SP 80-10T16 E:PMNING_COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 24. 1980PAGE of the East 150 feet thereof, all lying in the South Hal;,of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, generally located g the Unive sity Avenue East Service Drive, and ?3rd nue, N.E., with the fo ing stipulations; as requested e staff: A. For plat 'Ch B. For area labeled for 15 feet. C. For the area 1-arb t the ro5O,edication be 66 feet. ar c ' B' , the bikeway dedication be ed 'A' , any roadway right- of way. UPON A VOICE E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HA ECLARED THE MOTION PAS UNANIMOUSLY. Ch an Harris stated that this item would go to the City Cou ober 6th, for setting of the Public Hearing for November 10, 1 0. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP#80-10, BY MARJORIE F.-' COULSON: Per Section 205.051, 2, A., of the Fridlev City Code �i to allow the construction of a becond—accessory buildin a 24' x 26' detached garage, to be located on Lot , Block 2, Meadowlands Addition, the same being 811 Mississippi Stre fit. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Hughes, to open the Public Hearing, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED TIS -_. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 8,05 P.M. Mr. Boardman stated that the request as described, will be located to the rear &f the house., with acess out onto Jackson street. Mr. Harris questioned if the petitionerhad anything to say? Mh: Colsom stated that she had nothing to say. Mr. Oquist questioned whether she was going to use the new garage for storage? Ms. Coulsom stated that she would want to use the new garage for her car, as the house the way she had purchased it, has the garage right under her neighbors bedroom window, and she wanted to get away from that. She stated that she has no plans at this time on what she would want to do with the existing garage. She stated that also it will be easier to enter, onto Jackson, than onto Mississippi street, as she now does. Mr. Boardman stated that he has not had an opportunity to talk to Ms. Coulsom, about this, but that there are future plans to have a bikeway -walkway along Mississippi Street. He stated that they had at one time a bikeway -walkway along the street, but that the County widened the traffic lanes, and removed the bikeway - walkway along that lane. -He stated.that they have been looking at the possibility quite carefully, on how to get a bikeway -walkway PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 24. 1980 PAGE 6_ access -onto this street, because it is heavily used for biking. At this present time, the only way to do this would be to pick up bikeway -walkway easement from the people along Mississippi, who come into the City with requests such as Ms. Coulsom has. They would like to have a 15 foot easement for the bikeway -walk- way easement at this time, he stated. which would go from the property line toward the house. Ms. Coulsom stated that would run right through the middle of her yard. Mr. Oquist questioned why they wanted 15 feet? Mr. Boardman stated what they are doing in the new zoning code, is that along all bikeway -walkway areas, they are looking at taking an additional 15 feet easement. He stated that they might not need 15 feet, and that it could. be dropped to 10 feet. He further stated that.for a two-lane bike trail, it would require 8 feet, and that would be in a combination with a sidewalk or whatever. He stated that on this area there is an existing side- walk. He stated that after carefully looking at the area, they have decided that what would be. best, would be to put it in on the south side up to about 7th Street, and then crossing over to the north side for the rest of the distance. This is primarily because there are some house with a further setback, from the road, and also because.of the Hayes School, that they could probably get an easement on easier than on the other side. Mr. Wharton stated that he himself is a biker, but that he is rather reluctant to go along with the easement request. He stated that the City keeps asking its residents to beautify the area with landscaping, but on the other hand, we then tell them, that if they plant anything along their sidewalk, to kind of separate themselves from the traffic on Mississippi Street, that the City is apt to come along and dig it all up, just about the time that it is matured to a good hieght, and beautiful. He further stated that he cannot go along with this arbitary easement, in the anti- cipation, that somewhere down the line, somebody, might want to put a 15 foot bike path down the front lawn. Mr. Svanda questioned what implications were there, if the Comm- ission did not grant an easement, and'then at some date the City does decide to put in a bike path, what mechanism would the City have to get the easement, or the properties then? Mr. Harris stated that it would have to be condemnation then. Mr. Boardman stated that the implications are, that if they don't get easements now, that he would doubt, that they ever would be able to get easements. Ms. Schnabel stated that what bothers her is that this women has come in with a request to put a different garage on, and we are saying, that we will give it to you, but in exchange, we want 15 feet for an easement. She may be the only one along Mississippi Of " PLANNING_ COMMISSION MEETING t SEPTEMBER 2?�,_1 82 0 PAGE 7 Street, to come in with a request within the next five years, but just because she happened to come in fo the purpose of a garage, that the City asks her for a 15 foot easement. She stated that she feelsthat is unfair. Mr. Boardman stated that this practice has been.done before,. and that he can not see any difference in this instance, as from the times before that it was done. He then gave examples of some similar cases and situations that have been before the.Commission, and how they had been handled. He further stated that it has been done with the commercial and the industrial property, and through building permits. Ms. Coulsom stated that she questioned what the City planned on doing with a bike path through the middle of the yards, with all the driveways entering into Mississippi? She stated that right now with all the bikers, on the sidewalk, that it is very difficult to be cautious. Ms. Hughes stated that the area that Ms. Coulsom is talking about, between Hayes School and her house, are reasonably close to the road, and from about a house or two beyond Ms. Coulsom's are the houses that are setback, and that she could understand the rationale in that area. She stated that she is sure that a number of people along the area have planted trees, hedges, and other vegetation, just simply to cut down the visual impact from the road, and the noise from the traffic, which would be defeated, with some of these other things. She stated that in terms of whether or not, they should ask for an easement, on this particular property, that even if there is an easement, the chances of it actually being a bike path, as a continuous route, are pretty slim. So, that it might not make any difference at all whether the easement, is dedicated. She stated that this might never come to pass, but that you really couldn't bank on it either. Mr. Boardman stated that in the City Plan, that it asks for a bikeway on Mississippi Street, and in the rezoning code, it is saying, that where possible, and feasible, that the City needs 15 feet for a bikeway easement, on all properties, where they come in and ask for something, from the City of Fridley, that are along designated future bikeway -walkway areas. Ms. Hughes stated that she felt she would view, with the houses that sit fairly close to the road, that the addition of a bikeway, would be a very definite detriment to the property value, of those houses. She stated that to put a bikeway, with the sidewalk, in those short front yards, is not going to enhance the values of those properties. Ms. Schnabel stated that she concurred with Ms. Hughes viewpoint, and that also, they are experiencing and increase in traffic, on Mississippi Street, and therefore, she feels the likelyhood, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 24,_1980, PAGE 8_• of a bikeway system, if the traffic increase continues, will diminish. She feels that it is premature, to begin to take easements, because of this also. Mr. Oquist stated that he too feels that there is a problem in that he does not think there is any possible way to get•a bikeway on the street, and with the short front yards, he doesn't know if they could ever get a bikeway put onto Mississippi, and that maybe their should look at another area for a bikeway, with less traffic. Mr. Boardman stated that Mississippi though is the only large east -west street that goes from one side of Fridley to the other. Also it .connects all the residential areas to the Center City area, if the Center City project is developed the way it is anticipated. He stated that what was one of the criteria of the bikeway commi- tee, was the amount of'traffic the road has, and that when a certain number of vehicles, was exceeded, by their limits, then there should be an off-street biking pathway. Mr. Wharton stated that he sees that as a falisy, because there should not be an off-street trail on Mississippi, if that is a thorough fare, he cannot see making a three mile an hour bike path so that he can get from his home, down to Snyder drug, on University Avenue. He felt it would be nicer to take a route through Rice Creek Terrace, and that back in through there, they have bike trails coming out of their ears. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to close the Public Hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:27 P.M. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Ms. Schnabel to recommend to the City Council gR32nzyal of Special Use Permit, SP #80-10, by Marjorie F. Coulson: Per Section 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a second accessory building, a 24' x 26' detached garage, to be located on Lot 8, Block 2, Meadowlands Addition, the same being 811 Mississippi Street, Ms. Hughes stated that she feels this should be approved because it should enhance safety considerations on backing onto Jackson Street, versus onto Mississippi street. Ms. Schnabel questioned if the petition er isn't required to close off the existing attached garage? Mr. Boardman stated that there is no such requirement under this item. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Harris informed Ms. Coulsom that this item would be on the October 6th, City Council Agenda, and advised she be present. I .V 260 REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1980 PAGE 6 Councilman Schneider asked if it wouldn't be possible for someone t make the case that they are not in a Critical Area and come before the Cou it and make a request for a rezoning. Mr. Flora stated someone could say't se stipula- tions didn't affect his particular property and apply for varia ce, but thinks it is established what is in the,Critical Area. M Herrick asked, for instance, if the Islands of Peace and was vacant and the ritical Area Plan was in effect, if the City coul uild on this land. Mr. ora stated they probably couldn't, as there wou d be additional restraints on the type of construction. I ' Mr. Herr k felt the staff should take a practi look on what effect these proposals ill have on developable property, a d if it is going to adversely affect deve opment. Mayor Wee sta d his concern is if homes ere destroyed, if the residents could rebuild t em. I Mr. Qureshi, City anager, stated th Council could have first reading on this ordinance and taff would chec on the vacant properties to show the implications. He al stated staf would check into the legal requirements of the City to have th's orns a and have the City Attorney review it and submit answers to quest ns rai ed, before the second reading of the ordinance. MOTION by Councilman Barne to waive - the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Second by Councilwoman Moses. Councilwoman Moses asked f this Critical Area Plan couldn't just include the plats along the river. r. Flora tated the State established a Critical Area and if it is chal nged, it wo d be asking for the lines to be changed in the City. I UPON A -VOICE VOTE T EN ON THE ABOVE MOTIO all voted aye, and Mayor Nee J eclared the motio carried unanimously. j RECEIVING THE PL NING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEP 24 1980: I CONSIDERAtION OF A REPLAT, PS #80-02, REGISTERED LAND RVEY BY MINNESOTA TRANSFE , ALONG U14IVERSITY AVENUE EAST SERVICE DRIVE AND"7%D AVENUE N. E.: MOTION by ouncilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this repl for j November 0, 1980. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, a voting e, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. I ONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP#80=I0 TO';4LLOW CONSTRUCTION p OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING DETACHED GARAGE), 811 MISSISSIPPI STREET, g MARJORIE F. COULSON: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit to allow construction of a second accessory building for a detached garage at 811 Mississippi Street tb be located in the rear of the property. Mr. Flora stated the size of the garage is 24 x 26 feet and -when constructed, it would allow access from Jackson- Street, rather than Mississippi Street. Mr. Flora stated it was suggested by staff that a 15 foot easement be9 iven for a bikeway/walkway along Mississippi to support the bikeway system along Mississippi Street. He stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of the special use permit, but didn't address the request for the easement in their motion. Councilwoman Moses didn't feel it would be appropriate to take an easement from one property, when you may never get another easement and may never have a bikeway/walkway there. REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1980 PAGE 5 259 t MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to set a public hearing on this vacation request for November 10, 1980. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. \\tj NSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 205 APPROVING THE TICAL AREA PLAN: Mrs:, Flora, Public Works Director, stated a number of meetings a discussions were held on the Critical Area Plan since work began on the pl in 1976. He stated the Critical Area Plan was submitted to the Minnesota vironmental Quality Board for their review and they have approved the P1 n and there is now a requirement for the City to formally adopt this Plan ithin 45 days of approval. the Board's a � Mr. Flora stated the various public hearings have been eld and would recommend Council approve the final zoning or implementation po ion at this time so they can address the Critical Area Plan as a total packa with the Comprehensive Plan for the City. Mr. Herrick, CityrAttorney, noted one of the exc uded uses is a waste treat - rant facility and 4Uestioned the property owne by the Waste Control Commission near George's in Frtd,ley. Mayor Nee felt, if the''Critical Area Plan s adopted, this would become a non -conforming use. f Mr. Flora stated the City h`as the respo sibility of controlling its portion j of the Mississippi River Cor 'dor and he Metropolitan Council has review of the entire plan. He stated th's Cri cal Area Plan would be Chapter 205 of the Zoning Code and variances a s ecial uses would apply to this as it does to other sections of the code. Mr. Herrick questioned the wisd o aking reference to Chapter 214 of the City Code and to Minnesota Reg ation R 79, as shown on Page 6E, because i these change all the time an it raises the question if the ordinance would continually have to be revis d. He felt 't was better not to make the references. Mr. Herrick questioned th necessity of have g such an ordinance since there are State regulations co eying this matter. Flora stated this is another area the City has to im lement through the Met olitan Council. Mr. Flora stated this/overlay zone doesn't affect ny of the zoning within the area, but does address specific requirements fo any new construction or any changes in the,area. He stated the focus would b on the environmental I aspects or requiro`ments for the preservation of the Mi issippi River Corridor and to address certain items to make sure the bluff line and creeks aren't damaged in anyway. Mayor Nee stated he feels this involves a lot of people that ren't living close to the' river. i Councilman' Fitzpatrick stated he felt the additional control is mething the property owners don't intend to give the City. Councilman Schneider asked if property owners in the area were aware his is being'considered. Mr. Flora stated public hearings were held in 1976 nd was,. "sure the property owners were notified. Cduncilman Fitzpatrick felt, as long as they were talking about the defin d river bank area, then he would agree the hearings over the years covered t is ;'area, but whether they covered the area that is described, he would questio this item. J. REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1980 • PAGE 7 Mayor Nee asked, in this area, if any other easements were acquired. Mr. Qureshi stated the City has easements in the Village Green area and is currently working with Hayes School for an easement on that property. Mayor Nee stated he felt this easement shouldn't be tied to the building permit. Councilman Schneider stated he also shared 0e concern of the Planning Commission in tying these two matters together. Ms. Coulson was not present at this meeting. Councilwoman Moses asked if the applicant had plans for the present garage. Mr. Flora stated there was no requirement at this time that she does something with the existing garage. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to grant special use permit; SP #80-10, to allow construction of a second accessory building (detached garage) at 811 Mississippi Street. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unamisoulsy. 1.V1%JIUCIGi11UJ1 yr tNw1KU MNIAL WURO HEE1 FOR MEDTRONICS DEVELOP NT: Mr F1 a, Public Works Director, stated thisse me s Environmental Ant W kshe (EAW) is the first document to address the environm in regard to const uction. He stated the worksheet is essentially use to determine if an env ronmental impact statement is required. Mr. Flora tated an EAW was prepared for Medtronic fo construction on the east portio of their property. He stated there is construction program for several developments and the EAW aodressos t entire scope of that construction Mr. Flora staIdle n the City's review of a EAW, staff did not find any significant a impacts relating to a construction•. He stated the streets can hthe additiona] traf c, the buildings will meet the requirements,andscaping will b provided. He stated the impacts that are addrduring the con uction process, such as noise and dust, are present iconstruction roject and, therefore, aren't considered adverse. Mr. Flora expthe ty is to complete the EAW and submit it to the Environmentalty oard for review and approval. Mr. Mike Perkins C rate Facilities Director of Medtronic, stated he was not pr d for a full presentation this evening, but did have a number of resourc eople av\ithere to answer questions regarding the construction project. Mr. rl Remick, Archl Alliance, presented a map showing their p posed construction. He stated the new construction would essentially be all ofth some laboratories and a cafeteria. Councilwoman Moses asere was a need for a traffic signal, would it be on 69th or 73rdrner, of BRW, Inc., stated they did a traffic analysis and didn't ta would be a need for a signal, even in the year 2,000, but there this possibility. 261 262 REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1980 PAGE 8 Councilman Barnette felt any traffic going south to the signals on Highway 65 and Old Central by Moore Lake would really be a problem. Mr. Warner stated they looked at this area and projected about 50% of the traffic would be in th's direction. He felt the four-way stop at Mississippi Street and Old Central and the signal at Old Central and Highway 65 could both handle the' add`i'tional traffic. Mayo Nee questioned Medtronic's flex time schedule. Mr. Perkins stated there is a certain degree of flex time and it is something that can be explored furt4r. Mayoree questioned the ponding area and if it was designed to its fullest capabilities. Ms. Nelson, Architectural Alliance, stated it is a detentio pond an the flow is monitored. She stated it would be developed as a falfit pond and\retain a few feet to add to the aesthetic value. Mr. Flora4stated Medtronic is currently working with the Rice Cree /atershed District t4 determine their requirements. Councilman S�hneider asked if signalization was necessary at 69 would Medtronic pari#icipate in the cost. Mr. Perkins stated they w ld have to look at it at°that time and noted, however, there are other usinesses contributing t� the traffic volume and that would be one the considerations. Mayor Nee stated \the question before the Council now is whether the EAW is sufficient, or if,the Council should ask for an envir mental impact statement. He steted it is to staff Is view the EAW provides a quate information for evaluation of the c nstruction proposal. Mr. Richard Svana, mekber of the Planning Commi ion and Environmental Quality Commission, stated at he Planning Commission -e-ting much of the discussion was,c"tered on the tra fic issue. He state in reviewing a copy of the EAW, he was surprised rot to\opini iscuss�o�� - all about the creosote problem. Mr. Svana stated, in disefore a Environmental Quality Commission and Planning Commission,f the ollution Contral Agency were also present, and following cof t e presentations, it was his understanding they were satisified witres made in regard to the creosote problem. He felt the documents anr ndered by the PCA on the creosote problem should be incorporated wW Mr. Flora felt there are two issu s involved, the creosote problem and the construction project. He stated the creosote problem is being addressed both by the MPCA and the Health Depa ent. He stated they are investigating the soil and water contaniinati n and t type of action to be initiated and methods of removing the hazar ous wastes Mr. Flora explained, as a s arate issue, IkeCity is looking at the construction of a building on the proper y. He pointed o t the consideration of the construct - tion is all being controll d by the MPCA and the City in the building permit application in conjunctioX with all agencies i volved. Mayor Nee felt what MrSvana was saying is peopl�are not being put on notice that there is a creosol/ problem. Mr. Svana statedhe ould give this EAW to someone an they wouldn't even know there is a creoso problem. He felt the creosote pro em was still a piece of the puzzle an even though they won't be excavatingi to one of the highly contaminated areas, the problem is still there. IL