VAR 11.70OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, November 10, 1970 to consider the follow matter: A request for a variance of Section 45.053, 4B, to reduce the.side yard requirement from 10 feet to 9.6 feet to allow the construction of an addition onto an existing dwell.';ng located on Lot-% Block 4, Parkview Oaks 1st Addition the same being 5600 Regis Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Request by Mr. Daniel Murphy, 5600 Regis Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. ROBERT A. MINISH CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS Wo APPLICATION, TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS AND CTW COMM FOR SPECV.L USE PEMIT, VARICAHCE `7.N REQUIRMNTS OF IIi . CERTAORDINANCES OF T CITE' OF FRIDLEY (Appli"nt to cmVJete iters 1, 2, 3) 1. tams and Address of Applicant 4.,U�/�u .2. Legal Description of Property (also general location, such dfi;"nOzel east corner of 64th Avenue and 5th Street" or 6415 Fifth Str@et") 4 -D rey V .. Daicribe the variance requested. (Attaeb Plat as SU y nt 1Pr0ptTtY showing location ok proposed building, etc., a100 adjoining proPtrtiz4 and omzrship within 200' of said property.) J Q u X��. C ent by administrative official denyi�e originsl requ-st for tuildins pa ft or other permit. (To be completed by adminf r ati a os fig i- l - Appropriate ordAnanres and section of o dinzncv ° Io a.-� cited�) �d � i F's rrrla �� �- lr. YI '1"O �-t /_ O Pit � `� 7L r 62- •.•., -- � __... A 3.. Notice of. Hearing datqIsg (must be at least attached) . -2- in Official Newspaper an the following 6. Board Miers Notified of meeting b 0 4 P,1A 4 (List Members, Date Notified, and "Togs" or "Nd' or p asmt® atter hearing). a Lute la Armed 9. Perm making appeal and the folly property errs having property within 2001 roti#moi; �_ ► ti i ski ���. t . 3 - OTHER PARTIES: NAME ADDRESS 0 9. Opinions and recomendations by BOARD OF APPEALS: 10. For Above Recomendations Against Recommendations 11.4ction by City Council and Date: ®Y 645-3601 TWIN CITY TESTING mD ENGWEERINe EOIU►T®RY. INC. ,,�o ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yo5Cro P � 662 Cromwell Avenue - St. Paul, Minn. 55114 i s y �A REPORT OF: INVESTIGATION OF FOUNDATION '> >� SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE reSi� PROJECT: 5600 REGIS DRIVE DATE: November 9, 1970 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA REPORTED TO: Mr. Daniel J. Murphy FURNISHED BY: 5600 Regis Drive COPIES TO,kk- "_Building Inspection .Dept.. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Village of Fridley LABORATORY No. 9-3004 GENERAL We were recently requested by Mr. Daniel Murphy of the above address to examine the foundation walls and other load bearing construction at this project. Our client intends to enclose a portion of an existing porch to enlarge the useable living quarters. We. understand the local building inspector requires professional examinations in such instances s for verification of structural adequacy prior to issuing a building permit. a The building is an 8 year old rambler -type home with a full basement and attached 1% car garage. The house is positioned high on the west edge of a hill. To establish a level grade for the structure during the initial construction, it was necessary to place several cubic yards of compacted earth fill materials along the rear of the home. The yard is presently terraced to accommodate a more than 30' high natural -artificial embankment. The structure faces the east, with the garage positioned on the south end. Directly behind the garage is an 8' x 14' porch area connected to the kitchen of the home. The garage floor is at main floor level and is supported by fill material and natural soils., The, porch floor is'a structural unit positioned at main floor level and supported on three, sides by a portion of the south basement wall, the west garage foundation wall and an extension of the south garage foundation wall. The kitchen is positioned over a portion of the basement and, consequently, has a wood frame floor. The porch floor consists of a 5" thick reinforced concrete slab with thickened edge.support Reams cast into the member. The underside of the slab is exposed from.the open west side. Wooden posts bear on the top of the slab around the perimeter which support a portion of the main gable roof. Apart from this construction, nothing else bears on the porch floor besides light furniture. All foundation wall construction is 12" concrete masonry block placed in a running bond pattern. The supporting walls for the porch,slab extend 10' above the existing exterior grade and are surfaced with a smooth stucco material. INVESTIGATION On October 2, 1970, we performed a visual investigation at the project. Of particular concern in our examination were the south and -west basement walls, the walls supporting the concrete porch floor, the garage floor construction and the porch itself. The south basement wall was cracked vertically at a point corresponding to the junction with the west garage foundation wall. The basement floor was cracked at the extreme southwest corner. The cracking of the basement floor and condition of the south basement wall indicated that a slight movement of this construction had occurred.to the southwest. The cracking was judged by us to be quite old, considering the condition of the fractured edges. This compares favorably with information received from the owner maintaining that this cracking is approximately 7 years old. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHOR- IZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS 18 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. 645-3601 TWIN CITY TESTIING AN® EN IINEE ING L ABOli/e iPRY2 INC.. ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yQ� 7y0 662 Cromw..l. Avenue . St, Paul, Minn. 55114 s REPORT OF: INVESTIGATIgN.OF FOUNDATION �sid d DATE: November 9, 1970 LABORATORY No. 9-3004 PAGE: 2 con We observed some step cracking in the west basement wall, indicating that a slight amount of_movement of this construction had occurred toward the south. The configuration of the cracking did not suggest that any differential settlement of this construction. had occurred. The west basement.wall was cr eked beneath door and window lintels.at the lint -el bearing points, indicating that the b ockwork had undergone excessive flexural stresses under the high.concentrated loads. JJ The two east -west .masonry walls supporting the porch were neither cracked nor noticeably bowing during our inspection. The north portion of these two walls did not display any visual indication of rotation or displacement, although examination of the adjoining basement construction had indicated that slight movement had, in fact, occurred. The south portion of the two east -west walls hadlrotated.slightly, opening away from the south foundation wall of the garage toward.lthe west and in a southerly direction. Examination revealed that the structural int grity of the porch -wall junctions for these two east -west walls had been maintained, despite any movements which had occurred in the composite construction. The north -south masonry wall upon which the,�east edge of the porch and the west wall of the garage rested was also intact with no cracking observed in the stucco. However, this wall was noticeably bowed in the.north-south direction, indicating that the backfill soils supporting the garage floor slab were exerting significant lateral pressure against it. This bowing of the wail had caused a slight movement.of the concrete porch slab in a westerly direction. The garage floor was examined and found to have settled along the west.foundation wall. Th s settlement resulted in a dishing configuration in the s lab , with a maximum settle----- f a , most . 21t near a doorway in the west wall. The wall had also pulled away from the garage floor slab, leaving a crack at the junction { of the two construction elements. CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS 4. Although we are aware that a considerable fount of,fill material had been placed along the westerly construction at the project, d we in no way merit that the work was performed in a well engineered and.conscien4ous.manner, we must conclude that no excessive foundation settlement other than. ossibly a small amount at the extreme west i! end of the south east -west porch support wall has occurred`. Settlement of a structure due to weak soil consolidation generally increases with time; therefore, this may never be a problem at the project, as the construction has already existed for a substantial period. However, erosion of the steep bank behind the structure or material slippage due to moisture saturation of the soils could conceivably cause difficulties with the structure at a later date. Intelligent observance of conditions in this area, together. with maintenance of a sod or shrubbery covering of the slopes, will minimize the possibility of future difficulties. I Should any marked changes occur in the structure, professional assistance should be directly sought. l AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE .SUBMITTED AS THE. CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHOR- - IZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR. REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. i CITY TESTINGr AND ENOIIV ERINC LABOROO, RYI ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS 662 Cronvwell Avenue St. Paul,.Minn. 55114 REPORT OF: INVESTIGATION OF FOUNDATION LABORATORY No. 9-3004 CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS (continued) 645-3601 INC. yQacr� OARS DATE: November 9, 1970 PAGE: 3 Most of the cracking in the foundation.of the structure, as pointed out in our report, can be traced to settlement activity in the garage floor area. Our observations indicate that compaction of soil materials in the garage interior was poor, We understand from the owner that a clay material was.placed there. This type material is difficult to compact in small areas. Also, saturation of this type soil substantially reduces the interparticle support capability of the material. The weight of the material, then, transfers into the masonry block wall.with-very little of this load being assumed by the soil itself. Deflection.of the garage floor provides a drain along the critical west -wall for melt water from an automobile parked in the garage, forcing more load against the wall. Masonry block work is quite flexible in the lateral direction and bows under the Load as noted. If the contact between the porch floor and supporting walls is. good, as,our inspection indicates, then it will move with.the wall as we.suspect has happened at this home. The step cracking below lintels suggests that the lintel bearing detail for this construction was not completely successful. Plastic flow in the reinforced concrete spanning construction was probably not accounted for in the end bearing conditions for the. lintel. Since this type of interparticle flow or what is commonly referred to as "creep" also reduces with time, it is feasible that 'the mortar construction in these areas -- can now be repaired and retain nearly complete integrity. Concerning prospects for enclosing the area above the porch, we envision this intended construction as not having any adverse structural affect on the existing structure and, :"therefore, advise our client to proceed._ Consideration, however, should be given to insulating the existing floor and the west garage wall for higher serviceability of this proposed dining quarters. We recommend that chipping and remort.aring of the masonry block work in the basement be performed to reduce heat losses in -the structure and provide a monolithic condition for better.transfer of the house service wall loads. In order to prevent water from draining down the interior of the west foundation wall, the garage floor slab should be either improved or replaced. Rubber sealant materials are now available which will assist in waterproofing the improved or reconstructed ,joint between the floor and wall construction. The most optimum method for correction here would be removal of the floor slab, removal of undesirable backfill soils, placement of granular well compacted fill materials in the garage.interior area, and reconstruction of the garage floor, maintaining a definite grade to the main door to the east. Construction warranty provisions and.available capital would have bearing on just how much correction work could be attempted. TWIN CITY TE ING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC. , ZA r anK. o rm enn n Civil Engineer �neresi ent,ig nee AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED- AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AN UTNOR- IZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR. REGARDING OUR REPORTS 19 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1970 PAGE 12 ON STREET PARKING IN LOCKE PARK: Councilman Harris said that he was concerned about the on street parking along Locke Park. He has indicated to the City Engineer there should be some plans to post 69th Avenue so there is not parking on the street, so the people would use the parking lot..:This would-be a real problem if there are cars parked on both sides of the street. The service road should also be posted. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1970: 'A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD REQUIREMENT FROM 10 FEET TO 9.6 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION ONTO AN EXISTING DWELLING LOCATED ON LOT 3, BLOCK 4, PARKVIEW OAKS 1ST ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 5600 REGIS DRIVE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. DANIEL MURPHY, 5600 REGIS DRIVE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): The City Engineer said that this request by Mr. Daniel Murphy is for a variance from 10 feet to 9.6 feet to allow construction of an addition to his house. The Board of Appeals recommended approval. There are some cracks along the foundation and the Building Inspection Department suggested that Twin City Testing check them out. They took soil borings and found that the structure was sound but suggested that the cracks be bonded and the owner has been notified of this. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Board of Appeals and grant the variance to Mr. Daniel Murphy subject to the stipulations of the Board of Appeals, and receive their Minutes. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF DATA PROCESSING NEEDS AND PURCHASE OF NCR 400: The Acting City Manager said that at present they are renting a machine on a monthly basis, with no commitment. The proposal is to enter into a 3 year lease which would save.approximately $140 per month. He felt that they would be keeping the machine for the next three years. The, City would pay out in 28 months under the present arrangement the same as if they were leasing for 3 years. There is a full maintenance agreement on the machine. Councilman Breider asked if at the end of three years, the.price could jump on the maintenance agreement. The Representative said that it would not go up appreciably. Councilman Breider asked if the maintenance contract covered everything. The .Representative from NCR said that it would cover everything to keep the machine in running condition. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the'Administration and enter .into a three year lease agreement for NCR 400. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1970 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:33 P.M. MEMQERS PRESENT: Minish, Ahonen, Drigans, O'Bannon, Sondheimer OTHERS PRESENT: Al Bagstad-Building Official MOTION by O'Bannon to approve the minutes of October 13, 1970 as written. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Minish reported the action taken by the Council on the October 13, 1970 Board items. ONTO AN EXISTING DWELLING LOCATED ON LOT 3. BLOCK 4, PARKVIEW OAKS 1ST ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 5600 REGIS DRIVE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. DANIEL HY, 5600 REGIS DRIVE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.) Mr. Dave Dahl, representing Sussel Company, presented the request. Plans of the proposed addition, a survey of the lot and pictures of the existing dwelling were shown to the Board. Mr. Dahl explained the variance is needed to enclose an existing deck which will be turned into living area. The present structure is 9.6 feet from the lot line and the proposed work will be in line with what is already existing. The pictures of the dwelling showed there were two cracks in the foundation. Chairman Minish asked Mr. Bagstad for a report on the foundation. Mr. Bagstad stated there had been some concern about the settling of the foundation and the Building Inspection Department had asked the owner to have soil tests taken. The investigation was done by Twin City Testing and according to their report the structure is sound. The report stated the cracking is approximately 7 years old and the structure has settled about all that it will. Twin City Testing did suggest that the cracks be bonded and the owner has been notified of this. MOTION by Drigans to receive the report from Twin City Testing. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Ahonen to close the public hearing. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Ahonen to recommend to the City Council approval of the request for the following reasons: 1. They will be maintaining present building lines. 2. There were no objections from adjoining property owners. 3, Recommend the Building Inspection Department take note of the suggestions made by Twin City Testing when they issue the building permit. 2. The Minutes of the Board of A�oea�ls Meeting of November lOfl 1970 Page 2 Seconded by Drigans. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. N NOSA_ �. _-1 312 WEST TO 12 0 -24. A There was no one present to present the request. MOTION by O'Bannon to table this item until the November 24, 1970 meeting as there was no one present to present the request. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJ O : The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Minish at 8:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, o C1 MARY HIN' Secretary