COSCERTIFICATE OF SURVEY For ' " A / �- A . V H • � use ° vl j. Q . _-= 222.,38 •-_._ - N I ..._75- /J�rofes /i"ori /�Joncsm��f I heneby eent.iJy that th.i6 iA a tAue and cokkeet teptezentation o6. a aunvey o f the boundan.te6 o6: That pant o6 Lot 5, B.2ock 2, R.ivenwood Manors, accond.ing to the -plat thene'oJ on 6 ite and o f �cecokd .in the o66 ice os .the Regi6ten o6 Deeda-, Anoka County, M.inne6ota, tying Southekty o� the Jottowing de6en.ibed tine. Commencing at the Nontheazt tonne& os aa.id Lot 5; .thence Southen.0 y along the East tine o6 zaid Lot 5 a d.i6tance o f 19.13 beet #o -the point o6 beginning o6 the tine to be descn.ibed; thence Webtenty de6.iee.t.ing to the te6t 92 degnee6, 54 m.inu#ea, 26 6econda a d.iatanee o6 295 beet to the Ea6t .a'hone tine o6 'the M.i6z iaa.ippd R.ivek and a a.id tine theta tetLm.inat ing . And o6 the .lo cation o6 att buitd.ing6', thenco n, and dtt v.i6.ibte enc�.oachm,ent6,,, i6, any,, 6nom on on 6a.td Land. A.6. 6unvey_ed by me t:h4- 1.0 h da:y o6. Januaxy, 1972. Land hveyo4nn. 14eg. No. 9061 McCOMBS- 3CNUiS01V ASSOCIATES, IN . A/ +� CONSULTING ENGINEERS B SAMO suRYEYORB ® SITS VLAMRERo Book Y'�0��3 ;;.. /� MINNawrouS. a" HUTCHINSON. MtNUI867A Project, No. 14-519 °7/ Rtdmoajj i Eee�9cE-- Land Planning su'(yu%LU�LLYG 6875 Highway No. 65 N. E. Land Surveying • �/� • Minneapolis Sails Testing �t�vnee�izny, #nC• Minn. 55432 Civil Engineering Telephone 784-6066 Municipal Engineering Engineers & Surveyors Area Code 612 Mortgage Loan Survey for BUTCHER Di114 %.E- CORNER 0f 1-0T 5 That part of Lot ;7 Block 2., Riverwood Manor, according to the plat thereof on 0e, and of record in +he o-Mce cf }he Rzr isof Oeed5, Anoka Counfy, Minnesota, linin Sovfherl f f ohe Tollowmr described line. Commencin� a� the Noriheasi corner of Said Loi- 5•, ibence- %v+erly rxlor)Q +he E4>t line of said Lo+ 5 a dis+once o; 79,13 -�ee+ to the point 4bP�►nn►n� � +he line +o by Jescribedy thence Westerly ddlee+iO -lo +6,e le. t 92, de ees , 54 minAs , N seconds ct dis+anw o -F 295 feet to the Fast Shore line oV the, River and soad line -�he.r2 terrnlmhn�. This is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the location of all buildings, if, any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. This survey is made only in connection with a mortgage loan now being placed on the property and no liability is assumed except to the holder of such mortgage or any other interest acquired by the reason of such mortgage. It is understood and agreed n4 monuments bWve been laced for the purpose of establishing lot lines or boundary corners. Dated this UNP day of N1 Rcli A. D. 19 SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC. L 34878 Engineers ��. 9 Q7f/.^utit 7vLiyo s Itp7 v C.6 Oc i2 LIJ r CY