COSLand Planning Land Surwy n' y Soils TesMq EN G I NEE R I N G, INC. Civil fr Municipal En9ineennq Engineers i Surveyors certificate of surVer 9 \. QJZ4 eg v» M im 0 370 Mississippdf All Afilwapo/s 2/, Minnesofa S1117VU4066 -Scud ¢r�' dd! J" �- i- l h reby cerhyry fhat ,bis is a bve and awred representation 00 survey eft bmmdar;es of & abore oh5av/ed /and, end opf/re lac has of all bxWin9S , lfiereon ,and o// risible encrnochmenfs , If my,1 or an said /and As surveyed by me ffiis _may. ° SUB URBAN ENGINEERING, INC. L -n ineers 6 Surr ors_