COSF] Land Planning 570hfasissrplStAtE tandSurwyinypoll� 21, Soils resting ENGINEERING, INC. ml,7n,?5ola Civil & municipal SlInseU40" En9neennq Enaineers Surveyors certificate of surwe / lf&vby cer hPy fbah*6 Is a true and wrmcl repremfliOhOn ore sowy e* htwd4,r;es qsPlk abow Asr,46edl land, -and ,�r& location11 jw;jdin9.5, thereon , &,doll risible &wwchmenl5, ijCsey.. fMV or unsaid /and. As MrWyed by me this - doff vp s A - D IY.Z- SU3 UP BM LENGINEERIN6, INC. 1-n 5vr"%(or5