COSINDUSTRIAL BUSINESS CITY LOTS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING N/ Y se A -s 1" =W BLOCK 4, PARICVIZW QA.V.'5 �tR � C�li1�RJ C. E C O U L T E R PLATTING FARM SURVEYS LAND SURVEYOR LAKESHORH. REGISTERED UNDER LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA JUDICIAL LICENSED BY ORDINANCES OF CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS 3300 LYNDALE AVE. SO. MINNEAPOLIS 8. MINN. TAYLOR 4-0370 6urbepor"t Certificate W Ct O d- I hereby certify the the above is a true and correct plat of a survey of: Lot 3$ El.ocnk 4$ PARKVILV OAKS FIRST ADDITION, Anoka County$ I•ii mesota. As surveyed by me this 19th day of April 1960 A.D. S A4? .. E 61 W t� W 30 ° 1. �� 3 r r r a a n 04 4 W Ct O d- I hereby certify the the above is a true and correct plat of a survey of: Lot 3$ El.ocnk 4$ PARKVILV OAKS FIRST ADDITION, Anoka County$ I•ii mesota. As surveyed by me this 19th day of April 1960 A.D. S