COSLand Planning 6'875-wy --C; M.E. Land Surveying Mnmeapn/s 2/, SoilsTeslmg ENGINEERING, INC. "*"-sol-a Civil & Municipal I S&Wi 4-60" Enymeermy En ineers f Surveyors 9 0. cestsficate of Survey dor" - H £ M DEVELOPMENT Co. Ireyl 75.0— \rev% `f i (i� Dr4�na a EgSew+evw+ v q � 1 0 Li d� Seale 1"--30' Iron , tiR —75.0 — -�-- LYNDE. DRIVE 0 0 I Irorl � R LY,NDALE BUaLDF-r5 G"' AUD ITION //rprebr� cerfi�iy flrat lhis rs o fi'ue acrd aorr�cf reprresenfofia� o�'a sre•rety efbt doavndorres �'/lae abate ofesrribsd land,arad orh lat bO,7 ofoll bui/dm� , /l%rean , and al/ risible axrnochmen/s , rfary, fm or wsoid /aid As surveyed by me flus-- afsy A'Q l2&' SUB URBAN Le INEERING , INC. 6n inears Fr Surreyorq Q > R