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B 1 MDING PERMIT ViRala of Fridley, Minn. 2133 Date.................... .......... OwnerBuilder .......................................... Address Address ........................................ LO ATION OF BUILDING NO. . ..... Street, .................... Part of Lot ...................... Lot ............. ... Block ............. .. Addition or Sub -Division ....................................... Comer Lot .......... Inside Lot .... I ....... Setback ............ Sideyard ./16! .................... DESC61PTION OF BUILDING ;jbUsed ... Front .14V .. epth Height Sq. Ft......... Cu. Ft. ........ .................... Front ........ I depth ........ Height ......... Sq. Ft......... Cu. Ft. ........ Type of Construction Est 4. . ........ To be Completed 'Cost A ,4:"•. le In Consideration of the issuance to me permit of pe to Construct the building described above, I agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the 3tj esjj set forth and in compliance with all provisions of ordinances of the village of Fridley. 1 ration of the Payment of a fee 01 ra Or oaro -JI&C . ..... to construct the I ee�xPprelcconditicn W7 of $... J...' Permit is hereby granted to,,000/4�.$,-`granted```/��.,..,. uilding `or addition as described above. This permit upon Me that the person to wl done in, around and upon said building, or Fridley, Minnesota Dm it is granted and his agents, employees and workmen, in -all work any part thereof, shall conform In all respects to the ordinances of . regarding 10catiOn,,cons In the limits ruction, alteration, maintenance, repair and moving of buildings with - village and this permit may be I Nvoked at any time u olatio of of the provisions of said ordinances. uilding Inspector NOTICE: P, rmlt does not cover the cons Zer. Luctio n Insti I latlon or alteration for wiring,. plurnbing,gas heating, sewer or, Be sure to see the Bulk Ing Inspector for separate permits for these Items. 91 N? 5039 Origin Permit for FLUMBING AND GAS Fh TING 4�-,/7 7 N.B. When work covered by this permit is ready, the Plumbing Ordinance requires that F t , / © 0 inspection shall be honed in to the plumbing In d for -/, P P g fir. SM -3450 giving number of this permit., DFSCEPTION OF WORK Number, Sind and Location of F=tures City of Fridley ✓p - m A E Q 5 1969 M 0 EZ d WATER HTR. Stories 16mZ Y = - Z z 1- O m mO C m y O A < O A K mQQ 4 GAS ELEc.m p J L Permission is hereby granted RU�Z• to do the plumbing and gas fitting in the building described 4Ue statement hereto attar , upon the express condition that the person to whom this permit is granted, and his agents, employees and workmen, in the plumbing or gas fitting of said building shall conform in all respects to ordinances of the City of Fridley, and this permit may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. By Order Of The Inspector Of Buildings Roughing in Inspection Date Inspector. Final Inspection Inspector. az IM --&69.V Owner U AV42 Co Lu -,6,K'6 - Location 59,13 M 41 d S i le(flE. Kind of Building_ l�I�14Y11 �— Used as h W E. L L i >x) fir To be Completed d)'/ . I6— "6 R Estimated Cost $ .2 6-0 • 0-0 Old -New. Building Permit No. Date Inspector of Buildings. Basement lot / 2nd 3rd 4th Connected with Sewer -Cesspool Gas Piping for Openings Permission is hereby granted RU�Z• to do the plumbing and gas fitting in the building described 4Ue statement hereto attar , upon the express condition that the person to whom this permit is granted, and his agents, employees and workmen, in the plumbing or gas fitting of said building shall conform in all respects to ordinances of the City of Fridley, and this permit may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. By Order Of The Inspector Of Buildings Roughing in Inspection Date Inspector. Final Inspection Inspector. az IM --&69.V Owner U AV42 Co Lu -,6,K'6 - Location 59,13 M 41 d S i le(flE. Kind of Building_ l�I�14Y11 �— Used as h W E. L L i >x) fir To be Completed d)'/ . I6— "6 R Estimated Cost $ .2 6-0 • 0-0 Old -New. Building Permit No. Date Inspector of Buildings. N? 51'78 Original Permit for PLUMBING AND GAS FITTI S-3 /3 I N.B. When work covered by this permit is ready, the Plumbing Ordinance requires that request for Permit �, �® inspection shall be phoned in to the plumbing Inspector, 860-3450 giving number of this permit., Fee DESCRIPTION OF WORK Number, Kind and Location of Fixtures Stories W o a U 3 v a z n o F m a m r m �, a m z 'm a' �a 3 r F z; i o ❑ U. w o x y y m °o ., M LL❑ S m a s u m m x a❑ rc J f 'a m a a s o a W m ez a o �¢ WATER HTR. GAS ELEC. Basement 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Connected with Sewef esspool Gas Piping for Openings Permission is hereby grfiaitedto do the plumbing and gas fitting in the building describe i the stem taent hereto attache upon the express condition that the person to whom this permit is granted, and his agents, employees and workmen, in the plumbing or gas fitting of said building shall conform in all respects to ordinances of the City of Fridley, and this permit may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. By Order Of The Inspector Of Buildings Roughing in Inspection Date Inspector. Final Inspection Date Inspector. az IM—&49-v City of Fridley o'd,19 %o Owner Location Kind of Building S Used as To be Completed , 19?® Estimated Cost $ /.u—, CSO Old- ew. Building Permit No. Date C_ Inspector of Buildings. C 0 P' MFd6 TO: ' Building Inspector MEMO FROM: Harvey J. McPhee MO DATE: May 26, 1969 RE: 5933 Main Street Please "Tag" this house immediately as it is now vacant. Officer Bebensee called me on it during the last week. The people obviously moved out in the last couple of days. It is a mess. Lets be tough on improving these houses. Some of the problems noted by me are as follows; 1. Gas hot water heater located in the kitchen. 2. Walls broken in a number of areas through out the house. 3. Wall finish is loose, dirty and in poor repair through out the house. 4. Floor finish (tile & Limoleum) is loose and in poor repair through out the hou;:,e . 5. Doors and windows in poor repair. 6: Bathroom covered with paint. - 7. Wainscotting in bathroom is poor, and it is loose around the bathtub. 8. Toilet flusher is poorly. The plumbing needs to be checked. 9. Wiring needs to be checked. 10. Heating system is apparently in the attic. The outside vent or chimney needs checking. 11. House siding.,is poor in certain areas.. 12. Meter location in bathroom is poor. 13. Bathroom mirror is broken. 14. Entire house is dirty and has an offensive odor. 15. Water leakage was noted in bedroom on N.E. corner of property. 16. Fence shall -be removed. 7. Rear porch is full of old clothing. 15. Litter was piled around shed on N.E. corner of property. Shed was also fu21 of junk. 19. Shed shall be provided with footings and foundation or removed. No occupancy will be permitted by the Board of Health until corrected to Ordinance requirements and approved by the City. ii4.RVEY J. mCPHEE City of Fridley, Minn. BUILDING PERMIT Date: Sept, 19, 1969 Owner: David H. Glubke Builder Adm 1940 Woodcrest Drive Address Minneapolis. Minnesota Same Same LOCATION OF BUILDING No. 5 933 Street Main St. N. E. _ Part of Lot Lot 24 _ Block 9 Addition or Sub -Division _ Hyde Park Addn. Corner Lot Inside Lot r Setback Sewer Elevation Sideyard Foundation Elevation No 10417 DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be Used as: Alterations Front _ _ Depth _ Height Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft Front Depth Height Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. Type of Construction Fast. Cost ,$1900.00_ To be Completed 90 Days S ubject to inspection report of August 4, 1969 Subject to Health Officers memo dated May 26, 1969 In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above, I agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the description above se rth and in pante wi all provisions of ordinances of the city of Fridley. In consideration of the payment of a fee of $__12. 9.0 , permit is hereby granted to David Glubke to construct the building or addition as described above. This permit is granted upon the express condition that the person to whom it is granted and his agents, employees and workmen, in all work done in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, shall conform in all respects to the ordinances of Fridley, Minnesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair and moving of buildings within the city limits and this permit may be revoked at any time upon violati of any of the provisions of said ordinances. le Clarence Belisle NOTICE This permM does not cover the construedon, homMon for wiring, plumbing, gas heating, wwror or wafer. Be sure to we the Building Inspector for separab pannRs for these Mena. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA OWNER IS NAME 0A V.LP �i �� K� BUILDER ADDRESS / %yD 4LO2PSC 2 FS7- / ADDRESS LOCATION OF BUILDING NO. STREET ,�'/-A / N S LOT BLOCK ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION ' ,Q CORNER. LOT INSIDE LOT ✓ SETBACK SIDEYARD SEWER ELEVATION TOP OF FOOTING Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of Lot and proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To Be Used As: A-TEPA-rioNSe Front Depth Height Square feet Cubic Feet Front Depth Height Square feet Cubic Feet ee-a Type of Construction Estimated Cost z�2� To Be Completed Z:2 The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances and rulings of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE d l0 SIGNATURE .(Schedule of Fee Costs can be found on the Reverse Side.) _a� [0 M MO TO: Building Inspector MEMO FROM: Harvey J. McPhee MEMO DATES y 26, 1968 HE: 5933 Main Street Please "Tag" this house immediately as it is now vacant. Officer Bebensee called me on it during the last week. The people obviously moved out in the last couple of days. It is a mess. Lets be tough on improving these houses. Some of the problems noted by me are as follows; 1. Gas hot water heater located in the kitchen. 2. Walls broken in a number of areas through out the house. 3. Wall Finish is loose, dirty and in poor repair through out the house. 4. Floor finish (tile & Limoleum) is loose and in poor repair through out the house. 5. Doors and windows in poor repair. \ 6. Bathroom covered with paint. 7. Wainscotting in bathroom is poor, and it is loose around the bathtub. 8. Toilet flusher is poorly. The plumbing needs to be checked. 9. Wiring needs to be checked. 10. Heating system is apparently in the attic. The outside vent or chimney needs checking. 11. House siding., is poor in certain areas. 12. Meter location in bathroom is poor. D. 13. Bathroom mirror is broken. 14. Entire house is dirty and has an offensive odor. 15. Water leakage was noted in bedroom on N.E. corner of property. 16. Fence shallbe removed. .7. Rear porch is full of old clothing. 16. Litter was piled around shed on N.E. corner of property. Shed was also full of junk. 19. Shed shall be provided with footings and foundation or removed. No occupancy will be permitted by the Board of Health until corrected to Ordinance requirements and approved by the City. HARVEY J. MCPHEE 0 Aug. 4, 1969 BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING & HEATING REPORT 5933 Main Street N. E. Building 1. Provide adequate support of joist beams under house. 2. Provide 18" crawl space under joists and access door to the same. 3. Repair roof leak at flat roof on the north side. 4. Repair access door to the attic. 5. Replace rotted window sills, sash and frames. 6. Provide additional roof bracing to eliminate sag. 7. Unable to inspect furnace or attic as no ladder available. 1. New service. 2. Additional recptacles in the northwest bedroom. 3. Additional recptacles in the middle bedroom. 4. Additional recptacles in the northeast bedroom. 5. Appliance recptacles in the kitchen. 6. Seperate circuit to furnace -repair furnace wiring- disconnect switch on the furnace. 7. Light over back entry. Plumbing & Heating_ 1. Revent hot water heater 2. Repipe water line to size. 3. Line chimnay with aluminum liner. 4. Add registers and grills where missing. City of Fridley Appricallm for MwMkg and &n Rftg Fvnmft Dept. of Bldgs. Phone SM -3450 DESCRIPTION OF WORK -Z Number, Kind and Location of Fixtures WATER IM, Z z 0 N GAS ELEC. 2nd 3rd----- 4th — - - -- — — ° a'L tha'Lqara connection Openings Connected with New Fixture, Old Openingssewer I-- Cesspool El PARTIAL RATE SCHEDULE PLUMBING FIXTURE RATES: Number Fixtures Future Fixture Opening .. New Fixture Old Opening Catch Basin NO. RATE TOTAL Z x $2.00 $ x $1.50 $ X $1.50 $ X $3.25 $ Water Heater (Up to 99,000 BTU) x $3.00 $ New Ground Run Old Bldg. x $3.25 $ Electric Water Heater x $2.00 S. GAB FITTING FEES: NO. RATE TOTAL 1st 3 Fixtures .... .... .. x $2.00 $ Additional Fixtures ..... .............. —x$.75 Gas Range to 199,000 BTU .......... —.— x $5.00 REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS—Refer to Code Description Description .... .... ........................ . ........... TOTAL FEE City of Fridley: The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herei specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City Ordinance and ruling of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the fact and representations stated in this application are true and correct Fridley, Minn -19— Owner --'Rzz� 1!1;-e Kind of Building Used as To be completed about 00 Estimated Cost, $ Old—New. Building Permit No.— __Permit No. Signed. By - Business Phone No. FINAL City of Fridley AppivW&w for ftmbbg and G= Rnkg Pamilt Dept. of Bldgs. Phone 980-3450 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Number, Kind and Location of Fixtures Cloll uJGEM S;►°�. I I a P1 I y V ■■ <3< • / • N WATER KM. GAS ELEC. Base 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ' Future Connection Openings * New Fixture, Old Openings Connected with Sewer ❑ Cesspool ❑ PARTIAL RATE SCHEDULE PLUMBING FIXTURE RATES—NO. RATE TOTAL Number Fixtures � '� y_.. x $2.00 $ Future Fixture Opening ........... x $1.50 $ _ New Fixture Old Opening .......... x $1.50 $ Catch Basin .................... x $3.26 $ Water Heater (Up to 99.000 BTU) .... x $3.00 $ New Ground Run Old Bldg......... x $3.25 $ Eleotxdc Water Heater .............. a $2.00 $ GAS FITTING FEES: NO. RATE TOTAL 1st 3 Fixtures x $2.00 $ Additional Fixtures .................. x $ .75 $ Gas Range to 199.000 BTU ...... , ....... x $6.00 $ REPAIRS A ALTERATIONS—Actor to Code Description .............. ........... .. 0.... . ... ... ..... _ TOTAL FEE $ City of Fridley: The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herei specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City Ordinance and ruling of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that aR the fact and representations stated in this application are and rrect �%' F Odley, _ 18 / o Owner Kind of Building Used as To be completed about Estimated Cost, Old—New. Building Permit ROUGH Building Standards -Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of October 26_,_1972 Page 7 EUGENE KESKE, 5933 MAIN STREET H.E. The Subcommittee requested a report on when the garage would be placed on the slab and completed. They received a report prepared by Clarence Belisle, Building Inspector, as follows; 1. Mr. Reske came in for his building permit the day after the Building Standards meeting of October 5, 1972. 2, On 10/6/72 Clarence Belisle posted a "Stop Work -Red Tag" because new slab forms were one foot wider than the garage. 3. On October 10, 1972 approval was given to pour the slab. k. This date (10/26/72) inspection indicates the slab has been poured but the garage has not been moved onto it. Mr. Belisle photographed the slab and garage for the Subcommittee and gave them a copy bf the inspection slip left at the residence. `Please contact Inspection Department as to when garage will be moved onto new slab and when repairs and painting will be done". Review of past reports and inspections 'reveal that this owner was required by Electrical, Plumbing and Building Inspectors'to upgrade this house from a list of over twenty items which was an economic hardship to bring this house up to minimum standards. This concludes Mr. Belisle's report. Mr, Zeglen said he was sorry they have had an economic hardship but thought the. relocation of the garage and necessary work to bring it up to code should be completed as soon as possible. Chairman Zeglen adjourned the meeting at 11:20 P.M. • Respectfully submitted, Dorothy Elonson, Secretary IV FZGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1972 PAGE 10 Councilman Breider asked how many parking stalls there were and the Adminis- trative Assistant said there were 19 for 7700 square feet. Councilman Breider asked if this was both for office and manufacture and Mr. Harstad said that would depend on how it is rented out. Councilman Breider said that if it was manufacturing, it does not seem that 19 stalls would be enough parking. The Administrative Assistant said that the City Code requires l parking stall for every 400 square feet in a manufacturing area. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the request by D.W. Harstad subject to there being a poured 6" X 12" concrete curb around all blacktop areast pro- viding security lighting -around the building and that refuse containers be placed at owners option. Owner is encouraged to provide screened area for storage of refuse. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice votef all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO MOVE AN EXISTING 16' X 20' GARAGE EEO 4603 MAIN STREET N.E., TO LOT 24, BLOCK 9, HYDE PARK ADDITION, THE SAbdE BEING 5933 MAIN STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY EUGENE ^ MESKE, 5933 MAIN STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNEOSTA): The Administrative Assistant said the reason this request is coming before the Council, is that it is the Council policy to bring all requests for moving buildings before them. The.Building Inspector's report indicated the building is.in fairly good condition except that it needs painting and the applicant No agreed to do that. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to concur in approval for moving a garage from 4603 Main Stregt to 5933 Main Street by Eugene Keske. Seconded by Councilman Spoider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried wianimously: . CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING BUZLDZNG TO'BE USED AS A WAREHOUSE LOCATED ON LOTS 25 & 26. BLOCK 1, NAGELIS, ADDITION, THE SAME (REQUEST BY DONL FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): N.E., FRIDLEY 7331 BAKER STR Vhe Administrative'Assistant said this building is located north of 73r4 on Baker. There is one vacant 'lot between it and 73rd, industrial on the north and the trailer park to the rear. The plans are for an addition onto the rear of the existing building. They have an alley going out to 73rd and the Board recommended approval subject'to their putting in a concrete apron on the entrance to the private alley, that the alley be crowned in the middle With an asphalt berm on the outside edges, there is to be a 20 foot radius on the entrance to the private alley and they are to provide drainage for the raW driveway. Coungilman Breider asked if there was any brick on the plans. The Administrative Assistant said it would be a concrete block addition painted to match the rest of the building. He said he has checked with the Buiiding.Inspector Arid he fools this addition would be an improvement. The present building has door's and windows to the rear and there is noise emitted toward the trailer park in the rear. With the addition, there would be no doors or windows so the poi*o problem should be reduced. They are going to put in landscaping in the front and they plan pn redoing the front, of their building, so it shousld be an improvement to the entire area. 'a Inspected 3/27/72 by Clarence Belisle. Studs and rafters are framed 16" on center. Requires wind bracing as sheathing is horizontal boards. Facia needs scraping and painting. Condition fair to good. Applicant advised to obtain verification survey before building permit can be issued at 5933 Main Street N.E. Building Standards -Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of April 6, 1972 Page 5 2. Provide security lighting around building. 3. Refuse containers be placed at owners option. Owner is encouraged to provide screened area for storing of refuse. Seconded by WHITE. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. f 4, CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO MOVE AN EXISTING 16' X 20' GARAGE FRO 4603 MAIN STREET N.E. TO LOT 24, BLOCK 9, HYDE PARK ADDITION,_ THE S 933 MAIN STREET N Mr. Eugene Keske was present to present the request. Clarence Belisle, Building Inspector, prepared an inspection report and submitted photographs of the garage. &r. Belisle's report was as follows: "Studs and rafters are framed 16" on center. Requires wind bracing as sheathing is horizontal boards. Facial needs scraping and painting. Condition fair to good. Applicant advised to obtain ver- ification survey before building permit can be issued at 5933 Mari Street N.E." Mr, Zeglen asked Mr. Keske if he was aware of this report, He said he was and was prepared to meet all the conditions. He said he would be putting in frost footings for the garage slab and the garage would be braced for moving. MOTION BY LINDBLAD to recommend to the City Council approval of the request to move the existing garage. Seconded by WHITE. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motipu carried unanimously. 5, CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING BUILDING TO BE USED AS A WAREHOUSE LOCATED ON LOT 25 AND 26, BLOCK_ 1 WA—GEL'S WOODLANDS ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 7331 BAKER STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY DONLYN MANUFACTURING CORPORATION, 9331 BAKER STREET N.E.. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA.) Kr, Don Shelly was present to present the request, This addition is just a part of what they had requested before but this will fit their heeds at this time. This 4,380 square foot addition will be painted concrete block and they will paint the entire building at the same time. Mr, Herlofsky stated that they want included in the improVement pfAtha private road out to 73r4 Avenue, a concrete apron ou the entrance with 4 20.foot radius and a crown on the asphalt lip, Inspected 3/27/72 by Clarence Belisle. Studs and rafters are framed 16" on center. Requires wind bracing as sheathing is horizontal boards. Facia needs scraping and painting. Condition fair to good. Applicant advised to obtain verification survey before building permit can be issued at 5933 Main Street N.E. City of Fridley susaEcr PER' ®12144 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G� P E R r L RECEIPT NO. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. r PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. 313 1 ` � NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BY 1 "1 CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 812-580-3450 910-F15 5/19/73 JOB ADDRESS 5933 Main Street N.E. 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 2 1 Hyde Park Addition SHEET 2 PROPERTYOWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Eugen Reske 5933 Main Street N.E. 3 CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. Certified Construction Co. 2700 Bryant Avenue North 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 8 USE OF BUILDING MIS Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Reside Dwelling I 8 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS S83MATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WIRING, HEATr -mf W'qF 'G AND S°GNS. TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SQ. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 80 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED. WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT $1,800.00 .75 DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- STRUCTION T E PERFOR CE OF CONSTRUCTION. $12.00 1 /%3 PLAN CHECK FEE TOTALFEE $12.75 SIGNATURE grFCONTRACTORORA IZEDAGENT ATE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS IS YOUR PERMIT BLDG INSP DATE SIGNATURE OF OWNER IIF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL, ALTERATION, OR ADDITION BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA OWNER'S NAME �o2J BUILDER: ( ", /' !/� A ADDRESS J` % 7%%' ,ADDRESS: U NO:. STREET: LOT:— BLOCK• ADDITION• CORNER LOT: INSIDE LOT: SETBACK: SIDEYARD: Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of Lot and proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. To Be Used As: DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING Front: Depth: Height: Square Feet: Cubic Feet: Front: Depth: Height• Square Feet; Cubic Feet: Type of Construction: `�� SI`�e Estimated Cost:_, / :�0, To Be Completed: The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in sttict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances and rulings of the Department of Buildings, and -hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE: .S SIGNATURE: :2 7-� (See Reverse Side For Additional Information.) �� _77- 06 REPORT TO BUILDING -STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL MEETING RE: Progress at 5933 Main Street N.E. 1. Mr. Keske came in for his building permit the day after the Building Standards meeting of October 5, 1972. 2. On 10/6/72 Clarence Belisle posted a"Stop Work -Red Tag" because new slab forms were one foot wider than the garage. 3. On October 10, 1972 approval was given to pour the slab. 4. This date (10-26-72) inspection indicates the slab has been poured but the garage has not been moved onto it. See attached photo and notice left at this house. Review of past reports and inspections reveals that this owner was required by Electrical, Plumbing and Building Inspectors to upgrade this house from a list of over twenty items which was an economic hard- ship to bring this house up to minimum standards. CLARENCE BELIBLE BUILDING INSPECTOR G 4 4 i • t k f Fi¢ -%s E4 `� �;k- j 6 2 b', " k. ij .a f lf' : i r ; l y � ' - R - 45 S b .: $i;,t s 4 c c r" .+ t r;"' .�.. w I� - m x 4 -d t _ J.l v i r 4 �{ y '. r,, cif k. 's]Jt�. Yi -`"l r y ty 'g j K Y° ,g i 3 x x ,I t ,4 xa , ,. x� T.'... �' ,4s I� i f, .s ay e JI _ 1, t * _ _ _ �y -�s z 1 y Y < ��` } c ,� - r_ FT' ; '4' - F 4 - i { ' f E` '� f € n i - .. - Y g t �,� x, '' 1 =4 j _ �'+�„, •� }� ' 4 4 bye j. i ' ii e gq i , b y f � . 4 n ., 'r` "� ' <. i K ,,4 �.« •E�' r .. a C #„ v r„ + I -i n :=x " . ' . I 1 4 _ t r '` - ` -s ' ' -s l -' ' t '9' s:-� s" u .*.. R ^s• � �' i er fi,; �')° ': ,c , ` `a+ n a [' : y: ' >7'.� iii $ _ F _ f - v,. i 6 s rax - c �, ., m a ) J A - i # � ��'' +� "' .x i It .. P5 '� i4 A M .pr -1 # d - .r ` y w 3 5 '� `¢ z J 1, `- b f X r " ' k 'rtrr ,, ``h -v # f '�"" - a' i y a - "# �' e4 e F' "F r 't a — s r'S _ s4 *-R ; r ^' 7 ': ,� r -. .: StFt� r f My s - �) l 4k ' lc- .� .4,'r{ f r t a A - - •i - -r •�''� "c i y . i s .. 'i`.t .a ref it c 'k T +'' �' k{ _ s C N ). V� +, iF `b ,i -Sk ` } _ . r d "i y a � -, � q s .;: l r - yb * _ r < - s �. 1 r`£'1 t "�. _R� - Y' F JYr l �.s ' r>- r r �-, t m w k - _ .t . 4 5 y, h k f k ; i r Z ,� . .Y t ry a z nw d' .y r a% t r' ) ,S ,l % �'' r 'E .' 3 Via ` ,x r g �',t., :. � ,',, ri �, �s kz s a Ems'Vr k� nom' T s I { __ Y _ 1 f. # :^ W f r Y ., -R iS k $ :-3 } $ £� J i ! 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't ' .' w a. r• may. ,k �. s, �' :w a 7" ,'k �$ s _, 4- �l + .t x x f s r ,: ,; N, A- +' s . t Y�r F - `� '� r - s b �'�� "¢ '� a yr $ .'9, I +, .I, . , F 3 r w F + i `' ) �.n "' J t 1. :- - ''i- i„t +� .� fi �. 3 9- w .ate" 4 ,� 9 z r i y > iu. S x es r ✓r. i "t' { ..c f i� fi ,s P' -x '' '�' k� �- - a r a, ,a q#-£"'14 u f h d r y y �w 'v vs, 1,,.. # t ,t s, >� � '�' � w;g 4� ac. � r +' M �^ a � .t c^4 F5"` °' �. s� n � z,Fx� � .� z'H ` ��" «' t � � �M ; Building Standards -Design Control 6ubcc jBuaittee Meeting of October 5, 1972 Page 2 MOTION BY TONCO to recommend to the City Council approval of the request to construct a Municipal Liquor Store with the following stipulations: 1. Liquor management to conceal rubbish within the building or make other arrangements to keep it out of sight. 2. Security lighting be provided. 3. All curbs be 6x12 poured concrete with 10° radii. 4. Landscaping plan indicating more planting be submitted by City Staff. 5. Prgvide wheelchair ramp in front walk. 6. Plot plan and parking be reviewed by City Staff. Seconded by Lindblad. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. VIKING CHEVROLET, 7501 VIRON ROAD N.E. The Subcommittee asked for a copy of the letter of September 8, 1972 sent to Viking Chevrolet by Darrel Clark, and a report of what has been done to gain compliance with the stipulations of the permit. Mr. Belisle stated that the sign permits were being held up. He also informed the members that Darrel Clark sent thea annther letter dated October 5, 1972. EUGENE KESKE, 5933 MAIN STREET N.E. Mr. Lindblad asked if the Inspection Department would check on why the • garage moved to 5933 Main Street N.E. had not been painted as agreed. A report on this item will be submitted to the Board at the next meeting. Chairman 2eglen adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 6 NCE BELISLE, Bfiklat4 Inspector 11 - City of Fridley, Minn. 11.6 6431 University Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 BUILDING PERMIT Date: Se to bov 6, 1972 Owner: Eugene Keske Builder Same Address _ 5933 Main Street N.E. Address Same LOCATION OF BUILDING No. 5933_ Street _ Main Street N.E. Part of Lot Lot --224_...._ — Block Addition or Sub -Division Hyde Park Corner Lot Inside Lot x✓ Setback Sideyard Sewer Elevation _ __ _ _ Foundation Elevation DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be Used as: Rel n e a t- P Garage- Front _ Depth Height Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. Front __ Depth Height Sq. Ft. Cu. FL Type of Construction --concrete Est Cost ,250.00 To be Completed lyear Provide Hard surface driveway In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above, I agree tp do the proposed work in accordance with the description above set forth and in comp ce with all provisions of ordinances of the city of Fridley. .56 State Surch'Me! In consideration of the payment of a fee of $ 5_00 , permit is hereby granted to Eugene Keske to construct the building or addition as described above. This permit is granted upon the express condition that the person to whom it is granted and his agents, employees and workmen, in all work done in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, shall conform in all respects -to the ordinances of Fridley, Minnesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair and moving of buildings vyithin the city limits and this permit may be revoked at any time upon violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. a l� ding Inspector CLARENCE BELISLE NOTICE: This permit does not cover the construction, installation for wiring, plumbing, gas heating, sewer or water. Be sore to seg the ,Bonding inspector for separate permits for these items. APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL, ALTERATION, OR ADDITION BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA OWNER IS NAM: BUILDER:' ADDRESS: C 91?J S/ /l/L . ADDRESS: NO .5i3J STREET: s % 141,�� LOT; BLOCK: ADDITION: fie_ �' OL CORNER LOT: INSIDE LOT: 1/ SETBACK: SIDEYARD: Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of Lot and proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING Square Feet: Cubic Feet: Front: Depth: Height; Square Feet; Cubic Feet: Type of Construction: (° a /, V e % Estimated Cost: To Be Completed:y- The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for tbe.workherein► specified, agreeing to do all work in sttict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances and rulings of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this appli,cetion. are true and correct. DATN; I ?22 SIGNATURE: (See Reverse Side For Additional Information.) jl f V A To Be Used As: (Front: Depth: Height: Square Feet: Cubic Feet: Front: Depth: Height; Square Feet; Cubic Feet: Type of Construction: (° a /, V e % Estimated Cost: To Be Completed:y- The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for tbe.workherein► specified, agreeing to do all work in sttict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances and rulings of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this appli,cetion. are true and correct. DATN; I ?22 SIGNATURE: (See Reverse Side For Additional Information.) jl f V A 187 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1973 PAGE 7 CONSIDERATION OF ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY BEING OFFERED FOR SALE: The City Engineer said the County had notified the City that this property is for sale. Mayor Liebl said some property is needed for the street. The City Engineer said the property is actually in the public right of way and it has been red tagged. He pointed out the price would be $39.90. MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the Administration to acquire the property described as follows: 1. Part of Lot 28, Block 1, Marian Hills, this portion has been dedicated for public street and lies under 52nd Ave. N. E. 2. A part of Lot 43, Block K, River View Heights, a portion of this lot next to the tax -forfeited portion has already been taken for street purposes. 3. Lot 11, Block 2, Marian Hills 2nd Addition, this lot fronts a lot containing an apartment building and the City could keep'a road open by buying this lot, and as pointed out in the letter from the Anoka County Auditor, Charles R. Lefebvre. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimoualy. RESOLUTION #147-1973 - AUTHORIZ.ING THE EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF DIESEL FUEL OIL-, HEATING FUEL AND GASOLINE: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #147-1973 authorizing the emergency purchase of diesel fuel oil, heating fuel and gasoline. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote,.all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 148-1973 - AUTHORIZING THE CHANGING OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR Mayor Liebl said this would be executing an agreement made by the City Manager when he, Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, and Fire Pension Association conducted negotiations. Mayor Liebl said it would be in order to adopt the resolution. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #148-1973 authorizing the changing of budget appropriations for the General Fund and P. E. R. A. Fund, and authorizing. the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the P. E. R. A. Fund (Firemen's Pension). Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor.Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF WAIVING THE PROVISION IN THE ORDINANCE WHICH WOULD PROHIBIT SELLING LIQUOR ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1973 ELECTION DAYT, MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the provision in the Ordinance which would prohibit the sale of liquor on November 6, 1973, election day. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MR. HUBERT LINDBLAD'S CONCERN ABOUT NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THE COUNCIL STIPULATIONS FOR PAINTING MOVED GARAGE ON 57TH AVENUE AND MAIN STREET: Mr. Lindblad addressed the Council and asked the Chairman for several minutes to question the Council on some matters that concern him. He said his first concern was the non-compliance to the stipulations as agreed to by the property owner on 57th and Main. He referred to the moved garage which was allowed the time period of one year to complete the necessary stipulations. He said the painting and not been done and the home was now for sale. Mr. Lindblad feared the property would be sold and the Council would have•no recourse in enforcing the stipulations as 'agreed upon. 188 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1973 PAGE 8 Mayor Liebl said this was located in Councilman Nee's Ward. Councilman Nee asked if the property owner was building the garage. Mr. Lindblad said no, he had moved it to the property. .He continued, he was to paint and repair the garage to make it look like the house. Mr. Lindblad said he had questioned this last year, but the time was not up at that time, now it has been over a year. Mr. Lindblad repeated his concern that after the property is sold the City would have no recourse. Mayor Liebl directed the City Engineer to look into the matter, and said the man should receive a letter indicating the terms of the stipulations on moving the garage and reminding him he had 12 months to comply. MR. HUBERT LINDBLAD'S QUESTION ON WHY THE FRIDLEY LIQUOR STORE ON HIGHWAY #65 HAS 0 BEE SHR BBED OR LANDSCAPED: Mr. Lindblad explained to the Council that many people have questioned him on why the landscaping at the Liquor Store had not been done, when the City requires elaborate landscape plans and execution of those plans by all who develop in Fridley. The Acting City Manager said there are two trees on one side of the building, plants and shrubs on the north and other items. Mayor Liebl said the plan would be in City Hall. Mayor Liebl directed the Acting City Manager to execute the plan that had been approved by the Council. MAYOR LIEBL'S QUESTION ON INSTALLATION OF GUARD RAILING:-- DELIVERY AREA AT LIQUOR STORE: Mayor Liebl said he had received a call from a concerned citizen concerning the question of installation of a guard railing on the delivery area of the new Liquor Store. He said this equipment should be installed to comply with the City Code. Councilman Breider agreed with this concern stating this could be a complaint from OSHA. Mr. Lindblad said anyone might step off of the loading dock. The City Engineer said this had not been provided for in the construction contract, but the staff had proceeded to comply with this installation and it would be done soon. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council adjourned at 9:10 p.m:, November 5, 1973. Resptfully submitted, Patricia Ellis Frank G. Liebl, Mayor Secretary to the City Council Date Approved 6 t y / '7" i 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Keske 5933 Main Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Keske: ANOKA COUNTY November 7, 1973 Re: Garage 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Complaints continue to reach this office regarding your moved in garage not being painted. An inspection on. November 6, 1973 indicated most of it has been painted except the bottom three rows of siding. On October 5, 1973 at the request of the'Building Standards -Design Control Committee, an inspection was made and a note left asking that you let us know when.the garage would be moved onto the slab and the painting done as you agreed to do at the Council meeting of April 17, 1972. This relocating permit was issued on September 6, 1972 so the completion date of one year is long overdue. We hope this letter will prompt you to complete this garage so that more drastic steps to gain permit compliance will not be necessary. We will reinspect your garage on November 19, 1973. Sincerely; CLARENCE J. BELISLE Building Inspector CJB/mh CC: Building Standards Committee JLC 560.3450 City o�c��� ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE November 205, 1973 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Keske 5933 Main Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Re: Permit Non-compliance Dear Mr. & Mrs. Keske: Please recall our letter of November 7, 1973 wherein Mr. Belisle pointed out that you are in violation of the stipulation to complete the exterior of the moved in garage. On November 19, 1973 we made a follow-up inspection and found that very little if any work had been done. Your lack of cooperation in this matter leaves us with no choice but to give you this final notice to complete the garage by December 3, 1973. If you have not completed this by that date, we will refer this matter to our legal council. If you have any questions, please contact me. DGC/mh Sincerely, Dpel rut DARREL G. CLARK Community Development Adm. MEMO FROM: NASIM M. QURESHI City Engineer - Dir. Planning - Comm. Dev. SUBJECT MEMO TO: (Memo No., "tetters represent name initials) MEMONO. oDC 488 DATE: 11-7-73 Questioned by Mr. Lindblad S-( Report ^ Before �eeeeeeeeeeeee®eeeeoe,� ®T=AT 73 ®1 eeeeu ee® ®eseeeu� DATE SI=TUR9 v ��Jl/ m Q See attached Mr. Lindblad appeared before the City Council meeting Igst MUnclay ana a vise a ounce OX Review & take appro- that the conditions on moving a garage in 1-TV116y, wirs- supposed priate action to paint the garage and he is now in the Owl 0 Review & comment ® tion discuss withaa� The Council has instructed the Staff to follow up and gain co liancewith the stipulations ® &Toms with on the moving permit. 3 Rush, immediate action NMQ desired SYC Make reports, w/backgzound C:,.�5 material as complete as pose- ble. Make interim report if necessary. Send original memo back only if action is 0 fully completed. � of ® Action completed, no U- further review needed E+ ® Further action necessary 0 See attached letter ® Interim report nA4 l ,. Y, DATE SI=TUR9 v ��Jl/ m SUBJECT PER City of Fridley AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS BUILDING PERMIT i � RECEIPT NO. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. r 1 NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BY CITY HALL FRIDLEv 55432 612-571-3450 910-F15 4/3/92 JOB ADDRESS 5933 Main Street NE 1 LEGALLOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 24 9 Hyde Park SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Londa Kroone 5933 Main 'ST NE 571-5339 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. Same 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 6 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW ADDITION � ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Construct a 61.411 x 121`2'F. Addition and Interior Alterations 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS See. notAtiQns on plan, proy:�de. snoke...d.etectors on both. levels of home, WARMIN Before digging call for . all utility locations. 454.0002 REQUIRED BY LAW SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WIRING, HEAi'ING, PLUMBING AND SIGNS. TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. ZONING SQ. FT. CU. FT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION 1 STALLS GARAGES VALUATION SURTAX AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED $12 5QO $6, 25 WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT PERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- $144.00 Fire SC $12,50 STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. , PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE $162.75 SI„NNAATTURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT MATE( HEN ROP RLQ (DATED THIS IS YOUR ERM a2 I� " // ilJ/ � - /� - % , LDG (NSP IYA TE SIGNATURE OF OWNE II OWNER BUILDER( IDATEI NEW [ ] Effective 1/1/91 ADDN [ ] CITY OF FRIDLEY ALTER [ ] SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R-2 Building Permit Application Construction Address: x'933 Legal Description: Owner Name & Address: 1 ey ,0,4 A de ee ) U -- f- I Tel. # Contractor:`,,� -i �. �� a� c �_� Tel. Address:-,- !lJ Attach to this application, a Certificate of Survey of the lot, with the proposed construction drawn on it to sWe. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT I t,! LIVING AREA: Length n-- � Width � p®`� � � Height `� s®� Sq. Ft. GARAGE AREA: Length Width Height Sq. Ft. DECK AREA: Length Width Hgt/Ground Sq. Ft. OTHER: Corner Lot [ ] Inside Lot [ Ft. Yd Setback _ Type of Construction: (e,6 7A 1,4m Pz Approx. Completion Date: k2L.#i , Driveway Curb Cut Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Side Yard Setbacks Estimated Cost: $ 1A, yLqZcj- rL�V q,000 Ft x S MM s fit) DATE:-� -�P.>�APPLICANT: Tel. # �� 11-'s"?3I CITY USE ONLY Permit Fee $ 4"e 190 Fee Schedule on Reverse Side Fire Surcharge $ d Z P $'® .001 of Permit Valuation (1 / 10th %) State Surcharge $ 2- Si $.So/$l,000 Valuation SAC Charge $ $650 per SAC Unit Driveway Escrow $ Alt. "A" or Alt. "B" Above Park Fee $ Fee Determined by Engineering Sewer Main Charge $ Agreement Necessary [ ] Not Necessary [ ] TOTAL $' // 2 0 S CITY OF FRIDLEY INSPECTION DIV. Effective On January 1, 1991 6431 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING AND GAS Fl". NG PERMIT 572-3604 MARK NUMBER OF FIXTURES TO BE INSTALLED ON EACH FLOOR PLUMBING FIXTURE RATES: NO. RATE TOTAL New Fixtures Old Opening, New Fixture Beer Dispenser Blow Off Basin Catch Basin Rain Water Leader Sump/Receiving Tank Water Treating Appliance Water Heater -Electric Water Heater - Gas Gas Range Gas Dryer Back Flow Preventer Required ( )Yes () No Type $ 7.00 $ 4.00 $ 5.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $10.00 $ 7.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 .;-I.oa Reinspection Fee $30.00 ALL OTHERS AND/OR REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS 1 % of Value of Fixture or Appliance JOB ADDRESS -9*q3 3 MAW Sx• 01 fo The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the city codes and rulings of the Building Division, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. Oil Owner �h JU 6A 4<kjb N Building Used As LFIF sa U'f_ ac Estimated Cost PERMIT NO. PLUMBING COMPANY ,46VM 4eadV E SIGNED BY TEL N0. Approved By , Rough -In Date Final Date 0 State Surcharge $ .50 MINIMUM FEE FOR ANY PLUMBING/GAS PERMIT IS $15.00 TOTAL FEE $ PLUS THE $.50 STATE SURCHARGE 1ter> rin I Bii Shower W h as :. Tray FI r fJrrtlt..... oo... .. .:..Drin :' A uto `.:. W sher >..... .:.::. G s a Ran a W r 'M)SC..... ate Heater Stories ec .. EI :.... B asemen < Floor 1 1' Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 PLUMBING FIXTURE RATES: NO. RATE TOTAL New Fixtures Old Opening, New Fixture Beer Dispenser Blow Off Basin Catch Basin Rain Water Leader Sump/Receiving Tank Water Treating Appliance Water Heater -Electric Water Heater - Gas Gas Range Gas Dryer Back Flow Preventer Required ( )Yes () No Type $ 7.00 $ 4.00 $ 5.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $10.00 $ 7.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 .;-I.oa Reinspection Fee $30.00 ALL OTHERS AND/OR REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS 1 % of Value of Fixture or Appliance JOB ADDRESS -9*q3 3 MAW Sx• 01 fo The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the city codes and rulings of the Building Division, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. Oil Owner �h JU 6A 4<kjb N Building Used As LFIF sa U'f_ ac Estimated Cost PERMIT NO. PLUMBING COMPANY ,46VM 4eadV E SIGNED BY TEL N0. Approved By , Rough -In Date Final Date 0 State Surcharge $ .50 MINIMUM FEE FOR ANY PLUMBING/GAS PERMIT IS $15.00 TOTAL FEE $ PLUS THE $.50 STATE SURCHARGE CITY OF FRIDLEY INSPECTION DIV. 6431 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 572-3604 Effective On January 1, 1991 APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING PERMIT MARK NUMBER OF FIXTURES TO BE INSTALLED ON EACH FLOOR PLUMBING FIXTURE RATES: NO. RATE TOTAL JOB ADDRESS 45933 d?,2/10 H11 AI,4 - New Fixtures ., $ 7.00 91/,00 The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein Old Opening, New Fixture $ 4.00 specified agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the city codes Beer Dispenser $ 5.00 and rulings of the Building Division, and hereby declares that all the facts Blow Off Basin $ 7.00 and representations stated in this application are true and correct. Catch Basin Rain Water Leader $ 7.00 $ 7.00 Sump/Receiving Tank $ 7.00 /U Water Treating Appliance $10.00 Owner 2�rR/jC Water Heater -Electric $ 7.00 `y Water Heater - Gas 1— $10.00 Building Used As 1'Y1 Gas Range $10.00 Gas Dryer $10.00 Estimated Cost PERMIT NO. Back Flow Preventer Required ( )Yes () No Type $5.00 PLUMBING COMPANY SIGNED BY TEL N0. Reinspection Fee $30.00 4nZ: �� ALL OTHERS AND/OR REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS 1 % of Value of Fixture or Appliance Approved ByC Rough -In Date Final Date State Surcharge .50 MINIMUM FEE FOR ANY PLUMBING/GAS PERMIT IS $15.00 TOTAL FEE $ PLUS THE $.50 STATE SURCHARGE CITY OF FRIDLEY INSPECTION DIV. 6431 University Ave NE Effective On January 1, 1991 l L 9- Fridley, MN 55432 APPLICATION FOR POWER PLANTS AND HEATING, COOLING, VENTILATION, 572-3604 REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AND.DEVICES RATE SCHEDULE Residential Furnace Shell and Duct Work, Burner - Also Replacement Furnace Gas Piping (Needed with new furnace) Gas Range Gas Dryer Rate : TOTAL $20.00 $.Z0-0'0 $ 10.00��. 00 $10.00 $ $10.00 $ *Air Conditioning - All Sizes $10.00 $ All Others/Repairs & Alterations (LIST ON BACK) 1 % of Value of Appliance or Work Commercial/Industrial 1 % of Value of Appliance or Work $ State Surcharge $ .50 TOTAL FEE MINIMUM FEE FOR ANY HEATING/COOLING/VENTILATION REFRIGERATION/AIR CONDITIONING PERMIT IS $15.00 PLUS THE $.50 STATE SURCHARGE REINSPECTION FEE $30.00 JOB ADDRESS 59.3.3 MVM) cT ALE. The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the city codes and ruling of the Building Division, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this applicatlp are true and correct. ,199 OWNER %MPA K,406N U BUILDING USED AS /fid YAE 99S 1 D £NG F_ -j ESTIMATED COST PERMIT NO. / / 1-2 L DESCRIPTION OF FURNACE AND OR BURNER No. of Heating Units Circle One (Steam) (Hot Water (Warm Air) Trade Name Size No. BTU o U a NGy< P EDR Fue4-i+.s Total Connected Load Burner Trade Name Size No. BTU • HP EDR HEATING COMPANY ,_dVAA- Signed BTel No. Approved By Rough -In Date Final Date�� *Air Conditioners can not be placed in a side yard without written permission from adjoining property owner. FILL OUT BACK SIDE FOR STACK VERIFICATION ON REPLACEMENT FURNACE CHIMNEY AND STACK VERIFICATION The undersigned hereby verifies that the existing 1. Has been carefully examined 2. Is free from rust or deterioration 3. Has no foreign objects lodged within 4. Is securely supported 5. Meets all current Code requirements for size and total BTU's connected 6. Has total heating BTU's of All other BTU's TOTAL BTU's Remarks 4 / - GFFI C List Alterations Being Done: HEATING COMPANY Signed By Date ll Yes ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) CITY OF FRIDLEY INSPECTION DIV. 6431 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 572-3604 APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING PERMIT MARK NUMBER OF FIXTURES TO BE INSTALLED ON EACH FLOOR Effective On March 1, 1996 PLUMBING FIXTURE RATES: NO. RATE TOTAL New Fixtures $ 7.00 Old Opening, New Fixture $ 4.00 Beer Dispenser $ 5.00 Blow Off Basin $ 7.00 Catch Basin $ 7.00 Rain Water Leader $ 7.00 Sump/Receiving Tank $ 7.00 Water Treating Appliance $10.00 Water Heater —Electric $ 7.00 Water Heater — Gas** $10.00 �rL� Gas Range** $10.00 Gas Dryer** $10.00 Back Flow Preventer Required ( )Yes () No Type $15.00 Reinspection Fee $42.00/Hr ALL OTHERS AND/OR REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS 0 1.5% of Value of Fixture or Appliance 692 JOB ADDRESS— � j IW411 The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the city codes and rulings of the Building Division, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. Z—_, 1996 Owner(r Building Used As 00 Estimated Cost PERMIT NO. PLUMBING COMPANY i G /7 77 SIGNED BY 4tZu� TEL N0. i Approved By Rough—In Date Final Date State Surcharge $ .50 (� MINIMUM FEE FOR ANY PLUMBING/GAS PERMIT IS $20.00 TOTAL FEE $�j PLUS THE $.50 STATE SURCHARGE **COMBUSTION AIR SHALL BE PROVIDED PER UMC SECTION 504(A) AND TABLE 6—A. MINIMUM SIZE 9 SQ INCHES. Building $ BUILDING Plan Review Permit No.:: O Inspections Fire Surcharge RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION .001 times the total job valuation Received By: 763-572-3604 .0005 x Permit Valuation Minimum $.50 License Surcharge $ DaW-QQ'M!AY 1 2007 SAC Charge $ CITY OF FRIDLEY Curb Cut Escrow $ DATE �'�<`®°f YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS roam D01 uPKn, ed SITE ADDREss 59-33 M /4 W 9.r- N • �, . Park Fee THIS APPLICANT IS: OWNER ❑CONTRACTOR Sewer Main Charge PROPERTY OWNER/ NAME: 40 A b h Ktt o6pj e, Total Due TENANT r� ADDRESS: 5-833 Yngmi 9T, N.�, . CITY Y��JAC�.V STA TE±gIP 5.5-y3L PHONE: Z3 533 9 CONTRACTOR NAME: Se/'F STATE LICENSE # EXP DATE SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR STATE LICENSE ADDRESS: CITY STATE ZIP WITH APPLICATION PHONE FAX PROPERTY TYPE INGLE FAMILY/NEW CONSTRUCTION SIZE t ❑ TWO FAMILY/NEW CONSTRUCTION STORIES PERMIT TYPE ❑ ADDITION GARAGE/SHED 2ooF ❑ WIDOWS ❑ BASEMENT FINISH OROOF ❑ DRAIN TILE ❑ DECK ❑ SIDING O OTHER ❑ SWIMMING POOL TYPE OF WORK: XNEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ MAiNTENANCFJREPAIR ❑ REMODELING DESCRIBE WORK BEING DONE: � -S 4 /+UG L L AD a S e, = T�- A P- - Q ®u% l-) GALt j6 e = 3i ay SIZE OF IMPROVEMENT LENGTH a _ o WIDTH = HEIGHT Sq. Ft. ROOFING ❑ HOUSE ONLY NUMBER OF SQUARES `HOUSE & GARAGE BASEMENT REMODELING SUBMIT: GARAGES ❑ ATTACHED GARAGE I. 2. Existing Floor Plan Proposed floor plan PROPOSED SIZE: ❑ DETACHED GARAGE 3. List of structural members to be used PROPOSED HEIGHT: SIDING FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING DECKS, ❑ Vinyl ❑Soffit ADDITIONS. & PORCHES SUBMIT: ❑ Aluminum ❑ Trim 1. Site Plan/Survey showing the existing structures ❑ Other . ❑ Fascia and proposed project WINDOWS 2. Two sets of construction plans IN EXISTING OPENINGS ❑Yes ❑No LOCATION OF WINDOWS 3. Energy Calculations OR FOR NEW OPENINGS -DESCRIBE SIZE OF OPENING CHANGES & TYPE OF WINDOW TO BE INSTALLED NUMBER OF WIDOWS ALL FEES ARE BASED ON VALUATION, INCLUDING THE COST OF LABOR AND MATERIALS: (USING THE 1997 U.B.0 FEE SCHEDULE) MY SfZ TOTAL JOB VALUATION $ OCCUPANCY TYPE Permit Fee $ See Back Page for Fee Schedule Plan Review $ 65% of Building Permit Fee Fire Surcharge $ - e 2 .001 times the total job valuation Surcharge $. , `� S�— .0005 x Permit Valuation Minimum $.50 License Surcharge $ $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) SAC Charge $ $1675 per SAC Unit (Plans to MWCC for determination) Curb Cut Escrow $ ft + 6 ft = ft x $21 =$ Erosion Control $ $450 Conservation Plan Review Park Fee $ Fee Determined by Engineering Sewer Main Charge $ Agreement necessary ( ) Non Necessary ( ) Total Due $ __1.2-dV-1). _ Make checks payable to: City of Fridley Attach Stipulations THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT -NOT VALID UNTIL PROCESSED I hereby apply for a building permit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fridley and with the Minnesota Construction Codes; that I understand this is not a permit but only an application for a permit and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of all work wh' h requires review and approval of plans. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT r L.0 PRINT NAME IZAZ4 RDD A) DATE - .1 G7YOF FRIDLEY FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 • (763) 571-3450 • FAX (763) 571-1287 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER I, �0 N ® R 4<R c © ti , understand that the State of Minnesota requires that all residential building contractors, remodelers and roofers obtain a state license unless they qualify for a specific exemption from the licensing requirements. As the owner of the property at 5 9 3 3 rn fl 1 N A), E- , Fridley, I am exempt from the state licensing requirement only if I am not building or improving this property for purposes of resale. By signing this document, I attest to the fact that I am improving this house for my own use and do not intend to sell it. I hereby claim to be exempt from the state licensing requirements because I am not in the business of building or remodeling on speculation or for resale and that the house for which I am applying for this permit, isl the first residential structure I have built or improved in the past 24 months. I also acknowledge that because I do not have a state license, I forfeit any mechanic's lien rights to which I may otherwise have been entitled under Minn. Stat. 514.01. Furthermore, I acknowledge that I may be hiring independent contractors to perform certain aspects of the construction or improvement of this house and I understand that some of these contractors may be required to be licensed by the State of Minnesota. I understand that unlicensed residential contracting, remodeling, and/or roofing activity is a misdemeanor under Minnesota law, and that I would forfeit my rights to reimbursement from the Contractor's Recovery Fund in the event that any contractors I hire are unlicensed. I have also been informed and acknowledge that by listing myself as the contractor for this project, I alone will be responsible to the City of Fridley for compliance with all applicable building codes and city ordinances in connection with the work being performed on this property. Date 8' // - D �