COSGEORGE E. HOPKINS • Registered Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer Phone SO. 1-8856 10701 Nicollet Avenue South Minneapolis 20, Minn. PLAT OF SMVEY Sc ap ale 1 inch _ 40 feet PROPERTY OF /c. o -/.V,- r Described as LOT 1, 5LOCK 5, I NN55RUCK i 5r ADDITION >4 1zo.o - N 30 soluj .. �: o,Q E o T �l 3o Ll 120.0 Jeno f es iron monument, This survey was made and a ccrfi f ica�e pee,?ared for for the purpose of showing boundaries of fhe lo� and A14y easemen�s.' There are no encroach men s CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby certify that on Nov. 19--U— I surveyed the property described above and that the above plat is a correct representation of said survey. J