COSLand Planning 370ftsissippiYNE lmd SUrVeyf;7y Milmeapvlls 21, Soils T esMq ENGINEERING, INC. Aliflm5ol-a awl & Municipal 1 SlIflV14-60" EnTneermEnaineers Surveyors .q certificate of surve7l 71 e hereby cerhPy NO 65 i's a Ime and damd representation vf47 survey e& AWnddli4eS i'P& 4601V Asct;kd land, ad W'h� location erall bi 4Ws, #emw, &-doll risible arroachmeols , if &Y, fnw ar w "d /xws As surveyed by me lki *q A.D 19 SUB UR6AN EN61NEERINC2, INC.