COSGERALD T. COYNERAYMOND PRASCH 3DO BRUNSWICK AVE. S. LOT SUIRVEYS COMPANY 6917 IDAHO AVE. N* GOLDEN VALLEY, MINN. LAND SURVEYORS BROOKLYN PARK, MINN MINN. REG. NO. 4741 MINN. REG. NO. 6743 RZOISTESED UMM LAWS OF STATE OF 3[U=SftA 1JOENSED. BY ORMARGE OT an Or 35111MA"140 5747 W. Broadway 5339922 1 . NVOICE NO 3-7.1-3 INDUSTRIAL — JUDICIAL Minneapolis, Minnesota 56428 COMMERCIAL — TOPOGRAPHICAL F.6. NO. CITY LOTS — PLATTING SCALE I" outteporg. Certificate AMBER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 0 Denotes I rou Lot 13, Block 1, AMBER OAKS ter, We hereby certify that this is a true and cmTm representation of a survey of the boundaries of the above described land and the location of all btrftngs and visible encroachrrients,. If any, frpm or on said land. 15 th � August Surveyed by us this � dayof1922. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY Sc eO7WV("- 9,379S (17)II2,"I/17VIn �S- ti -7, 7 rn (D 00 4V S 44; __3rloo 0( ISE -63 3396 80.0 . Ck r I 01 14 10 Vi got