COSLand Planning Land Surveyinyflnmqmll� 3 2. Soils TejMy ENGINEERING, INC. fflw5ola Civil. 6 -Municipal Aflot 440" ym Engineering EnIneers Sur ve y' certificate of r.1 "46-3,--1, � IVA 'n L survey for OPTEN"T ',.!E Vf r -'T- / hereby cerhty thei 65 5' a five and wrad repre5e,7&tjon afe swvey r#m bwndories qC Wx ehair Ascf 4rd Amd, and or& /Whan qrall buildings *re on and &// risible a w v * rhmtwls , ifem) , fw n a r &7 mid /and. A s 5 ur V nye / Vbi L--t-t do y3 V SUB UR8AN ENGINEER/NG , INC. hu, 16 r? 3/7 7