VAR 04.68APPLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS AND CITY COUNCIL FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT, VARIANCE IN REQUIREMENTS OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF TIE CITY OF FRIDLEY (Applicant to complete items 1, 2, 3) 1. Name and Address of Applicant 5, 0 1 �PZIW 2. Legal Description of Property (also general location, such asi" northa east corner of 64th Avenue and 5th Street" or 6415 Fifth Street") o 7— 1A . 84o cl< ± eS&,4-W q f/7LC=y 04iiPJAI, 3. Describe the variance requested. (Attach Plat or Survey of Property showing location of proposed building, etc., also adjoining properties and ownership within 200' of said property.) 6 S CJ X / --) S�- L e- t: - - 4. Comments by administrative official denying original request for building permit or other permit. (To be completed by administrative official. Appropriate ordinances and section of ordinances to be cited.) - 2 - 5. Notice of Hearing appeared in official News a er on the following dates: �( - �` - �? (must be at least once 10 days before meeting - - copy of notice to attached). 6. Board Members notified of meeting byPy (List Members, Date Notified, and "yes" or "No" for plans to attend hearing). A Name Date Plan to Attend 7. Person making appeal and the following property owners having property within 200' notified; lop Phone Notified by Name Date or Mail (Initial) F 8. The flowing Board W6mbers and interested partes were present at the Hearing; BOARD MEMBERS �% T T l4 ✓"Y1 L L 7/ LC f 3 OTHER PARTIES: NAME LIr ADDRESS Q x/1 . 9. Opinions and recd en dations by BOARD OF APPEALS: mgr 9 s t> _ 4 f� ti xi OVA Q f b'sC E � a 4 } I I Too .r �r r' J. y fa e c . (ti r I_ I. 4 PIZZA f � 1 Y." C a T s too h OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO TO IflOM IT MAY CONCERNS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Wednesday April 3, 1968, to considor the follo:Ang matters A request for a variance of section 45.24 from 13 feet to 10 feet, and variance of section 45.23 from 10 feet to 5 feet to permit erection of a 601 dwelling on a 751 X 1251 lot, the same being Lot 12, Block 4, Edgewater Gardens, or 90 Rice Creek qday N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, (Request by S. E. Templin, Builder 6184 Stinson Blvd,, Himeapoliap Minnesota 55 .21) Anyone desiring to be heard with roference to the above matter will be heard at this meeting. ROBERT E. YLINEN Chairman Board of Appeals PUBLISHs March 20, 1968 March 27, 1968 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLBY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF S TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 700 o'clock P.M., Wednesday April. 3, 1968, to consider the following matters A request for a variance of section 45.24 from 17* feet to 10 feet, and variance of section 15.23 from 10 feet to 5 feet to permit erection of a 601 dwelling on a 75' S 1251 lot, .the same being Lot 129 Block 4, Edgewater Gardens, or 90 Rice Creek Way I.E., Fridley, Minnesota, (Request by S. E. Templin, Builder 6184 Stinson Blvd., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55621) .Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter will be heard at this meeting. ROBERT E. YLINEN Chairman Board of Appeals P[iBLISHt March 20, 1968 March 27, 1968 d gyp., .., :...... .. i .. � r i e T �� 1 ATTENTION OF: TO 836 40th A"true SUBJECT Public Hearing before Board of AMeals DATE ma=b 111. 1, SIGNATURE REPLY:. DATE SIGNATURE ORIGINATOR — DETACH AND RETAIN X the Boa=rd of Appeals Or! City of Fridley wlll meet Council Chambers of the Cit at 7:30..o'clock p. m., Wedhes April 3', 1968, to consider the swing matter: A request for a variance of section 45.24 from 17" feet to 10 feet, and variance of sec- tion 45.23 from 10 feet to -5 feet to permit erection of a 60' dwelling on a 75'x125' lot, the came heina Lot 12, Block son tuvo,. mjanxiuuw. , •••• •••� , sota 55421) ayone desiring to be heard with rence -to the above matter will ieard at this meeting. ROBERT E. YYLi N Chaman Board of Appeals (March 20, 27, 1968)—TC THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1968 INTERESTED PEOPLE PRESENTS Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Larson 6580 Hickory St. N.E. S. E. Templin, Builder 618. Stinson Blvd, George Reilly 72 Rice Creek Way MEMBERS .PIVSENT: Mittelstadt MEMBERS ABS?,,NT: Ylinen, Ahonen, O'Bannon, Minish OTHERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle - Building Inspector Acting Chairman Mittelstadt stated that he is the only Board member present tonight, therefore, the only business he can conduct is to listen to all present at this meeting for or against the proposed variance. 1. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.24 FROM 17-� FEET TO 10 FEET N. OBSERVATIONSs 1. The proposed home is 1,600 sq. ft. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Larson feel that the home is too large; also the garage could block his view to the North. Larson's live SW of the proposed building. 3. Airs. Siegel feels the home is too large. She lives directly South of the proposed building. She is in favor of a home located there. 4# Mr. Reilly feels that there may be a traffic problem. It is 351 and 101 to the home from the curb. (The Board Chairman feels that this is sufficient.) Mr. Reilly has no real objection other than it may be a traffic hazard. PROPOSAL: le Recall the Board of Appeals as soon as possible, or 2. Pat it on the next Council Agenda. (April 15, 1968) No one present really objects - they feel the home is rather large, but.they could live with it. It is a nice home. � �. BOARD OF APPEALS, APRIL 3, 1968 WAGE 2 ONE RESTRICTION: Garage cannot face Hickory.St. Not enough room to get auto off of street outside garage. Respectfully submitted, DON MITTELSTADT Acting Chairman April _4. 1968 As per telephone conversation Mr. Templin asks that this request for variance be tabled for possible revision.of house size and location. Clarence Belisle Building Inspector Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Larson S. E. Templin, Builder George Reilly 6580 Hickory St. N.E. 6184 Stinson Blvd. 72 Rice Creek Way MEMBERS PRESENTS Mittelstadt AMBERS ABSENT: Ylinen, Ahonen, O'Bannon, 1Minish OTHERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle - Building Inspector Acting Chairman Mittelstadt stated that he is the only Board member present tonight, therefore, the only business he can conduct is to listen to all present at this meeting for or against the proposed variance. 1. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.24 FROM 17il FEET TO 10 n OBSERVAT. 'I 1. The proposed home is 1,600 sq. ft. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Larson feel that the home is too large; also the garage could block his view to the North. Larson's live SW of the proposed building. 3. Mrs. Siegel feels the home is too large. She lives directly South of the proposed building. She is in favor of a home located there. 4. Mr. Reilly feels that there may be a traffic problem. It is 35' and lot to the home from the curb. (The Board Chairman feels that this is sufficient.) Mr. Reilly has no real objection other than it may be a traffic hazard. PROPOSA.Ls 1. Recall the Board of Appeals as soon as possible, or 2. Pat it on the next Council Agenda. (April 15,.1968) No one present really objects - they feel the home is ratter large, but they could live with it. It is a nice home. 't ,� " ., a BOARD OF APPEALS, APRIL, 39 1968 � . PAGE 2 ONE RESTRICTIONa Garage cannot face Hickory St. Not enough room to get auto off of street outside garage. Respectfully submitted, April , 1968 As per telephone conversation Mr. Templin asks that this request for variance be tabled for possible revision of house size and location. Clarence Belisle Building Inspector REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 15, 1968 PAGE 19 Councilman Sheridan asked about the total footage. The City Engineer said that it could be figured out by the bid price per foot of $4.15. H•e showed the Council a picture and explained that it will be 7 feet high, with redwood strips. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Following are the Bids received: PLANHOLDER BID DEPOSIT BASE BID COMPLETION DATE Amco Hurricane Fence 5% Bid Bond $8,400.00 15 Cal. Days County Road..42 Traveler's Rosemount, Minn. Ind. Co. Century Fence Co. 5% Bid Bond $12,409.82 July 1, 1968 Box 8015 American 1408 W. County Rd. C Ins. Co. St. Paul, Minn. ' . Crowley Fence Co. 5% Bid Bond $8,321.80 1S Cal. Days 3110 E. Lake St, United Pacific Minneapolis, Minn. Ins. Co. Crown Iron Works Co. 5% Bid Bond $8,272.00 7S Cal. Days Fence Dept. St. Paul Fire June 30, 1968 1200 Central Ave. N.E. & Marine Ins. Minneapolis, Minn. Co'. - Cyclone Fence Sales Crt. Ck. $7,165.00 30 Cal. Days U.S. Steel Corp. $360.00 4450 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. Designed Fencing Cashier's Ck. $8,590.00 60 Cal. Days 3840 W. Broadway $429.50 July 1S, 1968 Minneapolis, Minn. ` Minn. Fence & Iron Works 5% Bid Bond $162560.00 30 Cal. Days 240 University Ave. U.S. Fidelity St. Paul, Minn. & Guaranty Co. ssINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING, APRIL 3, 1968: The City Engineer explained that these were not actually minutes,. as r there had not been`a'quortim present for the meeting. He said the notes had been written because the people present had expressed their views �g on the variance request. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 15,.1968 MOTION by Councilman Harris �ppeals of April 3, 1968. oice vote, there being no carried unanimously. PAGE 20 to receive the Minutes of the Board of Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion UTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL MEETING, APRIL 10, 1968: 1. CONSIDERATION OF A DRIVE-IN ON MAX SALITERMAN'S PROPERTY, BEING The City Engineer said that this was a request for a Sandees Drive -In. He pointed out the proposed location on the map and said that there is not adequate parking to meet the present standards. He said the Com- mittee would recommend that they provide 425 additional parking spaces, that they submit a final landscaping plan, incl-uding sidewalk, if the Council feels they want to continue this zoning requirement, and that they meet minimum setback requirements. He said they would be asking ' for waivers as they are too close to the road. Councilman Harris said that the Certificate of Occupancy should be withheld until the additional parking is provided and this should be checked before they move in. The City Engineer suggested that the permit be given, subject to these conditions, and they be checked before the Certificate of Occupancy is given as they have had difficulty with this shopping center before. Councilman Sheridan said he felt the drive-in should go on the south side of West Moore Lake Drive and not -in the parking area designated. He said he thought the request for the location should be denied as laid out on the plat. Councilman Harris said he would suggest that the City ask them to -take back their plan and provide an alternate location or adequate setback from West Moore -Lake Drive. The City Engineer said he would recommend no waivers. He did not see any justified reason to put everything in one area.. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to return the plan to the applicant and ask him to possibly find another location within his property; to meet the requirements of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcom- mittee Meeting Minutes of April 10,'1968; and to indicate to the ap- plicant that the Council frowns on any waivers of the present ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A MANUFACTURING AND DISPLAY BUILDING, 120' x 225' The.City Engineer said that the Subcommittee motion had been to grant the permit subject to proper erosion.control, adding more trees, and curb's on parking spaces, except the employee parking.lot. The City Engineer said that if the'Council requests curbing, he would suggest there be a machine formed lip on the parking lot,,.and he feels there should be some kind of curbing. He said that he also suggested that instead of. 1••s -1 - blacktop to the building, it start 5' away from the building. THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS, MEETING OF MAY 8, 1968 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ylinen, Ahonen, Minish MEMBERS ABSENT: Mittelstadt, O'Bannon OTHERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle -Building Inspector The Meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Ylinen. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ERECT A TWO-FAMILY DWELLING IN R-1 DISTRICT THE SAME BEING LOTS 1 AND 3, BLOCK 1, GUNDERSON M TERRACE-. REQUEST BY LARRY DEAN FERGUSON. 7765 SPRING LAKE ROAD. MPLS. The following interested property owners were present in regard to this item. Dale Hagen Peter Wolterstorff James D. Swanson Paul D. Schmidt Robert F. Soli Elmer Flowers (Mr. & Mrs.) Harry G. Hamersma Raymond H. Bueohele 7478 Hayes St. N.E. . 7495 Hayes St. N.E. 7469 Hayes St. N.E. 7481 Hayes St. N.E. 1420 Fireside Drive 1400 Fireside Drive 1405 Onondaga St. N.E. 1425 Onondaga St. N.E. MOTION by Minish to read and receive the petition submitted by the property owners. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Discussion regarding Special Use Permit explained to those present. MOTION by Minish to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Minish to deny granting of Special Use Permit for the following 3 reasons: a. Nothing in the request shows that there is a hardship or something unique regarding the lots in question that would require a double bungalow to be built. b. There is a substantial number of adjacent property owners who petitioned in opposition to this. (See attached petition.) c. There is no evidence on which the Board could justify granting the request; to table the motion would impose on the time of the property owners who appeared at the hearing. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. C BOARD OF APPEALS MAY 8, 1968 PAGE 2 2. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.24 FROM 172 FEET TO 10 FEET, AND VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.23 FROM 10 FEET TO 5 FEET TO PERMIT ERECTION OF A 60f DWELLING ON A 75' X 1251 LOT, THE SAME BEING LOT 12, BLOCK 4, EDGEWATER GARDENS, OR 90 RICE CREEK WAY N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, (REQUEST BY S. E. TE PLIN, BUILDER, 6184 STINSON BLVD.,MPLS., MINN. 554.21 Interested people present regarding this item: Sam Templin 6184 Stinson Boulevard John Swingdorf 5897 Washington St. N.E. Discussion regarding setback requirements on surrounding property. MOTION by Minish to close Public Hearing. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Ahonen to grant request by Templin as the construction conforms with that presently existing in the area. Also because the traffic hazard problem has been alleviated. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: The Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. ROBERT E. YLINEN CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 2.0, 1968 PAGE 12 1,19TION by Councilman Harris to,.cuzcur with the Board of Appeals _ in the denial of the Special Use Permit. Seconded by councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all.voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. P} +T:LrlT10 --`91068: P\BQU31ST DFN 1.AL OF SPECIAL USE Pi RMTT FOR LA}. RY DEAD FERGUSON: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to. receive Petition 4$9-19bS re- questing denial of the Special Uwe Pu mit. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I,irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. _ -' 2. P.T UJST FO?2 A VAR.IAI�C?_ OF SECTION, 45.24 FROM 17? FEET TO 10 FSET; AND VARIANCE OF SBCTION 45.23 FRO_ _4 10 FEET TO PE~L:!,i'f`l' RP:,,_:WTION�OF A 60'^D7,,FLLING ON A_7_5'X 125_'_ Lfff, THE STj14B B131 -NG LO.-; 90 RICE Cr 3E!'\ L,?AY N.F. FPTDI,T-,Y, Itii1L`41iESOTA,a (Ri'QU+..ST IiPI,S BY S.B. TBiIP1_' IN, BUIL)�1R, 6184 S`i' NSOi�? BLVD. � k MOTION by Councilman. Harris to concur with the Board of Appeals to grant 'c'ne request for variance. Seconded try Councilman Samuelson*. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirltdiam declared the motion carried unanimously. T,'JT 1,Y_g L T? S OF TEE BUILDING STANDARDS--DFSJ_G?d rv� ',3 +r SUBGO����•%i:.�.1Tar 2-;'�s',�' iG OF P•�.�.1.Y' 15,�196Ut . 1. CONSIDERATION OF CONSTRUCTION OF_A_ STOF'.AGR BBU)JDING X25' X J_2eOgi LOTS_ 6 7, 8, 9,_ ALVD PART OF 7-0�, BLOCK 12 ISO ,z,r }; `S nnx;r Coit fro ErP. Di_EX � LI:,�`1'IiF SA11,' BES:lLgG 6480 UNIV} L',SITY AW,".NUB N.B.RFQU' Srl� }3Y STA' D ARD Orr COT.4aoi"Y, DIVIS:CULd OF As%k' z�:7 C �T�T OIL ~ r2he City Engineer explained that they wanted to build a small addition to the gas station in back of their property. He requested approval subject to a 5' 'easement on the ncr th side of the property for sidevialks, that the building be painted to match the rest of the'building, and have a metal fire resistant door.. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the request for construction of a storage building subject to tliej.r giving a 5' easciri^nt for sidewalks, painting -ffie addition to match the rest of the r; building, and a metal fire resistant door.. Seconded by -Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor lUrkham , declared the motion carried unanimously. m