COSI►. Lend Planniry 3T0l�I,ssissrppiSt.Nl LandSurveyi� Mmrueofw/� Zl, Sei/srstm9 ENGINEERING, INC. M�sflfa avil & mun soul Sansei4-6066 En9ineerin9 -- En ybwers .. Surveyors --- certificate of surve7 For — Y R V ftmorq % o _ AAIV40ORA C.Q/ V�E Ause 1 j I DENOYcS JT. VIiY L- F- I 30� A Or-NQTE3 IR®N I DRomkr.E. CASIAMEN'T /bereay a ify Eliot lhis is � and carred �-epesenhyhw ord wvetl e* hwn&ies �' aba c a bsd /md,and &ed #06 tacatmn oral Ili"-$, hreaa, & loll ris)hle ffvoarhsreals , if 4 f, frm or ansaid /aid. As 5Wveyed by aw /bi - &J °� ✓� 4'0 SUB URBAN ENG/NEERING , INC. Fsr�meer3 1r Surreyars