COSROY C. CARL-SON, FIRES. CERTIFICATE OF SURWZY WILLIAM A. CARLSON, V.P. 10600SHERIDAN AVE. SO. 23�4 W. 110TH ST. 881-4870 888-2084 55431 LOON SON 55431 6.+,ARLSOXINC. Survey forj Amber Construction Co. LAND SURVEYORS Licensed, Insured & Bonded 1-20 .4 liesuripbion; The South 75.0 feet of Lot 11, Auditorls, division Number 92. tie hereby certify that on the 13th day of SeptembC,19,71,,1 located the foundation on the abovo nescriber property and that this map is a true*and correct representation of said location. The boundaries are by others. Minn. Reg. No. b648