ) 541.00 11+0.00 6,500.60 ` 1,680.00 1', C itm; , Asst. Engr.(1/3) -Imp. on Special Assess. (2/3) Party Ching(u3) • Imp. on Special Assess. (2/3) 311,0-360 4,200.00 11520.00 3...„1, Rodman (1/3) • Spe. Assmt..,(2/3) 115.00 1,360.00 , t Ehgr. Insp. 6t: all to Spa, ' Asemt. Projects Clerk-Steno. (33 1/3%) . 210.00 960.002,520.0.'• Total 7,920.00 9, 0.o b i& (422) rear Leader .44 5.00 467.50 5,34040 5,610.00 i,l .:0 Made Oper. 1+45.00 • 1.67.50 5,340.00 5,610.00 5,-144.-0(, n Maint. II 350.00 .380.00 4,590.00 4.56{5;M Maint. III • (6) 30,00 0350.00 4,420.00 49080. DETAIL OF PERSONAL SE1VICES(contd,) 1958 Proposed 1958 1959 :ob Title Monthly Monthly Annual Proposed Adopted Salary Salary ! ..; ;Ta j (contd.) sl aint, III Charged to Water and Sewer Utilities Supt...St. , i. 495.00 502.,00 5v940.0061240.00* 6,tI.00 ?'saint. 1I 375.00 300.00 If 5('0.00 49680.00* 1t,5 O.00 Engineer (1C ) Tempo Salaries 1000.00 1,000.00 Total 2)" 9283 . 20,09.00 =F Not Included in Total for High cya n n 4/ �+j� tt .F.a q Bt Af;Ti.V11'y tw.. .FNEYtAl.1o1RmRrRIM`.isw.stanw PMRKY�n..'Y�•.. .., .ntT!w.,... v....a.AN•.-.Mgr,;-a a...... .k a 1 1, t I' ... ki C7 �rSCA ��x.fni`�w� IfwM.l MnlRii.OMV�+sR^�RI�.K(+wMi:��. 1P�ea�wal+...rJ�•y .. ...w.0 • «.. ..iN..+!w•fss •�'.Nw XC YV'w..ci -. °•^ ManaiIer Chair i $?z ) 50 77 C.abj iof E '"`''5. 1 85 t S ii v.,93.:1; E .7-1,-.0 i $p i tic, and ''dioterz + 'Afan fir do Ragiatz../.i•,:,.on 0;1.:x:' 2/.� , , ry Chair ) it 60 r-60C. i $ 600.. n S�.o sip t` for VaL. ,;(2) 6 Liz Stoxwg Cup parr i i ! 170 end C . i.2wtor(2) 3f; 1 i C b e.. t4 f a social r i Arse g-,Li ci.. f,:ak,3.71! J-•,..:5,,.) ISo Table fol. V.,n1n 1 n1 eta;, /0 40' •- ) i '50 1.5 _ Lagal 0eleallator 1 650 Lumber et 1L2ht., to supplies do not= havo i . to be on :loor ''i11 outer office i. 200 1 -------- TOTAL ;3X:15 / $1,315 ,. .. sing Desk t -%? 13 $ Chair 65 Table and : :cc. ;, ■ •,. TOTAL i75 Lac 7=..-1.1.,/„Istgri T'ez po ar"y Ofrioes 1$ `li() $ 5 (,, Water Meter 1 160 �iE7tI3i'e!`i3:Lir`I3 of Oil p P macs to Natural Ges 6 f 50 Chairs (20) C48.00 i `0 TOTAL '41$490 $1,490 i, t iyy 4 rii) , Public Safety Filing Cabinet s 4 65 . $ 85 Police Repiscomawt of Patrol Cars(2) 2,600 2,600 Phata Equipment + 10TAlL tt2,X35 $ 2,885 Fire Willys Inc Univero . S4sx e1 CJ-6 Jeep ! 24004 ! 2,040 Chair and Table I 100 ¢ 100 Misc. Equipment for Jeep (PumP rxtd Tank) 1„. 1,000 Fire Hosar Ag. . TOTAL , 5 $ 3,725 Protective 1, i Inspection Des ([i) i 280 i 11.0 Chair (.i.) w 0 # 1 Q File a Cabinet 4 =?5 85 !.'i ca-&:lap St' red a ( clz,' .f~ i - 50 1 i . s{ rl _3 1` En ineerin4 Desk t li p • R , Chairs (( l 3) r/0 30 Draft! Stool (. 1 "` r 25 (") iei Ie Cabinet (J) ! 37.:,a: 85 Lap abino # 150 Typewriter 1, !ti ` e 225 Cae.Ad'iu .atoi I .;r � --- VJ'litLj, 1 .:<3 55C- i $ 655 �._...�..r.-.....w�� .r.u. - r«m...,,rw�..,. ..+...xti. - .., .r+.�.,..+.r...s.... ..............a+e ..«+.+'w.0 o.,..r...... ..._......, Stre�xr,-.Al-.Alley Heavy Buty�ump Tl.^.,.,1. ; 5,.40C 1 5,L oo Pickup track ` ' � «,F 5 -. 1 i,5bo End gate 'Type L c.'• . c e (i; 90 0 a )450 Front End L ttdc.I• i, Pa ',t•oc } .k''C' i 6,600 Asphalt curb Bui.leirT s Y..n' ----- Other ImproveaenLe Improve 61st.. 'von 7th St. l ti....`°i ct 10,500 F TOTAL 1,22.;;!1.06 $13,55'0 Equipment Maint 3 Misc. Tools, worry bcnsh 300 300 Seep TOTAL Traffic Signs Sig» F; CITY OF FR1PL/ ;) „.:) 195' PROPOSED BUDGE1 Bu!Et1 ot' Bttd mtsd t -ent digr1+ „b -.2courit if urld`, Dc bt.: aery oe 1c94e Description 1195 1 1957 11958 Esti!ate 1969 .9b.^ (Accoun Title) Expenm p E o*n. Budget 1?otu1 1 Proposed9 Ado pta i R tNmarks 4911060 General Ohl- : fr iatfon Bonds t Serial Bonds 5,COO . 1, , a t$ O00 I $3,000 ! .29 Other Conte, 3 ract 901 Service 6 1 10 1 20 € 2 1 . n 441 In t e ri t 1 540 x,30 i 490 i 560 ; 270 270 ! S P 6urp11,:�' Acctta 4 1 1 + (I.0 ► t:-cquire:II / 1 1 t I levy of 5r-ig 1111 1 i . 1 exccc.o of re.1 i "�. 1j ` quirc #e..c R 1 z 6s *-1: F are .*... f=,7 vc+t4:"Zmp+.*»i?:S— »».s .'"' - -; r,,,..i a�.- i -.:' c—'. y : ! 1 % g • 4 y 4 { t ; I t a 5 1 xit , w q to vas. .... ■ ea 43 1 t In IA tri 0% 0 0.1 8 LIN l w LiN sly " tct tt1 in 1 46 ge. a I" LIN ;64 R g xj R m g , 8174 IA ti ti 0 I 0 ,go t 0� 1 0 g -1 • 7h CITY OF FRIDL -/ 1959 PROPOSED BUDGET Summary. of Budgeted Expenditures, by. Accounts Fund: Firemen's Relief Code , Description 1956 1957 1958 Estimate 1959 L959 Account Title) {-,• pen• Expen- . Budget. Total Proposed Adopts. Remarks • ure di ure 958 Bud_e B 495,81 Remittance of Revenue Collected for other Agenoie $866 .$2,235 #3,430 $3,360 $4,200 $4,200 : Mills- 1Mili for 1958) j . 4 4 . P _ s ! 1 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Ordinance No. 109 An Ordinance adopting the budget for fiscal year 1959 The Cif of Fridley Ordains: Section 1. That the annual budget of the City of Frid- ley for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1958 thich has bed .submitted by the City tianagcr and modified and approv- ed-by the City Council is hereby adopted; the totals of the said budget and the major divisions •thereof being as fo,Uowe s Revenue Available • Current Revenue General Property Tax . . . . • . *151,8 F) Licenses and Permits : . . . . . 19,500 Fines and Forfeitures • • . . 11,050 Fram Other Agencies 9,500 Services Charges 3,050 Non-Revenue Receipts 40,060 Total . . .. . . . $.23 4,969 General Property Taxes for 0 th or Funds Debt Service Fluid . . . . . . . . . 3,455 Public Finployees Retirement Fund 2,835 Fireman Relief Plaid . . . . 4,200 Total All Funds . • . . . . ...2 45 q • Requirements Leyor and Council . . . . . . 4 3,975 1.anager 9,530 Municipal Court 6,035 Elections and Voters Re str-ation. . . . . 680 Finance . . . • . . . . . . 33,319 Legal, , . . . . 5,000 Boards and Commissions 160 General:Gove ent Building 6,980 Public Safety 59,652 Protective Inspection 12,925 f.iidrays .. 70,953 Sanitation and ; aste Removal . . . . . . . . 620 Coneer aticn of Health . . . . . . . . . 340 . Recreation and parks 12,800 Emergency Appropriation 12,800 Total General Gov. 423._4,969 Debt Service Fund 3,455 Public lmployees Retirement Fund . . . . • • • 2,835 Fireman Relief Fund 4,200 Total All Funds v 245,459 Section 2. That the City. Lrnager be directed to cause the appropriate accounting entriec to be made in the,books of the City. Adopted by the City Council Vie 25th day of Septem- ber, 1958. Frank C. LaGrange, Jr. Layer Attest: Suzrnne biskowic City Clerk 1st heading: Sept. 4, 1958 2nd heading: Sept. 25, 1958 NIiLS, October 2, 1958 2 •