COSLand Planning CMAOW its AT Land Swviyiny Miitlteav�a/s 2/, soil Testl�y .s EN'GMEERING, INC. Eny,neers Survews c quir twificate of ZIKL� rey for ir (if" L 1-0 T- q -O;LoL,,e 2,R A hereby m4tj*is is a km ad wfnct reprMfttiff h07 of* u"ey e* 6mm6rim '06dor 06C ' 14k% ffxrv4dwenls,ifmj.* orw -wal lard. As surveyed&I aw U. ala Sufi URBAN ENGINEERING , INC. AY Land Planning 07S-Ri hwy *GS NE. Land &rveryiny Minnpapnls 2/, soilsTestinq ENGINEERING, INC. "nne-vla Civil fr M�micip�al � SUrrsef.d-6866 E ineerin --** f n %veers Surveyor -5 *_ . n9 9 4 cert%licate of sure sar troM rs; .I 7— A) �C lied/�lnr+ ,y l h&vby rerwy Oat this is a lrm are Com' d sePM5eO tliV7 Vf 47 SWVetf 4'& fi�uadorr8s e#X 460ff Ascr kof 10741f, mad of'!!x lae�inn o�l'a// brlildlnys, ffierean , mad ol/ risrb/e pnanvthmtnfs , ��'am�, or an said /anm! As surretJed by, mP fps _ day A FR A'1719-1sL�' SUB URBAN ENGlNW E21NG , INC. Ecrgir�ears fx .�41r'reyors