COSLand Planniny 370MissIssTpishvE. Land Stirveyiny MinneaPa/s 21, . Sails Tes tiny ENGINEERING, INC. Minnesota Clwl & Municipal SUnsef 4-0066 EnEngineers i Sur vectors certlificate of serve l hereby cerlipy tbot tbis is a five and ea -md representation oP survey jObe bovndories o,'fhe oboredescribed /and, and oP& lacgtion aro/L bwldin9s , thereon ,and o// risible encrovchmenls , i/�ony , frau or erg said /and. As surveyed by me JWu _ ddy a�' ✓aw•Yr�' A.D.l9. SUBUR8AN ENGINEERING, INC. L- gineers E Surr ors >� ;� �fi