COSLand Planing 4wd Surveying Soils TesMy Civil b Municipal Engineering C87S Ni9hway #C5 A/.E. Minneapalls 21. ENGINEERING, INC. minnesola i Engineers ' Survectors SUnsef 4-6066 certs�c�te o� su;tveo� -o�% �` ����,-Iz l 8106- �r` Q � a C- C 5a �9 1A Lat /oc 4L4, �-L c vA rlo/v'r ARE: 10poloosen / h&vby wlipy l6ai lhis is a live and correct repnesenfaf ion Of e survey e fie hwndories o0P& o60w Jescr bed /and, and o� /ocv%ion o�'oH bui/dings, l/xmw, , and ell risible rn rmchmenls , iT4o y, f mn or wsoid land. As surveyed by me Y*i - &y AS 19.x. SUB URBAN ENGINEERING, INC. En 'nears Fr Sur �;`yors