COS-- 7¢7Z Ile4kE1 Land Plannmy 1.��� 07S gfhmvy #a uE. lmd Sur yny Af1mwpbs 32, sm/sTesmy ENGINEERING, INC. awl & iDM1 sU�,setA o Enwneers ,purveyors --- cestiSicate of zvs vei cos _ I_ — .sr 1 i Da%ara builders Inc. NORTH o Oonoes .Iron Floe -- — — OLlioles lllih- r if-'P"Ir aye &samenA LOT SLOCk 1 IIAL,BERG TL,47-QACE.: ANOKA Cou'a � /Ibu'e6y cede y #W this is a true and axrmd representation 0r.2 scrrey gc* AA�sArf(e o�w AsavArd laid, &d ofhir fara ion ao// hifo p , #teem , md'a/l risible camacbrricah , #'& y. fnw or &7 swd lend. A; surveyed fA,r, ens 11ts _ d' y o� pb�.- a. D &S3. SUB UR 8AN EMCWNEERJNG , INC. Scale l r Ifo' n��