COSLand Planning 68TS Highway SGS NE. Land Surveying Mineola/s 21, SoilsTesM9 EN G I NEE R -I N G, INC. Minnesala awl & Municipal S1117sel44066 &9,6eermy Engineers Sur ve ors certificate of surve a r " k } r /, A' f /hrreby �erti,�y fhui this is a true and carred represenfafkn OPsur' vey the boundaries oPA; ohore descri6�d /ands mid /=17 'a// buildings ,thereon , ris�6/e erraavrhmenfs , iony. Fran or on said /and As survey ed 6y me flus A.D. /9�. SUB URBAN ENG/NEERIN6 , INC. L-3tTrs Fr Surveyors