COSLand Planniny 0875 -Ai hmvy -ACS &E. Land Swveyi7y Minneapnls 2i, Soils Testhy ENGINEERING, INC. Minnesota Civil & Munk of SlInvi 4-6066 E —Enyineers SurveYO r.5— certificate of Survey For;- bERGS-TROM CONST, CO, LO 19) 6'10ck (F C L L�� L P',, I 1i �.:f Via' a �-.i j '4 J t at f 3o' 1, -A -7. I -L — LO 19) 6'10ck (F C L L�� L P',, I 1i �.:f Via' a �-.i j '4 J t / hvv&j cerbry fhat *6 is a bw and awnd representation OP survey eAt bwldor;es qr#w aboor Asc,-;hfd land, ofd vp#jr lacqjqog #,roll hv;1djy5, &mon, &-doll risible ei7alvchmenis , ifoy, fran or an said kod. As 5ur veyed by me 1*5— 01?4 'Al A, A -D di2. SUBUP&N ENGINEERING, INC. En reyor5 in Sur -)I Zy'