VAR 05.654r
(Applicant to complete items 1, 2, 3)
1. Name and Address of Applicant
2. Legal Description of Property (also general location, such as="nortu+
east corner of 64th Avenue and 5th Street" or 6415 Fifth Street")
3, Describe the variance requested. (Attach Plat or Survey of Property
showing location of proposed building, etc., also adjoining properties
and ownership within 200' of said property.)
4. Comments by administrative official denying original request for building
permit or other permit. (To be completed by administrative official.
Appropriate ordinances and section of ordinances to be cited.)
5. Notice of Hearing appeared in Official Newspaper on the following
dates: May 12, 1965 and May 19, 1965
(must be at least once 10 days before meeting -- copy of notice to
6. Board Members notified of meeting by5—'4—S5--
_ _
(List Members, Date Notified, and "Yea" or "Nd' for plans to attend
hearing). .4
Name Date Plan to Attend
All members notified by mailing of notice - 5-3-65
7. Person making appeal and the following property owners having property
within 200' notified:
By Phone Notified by
Name Date or Mail (Initial)
Kenneth Peterson(Peterson-Nelson) 2441 Lyndale Ave. so. Mpls.
Ed Chies — 52 — 1st Street S.E.. New Brighton — 5-3-65
8. The Following Board Members and interested parties were present at the
Hearing: May 26, 1965
Chairman Nawrocki Member Saunders - absent
Member F"spatvieirci .
Member Goodrich
Member Jankowski
- 3 -
9, opinions and recommendations by BOARD OF APPEALS: May 26, 1965
There was no
one present for or against this variance.
by Goodrich,
seconded y Fa. zpa r c , to
var-ance be gXanted
permitting the black top
parking area
in front
of the building,
the variance to be granted
including and
-etwzr'sssg--e^e'leng the
z£ent JA$ iIAG+. 1 0=1:94 m g ;'
20 Inn! Ari vpswaa
as designated on the drawing. Upon a voice
vote, there being no
-MilsAWt.- ,ramsa .....times w�a� T.....a.____®_____- ''____ — V --
----in the front yards the Board of Appeals r®coseended that the request be granted
and the varlancs be given permitting the owners of tbis apartmnt building to
Wad a parting lot in front of the apartment burildinga -The Mayor stated that,
that the plat and layout and design mail been considered by the Building Board
and by the safety Committae. The Safety Comittee had offered. to
relieve the hazards of traffic moving out of the gag station onto Osborne Road
and that he agreed with the we* oars. ComclUian Kirkham asked Mr. Letson;
whether or not the recaomsndationg were acceptable to him. Mr. Larson aaaveted,
`Res." Tho Safety conAttee recommended that Mr. Larson deliver a deed to Anoka
County for the land on vich a deceleration leans will be built to take traffic
from the sae station. The Mayor asked Mr. Larson whether it would be possible
for the Council to pass the recaaemendation that Mr. Larson deliver a deed for
land for the deceleration lane to the Anoka County Board and whether 1W. Larson
will deliver the deed to the Anoka County Board. Mr. Lassos anevered, "Yes."
motion by Kirkham to. grant the request for a Building Pavdt for the corner of
east River Road and o9borne Road with the condition that Mr. Larson deliver a
deed for the property for a deceleration lase to the Anoka Comity Boardo Seconded
by sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried AmanlwAusly.
4AM-042A U:
NOTICE I3 HEMY (;I= that the Board of Appeals of the
City of Fridley will amt in the Council Cha Rbers of the City Hall
at 700 30 o 0 clock P JL 0 Wednesday, May 260 1965 0 to consider the
following matters:
1. A request for a variance from Section 45®260 City Cole
of Fridley, Minnesota 1963, by waiver of front yard
setback from 35 feet to 31 feet 6 inches to permit con-
struction of an attached garage on Lot 190 Block 68
Donny ®s Lakeview Manor Addition, Anoka County o Minn-
esota,, same being 5705 Quincy street Northeast, Fridley,,
Minnesota. (Request by Rcbert L® Gordiero 5705 Quincy
stmt Northeast,, Fridley, Minnesota).
20 A request for a variance from Section 45.216® City Code
of Fridley® Minnesota 1963 o by waiver of requirewent
that no parking stalls can be located in a required front
yard on Lots 22 and 230 Block S. Hyde Park Audition®
Anoka County,, Minnesota, same being 6019 Main Stmt North-
east, Frimleyo Minnesota® (Request by Peterson -Nelson,
2441 Lyndaale Avenue South, Minneapolis, dsota)o
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above
Matters will be beard at this ,,seting
Publish: May 120 1965
May 190 1965
SOAM M ALS - S m 848).25 2A, 065
sting wast called to carder 16 705 Poli, by Uhairmw Nawrocki.
Mmmberp Praffient0 VitzpatrUk, t"oWrich, JaiiRAmisM, Nawocki
Msal*r@ Absents gavn&rs
Paso 10
W. Ferguson was aot present. Kr. Unne ll of 5976 - .5th Street Northeast,
W. Gorecki of 5977 m 4th Stkeet Northeast, and W., Berge of 5981 m 4th
Street Northeast were present. ft, begge, Mr, t*reckl, and � Uwwll,
all 11tated that that' were Interested pr rill in getting the pre at house
tarn deo The Buildiog Inspector explalmd to the Board that Nr. Ferguson
had said that he wanted the variances * t.o build, a nzw ham an the cite but
that he wished to repair the present 'hauae and rent its cut for several y@ars,
prior to building a now hom. Mtion by Jankmski, seconded by Goodrich,
to recomend that the v artances be granted until December 31, 1965 with
the variance& to be revoked iii the ntLw house is not &ta.rt ed by ono Upon
a v®Lce v®ta, th@M Ming, d.s i nays„ Chaarocki declared the tion
. Gordier was prey t advi5ed than Cbe omigbbors told him that they
ld not: object.. to a varia e, None of the neighbors were prrnsent to object
Motion by Fitzpatrick, saccmded by Ja kvus ki, that the Board recamumd that
the variance be granted, Upon a voice vote, there being no nay®, Chaimm
Rawrocki declared the wmtion carried,
page 2
,X14e building Inspector advit ced, the Baafd that I - W, Tkaesik had withdroku
his requ6gt for a varimce, md gra& procawlina t o build his Mm scaa adios
to the regular r urea ts,
`itere being no tat her. siva ,, Mairman Pays`ocki declared the amazing adjourned
at € g14 P.H,,
Respectfally bud ,t ted
Earl P. a'
rotary to Uxe Regard