COSGEORGE E. HOPKINS • Registered Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer Phone SO. 1-8856 10701 Nicollet Avenue South Minneapolis 20, Minn. FLAT OF.. SURVEY Beale 1 inch `"' feet PROPERW OF fODNEY N. L3/LL MAN 3004- n6 4i- NE. Described as Lof 1, 91ocki, Innsbruck 15� Addi�io�, excepf the Scalh #${eef fhereof. 3a STATE HWN• Y — - log 1°i0 W H x 103.02 0 N 0 co Wc;1o Exception I 30 �, o -c2 0 0 "*" denotes iron monument This survey was made and a certificate prepared for Rodney W. BiUman for the purpose of showing 4he 6aundaries of the trach of land. There are no encroachmen+s• CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby otfy that an December 19—U— I swvayed the prap��6y deMlNed" above and that the above plat is a correct representation of Bald survey. - i