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VAR NOV 1965
m '04 f APPLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS AND CITY COUNCIL FOR SPECIAL USE PEk4IT' VARIANCE. IN REQUIREMENTS OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY (Applicant to complete items 1, 2, 3) 1. Name and Address of Applicant WAYNE A. STEWART 4100 Main Street N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 2. Legal Description of Property (also general location, such ass"north- east corner of 64th Avenue and 5th Street" or 6415 Fifth Street") SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT DOUBLE BUNGALOWS ON LOTS 2, 3, 4-4A, 5-5A, 6-6A, 7, and 8, BLOCK 1, GAILSVIEW ADDITION) DIRECTLY BEHIND WAYNE STEWART'S HOUSE AT 4100 MAIN ST NE, 3. Describe the variance requested. (Attach Plat or Survey of Property showing location of proposed building, etc:, also adjoining properties and ownership within 2001 of said property:) SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT DOUBLER BUNGALOWS Kenneth Carson - 4051 Main St. Donald Onstad - 4110 Main St. N.E. Harold Buchholtz - 4045. Main St. George Stelskal — 050"Pain- St. N'E. Peter Pawlick - 4039 Main St. Dennis Bertand - 4040 Main St. N.E. F1ovd Gidea - 4033 Main St. eckla Majeski — 4UJ6�Main Leo Buckley - 4025 Main St. Delard R. Carmichael -14021 California St.N.E. William Mason - 4007 Main,St. N.H. a - 4003 in St. Howard Wilson - 4020 Main St.N.E. Mable Gadbois - 4000 Main St. Donald Archer - 4057 Main St.N.E. 6,L460, yi."�7 %� 4. Comments by administrative official denying original request for building permit or other permit. (To be completed by administrative official. Appropriate ordinances and section of ordinances to be cited.) Section 45.19-2A, City Code of Fridley, Minnesota 1963 - 2 - 5. Notice of Hearing appeared in Official Newspaper on the following dates: November 17 & 24, 1965 (must be at least once 10 days before meeting -- copy of notice to be attached). 6. Board Members notified of meeting by mailing of notices - 11-15-65 (List Members, Date Notified, and "Yes_" or "No" for plans to attend hearing). a Name Date Plan to Attend _7 All members notified by mailing of notice M 11-15-65 7. Person making appeal and the following property owners having property within 200' notified: By Phone Notified by Name Date or Mail (Initial) Mr. Wayne Stewart -4100 Main Street N.E. M 11-15-65 see other names of people on first page of this application. M 11-15-65 8. The Following Board Members and interested parties were present at the Hearing: December 1, 1965 BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Nawrocki Member Saunders -absent Member Jankowski -absent ,Member Goodrich WT & -ma e n SUewazt- So City Manager stated that if the Council cODCurs with the Planning COmMission, the Council should set a Public Hearing for the Regular Council Meting of January 17, a S cial Permit fpr the to consider the final lconstruction ofat Of this edoublleedbungalowsStewart �s est fora Special upon this property. Notion by Wright to set a Public Hearing for the consideration of tits request of Piro Wayna Start for a Special Use Permit to pe,t construction of double blogalows upon his property an Lots 2,3,4-"o 5-5A9 6-6A9 7 and 81, Block 19 &dlsvisw Addition and set.the data of JamarY 17® 1966 for a Public Bearing open the final plat of this property, if the Plashing Commission acts open the time preliminary Plat at themeetist8 0fJanc:ar3r--i3�`��b S�condsd�y-8th an. { -- Upon a v e note;`thele being no nays, the motion dried bnanimaualY. -- - ----amu ,� HEAKING 'q ary,17� _19_66---eo�ic31 Nteeting--MinutesMLIAll -- -- - - — - niem ers present. ON A H MST F(R A SPEC 7AL USE, PE WT TO PERXXT CONSIRUCT109 OF DOUBLEB GAL00- GAILSV= ADDITION - WAM STEWAR,To The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing. Councilman Wright asked if he could build the size of double bungalow he was planning without requiring more waivers. Mr, Steuart stated he could. Councilman Samuelson asked how big the double bungalows were, and Mr. Stewart answered they were 1100 to 1200 square feet. Councilman Somuelson stated that his concern would be whether the set back and side yards would be enough considering the shape of the lots. Councilman Wright stated that he thinks Mr. Stewart should submit a sketch of the buildings on the lot and a drainage plan. Mr. Steuart would not have to come back for more hearings, but the Council should see if the size and plans are adequate. Mayor Kirkham asked if anyone in the audience wished to be heard on this permit. Nx. Donald Onstad, 4110 Main Street N.E., stated that he was interested in the value of each building. He said he had paid a substantial price for his lot and home and he was concerned as to the value of the double bungalows. The City Manager suggested they come up and look at the drawing. Mr. Onstad said a drawing shows nothing! Several visitors to the Council Meeting came forward and examined the plans. They discussed having double bungalows in the neighborhood. Mr. Onstad stated he felt there should be a time limit on the construction of these houses. Mr. Stewart said that the Building inspector mould be watching that and Mr. Steuart, himself, lives in the area. Motion by Councilman Harris to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,. Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Notion by Harris to approve the final plat. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice —%, . vote -,_there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Motion by Councilm n Wright to grant the Special Use Permit to permit the` code s�uttion , of do ible bua$alows on_-_LoEs, 2, { �5 6 6A; •I-, and -8. Block-II.-Dailsview Addition with the following conditions: 1. That a. land - --- � u4se drawing showing the placement of the builds be submittedsatisfactory to the Building Inspector and the relative City Ordinances. 2. That a drainage plan be submitted satisfactory to the City Engineer, Councilman Sheridan stated that it is customary to require that each unit have a paved parking apace in addition to the garage as most families own more than one automobile, and that he would like to mend the motion and make this an addition to the motions. The preceding motion coas emended as follows,* 7hat there be an additional paved parking apace in addition to the garage parking provided. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. OTHER PARTIES: -3 - ADDRESS 9. Opinions and recommendations by BOARD OF APPEALS: - December 1, 1965 Mr. & Mrs. Stewart were present. Motion by Fitzpatrick , se-candea by _ anodr.ich- to recommajid, to the Council that the ,Special rise Rarmit, be. granted.-. Upon a voice vote., there being no nays, Chairman Nawrocki declared the motion carried. see attached Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - December 16,1965 nary 13, 1966. 10. For Above Recommendations Unanimous Against Recommendations 11. Action by City Council and Date: December 6, 1965 -All members present. No action by the City Council at this meeting. December 20, 1965 C .. . January 17, 1966 Council Meeting - all members present----s-ee-AmqK .. 'ZC1AL PUBLICATION OFFICIAL NOTICE TO MON IT MAY CCUQM o NOTICE 18 WMBY GWEN that the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will mact in the Council Chenbers of the City Hall at 700 o°clock ?,,M,, Wednaoday, December 1, 1965, to concider the following Mattersm 1® A request for a varience from Section 45.23, City Code of Fridley, Himesota 1963, by waiver of side yard requirement from 10 feet to 5 feet to pamit remodeling attached ga zarage into ctelling area , on Lot 1, Block 5, Bonny Ad Ition, Anoka Cowty, mnesota, s=9 being 5950 - 7th Stroot Morthewt, Fridley, Mnnesota,, (Request by Kenneth Johnson - 5950 - 7th Street Northeast, Fridley, -Minnesota) 20 A request for a variance from Section 45.362, City Code of Fridley; Himesota 1963, by waiver of front yard setback from 100 fees to 44 feet 6 inches to permit construction of industrial building addition on Lots 7 and 5, Block 13, Spring Brook Park Addition, Anoka County, Minnesota aaas being 1.61 Ely Street Northea ct, Fridley, es ota® (Request by Hinnevota FlnLehing Company, 161 Ely Street Northeast, Fridley, Hivneaota 55432). 3. A request for a varimme from Section 45026, City Cade of medley, Himnezota 9963, bq waiver of front yaavd setback from 35 feet to 20 fejt to permit construction -of a one -F=ly dwelling an Lot 11, Bloch 1, Harion ULM Addition, Anoka County, Minnesota saw bei 5206 Pierce Stet Northeast, Fridley, Himevota Ctequest by M. and Mrs. Darold Jo Be9gum, 1117 - 14th Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis, Hinnevota, 55414) 4. A request for a Special Use Feradt, Section 45819-2A City Corrie of Fridley, Minnesota 19631, to parit construction of double bungaloee on lot@ 23,3,4-4A, 5-5A, 6-6A, 7, and S, Block 1, Galleview A"ition, Anoka County, Himesota, are being lots behind 4100 Main Street Northomt, Fridloy, Mmesota. (Request by Wayne Stewart, 4100 ASain Street Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota, 55421) Anyone desiring to be baaard with referencd to the above uatters mill be hmwd at this meetisZ. Publish -V November 17, 1965 November 24, 1965 Harry Nassvrocki Chairman, Board of Appeals 1. 2. 3. BOARD OF APPEALS KWUTES - DECEMBER 1, 1965 Mr. and Mks. BeIgum were prevent. Mr. Douglas 14hite, 5521 Fillmore Street Northeast, their next door neighbor, was present and stated that he was very mch in favor of granting this request, Notion by Goodrich, a corded by Fitzpatrick. to recommend to thet t� Variance �e granted. 6i;on'a Voice! v-ote, there being no nays, Chairman 9wrocki declared-ihe' motion carried. - .... - I-- - " - "r- Mt. Johnsen was present. Nation by Fitzpatrick. seconded by Goodrich. to recommend to the t the Variance b RR _syanted- Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Chairman - - 11 " Nawrocki declared the motion carried. Kv. Tony Guerre use present representing the petitioners. 1Wa on by e coaded by Ff,"paikrick, to recommend to the Council that Variance be.granted. gran't. d. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Chairman Nawrocki declared tine mlotion carried. 4© BOARD OF APPEALS PdDMTES CP DEMMER 1, 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were present Notion by Fitzpatrick. ; seconded bit ,Go rich to recomend to the Council that the_ ppS�al Use. Perms be gT ante�d, Upo% a voice' wrote, tdaert� b��aig :to ta�a�a, &airman I iVW66kf e - d' the int' Lon carried. ADJ IM., There beim no further ba lnes�s, Chairman Mmorocki declared the meeting adjourned at 8-.08 P.M Respectfully sabmitted, Earl Pe Wagner Secretary to the Board TUNNING CCM SSIO'N =TING - DEMMER 16, 1965 PA. (` HMON by Johan®on, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Cotcaission concur with the Plats and Subdivisions and Streets And Utilities Sub-Couaitt l and recommimd approval of the Loot Split Request (L.S. #65-10), Donald Plolow, being Lot 3, Auditor°a Subdivision #'129, subject to the dedication of the forth 25 foet for street and 5 foot utility easement on west side of Lot 3 for utilities- and drainage. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried. 6. SPECUL USE PERMiTs DOUBM BUNGA.MS WAYNE A STEWARTs LOTS 2 3 4-4A 5-5A, 6-6A, r,7 AND 8, BLOCK 1, GAY%SVIEW ADDITION( _s._.... Mr. Wayne Stewart was present. , Por. Wagner read the Board of Appeals minutes which referred to the Special Use Permit. 7. 8. Mr. Steuart said the bungalows would be split level type, but will not all be of the same type and would vary the way they are built on the late. During the discussion, it was discovered that the plat had not been recorded. As long as the plat was over a year old, the procedure had to be gone through again. VMTION by Hughes, seconded by Johanson, that the Planning,Commission recommend approval of.the Special Use\Permit for the Double Bungalows, Wayne Ao Stewart, Tuts 2, 3, 4-4A, 5-5A, 6-6A, 7 and 8, Block 1, Gailsview. Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried. M ON by Rughes, seconded by Johanson. that a public hearing date of J.-ouary 13, 1166 be set for thQ pralirsiaary plat (P.S. -05) Wayne A. Stewart, being a replet of Block 1, East Half Block 29 Berlin Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried. Mr. Nygard was present and stated he would be willing to work with Council and Planning Commission. 8t was noted, that if the lot was divided into two lots, the larger one being in the rack, the assessment rate would be smalle� because of the coning. MOTION by Johanson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission concur wish Council on the Lot Split #65-14, H. M. Hygard, being that part of Lot 14, Auditores Subdivision #129 lying West of the East 273.0 feet, except West 110 feet taken for Central Avenue by splitting the lend into two lots only, the lot facing Central Avenue being not less than 1001x1321, the balance of the land being the second lot. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the notion carried. �--j Dr. Hayana stated he would like to'request rezoning this lot to the new medical �J category, and he would talk to the neighbors again. P10TI01d by Hughes, seconded ,by Bergman, that the Planning Commission set a public hearing on Jinuray 13, 1966 for the rezoning request, #65-05, Dr. George Rayano, Loot 10, Plat 1, Rice Creek Terrace, to rezone from R-1 (single family dwelling) to CR -1 (medical offices). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried. Plein,,, Lo�s��'n - J=uari 13. 1966 PM 4 W. Bandal explained that the Plats and Subdivisions Sub ttee rmffi d their decisicm. 1ft. Berms stated the Strmete and Utilities Su ttes appr&rced the plat. MM r-odmd by Pandpl 0" PJig���-Eamii w�en acur wNR th . Plate and Sub iwislars n- °i�,�v i is �a�eel N. Jup �.. GammdttPs unci mva Lha a�Ra P Cs 0gy—Ichi^ bay: a TeDlAt of RI 1 px�st hall k 2 r]..a Addf io � d EMSa d ai. . Upon a*a voice vote all. voting a flee t . J&Dd. � P• s � � s 'MOMEG, 1? U 'f ZOA ,`6S -Q2. ,�+iBS.e,P ti tti S®N ADD BUDIM�MXY..- Easterly axed of lr t*n and \adjacent to Asha st t �,uditar� Su�bd�.vtaian .#103 and Ixontan Industriali,'ark). I Mrs. Plozence Swanson was pr"Gate 10N by Ba nda18 sawnded by Bargmans that the Planning Cmmission set a public beaariarg data for the r azoni.ug, zwqueste g0A ;63-028 by Dire. Florence Stan sou and Bernard Ju?. mski for the Easterly end of l"eaton a ud: 'ad jaacs►t to Ashton Street (Audit6T's Subdivision #103 and Xxant*a _? Industrial Park)B of February 108 1966. Upon s voice votes all votitg ayes, the motion c ied a e e . .ie �OIdC P� J.s44r SL".9,T 6'V4-4 1G S 64 ES lU.l34kAL- o Lot 141, 8ll,sVised Auditor's Subdivision 023. 69 a\aav44VViAvt;I7TUMaffm: dAe%izaanizati n Of Pimm Camnissi,. lie. DeVbp can stated that it Le bid understanding that tbb PIWDIMS U mmicsion ahnuld take anis, matter undar diecuesloa mid invaaetig:a, ion. Be bel.i&Vtid airs, Lutsnt cif the sugg a atl au ie wi.O01y based and waw coneldmvins and weld say that Imp5loveatkmts c-sa be mad* in mW arganlzrttion.' . He rewgnUsd that Pix. lite -tris has obviously spent eom time thlnlcirr; a%a,jest , this and has suggested a fair sough of pavaibilltiaee som of wh:'ch,, in his personal opiaLona .agare sound and same why be can question. OFFICE PMUCATION r:� • s �. �i y,« LV,,.. Vii; NGTZCB is Vin,;, tbat Mmdayo Jamary r y. the Cit' comall ®f the City ®f Chel&WS Of ® City Rat at 8800 19"o to cansidsc the fo ;nya.rRe desJxJM o b@hr'a,.,, •with regmammto the;;4b.ryslattl .i..:- behowd at thle rpt =r'i& t{;vg Publiabs January S@ 1966 jammmy l2® lea HOME PLAN .7411 ROOF LINE ROOF HAS BEAMS AT 8:0. O.C. .1 SUNDECK = I IB'-0• R SLG•= PATIO' ^� DINING RQOM J LIVING ROOM I +` I . • BEDROOM t 12=0' x B:OUP SLATE 17:4° x 20' ° FOLDI(Ia WALL 11 I --_ - BEDROOM 3. II:B°x19=4° II 11=8° x 9=0° . •• LIP COOK TOP x �t • -q R P KIT FPI S.L. (WW/LIOGKT I , . , ,.,.:. OVEN I � WSJ st hL LATE �L�''•., I d B.PROOM 2. L� - 11=8 :et --_ —2-QAR GARAGE ROOF UNE — ' 17:8 , 22:0° L4' OVERA R UPPER FLOOR . , '.�''' uP a OVER'oom+ 11-4 S0. PT. PLUS a96 SQ. PT GARAGE SLATE FL. SL B! NOTE- IF -THIS NOME IS TO BE BUILT AS A DUPLEX, THE ABOVE PLAN WOULD PROVIDE SEPARATE ENTRANCES FOR TNE.UPSTAIRS AND DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENTS. jerry grope 9 architect T a DINING 8 KIT. FAMILY ROOM 12-0° x 18=8° 17'4'. 20:8' BA&EXPOSED UNRAISED HEARTH M. UP n _-7 GARAGE OVER B; " { BEDROOM 4. (] u=s• x IW -4" O TANK I III NOTE- TWO HOME MAY B� 1 CIIEASED TO 1900 80. FL BY MAKING THESE MODULES aro (OVERALL BECOMES 98=4') 4 _ ovERA LOWER FLOOR- L COULD BE A *MOTHER-IN-LAW APARTMENT" OR A RENTAL UNIT. 17238 10TH NORTHWEST • SEATTLE, WN. 121411 DESIGN NOTES,- NEW HOMES Gt SELECTED DESIGN J2741 Although designed for a couple with gown children, this woulda good plan for a younger family as well. It is, in effect, a home with fo bedrooms two up and two down. (Those downstairs could be finished later.) The upper floor is placed four steps above the entry. This gets the house up for the best view and still allows a walk-in slate entrance. Also, raising the house makes it possible to have windows for the lower floor on all four sides. Note how this home is laid out on a 6' module (which simply means the post and beam spacing interval), making it extremely flexible in size. To enlarge this plan by 1/3 all the builder would have to do is increase the module size to 810". To achieve a feeling of space, the roof has beams which slope up from•the view windows to the center beam. Keeping the roof lest over the windows minimizes late summer afternoon sun problems. Note also the window -washing catwalk all across the view side, giving a horizontal emphasis to the two-story side. Skylights with lights inside are strategically placed and combine with the cheer- ful color scheme to assure no glooay corners. OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS Area - Upper floor - 1124 sq. ft. Lower floor - 1100 sq. ft. Garage - 433 sq. ft. Overall DimensioW - 4214" wide x 4414" deep Roof - Low-pitched with built-up roofing sur- faced with white or colored marble chips. .Built-in gutters. The plans show roof beams ® 6' o.c. with 2 x 6 t&g deck with insulation on top, or Simpson "Golden Planked Hemlock" insulated roof deck. The ceilings follow the roof slope except where noted. Exterior Finish - Stained cedar t&g boards with some masonry veneer. Windows are shown as "stopped=in" wood. Vent sections are aluminum "sliders". Interior Finish - Plaster or plasterboard walls; some hardwood panelling (optional). Slate floor in entry and dining room; resilient tile in kitchen, family room and bath; hardwood elsewhere.. Mahogarq slab doors and trim. Insulation - House is well insulated and weather- stripped; plans suggest insulation for various climate zones. He_ atim - Hot water baseboard or warm air aystem, which may include air-conditioning if desired. Furnace is located in the lower level (see plan). Furnace flue in fireplace mass saves the expense of another chimney. Fireplaces - These can be built using metal "Heat form" liners. This has grilles on the side to use the fireplace heat which normally goes up the chines. (Conventional construction may be used if this feature'is not desired.) Exuansion Features - This home is planned on a 6' module and may be expanded tvaryinthe size of these modules. (See note