COSLand Planning(4a&tr6an 6B7S-H 'CS #E. Land Surveyiny Mump a is 21, SailsTestmy ENGINEERING, INC. "f"-°ra Civil frfifwkpq/ SUnsetko" EnTmemny En yh7eers Sur vecyors — certificate of survey H 4 M DEVELOPMENT CO, I r o vl— 15,C) ri- -- — -- --- -- S' Jti l ity �` Drairt��� Eoselmevl� —LOT 11 BLIMC 1A Or LD o LYBVILDERS C AVDITIM �foh ire Iii DDC,1V E l Hereby ;�qff iry Thal ibis /5o five arrd torted represenlofion Of a surrey q( r 6nr aures qr& obo r! Ascr bed land, xd Opp ocgiontvAdV7 ,mon , and e# risible awvwhxmis , of �. {ran or cnsmid load. As surveyed by me fhls _ 1012 /Y � � SUBURBAN EN6INEERIM6, INC. . 6n meers Fr aur ors ,� AY