COSLand Planning 370Ml55lS5#iSfNf. Land Surveying Mimmapofi 21. SOS Tesl1hy ENGINEERING, INC. . Alinrsol-o C/Vli &,Vunicoal sl1fl.W1440" En weerm Engineers Surveyors y certificate of survey--, 6 -,;. � WS' I hweby certify that 65 ' a true and correct representation Ord 5wvey e* bwn*r;es e& ai6pr o6&vkd IN& 'dfld Oph /00AW Or011 bM;ldf;y75, ;;w, ad a// ri�lble axwchmmls , f 4 y, fran or wsoid /and. AS 5unryd' bf me fti— -*y A.D. SUB UR8ANENGINEERING , INC. Laq;qeers 6- Sur , reyor5