COSLund Planning J70MVsiss#iJfNE Land SL"eyiny Afil=aplls 21, Sails TesthyMinnesnfa GV11 b- ML47idpg/ ENGINE�RING, INC. Silhol.440" Engineering --- Engineers ff Sur certificate offillarve)F Z lelce ��4A dp,- 7� I hereby certify &0 this is a'hw and earned -epre5el7f9fkl7 qC#m bwndar;es qPlhe jhoye 06Crlhed 1017d, and op* locAn #fall MlWyms , thereon, mdall ml-sAe mv4,&bme,71s,i,r,,y.#VnOr&7$,Zidlona! As surveyed byme )Wi-- obq AS 69E. SU6UR,6" LCMINEERIN6, INC. L�qgcrs 5urm r5 AY .2724