COSLand Planning 6875-Mi9hmay *CS M.E. Land Surveying Minrr¢ofao/s 2/, SailsTesh;iy ENGINEERING, INC. M�n�,ala Cral b Afunkrpal Stho .44066 £n�ineerin9 Engineers Survecyors certificate ®f survey felp E CO & M DEVELOPMENT V. MILL C,Ty 'BW.rs LL/ x,8123 m 0 CV n CY -J l �l z�.g O `, •� 14o,Ls¢ a,Q G,o ,,,, ,, d E. l e. v- 81.4.(0 %A O u s e C.O r n e-" O DLMOT'ES I'MOM _ pGNo'TES UTILITY & ORAmA6E. EASEMENTS 1. ELEVXTIOV46 AR -f- PROPOSED Z. FIRST FLOOR F.I..EVAi\ON TO WL 2.5 FEF -'T ABOVE GROUMD Et.EV.SNOwN LOT Zo BLOCK 3 MF— L. ODY MAN OI / h&.vby cerhty fhat This is a /rue and correct represenfation 00 survey e he bovndories of"#x obore descried land, and of'& 1whon grall burldin9s , llrereen , a- d o/l risible &w oochmenfs , ijrmy, fivn or on said /and. As surveyed by me &.5 _day p�.4a A—. r A.D. /9S --O. SUB U28AN ENG/NEEZING , INC. Engin s E Surreyors e..