COSLand Planniny landSurveyn*y Soils Testing Civil 6- Municipal Engineering ENGINEE�RING, INC. Engineers Surveyors certificate of surve L 2c L! 7-� 370 MVs1S*51ppi.Sf Aff Minfwqplls 21, Minnesota SlInvi4066 - Sr SIE 1%30' - L C) C r" ADDITION /hereby rcerhPy fW this Is a true and earred representation #�a survey eflm hwnderles PP.4e a6ow dhwvW /and, and wdell ' bwwchmeds , If= , or an said land. As 5,vrv,!�ed by me As-- _day rtsible _y fn A.D. 15=2. SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC. Engineers 6- Surreyors