PRE 2010 DOCSDate: Owner, Addres City of Fridley, Minn. BUEMING PERMIT No (5::17j)' uilder .ddress LOCATION OF B} ING No. _..._ fr _. _. Part of La - - _ S eet -L_._ Lot _ .__ Block Addition or Sub -Division._ Corner Lot _ _ Inside Lot d" Setback _ _ Sideyard Sewer Elevation _ _ _ _ Foundation Elevation DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To Used Vis• Front Depth _ p Height sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. _ 5—r"-40 ,.P Front Depth Height -/-40--Sq. Ft. ..� � Cu. Ft. Typev f Construction Fast. Cost` _ - o be Completed In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above, I agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the description above set. forth and in compliance with all provisions of ordinances of the city of Fridley. In consideration of the payment of a fee .of $ , permit is hereby granted to.._..... to construct the building or addition as described above. This permit is granted upon the express condition that the person to whom it is granted and his agents, employees and workmen, in all work done in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, shall conform in all respects to the ordinances of Fridley, Minnesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair and moving of buildings Within the city limits and this permit may be revoked at any time upon violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. eo PM XPuilciing Inspector NOTICE: This permit does not cover the construction, installation for wiring,: plumbing, gas heating, sewer or water. Be sure to we the Building Inspector for separate permits for these Items. -- 4 r— APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF FRIDIEY, MINNESOTA Owner I shame Builder Address Address < LOCATION OF No. �/� Streeter^--�'��-� /�.�!o Part of Lot Lot _ S Block Addition or Subdivision Corner Lot Inside Lot Setback _ Side-Yard,,��` SEWER ELEVATION FOUNDATION ELEVATION Applicant attach to this form Certificate of Survey of Lot and proposed building location. DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be used as: Front Depth ght�___ a 147 ron _Pep� VSq. Ft. `� ® Cu. Ft. Type of ConstructionEstimated Cos �— To be Completed The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City Ordinances and ruling of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. / ll (A Schedule of Fee Costs can be found on the Reverse Sid City of Fridley Apps cation for Plumbing and Gas Fitting permit Dept. of Bldgs. Phone SII/j,7 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Number, Kind and Location of Fixtures . PARTIAL RATE SCHEDULE PLUMBING FIXTURE RATES: NO. ., a x $1.50 $ Future Fixture Opening ................—;f Z F 1.20 z Z} N O J O Z �U' • r WATER HTR. Water Heater (Up to 200,000 BTU) ......,Z x 2.00 � j a � 3.25 in 3 � o � RATES TOT AL1st �7 � Qom+ � � �U' 4a O F N GAS ELEG rn ; Gas Range to 200,000 BTU .............. x 2.00 $ LL Base / 1st 2nd _ 3rd 4th • Future Connection Openings C°nnected with Sewer � New .Fixture, Old Openings Cesspool El . PARTIAL RATE SCHEDULE PLUMBING FIXTURE RATES: NO. RATE TOTAL Number Fixtures ...................... x $1.50 $ Future Fixture Opening ................—;f x 1.20 New Fixture Old Opening .............. x 1.00 $ Catch Basin ............................ x 3.25 $ Water Heater (Up to 200,000 BTU) ......,Z x 2.00 $ New Ground Run Old Bldg. ............ x 3.25 $ GAS FITTING FEES: NO. RATES TOT AL1st 3 Fixtures .......................... x $1.50 �— Additional Fixtures .................... x .50 $ Gas Range to 200,000 BTU .............. x 2.00 $ REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS—Refer to Code Description........ $ ............................. TOTAL FEE City of Fridley: The undersigned hereby .makes application for a permit for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City Ordinances and ruling of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. Fridley, Blinn / 19=— Owner -� C�� �� e--xJ 'd�) Kind of Building _ Used as To be completed about Estimated Cost, Old—New. Building Permit ROUGH "' - 't.t- - 4 FINAL d z 2M 749 No. Z6-3 —3 6 Business % one No. d' 1 Application for Power Plants and Heating. coalin Ventilation ' I� APPI g. g. . Refrtgerction and Air Conditioning Systems and Devices PARTIAL RATE SCHEDULE .GRAVITY WARM AIR: Furnace Shell & Duct Work .......................... Replacement of Furnace ............................. Repairs & Alterations—up to $500.00 ................. . Repairs & Alterations each add. $500.00 ............... MECH. WARM AIR Furnace Shell & Duct Work to 120,000 BTU ............ each add. 60,000 BTU ....................... Replacement of Furnace ............................. Repairs & Alterations—up to $500.00 ................. Repairs & Alterations each add. $500.00 .............. STEAM or HOT WATER SYSTEM RATE TOTAL 8.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 2.50 $ 8.00 $_ 2.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 2.50 $ Furnace Shell & Dines—to 400 sq. ft. EDR Steam ...... 8.00 $ Furnace Shell & Line—to 640 sq. ft. EDR Hot Water ... 8.00 $ Each add. 200 sq. ft. EDR Steam ...................... 2.50 $ Each add. 320 sq. ft. EDR Hot Water ................... 2.50 $ OIL BURNER—to 3 gal. per hour ........................ 5.00 $ over 3 gal. per hour—See Fee Schedule GAS BURNER (up to 400,000 BTU) ....................... 5.00 $ GAS FITTING FEES: NO RATE TOTAL 1st 3 Fixtures ...................... x $1.50 $_ Additional Fixtures ................. x .50 $ Gas Range to 200,000 BTU ........... x 2.00 $ AIR CONDITIONING FAN IDEATING SYSTEM VENTILATING SYSTEM ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS REMARKS: See Fee Schedule , TOTAL FEE $ Dept. of Bldgs. Phone City of Fridley: The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City Ordinances and ruling of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. l X "w"IN. im Kind of Used as 195— To be completed about Estimated Cost, s- Old—W6 Building Permit No. DESCRIPTION OF BEATING or PO team, Hot Water, —No Trade Nam Size No '2 f Capacity Sq. Ft. E.D.R.BTU H.P. Total Connected Load Kind of Fuel BURNER — Trade Name Size No Capacity. Sq. Ft. EM.R BTU H. P. a0fooll POST IM -12-58 No_ ZU'4- SUBJECT PE City of Fridley 3 3 2 5 2 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS BUILDING PERMIT r RECEIPT NO. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. / _ r PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. ���..J E 1 NUMBER IEEv DATE PAGE of APPROVED BY I 1 CITY HALL FRIDLEV 55432 ' 763-571-3450 910-F15 11/13/02 10B ADDRESS 129 Rickard Road NE 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 3 1 Gartens Addition SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Peter Herlofsky 129 Rickard Road NE 763-574-9130 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO Cedar Valley Exteriors 1700 93 Lane NE, Blaine, MN 55449 763-755-2221 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 20177285 5 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO B USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE B DESCRIBE WORK Reroof House & Garage (20 Sq) Tear-off 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Underlayment must comply with the State Building Code. i Inspection Cub WillBe Mailed ro To Homeowner To, t SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SO. FT CU FT AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION 1 ISTALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT $2,315 $1.16 DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- $83.25 STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION Fire SC $2.32 PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE Lice e SC $5.00 $91.73 SIGNATURE OF CON'RACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT IDATEI EN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS IS YOUR PERMIT INSP PATE SIGNATURE OF OwNER,IF OWNER BUILDERI IDATE, JUN -24-1998 11:48 FROM CITY OF FRIDLEY TO 8959962 8.01/04 141✓w t i ......... ADDN [ I �CIT'Y OF FRIDLEY kLTER [ ] ��� SINGL9 FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R&17Y OF FRIDLEY �z BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. (p FRIDLEY, NIN 55432-4384 -onstructionAddress: _ ` C� zgal Description: honer Name & Address: Tel. N 57q —1' 1--2')0 :ontractor:� fet'l MN LICENSE 11� f v� .Address:./ Tel. 1/ -6 Attach to this application, a Certificate of Survey of the 10t, with the proposed construction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT LIVING AREA: Length Width .Height Sq. Ft. GARAGE AREA: Length Width Height Sq. Ft. DECK AREA: LengthT i th HgVGround Sq. Ft. DTHER: A ` .onstruction Type: Estimated Cost: $ (Fee Schedule on Back) )riveway Club Cut Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Ft x $ _ $ )ATE: APPLICANT: Tel. TOTAL $� , ;TIPULATIONS: .,A 110 CITY USE ONLY 'ermit Fee $ 3: Z' Fee Schedule on Reverse Side :ire Surcharge $ .001 of Permit Valuation (1/10th%) tate Surcharge $ /, / �_ $.50/$1,000 Valuation ;AC Charge $ $1000 per SAC Unit .icense Surcharge $ $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) )riveway Escrow $ Alt. "A" or Alt. "B" Above ;rosion Control $ $450.00 Conservation Plan Review 'ark Fee $ Fee Determined by Engineering ;ewer Main Charge $ Agreement Necessary [ ] Not Necessary [ ] TOTAL $� , ;TIPULATIONS: .,A 110 City of Fridley Building Inspections Dept. Ph: 763-572-3604 FAX: 763-571-1287 6431 University Ave NE Fridley MN 55432 Mechanical -Permit# Residential Application City of Fridley See Back Side For Required Information Date Y -I %, Cdr Site Address: The applicant is: (cirlce one) Owner ontrac Property Owner: Address: City: State: / Zip: Phone: 14d Cell: Fax: Contractor Information Company Name: Contact Person: ddress:{ Address:—/-- City: City: State: Zp: Phone: Cell: Fax: Email: MN Bond# & Exp Date Type of Work (circle one): New Replacement Alteration/Remodel Detailed Description of work: &P Equipment Installed: MFG: Model: Size/BTU: MFG: Model: Size/BTU: MFG: Model: Size/BTU: Please check all that apply: _Fireplace (gas) $15.00 New Gas Grill $10.00 _A/C $25.00 _Fireplace (wood) $35.00 _Gas Unit HTR $10.00 _Air to Air exchanger $15.00 _Furnace $35.00 _Pool Heater $35.00 _Boiler $35.00 _Gas Dryer $10.00 _Ventilator $15.00 _Chimney Liner $10.00 _Gas Piping $10.00 Duct Work $10.00 Gas Range/Oven $10.00 Permit Fee $ 3 (Total from above -Minimum fee $35.00) Surcharge 0.50 Total Due $ Make check payable to City of Fridley This is an application for a permit- not valid until processed I hereby apply for a mechanical permit and I acknowledge that the Information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fridley and with the Minnesota Construction Codes; that I understand this is not a permit but only an application for a permit and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in case of all work which requires review and approval of plans. Signature of Applicant: /� Date: /SI Approval Inspector Signature: Date: Please Note: Separate permits are required for Building, Plumbing, and Electrical work Revised 6/14/2005 REQUIRED INFORMATION NEEDED TO PROCESS PERMIT RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION HVAC ❑ NEW HOMESIADDITIONS ❑ EXISTING HOME ❑ MAKE-UP AIR REQUIRED FOR NEWIEXISTING HOMES 1. Combustion Air (See note below) a. Oil or solid fuel IMC Chapter 7 with MN Amendments b. Natural Gas or PropaneUGC Chapter 3 with MN Amendments 2. Make-up Air (See note below) a. IMC Chapter 5 with MN Amendments 3. Venting a. Gas appliances IFGC Chapter 5 with MN Amendments b. Fuel other than gas IMC Chapter 8 with MN Amendments REQUIRED FOR NEW HOMES 4. Heat loss & cooling load per room a. Required on new construction IMC 1346.0312 5. Ventilation a. Per MN Energy Code 7670 or 7672 6. Duct Design Per IMC 1346.0603.2 a. ACCA Manual D NOTE: Centerpoint Energy Mechanical Code Guidelines software may be used for combustion and make up air calculations FROM :City of Fridley Building Inspections 763-572-3604 763-502-4977 F T)ATL:_— -2f U SrrN ADDRESS ,•— THUS APPLICANT IS: OW NE.R/ TENANT CONTft ACTOR SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR STATE 1,1cENs -, BOND AND CERTIF]CATE OF INSURANCt. PERMIT TYPE TYPE OF WORK DETAILED DHSCR' Eel PFR MS 1613.665 the I improvement, installat Labor cost under $300 FOR PROJEGIS WHF:RC NUMBP.R OF EACH BFT. _ BATH SINK/LAV _ BA: rHTUB CLOTHES WASHER DISHWAS HER FAX NO. :7635711287 Feb. 15 2008 12:55PM P2j PLUMBING Pe=rmit Nn.. 114. ' RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION pel:eived Tay: ! — OF PRLDLEY am Glu--- 200(cCITY 11 AI>DDRI`-SS�� VNER CUNTRAt: I OR CITY_— ONL-: J da: —FX COMWO40" E Ifl� X•P DATE_ A•fE L10E'NSF.. #_ — � HATE _. ATF BOND N _ •— 1'TATh� Z(H _, — )ORESS: Y — IONP.— .y� SINGLE FAMILY 0 TWO FAMILY O TOWNHOUSE - — — ❑ NAW •�• REPi.ACEMENT — — — .— — —• — — —" _ [ON OF WORK _ , l-� l.� — — —. _—. +_ _• — rmit fee is a minimum of 515.00 or 5%a of the total cost up to Sjoo.00, whichever is greater, for the ement orn residential fixture, excluding the fixtures. (This should reflect only the cast of labor) n or replac x .05:- —, — plus .50 suTcharge S 15.00, Labor cost between $3oo to S5oo cost of labor _ ,— OR BOR EXCEbDY $500, FF.BS' ARE BASED ON E:, E S10.001'FA FIXTURE:, WHERE NOTED. FIXrURFS: (INDICATE• 'I'UTAL 0. MINIMUM FL -F $ 15.50. - SHOWER _ WATER PIPINO - -rLOOR DRAINS SHOWER U F'001. WATER SAtTNER (5.i5) _GAS PIPING(NOV CITY LIC) —WA1'GRC:IAStir ~'-RACKPLOWPRL•V.515) KrrcH_ LALIN R TR WATER JIEA'n!R ($35) " OTl IEROR RIGATIUN _ - LAUNDRY 'PRAY WATER METER — Pe�mitFer $ — __ Number of fixtures (a 510.00 _ x $10.00' $— —• _ Surcharge ...50 NuFnber of fixtures (r� T 15.00 — x $15.00 S—. _— r— TAL DUE $ — _, — AR Number of fixtures 533.00 _ X rcharg3 5.00 $ State Surcharge = S� �IMUM 515.40 — �MINTMliM 5]5.50) Total •1 -HIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT-N(Tf VALID UNTIL Pft(-X; 5F.0 I h0eby apply for a plumbing pennit and 1 acknowledge that tic information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the Drdinances and codes of the City of Fridlcy and with the Minnesnta Construction Codas; that I understand this is not a permit but only n applicati for a permit work is not to start without a permit on site; that the work will be in accordance with the approved play in the eas Of Il work w i uues review and approval/Aof�flflpiups. SIGNATURE OF PP _PRINT NAME l/l. vVl �• DA'11; a — , DAFT APPROVED RY,— — — — — City of Fridley Building InsPeetions Department 6431 University Avenue NF., Fridley, MN 5 32 763-572-3604 FAX: 763-502-4977