COSre- --- Lond Planning 6875 -Highway *C5 A(E. Land Surveyng Minneapolis 21. Soils TestingENGINEERING, INC. Minnesota Owl b-Munlapal f SlImet 4-6066 Engineering Engineers Sur vectors — certificate of sutve�r for ei, g80.9 ,3i. ego. G(20UWD ELEV, 883,1 CO- 400SM- 'C"P- ER'S E & M DEVELOPMENT CO. eC. BB4:o 4' 15L.8,5t!,o 15.61 O pENOTEs IRON _____ _ [�LNOTES UT11,_1TK 6 ORAiNA6E. EA9EME.NTS NOTE_ — 1. ELEVATIONS ARE PROPOSED Z. FIRS-' FL-OoR EL..ENA-T ION To e,6. 2.5 FEET ABOVE GROUND EX -MV. OWN LOT 21 BL' OCK 3 MELODY MANOR. /herebtf. cerfiPy Mat &5 is a true and correct representation of a survey elbe bwnderies qP&e abore described land, and o`'&focvfion o�'ol! bui/din9s, thereon, &,loll risible efrcroachmenfs , lfmy. f or wsaid /and. As surveyed by me this - &q A.o 19S-01' SUBURBAN -ENGINEER/NG, INC. L-aq;geers E Su/r�reyors S C A L E i"= 30' AY X—