EQECM 05/07/2014
Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Ave Ne
Tuesday, May 7, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
Conference Room A (Main Level)
Call to Order
Chairperson Olin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commission members present: Sam Stoxen, Paul Westby, Courtney Elford, Rich Svanda and
Chairperson Todd Olin
Chairperson Olin asked for Approval of Environmental Quality and Energy Commission Minutes of
March 11, 2014
Changes or corrections to the minutes: None
MOTION by Commissioner Elford and seconded by Commissioner Stoxen to approve the March 11,
2014 minutes. Approved unanimously.
New Business
Stormwater Manual and Calculator
Demo by City staff. Environmental Planner, Kay Qualley had
attended training at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and reviewed the Stormwater Manual
website with Commissioners.
A second Metro Bloom Raingarden Class
through the grant with the Mississippi Watershed
Management Organization was announced for June 26, 2014 at 6-9 p.m. The first class had fourteen
people and yielded one city project. Commissioner Paul Westby indicated a desire to attend.
The Fridley Footprint
was introduced as a way to create television and media programming for
Sustainability and many of the topics of the EQEC are tie together with this idea. Jill Zimmerman,
formerly with the Cable Access and City Manager’s Department, developed the graphics and concepts
and the City can use them to inform residents about ideas from the EQEC, energy saving information
and more. Commissioner Elford mentioned the Energy Audit and other resources could be promoted
through this format.
49 Days Parade
: EQEC will participate. Recycling magnet handouts will be available for the
Commissioners to hand out. Republic will have a clean truck with examples of the 96 gallon and
existing 65 gallon carts with a banner and signage to encourage residents to “size-up” their carts.
Commission Stoxen and Chairperson Olin volunteered to walk and Commissioner Westby said that he
would check his schedule and get back to staff.
GreenStep Cities
- As mentioned in the last EQEC meeting, Coon Rapids is the latest of 65 Minnesota
cities to attain GreenStep status. Step one is for the City Council to pass a resolution declaring the intent
to become a GreenStep City. After review of the sample resolution, the EQEC informally agreed to
pursue GreenStep City status. The next meeting will be held with the goal of passing and sending to the
Planning Commission for review, and the Council to pass, a Resolution to become a GreenStep City.
Old Business
Anoka County Task Force:
staff person Qualley has been attending meetings of the Anoka County
Task Force with a goal of helping County staff to amend the five year Water Plan for the County. This
plan will then inform a new City water plan.
Minor Update on Organized Collection
-Kay Qualley gave an update, that the City and the Hauler
group have been meeting regularly and that progress is being made. Several more meetings will be
required before pricing can commence.
Next EQEC Meetings/Announcements
Tuesday, July 8, 2014, 7 p.m., Conference Room A (Main Level)
MOTION TO ADJOURN at 8:16 was put forth by Commissioner Elford and MOTION was seconded
by Commissioner Stoxen. Vote was unanimous.