EQECM 09/09/2014
Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Ave Ne
Draft Minutes
September 9, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
Conference Room A (Main Level)
Chairman Olin called the meeting to Order at 7:06 p.m.
Approve Environmental Quality and Energy Commission Minutes: July 8, 2014
MOTION by Commissioner Westby and seconded by Commissioner Velin to approve the July 8, 2014 minutes.
Minutes were voted approved.
New Business
Oct. 11, 2014, Drop-off Event details: staff gave details about the Oct. 11 event, including the new feature of
cardboard being accepted. Residents have a hard time disposing of larger amounts of cardboard on their
ordinary recycling days. Ads will be running in the Sun Focus newspaper and a postcard for residents will be
finalized by 9/10.
Review of other Cities’ Environmental pages entailed viewing the websites from City of Maplewood and the
City of Coon Rapids and looking at environmental programming and commission meeting times. Chairman
Olin mentioned that it might be helpful to attend a meeting of another City’s Environmental Commission to
ascertain which topics/areas are receiving focus from them. Commissioner Westby expressed an interest in
attending a meeting in Maplewood. Shann Finwall is the Environmental Planner for the City of Maplewood
and staff will send her contact information to the Commissioner.
Going forward into 2015: projects and programs to analyze as a Commission. Chairman Olin wants to find
programs that help both residents and businesses and then share them, instead of receiving presentations and not
GreenStep Cities, inventory and first steps. At the end of the meeting, the GreenStep Cities site for the 28 Best
Management Practices was opened for discussion. It was agreed that areas where the City had already made
inroads would likely be pursued first. An example was the replacement of light bulbs at City Hall. The light
bulb replacement and light timers are sometimes referred to as “Low Hanging Fruit” because it is somewhat
easy to accomplish and not a high cost fix. Getting credit with GreenStep Cities for what has already been
accomplished and taking small inexpensive steps toward practical cost-saving practices as well as working on
categories with reporting and regulatory mandates was the preferred direction to start, after baseline information
is established.
EQEC working groups were determined to be outreach to residents; outreach to business (Chairman Olin);
active transportation and trails (Commissioner Westby, staff); energy, recycling, and stormwater for now. Staff
was asked to set up a list serve so that fact sheets and information could be posted for reading.
The Commissioners asked that business recycling be discussed at the next meeting. Other recycling discussion
centered on apartment recycling. Commissioner Velin mentioned that forming a relationship with the manager
was the key to recycling at apartments. He further asked that topics new to the City like Raingardens be well
defined at the beginning. What is a raingarden? What is it supposed to be doing? These answers will help
residents better understand some of the City’s initiatives.
Old Business
Intro to Visioning
Chairman Olin referenced his PowerPoint presentation entitled which was presented at the
last meeting. He stated that he would like to review the material contained therein with the Commissioners who
were unable to attend his original presentation.
The Fridley Footprint: Land, Water and Energy, Cable channel volunteers and programming ideas both still
needed. Under the category of energy, Chairman Olin volunteered to have an energy audit at his home filmed
by the Cable Access Fridley crew. Commissioner Westby asked the Chair, “You are excited about Energy, how
are you going to address the biggest issues about Energy? You could highlight the energy program in the
newsletter.” It was mentioned that Springbrook Nature Center and Active Transportation should also have tabs
on the Fridley Footprint in order to cross-pollinate their information or work.
Update on Organized Collection: staff stated that pricing discussions about the 3 sizes of containers had been
proffered by the hauler group and that discussions about disposal location costs for cities in Anoka County had
been part of the last discussion. The city would need to review pricing from comparable cities, in particular St.
Anthony Village, prior to the next discussion.
Results of Night to Unite/Excel HRA program from inception in summer 2014 to September 2014 show that
more than 50 Fridley residents have taken advantage of the program.
Additional old business as added by Chairman Olin: following through with the idea of going back to monthly
meetings of an hour duration, like the EQEC was set-up originally. The Commissioners discussed the merits of
meeting monthly, with one meeting per month to conduct business and have speakers, and half of the second
monthly meeting will be set aside to review and coordinate informational outreach for:
1)Residents, through media, cable access, website, block captains
2)Businesses, through invitations to attend meetings, personal visits, North Chamber of Commerce
3)Educational institutions, by finding or developing curriculum, finding contacts to email information, attending and
presenting information at more Earth Week presentations.
Commissioner Westby wanted to make sure that schools are included in the educational process. Staff
mentioned that Earth Week participation is usually welcome and that the U.S. EPA has a lot of good material
for educators.
MOTION by Commissioner Velin and seconded by Commissioner Stoxen to approve the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
Other general discussion centered on particular interest areas of Commissioners. Chairman Olin said he would
like to investigate digesters for moving bodies of water like Locke Lake; also community solar and sharing
economical ideas with our valuable business community. Commissioner Westby was most interested in
stormwater reductions, identifying raingarden locations, partnering with groups like the boy scouts for planting
public places.
Next Meetings/Announcements
Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 7 p.m., Conference Room A (Main Level). Commissioner Velin stated that he had
a conflict and would be unable to attend.
MOTION by Commissioner Velin and seconded by Commissioner Stoxen to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Qualley
EQEC Staff
Environmental Planner
City of Fridley