COSI Land Planning (4a&r6a17L 075-110way AGS AIE. L47d1"Iyhy Minnwpfi 21. Soils TesMy ENGINEERING, INC. mint"'a Civil & mwkol SUnsef 4-6066 En9iaeerin9 Engineers Surveyor., certificate of zimve,7�0y-!- OF-VELOPMENT Co._ L \( N D F— OR I V E �Y-C.VA A 511 HIM 6" t,9 (Y) LOT 5 ) Bi-ocv, 2 L\,(NDALE BUIL DEQ5 G`!—" ADDITION /here cwhjy, &MI -5 is a /me and arad repm5wiatkn ofe survey efir haudlams e& 46dw Amm&dhmd, and t/641;7 -M or &7 of surveyed 6ftm#xj--dhy _f.S, #WV&7, Md,611 PiSible 8*V=1WtW/f, lfar�. f Ai IAMd AS 5 A. D 159A e. SUB URBAN L--MC71NEE-f?fiV&.,1NC Eal i rs Fr 5ur"VOM en;- L/ -4