SAV 83-03H►IMN by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this rezoning
request for July 11, 198_x. Feconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
1 2 UV SPLrr- REQ=—_ L. S. #83-Al. BY MARGARET SWIM, 1586 OSBORNE
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to split off the
southerly 104.02 feet of Lot 1, Block 2, Spring Lake Park Lakeside. He stated
the Planning CorvIssion has reeonver0ed approval of the lot sFl it with the
following stipulations: (1) stzff clarify the arkurt of easer Ent neeeee off
Osborne Road for street and bikeiway/walkway; (2) staff check to see if any
easements are required frau the utility conFanies and cable television; (3)
staff clarify the sewer line; and (4) the applicant get a survey of the
property prior to the Council meeting.
Ei. Flora stated a 17 foot street and a 15 foot bikeway/walkway easement for
a total of 32 feet is needed along Osborne Road. He further stated, as far
as the easements for the utility companies and cable television, these
wouldn't be necessary as. they are serviced off Lakeside or O.•borrie Read.
r7. Flora poirteo out a problen! does exist, however, for aejacert Lot 2, if a
lot split is ever requested for this lot.
Mi. Lureshi, City Manager, stated with this lot split, the City is trying to
assure utility access for Lot 2, even though Lot 1 is the only one requested
to be split at this particular tithe. He felt a five foot easement should be
required on ezet side of the division (split) line.
Mr. Crreshi stated another stiltilation would be payment of water and sewer
assessments if they haven't already been Faid.
Mr. Seger presented a certificate of survey and voiced concern over provicinc;
a 32 foot easerient ori Osborne Road, as it really cuts 00VI tre size of the
Fir. Qureshi felt trim wouldr.'t be a problem and the staff could work with the
petitioner on this point.
MDTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the
Planning Corw-ission and grant lot split L. S. #83-01 subject to the follow in5
stipulations: (1) a 17 foot right-of-way easement be provided on the ncrth
side of the northerly lot aro the additional 15 foot bikeway/walkway easerrent
to the City; (2) a 10 foot easement for utilities be provided on the lot
split line; (3) the property owner agrees to pay ary water and sewer utility
lateral are service connection assesscer:tE if t1ley haver't alreaCy t�eEr, l e io;
amt (4) payment of the $500 park fee. Secondee by Councilman Barnette. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried