COSLand Planning 687'5-Hiyhrroy O'§ ALE. Land Surveyiny Minnealp /l 21, SoilsTestmyENGINEERING, INC. 0/ n,7 to Cavil b-Munieiwl SUnset4--6066 £n9ineerin9 En yineers Sur vectors cestificate of sueve T --�o Y E% M DEVELOPMENT CO I !(a lv L O T 1, BLOCK ,4, • �^� RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 4 � ����� 9 I SCALE 1'= 50" 1 hereby cerhPy Md this is a true and correct rePresenfofran ,� a survey 'the boundories e4e 464M descried /and, and oph /ocafion a/1 trui/din9s, fhtreon , or o//risib/e �rrrovchirrenfs , r�'ony. fm or avis d /ond. As srn-veyed by me fibs _ day A'0 6-55' SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC. En ineers fr Surveyor hy A°.wi Civil 6- Afttf,'IC,'kVl j. iec-wq Enqincer-s SUr VeYOrI5 D-21ortgage Loan Survey for 9 /29 47 cW-e` J.i WL:, i •s frgr,� ( f 1 1. P"r e'! C e at"i rrtj 1741 Yef? ci ro, V/; Olt - 'P7,: W75 E IE En ir, c e Ps Ir ve or!) L FC)N AA -0 5 F N or -,,.gage Loan 03� Na r v e z'g 0 p I-ve K IIIAT �{