1961 Budget . , -7,7,; • r ''':,_:_-. _ ,J,,:,,-_,,....,,,•,:v;I,,,.;„,-,--.,4,17,2:,.:;4., -,_ r-',1.41:: ov :,,,11,,,,:_sz„,,,,,,,,:, ----47 1961 BUDGET Z;FLIFn • ir% City Manager•a Budget dessage 1 i Ordissoce #139 Adapting the 1961 Budget kmawa .1 - Estimated Revenues Page 1 maislir II Estimated Expenditures . , - Page 2 ' EX}IIBIT III , .General Fund Detail , . Pages 3 - 29 Finance Department . . Pages 3 - 5 - - - Page 3 Clerk • 00000000 , 00000 . :0 ,, ..Treasurer • - - . 0 Page 1; Assessor 0 . Public Works Department .. Pages 6 * 10 Streets - - : - - . . ° Page 6 000 OOOOOOOOOOO 00 . . . Page 7 Snow and Ice Ressoval 0 • • . • 0 . 0 Page 8 Traffic. Signs. Signals. Marking . . . . • . . Page 9 Equipment and Maintenance Shop • . Storm se.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 . . . -0 . :::: 12 Police Department O OOOOOOOOO • 0 . • • • ..-- • 0 Page 12 Fire Department • * * * , . , Page 13 City Manager , , , , , , , , , , , , , • 0 000 00000Page 14 Engineering • , , MUnicipal Court Page 15 O OOOOOOOOOO 0 0 . 0 0 Legal Department - 6 • • 0 0 page 16 Building Inspector Page 17 City Council ' Page 18 Elections and Registration Page 19 • Parks and Recreation • ..• • • •• • • • • 0 0 • 0 o. Pages 20 & 21 Sanitation and Health Page 22 Health Conservation • 0 • , 4, • 41 . • • 7 7 - - - - - . a " .1'.1!ge.!! Weed Control Page 22 o OOO 0 . . . . a .,, o- Page AZ el" st, nil • 0 0 • • ,0 • o 41 a ft , AtailMil ,C Ontr 01 . Page 22 v A u d i t i n g 0 0 . • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • ft , O OOO ■ OOOO ■ • O Page 23 . Buildings Page 24 Civil Defense • o'Page 25 0 . . OOOOOOOOO • • • • • • • • • a , Street Lighting . Page 26 Commissions:- • . Page 27 '&116axter 6 . . . . . , Page 27 Civil Service . . Page 27 Board of Appeals . ii . ,, 0 Aige 27 Planning Page 27 Health and Hospital. Insurance 'Page 28 Reserve fa. •N00000 0 00000000000 ■ 0 • OO .OOOOOOO 29 =um IV Other Venda Detail ' 'Page '30 . Debt Semi** • • • Page 30 • Pgbrirserni." 11111Ps Relatigeefts ". •Ur!Nat .. • OO • OOOOO • • • 0, o 0 • .4 PagPligee 3300 State Aid -.1Liensapi . , ' Page 30 ZXRDIV V PARIV easel Services De ital.' Pages 31 - 35 . 1 IIMIDIT VI ': . - Capital Dale/ Detail . Pages 36 - 38 Page 39 EXHIBIT VII Villi_ 04100111 Service Detail MU= VIII afalikir:api Laurance Detail Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 oielk: xxxixrxuallu xu . ' Asalleaa118411"41111. Vaballtienof iris *its, TaxeandiggLery, and Mill Rate . . . . • .. . • • , -•-..:,.,X,,_ `,....=%,;,,,T'-;.4:-,4:---E-:=1:';,,,'::`'- - -',' -I's;, '77; :iy4-4,S;,,:;V-,'1:1-;■IV:‘, 44:,::::": August 5, 1960 n Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council City of Fridley, Minnesota Gentlemen: Section 7.04 of the City Charter, of the City of Fridley, requires the City Manager to submit, to the City Council, a proposed budget as the . principal item of business at the first meeting in August. Prior to the first meeting in August, this year, the Council set a public hearing date for the budget for August 17, 1960. This is the budget document that the Council will consider at said public hearing. You will note that this has an index to facilitate finding any particular item that one might wish to find. Since tuts is the first budget that I have presented to this Council, perhaps a brief ex- planation of its general makeup is in order at this time. I will give you an example of the method of itemising the various expenditures, and this format will prevail throughout the budget. On page 2, the first item under General Fund Estimated Expenditures, is the Finance Department and the amount estimated for 1961, is $36,976.00. You will note at the bottom of Pages 3, 4, and 5 the way in which this $36,976.00 was computed. A further breakdown is obtained by detailing personal services, and capital outlay items. You will note, on. Page 3, a figure for personal services of $7,308.00 At the top of Page 31, you will ^ find the breakdown of this. figure. Also on Page 3, you will find an item of 1 $400.00 for Capital Outlay, The use to which this $400.00 will be put, is found at the top of Page 36. As I stated before, this particular breakdown will pre- vail throughout the budget. You will note on Page 2, that the Estimated General Fund Budget for 1961 is approximately $75,000.00 more than the estimated expenditures for 1960. This increase generally occurs in the Police, Fire, and Parka and Recreation functions of the City. The reasons for this increase will be gone into further on in this letter. I will not discuss the ordinary expenses, such as communications, printing, office supplies, insurance, etc., in this letter, but will concentrate on personal services and capital outlay items. The estimated need for the Finance Department for 1961 is $36,780.00. The Finance Department includes the City. Clerk's Office, the City Treasure es Office, and the Assessing Function, and the detail is found on Pages 3, 4, and 5. The additional $3,000.00 requested for personal services over the 1960 budget for the City Clerk's Office, on Page 3,.is because of the addition of an account- ing clerk as indicated on Page 31. There is no appreciable difference between the 1960 estimated expenditures and the proposed 1961 expenditures.for the City Treasurer's Office an Page 4. There is a decrease in the request for 1961, as .. opposed to 1960 expenditures for the assessing function on Page 5, because 1961 is not a real property assessing year, and therefore, we do not anticipate as much personal services expenditures as in 1960. The cost of the Finance Depart- n sent to the citizen of Fridley would be $1.56 per capita per year. AAA f 1 The Public Works Department includes streets, snow and ice removal, traffic signs, signals and marking, equipment maintenance shop, and storm sewers. You will note on Page 31, that there is a request for two additional laborers, and that increases in monthly salaries have been requested. On Page 35, will be found a letter from the Union Business Representative indica- ting the union's salary request for the`Public Works employees indicated. The column labeled present salaries, I added to the letter for your information. The difference between present salaries, requested salaries by the union, and salaries recommended by the Manager, can be determined by comparing the third column at the bottom of Page 31, and the two columns in the letter on Page 35. Although the salary increases recommended, and the addition of.two laborers, increase the personal services by approximately $14,000.00, the actual differ- ential becomes only $2,500.00 because of the amount of salaries that can be charged to the new state aid the City will receive in 1961. The Capital Out- lay detail for the Public Works Department is found on Page 36, and is an in- crease over last year of approximately $2,800.00. Rather than attempt to pur- chase a $15,000.00 crawler-loader, I am recommending the purchase of a tilt- type trailer for $2,000.00 to transport a rental crawler-tractor loader, which rental is about $1,000.00 per year. It seems to me that the rental for two months of the year, at about $500.00 per month, is much more sensible than purchasing a $15,000.00 piece of equipment that would not be used too often. The other items are necessary to enable this department to keep pace with Fridley's rapid growth. The per capita cost per year for the Public Works Department, is $2.64. (1°) The Police Department budget request is approximately $23,000.00 more than it is estimated will be spent in 1960. The bulk of this difference is found in personal services. You will note on Page 32, an approximate 5% increase in pay plus a request for two additional patrolmen. There is an item of some $3,000.00 for a secretary, which was not in the budget for 1960. I am recommending the addition of two patrolmen, because the City is growing very rapidly, and has an area of 10i square miles to patrol. I am also recommending the purchase of an additional patrol car, which is so noted on Page 36. The cost of the Police Department, detail of which is found on Page 11, amounts to $3.01 per capita per year, which is less than 10 per capita per day. This seems to me to be a very reasonable cost for such an important function of City government. On Page 12, will be found the detail for the Fire Department showing an increase over 1960 of $16,000.00. $9,000.00 of this difference is found in personal services, because of the recommended addition of a full time paid Chief, and the fact that the cost for volunteers has increased $2,500.00 because of an expected increase in fire calls, because of the rapid increase in structures each year. You will note also, a difference of approximately $6,000.00 between 1960 expenditures, and the request for 1961 under ordinary expenses. Most of this in- crease is found under maintenance and repair of equipment, and general supplies. - It is expected that there will be the need to replace an engine, and a general refurbishing of the equipment, and you will note that the 1961 request of $2,000. 00 for general supplies is only $74.00 more than the actual expenditures in 1959. The lesser sum spent in 1960 was not sufficient for the department for 1960, so that the department has requested an increase to $2,000.00, so that they will rmN not have to defer purchase of necessary supplies because of lack of funds. Per capita cost per year for 1961 for this most important function will be $1.35. r On Page 13 is the detail of the expenditures necessary to operate the City Manager's Office. Personal services show a slight increase,. .and the n detail can be found on Page 32. There is an increase of approximately 8900.00 in capital outlay for the Manager's Office which is detailed on Page _31. The dictating equipment for this office is most unsatisfactory, and I therefore em requesting the latest equipment put out..by Dictaphone, at the estimated cost of $745.00. The per capita per year cost of operating the City Manager's Office is 73e On Page 14 is the detail for the Engineering Department. This request shows an increase of approximately $1,400.00 overestimated expenditures for 1960. You will find .on. Page 32, that it is anticipated that the Engineer will receive an increase for the last 10 months of 1961, of $33.00 per mouth, or en • annual salary of $8,400.00. Cost per capita per year of the Engineering Depart- ment is $1.02. • On Pages is and 16 will be found the detail for the Municipal Court and the Legal Department. the request for 1961 for the Municipal Court is as submitted to the City Manager by the Municipal. Judge, The differential is less than $100.00 more than 1960, and the breakdown of the- personal services will be found st the top of Page 33. The $250.00 budgeted for capital outlay apparently is for no . specific item, but was requested by the Court, and will be found on Page 31. The amount budgeted for the Legal Department is the same as estimated expenditures for 1960, since this on a fee basis, and there is only past experience to guide us. Per capita per year cost of the Court is 48a, and of the Legal Department, 190. I The Building Inspection detail on Page 17 shows s request for an in= crease of approximately $2.000.00 for the department. $1,500.00 of this $2,000.00 is found in the increases in salary for the employees of the department, detail of which is found on Page 33. The capital Outlay item of $500.00 requested, is for an electric typewriter. Per capita per year cost of this department is $1.08. Pages 18 and 1,.9 are the details for the cost of the City Council and the cost of holding Elections and registering Voters. These expenses are fairly routine® and I will not go into detail on them. Per capita cost per year for the City Council is 380, 'and for Elections and Registration is 50. On Page 20 will be found the details for the Parks and Recreation func- tion of the City Government. The Parks budget of $2$,419.00 for 1961 is nearly double that of 1960. This budget .was presented to me by the Park Board, which is appointed by the City Council as an advisory body, so that I am submitting it to you intact. Although I made no attempt to make any changes in the Park Board's request, I would like to say that I feel that Parks are a very important part of City government, and that I feel that their budget request is not out of line, and that I would like t+p recommend that this -budget be retained as submitted. The budget for the joint City school Recreation Program is found on Page 21. At the top of the page, you will note that the income estimate of $5,000.00 is from the . City Recreation Fund. In 1960 the City transferred $4,000.00 to this Board, and the request for $5,000.00 is included in the budget, and will be found on Page 20. Combining these two budgets on Page 20, the total becomes $30,419..00. There is no intent by combining these taro budgets, to combine the two functions, since they ,rte are separated by Ordinance of the City of Fridley. Per capita cost per year of f l Parks and Recreation amounts to only $1.29, as budgeted, 0 w, Pages 22 ..d 23 co e{ Touti.ne >: s ' � -h. Cougerwation of lti on Page 2i., the Council, of course, is *wave s'•.2 e c request by the Board of Health, that the City eug;age.a professional sanitarian. The Board has ad* prised me. that if the Council desired to do so, eO amount of $7,000000 should be budgeted for 1961.. You will note that in this document, only 41.5G0®00.3+ keted, but I believe that it would be possible..to budget $7.000.00 for this importat u� • City function, if the Council so desired. On Page 23, there is a request for $1,000.00 more than was spent in 1960 for Auditing, and this of course, is a • "guess" figure since the Auditors told us that they did not feel that they would be able to audit the City's books for the same figure as 1960, partieularly be_ cause of the increase of City business due_t5o the rapid growth. The four mini- tation and health functions on Page 22, •cost 15C per capita per year, and the Auditing function costs 184 per capita per year. • Page 24 is the detail, primarily,. for the maintenance of the City Hall. Au increase of $2,200.00 is requested, most of which will be found in the fact that the Council agreed to employ a janitor for $100.00 per month, which .is an addition of $1,000000 sore than spent in 1960, and there is an increase of about $1,300800 in utilities Cost, istiaeted iitciu$e of additional electrical, typewriters, electric bookkeepi$mines, and air conditioners. Per capita per. year cost is 440# . Pages 23, 26, sad 27 are minor functions of the City Government, the Civil Defense request on Page 25, being for $500.00, the street lighting request on Page 26 for $3 .00, and the request for the various commissions on Page 27 being for $485000. the $3,500.00 requested on Page. 26, for street lighting, covers the cost of the 49 *treat lights that will .be in operation by the end ,of l9608 and the addition of 30 street lights in 1961. This program was approved by .the City Council early'in 1960, and the budget figure is' iu line with that program. All of the various coemiissioas, functioning for the City of Fridley are found on -g, ` Page 27, namely.the Charter Commission, the Civil Service Commission, the Board of Appeals, and the Planning and Zoning Commission. I believe that details found on Pages 25, 26, .and 27 are self-explanatory, and need no further comment. Per 0 capita cost per year of these function* is 20 for Civil Defense, 150 for street lighting, and 20 for the Commissions. • • On Page 28 is fond the request for $1,92040 health and hospitalization insurance for the City to phases. This of course, would have to be a group set=up, approved by the emploYeee. The recommenndation of $1,920.00 is for the City to pay the coat of such a plater for single employees. Those desiring family policies pay the differe04e between the single employee cost, and the cost of a family policy. It is astiaeted that the Cit; oest would be somewhere between $4.35 ann: $3.00 per month, So I beve budgeted $5.00 par month. Cost of this insurance per capita per year would be 8a. . • Tba reserve for contingencies, on Page 29, is required by Section 7.08 of the City Cberter, and emanate to 3.11 Of the budget. • Per capita cost per year is SOt. This fib, Of ..semi, is very flexible, but the Council seldom has placed over S. in the budget as a reserve. On Page 30-eill be found the detail of other funds that are either set . up by the State Statute., or had been pswtously committed through the Sale of bonds. Debt Saeviae. and Public D■ployees•Setiraent are pre-determined amounts not subject to budgeting. loot tiremsoneRelief; however, I am reeammending 1025 mills which is an increase of .25 sill'over the amount levied last year. State • Aid Highways is purely an estimate at this time, and a/though this will be our first experience with receiving this aid, / reasonably certain that: we will receive more than $10,000 00, no that I have used a maintenance figure of $10, 000.00. The reserve for construction figure of .$40,000.00 can be increased, or n decreased, depending upon what we receive, without affecting our budget. Per capita per year cost of Debt Service is 13c of the Public Employees Retirement,_ 42c, and the Piremans' Relief, 360. This completes the explanation of.principal items for the general fund, and other funds, as budgeted for 1961, :.A11 of these items discussed .in this letter, plus any other, or all of the other 'items the Council wishes to consider9 will be considered.at the time the Council discusses the budget at its regular meetings. The per capita cost per year of this entire budget is $16028, • In the abate discussion, I have briefly touched on the items relative to personal services and •capital outlay,,,but ,I wish to bring to your attention the complete breakdown of personal service., which will be found on Pages 31 through 34, and the detail of Capital Outlay, which will be found .on Pages 36 through 38.• Exhibit VII en Page 39, is :the breakdown of the cost of telephone service only. I .felt that this was a large enough item, that it would be of interest to the.City Council.' This $4,6.15020 is blended into the budget under • Communications, and therefore, you.would:,ngt 'be able to know just exactly how much telephone service costs, unless I gave you this breakdown. On Page 40 is •the Cost of Insurance and Bonds to the City of $10,026.00. This breakdown was prepared for me by Hr. Pearson, the City's General Agent, and again I felt it would be of interest to the Council. The Schedule of Bonds outstanding in the amount of $5,690,811.50 is el found on Page 41, for your information. The Assessed valuation, Tax levy, and Hill rate will be found on Page 42. I-always place this as the last pagee of the budget, because then it will �, be easy to find at anytime anybody wants to refer to it. You will note that the Finance Director, and I, have estimated_our City's assessed valuation for 1961 to be $7,000,000.00. A 35 mill rate would then raise $245,000000. To allow for any delinquencies, we have used a 98X collection, which amounts to $240,100.00. The breakdown at the bottom of Page 42 indicates,.that for the regular City .perm ations, -31.87 mills will be required to seise the $218,626.00. For Debt Service, Public Employees Retirement, and Pitmans' Relief, a levy of 3.13 mills will be required. As I stated before, however, the Council has the decision relative to the levying of 1 mill, or 1.25 mills, 'for Fireman' Relief. Since the City merely requests a certain amount of money framthe County, and the levy is then made according to the amount of assessed valuation, there is no guarantee that the levy for 1961 would be 35 mills. If the Council does not appreciably change this budget, so ,that the City requests $245,000.00 from the County, the levy would be 35 mills if the assessed valuation were $7,000,000.00 If we have been conser- vative, the levy then of course, will be•.leess •than 35 mills. If we have been over optimistic, the levy then would of necessity be more than 35 mills. We have tried to be conservative in our estimate of $7,000,000.00,assessed valuation, so that I feel the Council has some leeway in approving a budget for 1961, and still stay within 35 mills. • • n 1 e ,Atik With. the we explanation, and purauant to Section 7: .,04 of the City (") Chartew of the City of Fridley, Minucsota,- this budget docl:,meat is herewiklit submitted for your consideration-. Respectfully 64tted: cc, _, cJ17i1 Earl P. Wagnev CITY MANAGER I. • • • • • AN 0171174010E ArOPTThG Ti ET FOR'FISCAL YEAR 19610 THE CITY OF FRIT)t,EY OPT A S s SECTION to That the annual budget of the City of Fridley for the fiscal year bee ginning January 1, 1961 which has been submitted by the City Manager and modified and. approved by the City Council is hereby,adopted; the total of the said budget. and' the major divisions thereof being as follow*: REVENUE AVAILABLE . • REQUIRE:IENTS CURRENT REVENUE: GENERAL FUND: General Property Tax . . 5222,121.00 Finance e o : e. . . . . . e 36,780000 Licenses and Permits • • . 46,500.00 Public Works 63,056.00 Fines and Forfeitures a : . 9,010.00 Polio • 71,061.00 From Other Agencies '. . . -211,000000 . Fire • . . n .. e . e • • . . 32,067,00 Service Charges • . • . . . 6,310.00 City Manager • 17,259600 Non.Revenue Receipts . . . 32,550.00 Engineering 24,941.00 Unappropriated Surplus • 2,000.00 Municipal Court' . • 6 . • 11,366,00 Legal . 0 . . . . 0 . . .04,500 000 TOTAL . . . . . . • •363,191.00 Building Inspection a . a . 0. 25,192.00 City Council 0 . . . . . . 8,910.00 GENERAL PROPERTY TARES FOR Elections and Registration .. 1,125.00 OTHER FUNDS: Parka & Reel-eation • _ . 30,,419.00 • Sanitation & Health • .. . 0 0 3,210.00 Debt Service Fund . o . . . $. 3095.00 Auditing 06oeeeeeee 4,200000 Public Employees Retirement Buildings . . . • 10,325.00 /% Fund o o ,a .' d d 9,804.00 . Civil Defense : . . . . . . 0 1,675.00 f 7 Fired= Relief Fund . . . . 8,575.00 Street Lighting 3,500.O0 A State . • 0 5000000: Cosmiseions . o . • .. . .. . 485.00 Health'&. Hospital 'Insurance . 1,920.00 TOTAL ALT, FUNDS : • $1134,965.00 Reserve 0 . . • : . . . . TOTAL GENERAL FUND . . • "363,491000 OTHER FUNDS: .Dolt Service .'. .. . • • . 3,095.00 : 9,8011.00 . Firemen+s' Relief .... • 825750 State Aid . Highiayt . . . . 50,0'X ,00, . TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . : . 14311,965000 SECTION 2. That .the City• flan sr be directed to cause the ap'PropeLite accounting eatriee'to`be made is the books Of the•Citji: • Pena AND ADOPTER BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS istb: . • Yom . OF .. i$60.• • re ATTEST: • • • E GkI'TY MANAGE F+3i' F0 WagPer r Exhibit I CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1961 ESTIMATED REVENUES 1960 1961 1958 1959 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND AND SOURCE mum REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE GENERAL FOND: General Property Taxes $ 94,810.00 $154,258.62 $184,195.00 $222,121.00 Licenses 5,273.00 11,154.40 9,800.00 10,500.00 Permits 21,018.00 41,024.15 35,000.00 36,000.00 Municipal Court Fees 11,648.00 . 11,440.75 9,000.00 9,000.00 Conciliation Court lees 36.00 14.00 10.00 10.00 State Shared Taxes 11,962.00 15,224.11 12,000.00 24,000.00 Gen.Govt. Service Chgs. 1,070.00 2,112.12 1,850.00 2,500.00 Pub.Safety Serv. Chgs. 2,453.00 4,317.17 3,600.00 3,800.00 Highways' Service Chgs. 1,433.00 31.00 10.00 10.00 Other Incase 1,076.00 1,053.22 250.00 250.00 Refunds & Reimbursements 6_9.00 • 1.990.41 500.00 1 200.00 7,258.00 $242,619.95 $256,215.00 $309,391.00 Transfer from Liq. Store 45,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 31,100.00 Unexpend.Appro,12/31/60 0 0 _23.287.00 23,000.00 Available for Apprep. r General Fund $202,258.00 $282,619.95 $299,502.00 $363,491.00 OTHER FUNDS: Debt Service Levy 3.478.71 3,432.45 3,185.00 3,095.00 P.E.R.A. Levy 1,645.00 2,732.16 6,205.00 9,804.00 Firemen's Relief Levy 3,301.76 5,550.68 5,850.00 8,575.00 State Aid - Highways 0 0 0 5D .00 TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS-ALL FUNDS $2;0,683.47 $i: 4943335..24 ,314.742.00 $434,965.00 el -1- X:y C Exhibit II CITY OF nnIDLET, )WWESO!A 1961 aorimuso EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 1958 1959 1960 1961 GENERAL FUND: Finance $ 37,167.15 $ 28,894.60 $ 33,288.00 $ 36,780.00 Public Works 33,342.00 52,611.23 58,964.00 63,056.00 Police 41,781.37 46,413.82 48,407.00 71,061.00 Fire 13,681.02 13,141.15 13,900.00 32,067.00 City Merger 9,075.48 11,804.06 15,146.00 17,259.00 Engineering 6,967.00 18,167.39 239546.00 24,941.00 Municipal Court 5,826.70 7,142.27 11,258.00 11,366.00 Legal 2,782.48 3,795.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 Building Impacting 8,734.48 20,435.58 23,677.00 25,192.00 City Council 4,137.29 5,409.17 6,645.00 8,910.00 Elections 6 Registration 848.93 929.37 1,320.00 1,125.00 Parks 6 Recreation 9,166.21 13,326.29 17,650.00 30,419.00 Sanitation 6 Health 1,355.00 1,394.60 1,805.00 3,210.00 el Auditing 350.00 4,957.13 3,200.00 4,200.00 Buildings 5,051.88 6,194.22 8,164.00 10,325.00 8 Civil Defense 212.45 349.26 12,264.00 1,675.00 Street Lighting 401.00 617.26 1,425.00 3,500.00 Commissions 148.40 108.91 75.00 485:00 r Neaith 6 Rospital Insurance 0 0 0 1,920.00 Reserve 0 0 0 11.500.00 1jØ • ORMi*AL FUND $181,028.84 $235,693.51 $287,234.00 $363,491.00 OTORR FUNDS: Debt Service 3,369.75 3,279.73 3,185.00 3,095.00 PA.R.A. 1,645.00 2,708.88 6,205.00 9,804.00 Firemen's Relief 3,301.76 5,550.68 5,850.00 8,575.00 State Aid - tii s ..Q 0 0 50.000:00 TOTAL ALL FMS 8189,345.35 $247,232.82 $302,474.00 $434,965.00 -2_ r GENERAL FUND BUDGET DETAIL 1961 r1 r 1961 BUDGET FINANCE DEPARTMENT wan - City Clerk Cod. Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Baba Pescrivti�on 10.. 1959 1960 1961 PERSONAL SERVICES:.. 4051.10 Regular Employees $3,272.65 $3,375. � $3,690.00 $7y308.00 4051.12 T emp or°ry oyees 216.75 500.00 0. Total Personal. Services Igitn $3,592.55 $4490.00 P73506 OTHER :" 1SESs- 4051.20 Communications 43.00 150.00 400.00 500.00 4051.21 Printing & Publishing 52.00 188.21 . 80.00 80.00 4051.23 Travel, Conf., Schools 0. 7.68 0. 0. ? 4051.24 int. & Repair of Equip. 158.85 30,00 0. 0. 4051.29 Cont. Services 0. .85 10.00 10.00 4051.30 Office Supplies (2) 340.51 464.53 650.00 850.00 4051.39 General Supplies 15.50 152.23 10.00 10.00 4051.41 Insurance & Bonds 4.04 54.10 15,00 15.00 4051.43 Dues & Subscriptions 0. 19.00 10.00 10.00 4051.82 Refunds & Reimbursements 12.00 75.00. 75.00 ----22A2 Total Other Expenses 625090 1,171.60 1,250.00 1550,00 CAPITAL OU LATt- , l 4051.52 Office Fern. & Equipment 577.70 235098 350.00 400�A0 ' r CITY CLERK TOTAL 5.258.7 l0QQ,. 5.790..00 WHOA FINANCE DEPART! : TOTAL:- City Clerk 5,258.75 5,000.13 5,790.00 9,250.00 City Tr asuras 24,283.04 149970.70 16,963.00 17,197.00 Asesssint 8.923‘77 10.535.00 10. 4 Total .. See Exhibit II 37e� 28,894.60 33,288.00 .,7; .00 n - 3 - 1 1961 BUDGET FINANCE DEPARTMENT DETAIL - City Treasurer • Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Code BMW ._ i3 1960 PERSONAL SERVICES:- 4052,10 Regular Employees $11,331.47 $ 90560,11 $10,400.00 $ 9,845:,00 4052.12 . Temporary Employees 453.90 00 400o00 600.00 4052.13 Professional & Consultant Services 0. 0„ Total Personal Services 2, .x7 9,560.11 $10,800.00 150445.00 OTHER EXPENSES:- 4052.20 Communications 1,605029 886.61 800.00 800.00 4052.21 Printing & Publishing 267.19 86.20 800.00 800.00 4052.23 Travel, Conf., Schools 63.71 ' 250.43 250.00 500.00 4052.24 Maint. & Repair of Equip. 25.18 675.39 760.00 850.00 4052.29 Contractual Services 17.45 22.65 0. 0. 4052.30 Office Supplies 3,011.16 2,031.19 2,500.00 2,800.00 4052.34 Maint. & Repair of !quip. 141.48 0. 0. 0. • "52.39 General Supplies 51.83 9.67 50.00 50.00 '' dJ52.40 Rentals 135.00 0. 0. 0. 4052.41 Insurance & Bonds 34262 53080 164.00 276.00 4052.43 Snbecriptions 8e Dues 0. ....alssa 21000 21.00 Total Other Expenses 5,660091 4,030.94 5,345.00 68097.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY11- 4052.52 Office Furn. & Equip. 6,344.86 1,379.65 818000 655.00 CITY TREASURER - TOTAL A028304 18976.70 16,963.00 FINANCE DEPARTMENT - TOTAL City Clerk 5,258.75 5,000.13 5,790.00 9,258.00 City Treasurer 24,283004 14,970.70 169963.00 178197,00 Assessing 7.6;5.16 _wawa 114515.0, 10.325.00, Total - See Exhibit II 37,1 7015 28,894060 338288.00 369780000 • a r 1 1961 BUDGET FINANCE DEPARTMENT DETAIL - Assessing Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Code Description _ x.959 --12§2-__ 1961 PERSONAL SERVICES:- 4053.10 Regular Employees $5,657.50 $4,708022 $8,500000 $8,601,00 4053.12 Temporary Employees 1.47.97 2.229.56 1.000.,00 600000 Total Personas Services 7,275.47 6,937478 9,500000 9,201.00 OTBNR. :- 4053.20 Communications 0. 261.95 220.00 250.00 4053.21 Printing & Publishing 4.30 58.93 20,00 60.00 4053.23 Travel, Conf., & Schools 253.96 395047 500.00 500.00 4053029 Other Contractual Services 0. O. 10.00 10000 4053.30 Office Supplies 82.40 1,086.05 100.00 125.00 4053.39 General Supplies 9.23 24.09 25.00 24.00 4053.41 Insurance & Bonds 0. 15000 100.00 15.00 Total Other Exposes 349.89 1,841.49 975.00 984.00 /� CAPITAL OUTLAY:- ,1053.52 Furniture & Fixtures 0. 144.50 60.00 140.00 a r Assessing - Total 7.625.36, 80923077 10.531.00 10430000 FIRMWEIMPAUNANT TOTAL City Clerk 5,258.75 5,000.13 5,790.00 9,258.00 City 24,283.04 14,970.70 16,963.00 17,197.00 Assuming Total - See II ,1 . iiiiiii 33Q� 369780 0 a - 5 - f. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DETAIL - STREETS ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED t DE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 958' 11959 1960 1961 PERSONAL SERVICES: 0 422.10 Regular Employees $13,994.00 $16,234.36 $21,984.00 $23,765.00 422.12 Temporary Employees 0 0 3,000.00 3,000.00 Total Personal Services $13,994.00 $16,234.36 $24,984.00 $26,765.00 OTHER EXPENSES: 422.20 Communications $ 2.00 $ 78.44 $ 150.00 $ 250.00 422.21 Printing & Publishing 51.00 79.88 75.00 75.00 422.23 Travel, Conf., Schools 0 29.12 60.00 125.00 422.24 Maint. & Repair of Equip. 1,327.00 3,651.09 1,200.00 1,500.00 422.26 Maint. &Repair of Improv. 105.00 . 1,519.12 1,000.00 1,000.00 422.29 Contractual Services 526.00 526.20 2,200.00 1,000.00 422.30 Office Supplies 20.00 69.18 75.00 75.00 422.31 Small Tools 68.00 58.62 100.00 100.00 422.32 Street Patch Materials 1,214.00 0 2,500.00 4,000.00 422.33 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 1,746.00 2,081.75 1,700.00 1,700.00 422.34 Maint. & Repair of Equip. 427.00 415.76 1,000.00 1,250.00 422.36 Maint. & Repair of Improv. 1,851.00 6,178.95 3,000.00 2,000.00 422.38 Clean. & Waste Removal 1.00 0 10.00 10.00 422.39 General Supplies 624.00 785.10 1,200.00 1,200.00 422.40 Rentals . 980.00 266.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 422.41 Insurance & Bonds 313.00 1,107.05 1,940.00 1,006.00 Y.46 Licenses & Taxes 1.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 Total Other Expenses $ 9,256.00 $16,852.26 $17,220.00 $17,801.00 r CAPITAL OUTLAY: 422.52 Furniture & Equipment $ 38.00 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 422.53 Mach. & Auto Equipment 4,609.00 11,835.33 4,000.00 6,900.00 422.54 Improvements 3,801.00 170.38 0 0 Total Capital Outlay '$ 8,448.00 $12,005.71 $ 4,000.00 $ 6,900.00 STREETS-TOTAL : 3l 98.00 45 09233 $46,204.00 151,466110 PUBLIC WORTS 17EPT. TOTAL: Streets $31,698.00 $45,092.33 $46,204.00 $51,466.00 Snow & Ice Removal 60.00 498.74 4,425.00 5,885.00 Traffic Signs, Sig.., Mark. 1,177.00 681.93 1,020.00 1,030.00 Equip. & Maint. Shop 407.00 3,340.71 6,345.00 3,675.00 Storm Sewer 0 2,997.52 970:00 1,000.00 TOTAL-See Exhibit II $33,342.00 $52,611.23 $58,964.00 $63,056.00 ^ -6- f 1 . r PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DETAIL - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CODE NO. DESCRIPTION 195958 1959 1960 1961 PERSONAL SERVICES: 423.10 Regular Employees $ 0 $ 235.92 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,060.00 OTHER EXPENSES: 423.24 Maint. & Repair of Equip. $ 0 $ 0 $ 175.00 $ 175.00 423.29 Other Contract. Services 0 0 600.00 750.00 423.33 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 57.00 0 150.00 150.00 423.36 Maint. & Repair of Improv. 0 170.25 150.00 150.00 423.39 General Supplies 3.00 92.57 750.00 750.00 423.40 Rental 0 0 1,000.00 700.00 Total Other Expenses i 60.00 $ 262.82 $ 2,825.00 $ 2,675.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 423.53 Mach. & Auto Equipment $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,150.00 SNOW & ICS REMOVAL-TOTAL $ 60.00 p 498.74 $ 4,425.00 $ 5;,885.00 PUBLIC WORKS IMPARTMENT-TOTAL Streets $31,698.00 $45,092.33 $46,204.00 $51,466.00 Snow & Ice Removal 60.00 498.74 4,425.00 5,885.00 (") Traffic Signs, Sig., Mark. 1,177.00 681.93 1,020.00 1,030.00 Equip. & Maint. Shop 407.00 3,340.71 6,345.00 3,675.00 Storm Sewer 0 2,997.52 970.00 1,000.00 TOTAL-See Exhibit IX $33,342.00 $52,611.23 $58,964.00 $63,056.00 -7- emN . w JUBL7C., irORI DEPARTMENT DETAIL TRAFFIC :SIGNS9 SIGNS¢,,r' ii, MUMS ACTUAL Lti;TULL ESTiMECED 0 S T 1MAT D CL.'. _i 0. DgCRL?1 ION 1958 .1959 19960 1.961 AS0N AL SERVICES: 424.10 Regular Employees $ 0 $- 7.07 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 OTHER EXPENSES: ' 424.22 Utilities $ 7.00 $ 13.26 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 424.26 Maint. & Repair of Improv. 37.00 0 100.00 50.00 424.33 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 5.00 3.96 10.00 10.00 424.34 Maint. & Repair of Equip. 0 11.70 40.00 50.00 424.39 General Supplies 0 _ 31.74 500.00 500.00 Total Other Expenses $ 49.00 $ 65.66 $ 660.00 $ 620.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 424.51 Buildings & Structures $ 656.00 $ 0 $ 150.00 $ 200.00 420.54 Other Improvements 472.00 609.20 10.00 10.00 Total Capital Outlay $ 1,128.00 3-609.5 r- 160.00 $ 210.00 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNALS & MARXINGS 1.2 4,122.22, 681.93 1,420.02 1 030.00 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL: Streets $31,698.00 ;45,092.33 $46,204.00 $51,466.00 Snow ,3r Ice &. oval 60.00 495.74 4,425.00 5,885.00 i Traffic Signs, Signals, Math. 1,177.00 681.93 1,020.00 1,030.00 E guiye eat & Maint. Shop 407.00 3,340.71 6,345.00 0,675.00 Storm Sever U; .2 997.52 970.00 1L000.00 TOTAL-See Exhibit II $33,342.00 $52,611.23 $58,964.00 $63,056.00 .8- . . _ . • , • • .6. Q • 00°950'ait 00'4796690 WII9ctSt .00'Z'C'ECt II *TOW 9119-7VIOI 00'000-f 00'016 - 7i72577-- P • MOM/ CLZO3S • 00°S1.9C. 000SW9 ICOSVE 00 LO dogs oolsousquplus tuoddiobs OW0C0c1 00°0Z0 GI E6-199 00aILT4I •lawiegrruSTS 'gran 37J3e2L 00°G0VS 00°V ig..96t 0009 *moms ao/ T WM 00'99VI5O 00•t0V9t0 604544 00869810 ezams • :WWI, 212MXIMIRO =OK OIllad 0 nonmemmo■nopms 07.••■■70011,.6.11.,..... 56717W-f 5697f7-W T7707T-T 575764---f ams 90MTMUNIVM i • '9 SKI3surgn 71,10.1, . Li) WM t 00-SzOlz 0 107,-‘0941 0 0 $ &rpm 1'2P3 Ism 0 : 0 S-1'FA— 0 summeAgndm zaspo AuC71? 00!051 00*SZE SPILL 0 zuomdrobs witty T mitmig ZS° .C.2'4 0 t 00000V1 t lE°9V7 t 0 $ etizmon.in '9 112131:PIP% Is-cri! :Enxim 7VJAdV3 00'GZ07 . 00-0n $ 01"ZOVI t 00'40 1 ,000rtodxs aorpo pnol, 657A--- bwool 00'46 00'00C gmddns yeaaren 6C'cn 00'0C 00001 0 00011 slumaundmi 00 27,dri V 'WTski 9C•SZ, 00'51 00•SL 60'9C 0 sftIPITna VI II,del V 43uTint SE'SZt 00'05,1 00.00T 017'46E 0 quawdpdws ;o mdel / 00'0SI Gros' IE' OA - 0 elopapmel / stand .7.0201K )71::' ;',7i; CYOK 00.00Z 175'oc.1 0 sToox ivame I 'CZIY 00'00i CO'EAT ZA-:,7?T 0 aar.,paas Trw.m.77;Tica kWfin 0005 crl'oT t:, 0 nal-1.3zrazg 30 aTvdt:u v -2.a7-wg .-..:'e' 4!;Z-1-.-; CO'F'‘)ST CO'SL 00'96 :2aswan WELO t; 0000c t ,19' 9,".a 0 5:3 aastcoIde ..1.slny 'IT'r.:::: . :SFOIAW.3 V.VROT.%45. 096 fic61. .395,1 gic.sia7trensEc 'OH !Ji0 UFIVOLY. emmun -Imiuti 77T4nv 716.-It-ITolirriiiiiimailibir:-IiZ.A.--Titt-7,1.7FW-5Wili _ . .7.- . . _ ______ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DETAIL - STORM SEWERS, ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CODE NO, DESCRIPTION 1_ 958 1959 1960 1961 PERSONAL SERVICES: 432.10 Regular Employees $ 0 $ 561.61 $ 220.00 $ 250.00 OTHER EXPENSES: 432.23 Travel, Conferences, Schools $ 0 $ 15.00 $ 0 $ 0 432.26 Maint., Repair, Other Upton. 0 0 50.00 50.00 432.29 Other Contractual Services 0 1,030.00 0 0 432.35 Maint. & Repair of Buildings 0 0 0 0 432.36 Maint. & Repair-Other Inaprov. 0 1,390.91 300.00 300.00 432.39 General Supplies 0 0 _ 400.00 400.00 Total Other Expenses $ 0 $ 2,435.91 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 TOTAL STORM SEVER $ 0 $ 2,997.52 $ 970.00 $ 1,000.00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL: Streets $31,698.00 $45,092.33 $46,204.00 $51,466.00 Snow & Ice Removal 60.00 498.74 4,425.00 5,885.00 Traffic Signs, Signals, Mark. 1,177.00 681.93 1,020.00 1,030.00 Equipment & Maintenance-Shop 407.00 3,340.71 6,345.00 3,675.00 /1 Storm Sewers 0 2,9997.52 970.00 1,000.00 *� TOTAL-See Exhibit II $33,342.00 $52,611.23 $58,964.00 $63,056.00 a -10- • • e e-N POLICE DEPAPTANT DETAIL A.L.:TUAL :CT.L' 7-*TTHATZD R3P1MATED CODE NO. PqCP111TI0N 1958 2.95:9_ 1960 1961 1UI-(00Ya c'ERVICES: 14'4..1.10 Fer.lar Pmployees 4300825.78 '-'35..„-ricr,00 '-,3 !:- ,,n 411,31 Rtg, rmp1oyees7 Overtime -0- ,L -0 29023.,.00 i411.12 Temporal"- Rwloyees Total Personal Services 71,--3T0-0;Igi' 711;a i'?,„1:1'5, 3S47:6730 Onfra EYPENezES: b.11„20 Colmunioritions ';'A 316,22 t 369 ?U 450.00 55o.00 la.-2..21 Printing .P., Publish, n5„90 41,2,:- loocal 150„00 413„ 23 Travel, Conf., schools 5.72 11 ') 250.0C 1 2r-1 -10 ,i, . ., ,„„ 411.24 Maint. & Repair of Eqpt. 961:15 E-12)'.31 6o0,0o 600„o0 411025 Mnt. of Bldg. & Struct. ( 0O ...,-,, 10 , 411.27 Prisoner care.;Workhouse -0- ',7";(,,I, 1000.00 111028 Ging. Sc "ast Removal 411.29 Other Contract. Services 10199.00 1,12.5.5C / 000-00 .,. 1000.30 hiloo Office Supplies 177.54 2-1,01. looe-.) 15o0oo 411.32 Uniforms .0. -,,,- 600,00 800.00 h1033 Motor Fuel! & Lubricants 3030.Co 191,9 ,at, 2000,00 2-710.00 411-34 Maint. & Repair of Eqpt. 395.59 3321, 1150000 610,,C0 b11,37 Prisoner Care 612.44 ,i1.2%. l '' , ' ,4*: 800, 00 sepoo General Supplies 737.68 6816,„/' 500,00 70:,,,M r 1a1.41 Insurance & Bonds 522.55 10:0.35 952.00 952.00 ! 411,43 Subs. & Memberships 48.00 20,12 25,00 50.00 411.46 Licenses & Taxes .0- 7.00 -0- -0- Total Other Expenses r876057 r72-63.77 7$ Icr27:66 716762:ai CAPITAL OUTLAY: 1411,52 Furniture & Equip. P 634000 g 33,,90 $ an.00 t 200.0D 411.53 Mach. & Auto Equip. it"1 377.00 3,,21,5.7o IL.50r.,.o0 Total Capital Outlay T1511546 7-7-17F-f-,: --T-pn-66- 7-r-1-N-*=W15 ... 0 t? -,■-,- ,0ou .‘*, 2.")p., •=,,,c.• • .....,,) ,IA 0....A_ £01(L POLICE DEPT.. See Exhibit II t41.781.37 $46J415.82 *434,.07.co i..71 ..'......_oo (-1 . . 04 S. ■ * .___-za 1, ' r . FIRE DEPARTMENT DETAIL n ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CODE NO DESCRIPTION 1958 _121L 1960 196/ PERSONAL SERVICES: 412010 Regular E plcyses 1050.00 `" 1031.25 2,100,00 8a6OOa0O 412.12.12 iempor.u7 Employees ees 2 667.00 b .926 x`00 - 63 .00 9' 000 Total Personal Services ,, 557 5 e 46016766 71706W:56 OTHER EX? LASES t 412„20 Communications $ 261,00 A 251075 420000 `S 75000O 412.21 Printing & Publishing 30.25 155$5O 100.00 130.00 412..22 Utility -0- .N.. <,t1- I1i2„23 Travel, Conf., Schools 473.93 179.00 900.00 900000 120'4 Mnt. & Rep. of Egpt.(Contrac)1,458.84 726.82 500000 L 5mctlO 412.2 Mnt. & Repo of Other Improve. 22.75 .0- ,,o, 1412.28 Cing. & 'Waste Removal 3.00 .0. .0., n 412.29 Contractual Services 65.00 }39.09 40.00 65100 1412.30 Office Supplies 186.00 58.58 200.00 200.00 412031 Small Tools • 20.00 5736 50.00 100.00 41203 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 317.00 148.53 ` 300at O 3000 4112.34 Maint. & Repair of Eqpt. 113.00 150.97 200.00 300,00 412.39 General Fuprslies 794.00 1,,9264 825.00 2,030,,00 12„40 Rental -+)_. 15.00 «,;� 412. 1 Insurance & Bonds 202.00 831.30 715.00 572.00 12.1;2 Awards & Indemnities 0 ' S,00 13000 85.00 2.43 Silos. & flues 191,00 _-1�1-.�1* 00 200,00 200.00 r Total Other.Expenses ? 4�,:1 g 1 d 7. 7,",°4;0.16 70;152765 .CAPITAL OUTLAY: 412052 Ft.rn. & Equip. 121.00 ,;L? 50 ' 100.00 $ 100000 4,1..`•3 Mach. & Auto Equip. 4,403.00 1,3'30,.-5 2,295000 d ?15.00 h'12.54 Other .Improvements' 72 .00 -0 - .O<, :..,0 ,. - ,rte s Total Capital Outlay VVs `:.o'• 4 g7 ,P3.=50 sS TOTAL FIRE DEPT.. See Erhibit II tb681.02 $13,141 $1.509cm .3,40,`'1< X 12 L. CITY MANAGER DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CODE NO. DESCRIPTION 1958 1959 1960 1961 1 RSOr4nL SERVICES: 402010 Manager & Secretes 8$250,00 f101,227.62 $ 2p936.00 402.12 Temporary Employees .0. .0- ; lJl6cDO Total Peraonal Services 1,78723M 0 22 t 46 111•27§567g5 :, 1, • OTHER EXPENSES: 402,20 Cozirui ications a1` 311.40 $ 384.75 - 600.00 t 750.00 402.21 Printing & Publishing 58.75 34.15 300.00 150.00 402.23 Travel, Conf., .schools 6„00 11�"9.9 t 300.00 3.O E;OO ,in ,02.2: M to & Repair of Eqpt. 43.05 60,,00 60.00 402„29 Contract. Services (Other) 11.00 ; O ' =per -0- 402,30 Office.,Supplies 177.50 811.81 55O0OO 6X) X) 1302034 Maint..&.Repair of Eqpt. -0. 9.26 25,00 225,00 402.39 General.Supplies 5450 a,0.. S.00 25.00 }402.41 Insurance ce &'Boer de 149.2:1.. -0-.. 100.`00 yy2 r.ppOO 13020133 Due3 6. '-11oscriptions 64.12 84.13 (OftOO l5t�.00 Total Other Expenses x"825746 f4ara 7776157t6 Cc . F CAPITAL OUTLAY: 402.52 Furl. & Equip. d -0 w • 39.3 = $ 200.00 1s,119,00 _ Total Capital Outlay °. o 13 7.75 30 TOTAL CITY MANAGER- See Exhibit II e, 9 015 48 $11,8o!.,o6 ;'1.cf 146.:00 4,17 250 CX) • r • • ,3 • } 1961 BUDGET ENGINEERING DETAIL Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Code __ b r Description 1958 , 1959 1960 1X69 PERSONAL SERVICES:- 4 21 .10 Regular Employees $ 51399.00 $12,182.10 $16,500.00 $16,854.00 421.13 Consultant Services _ 583.00 250.00 50000 Total Personal Services 5,399.00 12,765.10 16,750.00 17,354.00 sy� OTHR EXPENSESSs- 64.00 yin �1 ��� 423..20 Communications 64.00 302.36 300.00 500.00 421.21 Printing & Publishing 1.00 330.40 75.00 100.00 421.,23 Travel, Conf. Schools 440.00 568,10 600.,00 600.00 421.24 Dint. & Repair of Equip. 20.00 .0. 100.00 100.,00 421.29 Contractual Services 75.00 1,931.95 3,900.00 5,000.00 421.30 Office Supplies 307.00 1,399,25 750.00 750.00 421.31 Small Tools 59.00 0., 0, 0, 421.35 Pint. & Repair - Buildings 3.00 0. 0. 0 l.39 General Supplies 213.00 58..30 100,00 150.00 040 Rental ' 0. 5.00 0. 0, s 421.41 Insaranoe & Bonds 26.00 133.81 171.00 137. 00 421.42 Refunds & Reimbtree®ents 20.00 O . O. C. 421.43 Dues & Subscriptions 50.00 54,24 50.00 75.00 r 421.82 Unlade & Reimbursements 0-,_„ ,_ Total Other Expense. 1,278.00 4,863.9'1 7,437.00 CAPITAL OOTLtZs- 421 .52 Furniture & Equip ent 290.00 538.58 700.00 150.00 Total Engineering - See Exhibit II 6.967.Q% 18,167.54 11,10, 2 00 • 4 14 - em 1961 BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED COD E NO. DESCRIPTION , 1958 , 1959 1960 1961. PERSONAL SERVICES: 403.1.10 Regular Employees $3,285.00 $5,403.00 $6,600.00 $6,300.00 4031.12 Temporary Employees 100.00 • 0 0 0 4031.13 Consultant Services 130.00, 25.00 0 0 Total Personal Services $3,515.00 $5,428.00 $6,600.00 $6,300.00 OTHER EXPENSES: 4031.20 Communications $ 25.00 $ 94.96 $ 200.00 $ 290.00 4031.21 Printing & Publishing 0 0 15.00 0 . 4031.23. Travel, Conferences &Schools 292.00 17.56 15.00 • 25.00 4031.24 Maintecce & Repair of Equip. 30.00 0 25.00 0 4031.27 Prisoner Care - Workhouse 0 952.00 3,500.00 4,200.00 4031.29 Contractual Services 1,550.70 . 247.77 200.00 0 - 4031.30 Office Supplies 224.00 270.58 300.00 300.00 4031.39 General Supplies 25.00 0 50.00 , 0 4031.41 Insurtice & Bonds 15.00 22.50 82.00 1.00 4031.82 Refunds & ReimburseMents 80.00 10.00 0 0 Total. Other Expenses $2,241.70 $1,615.37 $4,387.00 $4,816.;00 /l CAPITAL OUTLAY: • 4031.52 Furniture & Equipment $ 70.00 $ 98.90 $ 271.00 $ 250.00 ,r TOTAL • MUNICIPAL COURT See Exhibit It $51826.70 $7,142.27 $11, 258.00 $11,366.00 • • • .15 • • 1961 BUDGET LEGAL DEPARTMENT DETAIL Actual Actual Estimated. Estimated Code Descrintion 19 19 5 1960 1961 406.13 Consultant Services $ 2,782.48 $3,795.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 4061.32 Codification of Ordinances 00 0 00 Oa__ Total Legal Department t 0 0 4.50000 • - 16 - w � 1�a9 r „r02.3: x q� Act al :+Ctu. e'etA1: -'Stb*t ,t . ' $NAt stvIcr Z� • 13x10 aaz -Floyees.. . 7,384J8 $14x091.993- $ ,7gOOO.CO .7, 5.-6.. 520®c0', Teml ' * e1p 0 o ...�Q -F,w.__ . .w... T� Pereona .- SerVi 8 7,384.4 ___„,....,_9,!.,20.,-,. 144$O9ie93 17p0OOc00 . #O rQ 0 4' 3,20 Chi ctioxes (1 00 353 OO 5 ` 900 ' Eo00 ? Fr sting & Publishing 69. OOO OAS OeCO 414133:2123 'firs,e1,' Conf6, S+ hoo1e 555000 1584O1 • 1 500 OO 10500,00 • 413.29 Con." c 1 vices O000 38204.34 0200.00- 30 000 3 }. 4130 Office Supplies 437.00 452033 . 4'0x:,+00 �0O0 413°33 ." Motor Fuel & lubricants 0.00 :3300 0,QO 0000 413039 General, Supplies , 117.00 1 .C2„, 2 1 0,.. .. t75e0�? 413.41; Ins z'ce & s 16.E �;,1a .6 "000 2 O0 1 Rof and a & Relabur*emente 146.6x? 0 O0 0 00 6300 �} Du is Subscriptions y y .yam ,�y� p g°13 j 1s13J3 lue & Subscriptions 8.00 15.-,06 20 O0 45�. _ 1308; Refunds & Re mbursear nts 1,350.00 .®2i A , 5958057 ,077,.00 ,672.00 CAP 'L [s= �g ,: s & Eguip0 0900 385008 A 030 0000 385G08 ~ 6 .00 000 . Total .ceding Insps ctien ....20.:44,31,...51 23 22. .25 0,00 See hibit.I] . . ..... , _ , .. ,. - - . - - . . ... ., , -,_. . -. .. ...„ ..,-,..-. . .„ ,,. ,. ...... ..- ., - ......: 11 . . ,f1.',,.;'?';',.,:':;,.''''' . * A UAL ACTUAL "EST ., 1 A'� F COTE NO DESCRIPTION 1958 159 19 i ce, l;s TONAL S RVIC t It03o .0 Mayor & Council 9, 2.0h9,77 . ' $ 20049084 1.,,320o0O 1. .612O.00. . EXtN IFS: !-#4 - • . Travel,Pri nttng & Public meshing 1,223.92 2233.92 1,437001.7 "` 2 000.00 2900000°/y� 1 oL23:'. fJ O, %Ail� s VOW V O{2 2/400 600.0G 10129 Other"Contract, ervicee %0000 1,733.00 • �0., It0I,63O, : " Office Supplies 90 o ,. Genera], Supplies 9000 .0* , Bonds x,20400 .10000:-.-...- ' qq +y� a e +R 2 1}� y pp 0�0/q / i8 000', , 3.O�S3 �� � ����i�Y. 259 16 .4t3OOVV OUV T 0 s , , . ? 1,3590 ,325.. , 2-g ei . r ' t C0W IL h 13 o29 109,17 6�6 00 1 10°00 y:• • • e. P .,. • Ye r, 2 i v - . 18 ■ .t, ,,, �. � ..,:' S g 1.*,'i h stEctiatig & RE3I: TRATION DETAIL - ACTUAL ACTUAL , ESTI:Mit�TED F. TXMA:TF�D DESCRIPDIt�i 1 � 1960 1961 - ?FRSONAL SROICFSs 1 1.O Regular itvie eee 0 .�0. t 166.00 ~ 1OO O0 1.00Q04 14061 Nudges.& Clerks" ? 6 0't 94C aOE3 �.�. ?( 00 Total Personal Services . o e 3; o r . R E'r NSE Pi 4014 pm.. Printing &c utblishi ig 61.068 $+ 227025 4 250' ?„0O f 220 00 11olta23 , cue., schools 40. 50o4 10aOO 1406 214 Wit. :Rs r. �: aom 20e00 207(x) hot 30 ( $111:1)11.**, .. -21 a S •d00 5o.t>� Totem- alai'! o CAPITAL pt1T 1k014a52 Olf$ce ° A Slpta .d?• ..0 ..per 25 00 TOTAL ELECTIONS.,. See Exhibit Ii 81=8�g93 929037 $ 1 320000 1$125,0 r) -.,‘. -, .-1 ' if - . -„,,,,,,,,,,,„„ , c . ..,,,,,...4„.....&,,,,,, , , ., _ .. , • n _, ,, - , ., , , . ,.. . 19- s x iiiii Ph-RICS AND REGREATION DETAIL ACTUAL a 5: 1:;., .. . .°xg IK.A. ` )475010 Rog1.7.1ar "mpiayee e., perry • 2,5 O O 475.12. Temporary Employees tOO s��i7 1-9•39.2.:,,4 8)O F� e..- �� • Total. Personal _.erv. `'"" I.�?'e� } 7"'.' ,.ilf.,.,6d'w: .` f IJ�.Sr. 4', 5 ��n 47522 Utilities '- • :,-,-, �., , : , wtt�g 00 ' 475,23..23. Traver,p-Cone"a, Schools t .!^.... ,, _t. �3p.> 4755:2 .Za t0 & Repair of Eqpt*, •- O'' 33t I5 25. 00 y :. O 475 '26 a to & Repo off:�0t e Imprt; . 1:95,OO 661020 2 ^:, C 200..30 75.29 Other-Contract-0 Services 7 2. 000 6134.r F;b C f ;1 y;x 4: 475.31 Rotor reels & I4ubriczn is .0. • -0- . : 25-0 -7-t.'- 475636' Mht 0 & Pep., or Other Impr e -0- 2.T.'.95,20 100001 ,:. ' r 0 • 75.39 Feuer Supplies 356000 _ 9 80 25C.:,7=1;? ,i . J r • 0 �14 5040 "Rental t 5.0 ; t �� ..- t yy l yea i('z n ,q� {,. � 9 1"' ^� .pay'. ",•.,;� —', •�{+,'.•+s d y- .f^ r tc'. ,d'`s'>'.1t a'L ��lr A A. l:lA1pern+>e SJ'. �,3��:(:Vlf P i iJ.. l✓ .0 .krv+-.5 y., g c2D}}°,�..i.`2;`:2 oPTL; r • - . "�c�5.5 1 363;;00 t' $ 3t90.-:,,. .A.1 ;' 1,75.5 id . & Structure. 388. ✓4 ,. .. 4c. 1 0a,-g 475 rn.& Equip .405 51 Equigp 950, -0,--` . ,-.0 s Other Improvements 9 i 1 , z 60 00 1,000-,00. i `lo--.7,p1 Capital Outlay . � ` .. . V A,-1. , , TOTAL PARRS 6 O 906 .,10,41 6: .3 6 0 OC A2> ,i41 Ou • RECTIE,TION. 471639 General. Supplies ;a:. .O. 1 24.66 $ 0• -0— 17l-7C� Transfer 2$2000'00 .J.39c 1h 2+C� ecO '$% nn• .TOTAL RECREATION 2,200000 ` 2,8245.66 ' at 4,000000 5 COO O . TOTAL PAR3KS & RECREATION- See Exhibit II 9,166,21, 11.1126,29 . 1_1 0 . ,G �9- ; 20 - i A,11 - - - a $3°i4,ii ' - _ _ . ,.;}`ED .4. .T ATI0 PR04 i FOR 1961 Via:.• 3.3 ruse 1960•EXPENDS ' IBC' A. Director of Recreation $2,100 . City Recreation, Fund • $5,000 t B. :Playground Leader (1) 525 School Board Fund 1,700 C. Assistants (4) @ 1,3:0 per hr. • 650 Dances Da Bus. Transportation 730 Seniors . 18 dances E. 8guipent 65-0 @ 10; per 180 Juniors Il ti 180 Sumner Enrollment Fees 400 Bus Fares 300 TO ML FOR SULitilllt PLA tGR0WW • 3 1 IG FR i 4,675 ?OTAL XNCt11Y 7 760 a F. le-Assistant for School Program during :winter 220 ;u G. Baseball Commissioner 550 H. Baseball Equipment, supplies, : and repair of *quipt - Pee Wee -Equipment: , 50O - • , ., ,,,,,,,,, erl Junior Equipment 275 Other 60 3 TOTAL,♦OR f I. Adult Proms ` . 850 TOTAL EXPENDITIts 7130 a�. Misc. Supplies, help Had N contingencies 630 TOTAL 7 ,, Nom The :increased budget is ,proposed because of the increased numbers of people to be served.by the programs. The adult program (which bad to be eliminated last year because of imeufficient' fuaicds) will consist of an 6:-week progrmn of bOslcetbal], for $-teams. ' The fees .for tie ;gym, bas . _ a payment of officials to be covered by amount given above. Till.' s also inch k weeks of mixed volleyball ( 4 ucen's and 4 rrsmen"s teams.). It is eat mated ':that both of these adult programs would--be.'coat for $850. ., ..., .,.... 4•1_ -•,: -. • - . .. - . , . .. ,,..:,,-:„.., . „ . • • • . . • . , ° ... . •• .Yom' > .. , Sa ,f - y..0 21 A r <y j; , ,, ors . - 1961 00 :. S. ITATIOlit & �ALTH D.?1`'A llo- , Actual Actu,E7 Eetii.uated Fstir t w. , Cody , .y.. . . 4 i• CONSERVATION c W L H *13 oteusiox . Servteea '`' :,00 utno CONTROL 36.2) ve , Conf. & Schools 0m� 64,40 10000 & 436,429 40ther Contr. Services 213;00 89.E i0c?,,L -.t.5(2,,00 436.39 :Cenera1 Suppli�;e 0 .° .,. .,.., PEST C 1tRb .29,> Contract. Services 00 A ANAL CONT1101. (416¢42. Ted levees 0,0© 67„ e 5000 75000 44- Gontractusa. Services 906,00 8s'7O80 3.8300400 - , I„ eC 416 .. Zns ace & Bones 13�0O , .,. ... . •e.. fh ,:1 - r 0/ 965.30 :_.1.8.22129...0 295000 1. IIII �M�%*� l�IawsruR:.aMiz - -. .T.OYA.i1 ,$ANI ATION ITAL.PH - toe Echibit • -22,s y f ,„,'S - -. ,.._r s.__�> ,,, : .,..P......r"„aa�Y,s" /t.:. +'4w.r..,i . _..i__a,.�,:6..,,..,.._..s. se +..,..::_-.....,.,.. .. .:_,'._t_ '.:„,.--., I ,:. ,sit V [ 8 ,. r� i r • ` �•• •• _ (J1 Qy.' t ail • Y , 1 H • s✓ - - � , �y MM k „ 4 *y�aye. ...,c c..,-1=,•.;P•,.,'• ' ", "-1- . • • .,'' ' . .:,.. . • BUILDINGS MTAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED /m CODE NO, DESCRIPTION 1958 1959 1960 1961 :R ORAL SERVICES: 409.12 Temporary Employees $ 0 $ 0 $ 200.00 $ 1,250,00 409.13 Consultant Services 0 0 ' 0 0 Total Personal Services $ 0__.. $ 0 $ 200.00 $ 1,250.00 OTHER EXPENSES: 409.20 Communications $ 0 $ 95.49 $ 0 $ 0 409.22 Utilities 2,575.00 2.545.96 4,259.00 5,500.00 409.24 Maint. & Repair of Equipment 316.24 2.40 0 0 409.25 Maint. Si Repair of Buildings 0 797.30 100.00 250.00 409.28 Cleaning & Waste Removal 0 180.33 210.00 200.00 409.29 Other Contractual Services 48.11 0 0 0 409.34 Faint. & Repair of Equipment 0 0 0 0 409.35 mint. & Repair of Buildings 83.10 349.55 475.00 515.00 409.37 Housing 0 14.95 0 0 409.38 Cleaning :& Waste Removal 137.00 410.91 600.00 700.00 409.39 General Supplies 414.11 478.90 900.00 1,000.00 409.41 Insurance & Bonds 283.00 532.17 120.00 360.00 Total Other Expenses $3,856.56 $5,407.96 $6,664.00 $ 8,525.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY: n409.51 Buildings & Structures $1,066.75 $ 456.35 $ 00 $ 350.00 409.32 in huts & sgoipment 68.45 329.91 0 0 409.54 Other Improvements 60.12 0 19 300.00 200.00 n Total Capital Outlay 1,195.32 $ 786.26 $1,300.00 1. 550.00 TOTAL BUILDINGS - See Exhibit II 051.88 1.W2A232 8 164.03 0.10g. 000 -24- n n 1961 BUDGET CIVIL DEFENSE DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CODE NO: DESCRIPTION 1958 1959 1960 1961 PERSONAL SERVICES: 415.12 Temporary Employees $ 0 $ 21.68 $ 25.00 $ 600.00 Civil Defenss,Police Force 30 Men 0 0 _ 0 . 250.00 . Total Personal Services $ 0 21.68 $ 25.0Y0 $ 850.00 OTHER EXPENSE: 415.20 Communications $ 0 $ .11 $ 179.00 $ 500.00 415.21 Printing & Publishing 0 19.13 20.00 25.00 415.23 Travel & Conferences 75.45 110.52 100.00 150.00 415.24 Maint. & Repair of Equipment 0 6.81 10.00 0 415.29 Other Contractual Services 0 7.50 5.00 0 415.30 Office Supplies 11.00 34.50 35.00 35.00 415.31 Small Tools 0 15.20 0 0 415.39 General Supplies 121.00 113.81 75.00 100.00 415.43 Dues & Subscriptions 5.00 0 15.00 „ 15.00 Total Other Expense $ 212.45 $ 307.58 $ 439.00 $■ 825.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 415.53 Machinery & Auto Equipment $ 0 $ 20.00 $11,800.00 $ 0 ^ 1 TOTAL•CIVIL DEFENSE See Exhibit II $ 212.45 $ 349.26 $12,264.00 $1,675.00 f -25- V A - (4) 1961 BUDGET STREET LIGHTING DETAIL Actual Actual Estimated ',"otItoei Coda NuA4cr clan 95 1969 12161 426,22 Utilities - Contractual 14g1iall 1§121,26 ilaAQ-ggP UA50Q.00 ("1 • em 26 - .. r 7 �• -°'^mac-' ??G- _ r r7-3^• a ' � 0° J� OOe5`1, aot 0 xi- l'PRT . :" flUIrcitstPlut00 Tnc'Z - " uoTej' --------- . . —.,. 00� � � 8 o ' °OO'OOT " .'"" 0 '�.!`""' sa sT s: ° $80�{ •c O0°OOY °0 • '0 °0 110136°41t130 . 00.°bOT ---op • ___ . -"'-'4"6"----"' st 1 is P H 7400. ' b0°bot ---a0-�. ""�"'"' sue/ •°Ja� ''�L_ayst (E'�°��¢J►, y ,. ,.•u0 *4) •. 0n °O TA4 S711��TAIllf4y:�,U o LTo/1.0 , 00°09 . O"O£ T'OOT 00°T te t o- O — seT� T+exe ua0 6£°ZLO�OO°t y 00°5 00°5 ' 00°9£ 00°1 ssoTealls TifttalatVa00 X40 6Z°Z40, - 00°05 00°5Z• • 05°O °0 OtITtleTtqucili l Tit •. TZ°ZLOT • s ego# F 00°05 00°C,Z • 56°S . 00 Z _ 1,1;004,i,-:.-..1'.1:#494',- � " Oo�Ot °",$'_' +mss £tzZO�i 00°5Z 00'01 • 5G°0 ireelotxfust tx c ss ZT°ZG09' �Z S IArS 'IttIOS . : I 2OI1i' S 'TIAIO off` 00-ast • ori°brtr • 2wrgeTtqx#4i v 2t41-t4 tz°uci . • W, 3 . pelmutrvia miurnsia rfirc4ov renlcsv apo0 • Irva Q staxson.s.ioo ZS t96T U 5 .. A q., SAP • 1961 B ? AEALTB AND HOSPITALIZATICIli INSURaCE DETAIL Actual Actual ' Eat ted Eatimted Code . 1111122r' Oaaerint on 1958 x.959 , 1960 —344q22%.---; m c7sos Regular ,_Qm__ -AL_ fl o 1.9?xO¢O� j2 @ $5,4olth ........... ...... .. . • • n . .._. Iv , _, . • • , • • . . • _ . • _ . • , . . . . , n . , . . . . , . . . ---r ..4.4,,,:, • • • 1✓ _ ,.._.... . -... ....a..s,az,.. �_,.._� _ _ .. _ ......_. s 2 F ■ - .1:- ..4,rr.,..�..€. .l oS�aeza.n.s..,..x.� n 1961 BUDGET RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CODE NO. DESCRIPTION 958 1959 1960 1961 479 Section 7.08 - City Charter (Page 20) 0 11 500:00 n t -29- T • fri,) • • • • • OTHER FUNDS DETAIL rm) 1961 • • 4. aniat i l a"t. 1/i'•afY.LC ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMAM ESTIMAT1D CODE NO, DESCRIPTION 158 1959 1960 1961 DEBT SERVICE 4911029 Other Contract. Services $. 9075 $ 9.75 5.00, I 5000 4911024 Interest 360000 270.00 180,00 90000 4911.60 Principal 3,00004Q 32229_292 TOTAL. DEBT SERVICE 3 185000 11.129_95,222 Sy Exhibit /I* 3,369.75 11_3.1,17211.1 3 PUBLIC EXPLOYEEst RETIREMENT L95.45 Trust & Agency Remit., Peen- sians & Ins. Contributions (regular employees) t 1,6185000 $ 2,708.88 $ 6,205.00 69508.00 495.46 Trust & Agency Remit., T'en- pions & Ins. Contributions ..0.. .0-TOTAL P..E.R.A. PAN' IJOWYkt 11 $ 1,645000 _2,708088 $ 60205000 A 9,80L00 FIREMEN'S RELIEF 4950$1 State Scat. A x,301.76 1_1,550.68 $ x,850000 t 8,575.00 TOTAL ,FIREMEN'S RELIEF See Exhibit II A 3801076 $ 5,550.68 $ 5,850.00 8,575.00 ,STATE AID HIGHWAYS rttenance -ON. at • e0a a► A10,000.00 Reserve for Construetian -0• 0- .0. 40,000.00 Tt7TAL �0- W -o— ••� ; 00O0OO TOTAL OTHER 1rtR#DS ,31 � 8 60 51 X7.1,539.31 $15g2140.00 X71,474.00, - 300 — a PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL r1 1961 1 fi nom.: 1961 BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL C. ESTIMATED ESTIMATED f t MOBTHLY TOTAL I+' LY TOTAL /TRANCE DEPARTMRNT 1960 19 0 ._. 1961 City"Clark 613.00 $3,690.00 '3 0645.00 3 @ 678.00 $ 3,969.00 Secretary - Assessment Clerk 6 @ 255.00 5 @ 268.00' . 3,280.00 12 -@ 295.00 3,540.00 Accounting Clerk L . . 6 .0 255.00 0 0 6 0 268.00 3,138.00 Temporary Relp 300.00 $70270.00 • $10,647.00 . Less Charges to other Departments 3,280.00) !3,339.00 TOTAL - City Clark's -Office 3 990.00 $ 7308, .00 i City Treasur $ - 615.00 $3,690,00 3 @ 645.00 3 @ 678.00 $ 3,,969.00 Accota ntiag - :. - 5 @ 310.00 6 @ 326.00 $4,380.00 12 @ 359.00 $ 4,308.00 l c . Clerk- 5 '(4 231.00 11 @ 268-.00 m 6 @ 243.00 1 @ 281.00 v 1 @ 255.00 $2,988.00 $ 3,229.00 ..▪ -tilling Clerk 12 @ 275.00 . $3,216.00 12 @ 288.00 $ 3,456.00 j -~°• Receptionist - Cashier 1 @ 243.00 11 0 255.00 . 6._@ 231.00 $2,940.00 1 C 268.00 $ 3,073.01 Help - Licensing 386.00 600.00 $17,600.00 $18,635.00 _..m.-. L_-Less: Charged to Liquor (3,600.00) (3,780.00) . . : Less: Charged to-Public Utility 3 600.00 , (4,410 x,00) .▪ _5 TOTS,• Tared 10 400.00 =112&g4112g= v ASSESSING: Assessor . 12 0 558.00 51 6,696.00 12• @ 586.00 $ 7,032.00 Accounting Clerk (Half of.C1erk I ,, listed under City Clerk above) . $ 1,569.00 TemOer? B 1p 2 5 ),gm 0 6 . .00 9 204. 1. ,. DDEP, Reavy Tqu4pmsnt Operator (1) 12 @ 505.00 $3,880.00. . 12 @ 520.00 $ 6,240.00- • Se Our ` titer Utility Man-(1) •12 0 460.00 5,280.00 12 @ 475.00 5,700.00 Sewer & � Utility Mir (1) 50440.E 7 0 460.00 4,680.00 12 0 475.00 5,700.00 • Light Egui pien►t Operator (2) 5 @ 390.00 7 0 440.00 9,360.00 12 0 455.00 $10,920.00 ' Lwrbore r (2 addi amtl) (3) 12 @ 390.00 4,680.00 12 0 405.00 $14,580.00 riata eot 6 0 531.00" 3 0 600.00 6 0 558.00 6,534.00 9 @ 615.00 7,335.00 2 500.00 3 �� 00 . .00 Less ;6 . to State Aid Highways 0 (7,1 . 38,9.4 Oo , . 00) Less• . to Water-& Sewer 11 214.00 15 F 4 4 ••€ TOTAL-Pezeon I $.rvic.s.P Pic Works a +•# n . -31- I ...$ice. , - ,.... ...n. _ v r. ......�, ad. H °- - ,.__a.ea It i. PERSONAL SERVICF ....... •,..,.....4. .. ,,,,las.... MONTHLY TurAL SONTHLY Turria. 1960 1960 1961 1961 ...,.. 1 POLICE PEPARTMENT Police Chief. 558.00 6,696A.' 0 k,„ 575,0": ( 600 Of, 7,0fA0.00 Sergeant 531.00 6,372 OC 6 @ 556.03 6 @ 575.00 6,798.00 Patrolman - Hennethum 482.00 5,784,00 50600 6,072.00 Patrolman - Oden 459.00 5,508.00 506.00 6,072.00 Patrolman - Cook 2 416.00 21 @ 459.00 . 9/ @ 437.00 5,066.00 91 `,.a, 482.00 5,725,00 Patrolman - Voigt 3 @ 416.00 3@ 459.00 9 @ 437.00 5,055.00 9 e 482.00 5,715.00 Patrolman - New Men 6 @ 416.00 6 @ 437.00 5,118.00 Patrolman - New Man 6 @ 416.00 • 6 @ 437.00 5,118.00 Secretary 13/4@ 255,00 • 6 @ 243.00 6 (e 268.00 4 @ 255.00 4 0 281.00 3,268.00 Dispatcher 175.00 54940.90 12 G 175.00 19Q.00 40721.55 53,036.00 Overtime Pay ( 11 holidays ) 1,500.00 2 023 00 Total Salaries - Police 411921.00 552059.00 ....-.................... .......___ (")E DEPARTMENT Dispatcher 12 @ 175.00 2,100.00 12 @ 175.00 2,100,00 Regular Employees -0- -0- 12 @ 541.66 6,500.00 TeMporary Employees (fire runs) 13.00 a run 6,750.00 $3.00 a run M 9 k .00 Total Salaries - Fire Dept. 8,850,00 17 600 00 ..........7....._ CITY MANAGER Manager 1 3 @ 708.00 9 @ 750.00 8,250.00 12 @ 800,00 9,600.00 Secretary 5 @ 310.00v 6 @ 326.00 3,912.00 12 @ 359.00 ' 4,308.00 Temporary Employees 300.00 146.00 12,462.00 14 1 054.00 =6==== L-WGINEERIM Engineer' 2 @ 667.00 12 @ 666.66 8,000.00 10 @ 700.00 8,334.00 Surveyor 3 @ 439.00 9 @ 450.00 5,244.00 475.00 5,700000 Rodman 73/4 @ 325.00 3,720.00 6 @ 350.00 2,100.00 Steno 12 @ 281.00 3,372.00 12 @ 310.00 3,720.00 N.. Consulting Services ________ 4Arl 20,336.00 TUSTM Less Charges to Other Funds tkipotp 304 .2.0-00 -14336TUO 17;35C(g) ° - 32 . 1961 BUDGET . PERSONAL SERVICES DETA.` L ESTIMATED ESTIMATED MONTHLY TOTAL MONTHLY TOTAL 1960 1960 1961 1961 MUNICIPAL COURT Judge $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Clerk of Court 1,800.00 1,800.00 Probation Officer 1,200.00 1,500.00 Special Judge )00.00, $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 BUILDING INSPECTION Building Inspector 7 @ 531.00 4 @ 558.00 $ 6,478.00 12 @ 575.00 $ 6,900.00 Plumbing Inspector 8 @ 531.00 4 0 558.00 $ 6,478.00 12 @ 575.00 6,900.00. Secretary 7 Q 281.00 5 @ 295.00 $ 3,372.00 12 @ 310.00 3,720.00 Electrical Inspector 6,072.00 Temporary Help 500.00$22,400.00 $18,020.00 CITY COUNCIL Mayor 12 @ 80.00 960.00 12 @ 110.00 $ 1,320.00 Councilman (4) 12 @ 70.00 3,360.00 12 @ 100.00 4,800.00 r $ 4,320.00 $ 6,120.00 ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION, Special Office Registr. Clerk $ 100,00 y Judges and Clerks 700.00 $ 800.00 PARRS AND RECREATION Director $ 2,000.00 . $ 2,500.00 Life Guards $ 1.800.00 2,000.00 Part Time Nabp 2 000.00 4,000.00 5,800.00 $ 8,500.00 BUILDINGS Janitor 100.00 12 @ 100.00 $ 1,200.00 Extra Help 50.00 $ 1,250.00 CIVIL DEFENSE Director $ 25.00 $ 600.00 30 Mau Police Force 250.00 $ 850.0L -33- rif sue _. 1961 BUDGET ^ PER80 T BVICBS DE 8B AIL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED MONTHLY TOTAL MONTHLY TOTAL. 19 60 1960 1961 1961 CIVIL SERVICE Secretarial $ 10.00 $ 25.00 TOTAL - PERSONAL SERVICES $167218.00 las23,661.00 r -34- fl ,Y-',.','::::....-2,..,, . .e..,kt-.' q;°ate-- ' t,...n i AUTERNATIOUAL UNION OP OP]PA IEG Ei GI t.ZRS Local Upton No. 49, 49A, 498, 49C, •and 49D Minnesota's North Dakota, and South Dakota July 7, 1960 ;: Mr. Earl,Pm Wagner, City Manager , City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota I4aar sir: I an submitting the following formal proposal covering employees in =.., they Public Works Department for consideration by you and the Fridley. City Council . in preparing the 1961 budgets . WAS , ' . ., .,, A Establish the following salaries for 1961: Preset Public Works Superintendent $670 Per Month 558a00 Heavy Equipment Operator 540 . 505.00 Light Equipment Operator - 480 " " 440000 Sewer and Water Utility Man • .: . . 505 " " 460.00 . Public Works Maintenance Man (Laborer) 440 " " -390:>00 ^ l Instrument Nan 570 " " - 450x00 :1 (.144/' ,' I am also renewing my request of July 8, 1959,• to establish a comprehensive • personnel ordinance covering: Seniority, Hours, Overtime,• Vacations, Sick Leave, .-.:Severanal Holidays, General Working Conditions, and Health & Welfare' benefitsa ;-:-',-Thlre'aiiisari to be no basic disagreement on several of these items, and I understand t o City';Council has authorized drafting of an_ordinance covering some of these items,. I am looking forward to an opportunity to meet with you and the City Council • at your convenience, to discuss this entire proposal previous to adoption of the 1961 budget . • . Sincerely yours; ' • • Signed:: LARKIN MCLELLAN LM:rjr Area Business Representative u . 35 , - - . - . . , - .. .. . , ... , ,, ,. . . ,...J • A • . CAPITAL OUTLAY d rj■ DETAIL • • 1961 F , • ri • g r -, 1 , t CAPITAL`OUTLAY DETi.IL, . , nli,:i . , - , s. , - , . , . ... BUDGE'1'L]t ITEMS TOTAL 1960 • FIRS DEPARIIMIT 14051,52 Office- xurn. & Equipo - Adding Mach. 9 C 14OO OO /052,.52 Office Furnm' & Equips Chair 14O000 • Desk 150000 File Cabinet ' 110.00 Storage Cabinet 140400 A Storage Racks 40do6 Manual Typewriter 275.00 655.00 x53,52 Furniture and Fixtures: File Cabinet 100000 . storage Cabinet 110.00 1140000 TOTAL: FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1,195000 4fi 122$000 Y 1 PUBLIC wOPTcS DEPARTIENT !422,53 .Machinery,_& Auto Equipment: 'Tilt- a Trailer ? 2,000 00 •_ Dump T k 3,300.00 s� - Oil .T ributor•trailer. type S2 - 1�b00zo0 6,900.00 3d53 Machinery . Auto Eq ipment: s 12000000 Sander.. s'ntzx•Pla[r 1,150.00 2,150000• '1,214...0 '_ Buildings :9truoturee 200.00 1424,5)4 Other Imprc(timments 10.00 210.00 1495,51 Bui1dix :. and Structures `' 25.53 Machinery.& Auto Equipment 150000 150.00 TOTAL: FT BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 35000 91410.00 6 6 POLICE DEPARTMENT J41.52 Furniture.._& Equipments secretarial chair • $0 O0 File Cabinet $0000 Replace meter 000 200000 .153 machinery & Auto Equpaentz Replace two oars, add one 5500000 5,500.00 TOTAL:. POLICE DEPARTMENT 5,e 4% 1 830.00 A r DEPARTMENT' b c 100000 100.00 4?�; ' .�'�urn�,tu ;=do t S X•F n.,i a.Y w°ie�i-w�5_ a«ec::3L.v.ai+mYYm' 't'�+s.'v'sEL.•-.S _ _ _ s.... .. .. . G CAPITAL OUTLAY nE!, _. _ BUDGETED ITEMS TOTAL FIRE IDEPARTi•'ENT' (dontin-uor:' 1412;;53 Machinery & Auto' Equipwentt 4 Two wq radio $ 5750 Loud.$,peaker 1.55.00 Resuscitator ti. 550,00 Two 1 " Nozz. e 15000 Dry powder Extinguisher & Bracket 75000 Porta Pager. tit 225000 ' 1 3,000 Watt US d Light Plant 30000 Forcible' Ent Tools 100.00 hiving Head • . 100.00 ' Coil 5/8 Ropei . 11}5000 L Two Scott Air Pack Masks 600.00 • Compressed Manifold & Four Tanks 320,00 • 500 feet of 2 Hose, 750;,00 20n Electric hair Saw 17000 • 1•� 215,00 l j TOTAL: FT DEPARTMENT A 24. 31$ 00 • $ 070 000 CITY:MANAGER (v2o52 Furniture & Equi. went= Dictaphone 1 7145.00 ' Desk ' 210.00 Conference Tale 163.00 1,9118..00; "� 2OTALs • CI 'Y MANAGER -. 8 1,118. 0 $ 200.00, Z GINEERING , 421052 Furniture.& Eq File Cabinet $ 150000 150000 TOTALS EAK _ • 150.00 , 1501:000 MUNICIPAL COURT 14031:052 Furniture & Equip ent , 250000 250000 TOTAL: MI CIPAL COURT 000 $ .100000, _ ,_._ .._,................. . $ ING INSPECTION 11 .52 14a .tnery & Auto uip►bent ewrriter r• 500000 -5OQa0 0, r TTLS BT G ING ISECTIO $ 500.00 135000 .NP• 37 - .c..,....r,,,dm..L.:„•„:-....a..... .- .x. ..; ,,-e,._•... d r:x,.,__, . _ _i...,.,... :.• ......:.„iii'.it.6a.L. ,. .,«_ .,.cJ.sw+.i ..v.,.... _ ^ Page Three TCAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL BUDGETED ITEMS TOTAL 2960 ELECTIONS & EGISTRATIGN 404.52 Furniture & Equipment: Cabinet for Registr. Cards 25.00 -,_ 25.00 TOTAL: ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION $ 25.00 25.00 , PARKS AND RECREATION 475.51 Buildings & Structures: Backstops, Fireplaces, Picnic Tables, Insulate Warming House & Toilet Facilities at Fridley Commons $9,000.00 475.52 Furniture & Equipment: Rink Lights, Swing Sets, Sandboxes $1,000.00 475.53 Machinery & Auto Equipment 0 475.54 Other Improvements: Water line, Sprinkling System 1 000.00 An0000.00 n TOTAL: PARKS & RECREATION 11 OOMO ^�,.1 X550.00 . BUILDINGS - 409.51 Buildings & Structures $ 350.00 - 409.54 Other Improvements 200.00 $ 550.00 TOTAL: RDILDINGS 550.00 j00.00 CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL: CIVIL DEFENSE 12000.00 TOTAL: CAPITAL OUT'IAY $34,21_3.00 $21,677.0g -38- C .Er zhL Lt VII TI PHONE S VICE DETAIL FINANCE DEPARTMENT rit 05102O City Clerk t.` 500000 11052020 City Treasurer 501084 . 4053020 Assessor 250000 1,251o8Pa• P¢II LIC i orucs 122020 Streets 25000x) POLICE !36068 FIRE r_ 2020 496068 CT0TY;NAAIACI{, 1020 5140f,-(30 IN ING X20 500 00 SuNICIPAL COURT 13320 ` 290®O0 f BUIITP INSPECTION Pt %20 TOTAL: TELEPHONE SERVICE * t$615020 - Formula for arriving at above cost breakdown: 1 Costa per- month for: Switchboard ' 120000 Five'(5) Trunk Lines 133o5' Each Station 118000 ;. Key Equi.pe nt 333050 - Separate Fire Phone 20055 _..,_ M • Separate Police Phone • 20055. 410 ,i5:.`-, y4 Total per month a' 371106k1 Monthly Total X 12 for a year 112.495°20 t 1� 6 =p Tong Distance Calls 120000 A y,A * Pro rated am mg-S xteen (16) stations° A i 39 . . µi}'^'ir..'r' ,. 3�. ,_y^,X�Y .rs.^k Lxv, BONDS and DISTrPANCE DETAIL 1961 GE r'A ., FUND Finance 30600 Public Works 149727.00 Police • . 952 ,E Fire 572.00 City Manager 2000 Engineering 137 000 Municipal Court 1000 A Building Inspection; 92000 City Council 10800 Elections & Registration 15000 Parks & Recreation 57400 Sanitation & Health 20000 Buildings 506,00 TOTAL: GENERAL FUND 4397:00 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DIS ARIES. Liquor Store #1 $ 712• 30 Liquor Store #2 1,95300 • 1°4)- • Liquor Store #3 20219000 TOTAL: MWJNICIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSARIES WATER d SEWER •UTILITY tt5 00 TOTAL: ALL INSURANCE lioso26.00 • • • - - • . . 4fl . _ • . • SCHEDULE. OF BONDS OUTSTANDING 1961 r at • • • . , . ,.. .., .. ..- . _ ., . . . • . , . E:ir - ' 88.8888:882828222223,888 ' CD U1 • • • • • • • eist • • • • • • • 40 • 4 ,* ,i.5.• - •*4 0 0% rt 1 r4 0 4 1 01 Pit 4' Pe i Po 10. p.I 0 0 0 . ■••■ 4% 44 OD f4 'VG, p4 0, e■ 45 rob IA Ph p..1 04 ll "01 001.4 104.,40 Vs 40 40 CO C4 v4411 44 ps 04 v4 40 , es aw000. 0000000ab0a0'. 0. 0a0 a 14 r4 aza 14+0 0 pok ai0 0 ita rt•ACi 110 111 al p+1.01 fel P4., CD 01.W.4 1.4 14 ea +Pi p4 1_,,,.. RI 1,... a •i an" • • 0% 4t A. VW el 01 PA an 0% 4) , - 0 01. ars ..,....,. . 8 8.8888882828222v128388 .4 . es040 • • • • • • • • • 0 • 010 • • • a4 • • 0 0 4 /01 0••i•Ii ego Pos ra P. P. §0 0 0 CO . 0 IA e., ce alla oli p4 00 444 401 a gl a Pa)46.1g 4.4 pi CS VI VI lt 42% Pik C4/4% WAD MN 4 . . • A lb fil * 00 al 4, a a. a a • ar 46 a 4 a" 04 C) r4 C) 1 0. 414 vt,01 4 UN 11%.P% Oil et C) 44 P+ +Man pot In v4 • '' • f:WI 1.4 ::2 111::ak Ill"ft.IA 4?"1 t4 e4 "4 888888888888888888888 . . . • • • 0 • •• • 4 • • • • • •• • • • •- • 0 . ... 14 aaaaaaaaiaaawalawaaftwa , $14 v4 e. r4 0 0 0 r. p. p. 0. r. ea a CK r. 2 g 2 2 2 giat r. • , .,. 01 44 C) ow Go v4 v4 v4 44 v4 44 001 v4 C4 VA C4 r4 04 0444 04 44 P4 04 C4 :3 2 v4 v4 . 4. , ' SD UN GP C) CO C)0 0 C) C) S2 Sp C) 4).0 a gp gp 11 8 41s % 1 UN V01 WI MN ON 41 MI OP 49 GP _ ... 4 • • • • 4 e • • 4) • • • • • O 44 eft QD CD il il C4 40 04 *4 il 401 ON CP ii 42 • Ch , .... seb • 0, CO VI VD Pa• PP 01 CO V) et. ell VI am 41 ON 1) r4 e4 CA et 41 41 41 r1 OD 1.1 et. el et. CD 04 g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaato 0. 4 4, 01 04 r4 C) Ch OD P*0 1,1 4,f% eta ea pr C; 0 Co r4 .4 r4 r4 r4 .4 r4 4 , 0 r4 trl 0 it60 ..4.! - 8 8 8 8 8 8888888 3 8 8 8 8 ' 8 • , 40005050 • • • • • • • • • 0 144 § §§ § § § §§§§§§ §§§§§ Od $4 04. 000050500004. 50. 0 a - .- 4 * ir.Z f:4 PI gal i•41 ra n g rinnannnm n ul vo - 17.1 E wia t 1 0 888 8 0 . . . . • i - . . R.i• A I "-• r*.1"." . . . 0 ti 04 4 ;44 41). lir • CO .14 , 4 O 0 e4 04 40 40 8 ' 888 . 0 0 0 0 a . • it . 04 Y.) VI In 49 0 .0 o CA C) C) 0 CA C) CA 0 0 4) C) C) C) C) C) C) 0 sp 8 8 8 . ON MN 41 UN 41 4N VI 41 UN MN WI ON 41 41 41 41 41 CP N U • 1 I I • • • 6 • • • • • • 0 6 • • S. ,1 I, • • r4 . . 0 • • 04 04 44 04 04 P.44 P. k■ r. t4 e. 44 r% cl 4) C)CD 4) r. v4 ' 1) p 4e 1; :3:RA gl:1 El g 7.4 g f:A:3 :2 n El :it :g g :1 A CO 0 0 aaawaatawaaaaawaawar. 01 ,-- . N Co l'4 0,4 Y/ u/ VD V nt T1 11, co ps et 4 up r. ch C4 r. Inn r4 vh ., . . MN r4 cm v4 ov Ch 444 vo r. 40.4P MN 4 01 c4 p4 p4 *; 44 P4 r4 v4 44 .4 r4 , : g .... tii ts 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 8 • As . • 4 1 . 0 .0 . 0 • 00 •§ • • • 0 • 000 , 0§ §§* * 0 § , . 44 1 § §-§ §I § § §§ § § § 0 - $4 aaaaaaawaaaaaaawaaaa 04 4) 4D 42 M) r4 %AD Ch CA Ch Ch Ch Nt 4 .it 04 CD y5 CD 0 CD CD r. ,... ..:..,, 0, c4 4, OAD co Ch 110. ala 02 OD OD CP v4 C4 44 40 GP UN MN MI an N r4 r4 r4 r4 p4 r4 r4 C4 CC C4 C4 4•4 v4 a 1 I el i A -.- 0 0 0 . • CD o -,_•.„: „:„. -.:,... ., o 4,4) , • . 0 "Mt li 0 0 0 •0 NI 4 -:•-•••-•••-:7'.-,:,:-,t,.... -.•:-..;-,:- C•1 p4 41 . ...:. • .r4 0 t ...., 888 8 . . . . • -. .._ ' '' ' - ' •"', .-......,,,..- • -.-. - i -' 23 04 4 - A 4 - -••.. ' -0 .,,,, . . ,.... ,.... el - cr; ----.:,----,.. • '•. - --•73--!, . . , . ..._ ,, . ... „. . I-- , ... . .. . s-i N col -4 an 43) r■ CO CA 0 r4 24 01 •0 01 la e■.00 0% 0 - •- , •-• ;'. -•--'. -r. O 40 10%Co *40 %CI 40 AO WI V) sO P. P.. P.. "so P■ P.. P■11.'".-Pio P. CO.: _ . -,t:.: ,,,".:'.. ::'. '. ' .- . ' ' '''' .4--s..4*lit trio6—itaii !m4.-4,4-e..4„44.1.. i,3-6.7i'Ar.'11..;.esi..,i4C.:404.-.. '.:,:.-,,-:....:.; '2:,-.1.. .-- 2.0.1'.;,;,-,:;', z....,:i.L:..!..-,,,-, 1 a 5 y :fir" r,. ASSESSED VALUATION, • TAX LEVY, AND MILL RATE 1961 o y, • .. F - . _ -mnae.* ,r_;..�.'Faiam4,ia.'.;,.�x '�u'.a.b w�t:.sn�g. ,.a �. 3e A z, w z - a^w te",; ,.4 em ;� e .3 n •t _ • k + 1961 x Assessed Valuation, Tax Levy, and Mill Rate t Assessed Value, etc. (in $) Tax Real Personal • Total Per $1,000. Year Pro_pert:;�_ Property Valuation City Only 1960=61 5,1.00,000 1,900,000 7,000,000 35 mills = Raf?_ 1959-60 4,1074350 1,750,623 5,$57,973 3510 " �4. 1:958-59 - 3,372,134 79'*,681 4p't66,$15 40...07 M' .,x 1� :::4-,-.,,i4.7.,..5,. 1957-58 2,760,973 606,661 3,367,634 32.16 195 + 5` 2,3 33,Fa12 x'91.,7/46 2,875,358 2l X61 �4 tlx,Po :1'.eciions_�.,years ended :sec. 31 (5) } := Taxes _ <. Collections R - - w � Levied Amt;. 7, Ye a te 1961 245,000 240,100 98 1960 2t75, 00 200,678 97.6 19` 9 166,960 164,552 98.55 1953 104,95s 103,235 9$.4 3 1957 62,130 60,172 96.8 ,. 4 Ye:.a„ c l ow A c co l ec tion year; levy year is preceding year. Amount Mi11 Lev�� �'� ` General Fund 0�pi'�ration 218,626 31.87 4- 3,095 .45 P. .E. 1:. 9,804 Z .43 , -, ..',.,'.:,',!:.",-:,'",.'i,.:':, F � .tz's8,55 1.25 240 k 100 3.5'.00 - .Xu x 4 s: .