SP 79.10Herbst and Suns Const. Co., Inc. Copy STANDARD FORM PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT , Herbst and Sons Const. Co., Inc. Minneapolis -784-8510 N® 7208 2299 Co. Rd. H New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 DEMOLITION CONTRACTORS OWNER 571-3450 Att: Darrel Clark AGENT CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 Universit Ave N.E.rialle Minn 55432 ARCHITECT TO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------....--------------- ----------------11--------- --------------------------------------- iCONTRACTOR Madethis ------------------------ Mktbt--------------------------------------------- day of ------------------ 2'_ugus1-------------------------------------- 19.7$ For .... recking of building --- ------ --- ---- -------- Located at ---- 8I25 _ Riv__eryiew Terrace - Minn. in the City of --------------Fridley a------------ _----------------------, State of --------- n - ---- Subject to the Terms and Conditions hereinafter stipulated: (1) We agree to wreck, dismantle, and/or remove the above described structure--__, in accordance with the following specifications: Utility disconnections to be made and paid for by: --- owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____________________ Basement to be left clean and empty: Yes ....... .-.---- No________________ Basement to be filled with non-combustible material and dirt: Yes ----- R--------- No_-__-__-_----. (Fill From Site) Erection of barricade around basement hole after wrecking to be done by -None__ required_-__________________________________ Barricades furnished by contractor to remain his property and returned to him upon release by owner. Contract- ors liability on property to cease upon erection and acceptance of barricades by owner. Salvageable material to remain property of owner:. -HERBS T & S ONS CONS T T. CO. ,_ INC . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tree Removal: ------ None Leveling of Lot: .... Rough_grade demolition area only -- Permit to be paid by:.J�_&_SONS CONST.CO.,.._INC. - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Completion time: .... _ day_s _after notification to proceed. weather permittin---------------------------------------- Other , _ - Other Contract conditions: .... Wreck Building,__leave_slab & fill_ from site. Pull well as best ___ ,possible and remove 55 gal, cess pool. --•---------------------------------------------------------•----- (2) We will do this work for and in consideration of our receiving all salvage of every nature and description contained in and/or derived from said wrecking, all of which is to become our property, and in addition thereto payment to us of the sum of__ RIGHT._1i(Tl`1D_l1ED_ ANp__ty0/100-----------------------Dollars ($--- 00.00_____) payment of which shall be made as follows______________30__dnys__af er_ completion_ of_ co>b ract,______________________------ (a) Persons or companies furnishing labor or materials for the improvement of real property may enforce a lien upon the im- proved land if they are not paid for their contributions, even if such parties have no direct contractual relationship with the owner; (b) Minnesota law permits the owner to withhold from his contractor so much of the contract price as may be necessary to meet the demands of all other lien claimants, pay directly such liens and deduct the cost thereof from the contract price, or withhold amounts from his contractor until the expiration of 90 days from the completion of such improvement unless the contractor furnishes to the owner waivers of claims for mechanics' liens signed by persons who furnished any labor or material for the improvement and who provided the owner with timely notice. Contractor's Insurance Coverage: Workmen's Compensation and/or Workmen's Liability, statutory, Public Liability or Bodily injury, $800,000 each person, $500,000 each accident. Property Damage, $150,000 each accident, $200,000 aggregate. (4) This proposal, if accepted, shall constitute a contract and agreement between the Wrecking Contractor and the Owner, Architect, or General Contractor, or any of their agents, for the wrecking of the buildings or structures named herein. (5) Notwithstanding the reference in previous paragraphs to "wreck, dismantle, and remove;" unless otherwise specifically stated in the specifications, the Wrecking Contractor reserves the right to dismantle the building or buildings by reducing the floors, walls, ceiling, and roofs to flat panels, or to remove the building as a whole or substantially as a whole, or by accomplishing such wrecking, dismantling, and removal by such other means as it elects. (6) This proposal is submitted under the assumption that the buildings or structures when released to the Wrecking Contractor, will be in the same condition as when this proposal was submitted, and the Owner or his agents agrees to Pay to the Wrecking Contractor the prevailing market price for any materials or salvage taken from the premises by the Owner or others in the intervening time. (7) The Wrecking Contractor shall not be held liable for the adequacy or responsibility of any of the Architect's or Owner's plans, specifications or designs for shoring, bracing, temporary construction, such as canopies and bridges, or the stability of any parts of buildings, party walls, adjoining build- ings, or parts thereof, which are to he left standing; nor does this probosal include any of the above work unless specifically mentioned herein. (8) This proposal is submitted under the assumption that the plans and specifications are complete (unless otherwise noted), and no work is to be included that is not specifically mentioned. Any extra work which the Wrecking Contractor is requested to perform shall be paid for as extra work, and will be done only on the written direction of the Owner or Architect or their agents. (0) If the building or structures are dismantled according to contract, but are found to he inviolation of legal reeutrements or property rights of other's, the Owner shall defend the Contractor against any suit or action brought against him for such violation, and shall pay all fines, damages and assessments levied against the Wrecking Contractor as a result of such suit or action. (10) In the event the said buildings or structures are damaged or destroyed prior to the date of the commencement of wrecking, then the Wrecking Con- tractor shall have the option to rescind this proposal or agreement, and the Owner agrees to such recision. Further, the Owner agrees that the buildings or structures on said premises are insured against fire and tornado, and that in the event the said property, which is insured, is destroyed or damaged by fire or tornado before it is dismantled from said premises, the Owner will hold all proceeds of such insurance for the benefit of the Wrecking Contractor to -in- demnify It for its loss of said buildings or structures. (11) Unless the contract for this work states a definite per diem bonus and penalty for any specified time or length of time for completion, the Can. tractor shall not be held liable or be reouired to pay any amount as liquidated damages for delay in completion, and Owner shall waive all claim for dam. age against said Contractor for his failure to complete the work in a given time. (12) This instrument shall contain all of the terms and conditions under which the wopk is to be done and shall not be altered or modified except for an additional written instrument newly signed by both parties. (13) This proposal, if not accepted under the conditions herein stated, and within ten days from date hereof, ceases thereafter, subject to the option of the Wrecking Contractor, to be an offer for acceptance. ACCEPTED: .......................................... 19 ... . By (Owner - Agent -'*A* rchitect - Contraetorj Owner's Purchase Order No .................................... HERBST SONS CONST ., INC. By: .. -• •-- ......... ................ Title __ Vice President 1 r STANDARD FORM PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT Herbst and Sons Const. Co., Inc. Minneapolis -784.8510 2299 Co. Rd. H New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 DEMOLITION CONTRACTORS OWNER AGENT ARCHITECT TO: ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ CONTRACTOR Madethis---------------------------------------------------------------------------day of---------------------=------------------------------------------- 19_ --- For------------------------------------ ------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Located at ---------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------- 7 ------------------- ---------------------------------------------- inthe City of ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- State of -------------- ---=------------------------------------------------------------ Subject to the Terms and Conditions hereinafter stipulated: (1) We agree to wreck, dismantle, and/or remove the above described structure____, in accordance with the following specifications: Utility disconnections to be made and paid for by__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Basement to be left clean and empty: Yes________________ No________________ Basement to be filled with non-combustible material and dirt: Yes________________ No________________ Erection of barricade around basement hole after wrecking to be done by ---- `_--- -------------------- ---------------------------------- Barricades furnished by contractor to remain his property and returned to him upon release by owner. Contract- ors liability on property to cease upon erection and acceptance of barricades by owner. Salvageable material to remain property of owner: ... ---------------------------------------- ------- ___------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TreeRemoval- --------==--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leveling of Lot- ----------------- --- --- - ------ - - Permit to be paid by: ---------------------,----------- =-- == = = ---------`--••--•--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Completion time: --------------------------- --------------­----- - Other Contract conditions: ------- ----- =---- - - { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) We will do this work for and in consideration of our receiving all salvage of every nature and description contained in and/or derived from said wrecking, all of which is to become our property, and in addition thereto payment to us of the sum of ----------- ----------­----= -- - = Dollars (�---------=- -----) payment of which shall be made as follows: ------------------- ------ - ----- - -=--- - ----- ----------=---------------------------- (a) Persons or companies furnishing labor or materials for the improvement of real property may enforce a lien upon the im- proved land if they are not paid for their contributions, even if such parties have no direct contractual relationship with the owner; (b) Minnesota law permits the owner to withhold from his contractor so much of the contract price as may be necessary to meet the demands of all other lien claimants, pay directly such liens and deduct the cost thereof from the contract price, or withhold amounts from his contractor until the expiration of 90 days from the completion of such improvement unless the contractor furnishes to the owner waivers of claims for mechanics' liens signed by persons who furnished any labor or material for the improvement and who provided the owner with timely notice. Contractor's Insurance Coverage: Workmen's Compensation and/or Workmen's Liability, statutory, Public Liability or Bodily injury, $300,000 each person, $500,000 each accident. Property Damage, $150,000 each accident, $200,000 aggregate. (4) This proposal, if accepted, shall constitute a contract and agreement between the Wrecking Contractor and the Owner, Architect, or General Contractor, or any of their agents, for the wrecking of the buildings or structures named herein. (5) Notwithstanding the reference in previous paragraphs to "wreck, dismantle, and remove," unless otherwise specifically stated in the specifications, the Wrecking Contractor reserves the right to dismantle the building or buildings by reducing the floors, walls, ceiling, and roofs to flat panels, or to remove the building as a whole or substantially as a whole, or by accomplishing such wrecking, dismantling, and removal by such other means as it elects. (6) This proposal is submitted under the assumption that the buildings or structures when released to the Wrecking Contractor, will be in the same condition as when this proposal was submitted, and the Owner or his agents agrees to pay to the Wrecking Contractor the prevailing market price for any materials or salvage taken from the premises by the Owner or others in the intervening time. (7)'The Wrecking Contractor shall not be held liable for the adequacy or responsibility of any of the Architect's or Owner's plans, specifications or designs for shoring, bracing, temporary construction, such as canopies and bridges, or the stability of any parts of buildings, party walls, adjoining build- ings, or parts thereof, which are to be left standing; nor does this probosal include any of the above work unless specifically mentioned herein. 13) This proposal is submitted under the assumption that the plans and specifications are complete (unless otherwise noted), and no work is to be included that is not specifically mentioned. Any extra work which the Wrecking Contractor is requested to perform shall be paid for as extra work, and will be done only on the written direction of the Owner or Architect or their agents. (9) If the building or structures are dismantled according to contract, but are found to be in violation of legal requirements or property rights of others, the Owner shall defend the Contractor against any suit or action brought against him for such violation, and shall pay all fines, damages and assessments levied against the Wrecking Contractor as a result of such suit or action. (10) In the event the said buildings or structures are damaged or destroyed prior to the date of the commencement of wrecking, then the Wrecking Con- tractor shall have the option to rescind this proposal or agreement, and the Owner agrees to such recision. Further, the Owner agrees that the buildings or structures on said premises are insured against fire and tornado, and that in the event the said property, which is insured, is destroyed or damaged by fire or tornado before it is dismantled from said nremises, the Owner will hold all proceeds of such insurance for the benefit of the Wrecking Contractor to -in- demnify It for its loss of said buildings or structures. (11) Unless the contract for this work states a definite per diem bonus and penalty for any specified time or length of time for comnletion, the Con- tractor shall not be held liable or be required to nay any amount as liquidated damages for delay in comnletion, and Owner shall waive all claim for dam- age against said Contractor for his failure to complete the work in a given time. (12) This instrument shall contain all of the terms and conditions under which the work is to be done and shall not be 'altered or modified except for an additional written instrument newly signed by both parties. (13) This proposal, if not accepted under the conditions herein stated, and within ten days from date hereof, ceases thereafter, subject to the option of the Wrecking Contractor, to be an offer for acceptance. ACCEPTED: .......................................... 19.... HERBST AND SONS CONST. CO., INC. .............................................................. By: --------------- --- ----- •------------------------------ By: ......................................................... Title __---------------------------------------------------------------------- - (Owner - Agent - Architect - Contractor) Owner's Purchase Order No .................................... PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 8, 1979 PAGE 6 - UPON A VOICE VOTE,.ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Harris informed the petitioner that the request had been recommmended to Council for approval with stipulations and would go to Council on August 20, 1R79, and suggested that all interested parties attend. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT a SP #79-10, EXCALIBUR Htion 20 toallow the construction of two neva dwellinas on Lots 27-30, B1ook S Riverview Heights, in CPR -2 zonin flood lain he same being 8125 Riverview Terrace N.E. Mr. Harris stated that this item was to be continued for two weeks at the request of the petitioner. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to continue the request for Special Use Permit SP X79-10, for two weeks. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #79-03, by JuhN & UAIL �a'r�ilvus Split off the Westerly 20 feet of Lot 1 Block 1 Veit's Addition o Riverview Terrace N.E. and add 1t to Lot 2, Block 2, Veit's W Te Mr. Boardman stated that page 23 of the agenda was a plot plan layout. The plot plan indicates a building to the west which is 23x32 and that building is not there. What they are planning on doing is splitting off 20 feet of this lot and adding it on to the house to the west. Mr. Boardman showed the Commissioners an aerial photograph of the area and explained the situation more clearly. He stated that he understood that any garage to be located on the property would be located to the rear of the house with access off Riverview Terrace. Mr. Boardman explained to the Commissioners where the lot line would be. John & Gail Estling came forward and showed the Commissioners a copy of their survey which showed the lot line more clearly. Ms. Schnabel stated that it was her understanding that the main purpose of this split was to increase the size of the lot. She asked if that was correct? Mr. Harris stated that was correct and it would also give them more parking which they need. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Boardman if.6421 Way was a dedicated street? Mr. Boardman stated that he was not sure and that it didn't look like it. He stated that they couldn't get a snowplow in there if they wanted to. Mr. Harris suggested they look into that and if it is not vacated, we should do it. Mr. Boardman agreed and stated he would look into it. PLANNING COMMISSION -MEET NG, AUGUST 8, .1979 PAGE 5 Ms, Hughes also stated that they should have some stipulations, one of which would be to close the access near the neighbors property. Also, they should be asked to keep the parking lot in good order. Chances are they don't sweep it often enough since the plantings in front are not taken care of very well. They may need to be asked to do that. Also, they should be asked to make sure they don't have the children's activities close to the neighbor's yard. They have a big enough area to avoid that. Ms. Schnabel agreed and stated that some consciousness -raising on the part of the church could be in order especially in regards to the problems of the neighbors. She felt the two of them could come to a satisfactory solution. She stated she col.ild understand the concerns of the neighbor in terms of working nights and sleeping days and the church should be willing to close off that access. Mr. Hora agreed. Mr. Treuenfels also agreed especially in light of the fact that Fridley does not have another day care center centrally located. Mr. Harris stated that he felt it was a good proposal with modifications. He suggested a security fence around the playground equipment for their own benefit. That kind of equipment would be an attractive nusiance and the church would be liable. Also, something could be done with signage for the egress off of Monroe Street indicating that pickup and drop off traffic should use the access off Monroe Street only. Mr. Boardman stated that would be required anyway. Mr. Harris stated that it should be stipulated. He also recommended that the church put some plantings and vegetative screening along the neighbor's property line. He stated that they could possibly do this in a phase program with the fencing and driveway blockage being done this year and the vegetative screening being done in the Spring. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to recommend to Count 1 approval of the request for Special Use Permit SP #79-09, Fridley United Methodist Churchs Per Section 205.051, 3, F, to allow the church to have a day care center, located on Lots 1-3 and Lots 22- 25, Block 29 Christie's Addition, the same being 666 Mississippi Street N.E., with the following stipulationss 1) the driveway access to Bennett Street be chained off during the week beginning with the first day of businessz 2) proper fence of playground facilities by the first day of business; 3) the church plants a vegetative barrier -between their property and the properties located west of the church to be completed in the Spring of 1980. The plantings will be approved by Staff. Ms. Finney stated that in regards to the second stipulation, the church Board'had discussed that and felt that the fence would be more attractive to children. Mr. Harris stated that by fencing it they were at least taking action to prevent someone from using it. If no action were taken, they could be liable. Ms. Finney asked how high the fence would have to be? Mr. Boardman stated that a 4 foot fence would be adequate. -41=01TY OF FRIDLEY 4431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 812)571.3450 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Appeals Commission of the City of Fridley will conduct a public hearing in the City Council Chambers at 6431 Univers 'k;y Avenue Northeast at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday; July 31, 1979, in regard to the following: Request for variances.pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code, to reduce the minimum lot area from the required 7500 square feet for lots platted before December 29, 1955, to 5584 square feet, and to reduce the requirement that there be 20 feet between living areas of adjacent dwellings on any parcel of land 60 feet br less in width, to 10 feet,,to allow the construction of*two new dwellings in CPR -2 Zoning (flood plain) the same being 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. Notice is hereby give that all persons having an interest therein will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above time and place. VIRGINIA $CHNABL-L CHAIRWOMAN -APPEALS M•�K' '5tIQN AS IS OBVIOUS BY THE ATTACHED DIAGRAMS, THE LOTS FOR WHICH WE SEEK THE ABOVE VARIANCE FALL SHORT OF FRIDLEY'S MINIMUM PROPERTY REQUIREMENT. WE HAVE RESEARCHED ALL REASONABLE ALTERNATIVES PRIOR TO SEEKING SUCH VARIANCE AND HAVE CONCLUDED THAT OBTAINING THE VARIANCE FOR EACH LOT IS THE ONLY FEASIBLE COURSE OF ACTION. THE FIRST AND FOREMOST CONSIDERATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ABOVE LOTS IS THE SUITABILITY OF THE LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION. WE FOUND THAT BOTH LOTS ARE BELOW THE FLOOD PLAIN AND THUS WOULD REQUIRE AN EXTENSIVE AMOUNT OF FILL 70 BRIM THEM TO BUILDING CONDITION. THE ESTIMATED COST OF REQUIRED FILL PER LOT IS $4;000. IF THE LOTS -WERE COMBINED, A TOTAL COST OF $$,000 WOULD BE ADDED TO A SINGLE PEICE OF PROPERTY. THE PRESENT PRICE OF EACH LOT IS $6,500. IF THE LOTS WERE COMBINED, THIS PRICE WOULD DOUBLE TO $13,000. ADDED TO THE COST OF THE REQUIRED FILL FOR THE COMBINED LOT, -THE PRICE OF THE LOT WOULD THEN BE $21,000. OBVIOUSLY THIS SUM WOULD BE FAR OUT OF THE CURRENT PRICE RADE FOR THE AREA. ANOTHER CONSIDERATION ALONG THESE LINES IS THE COST OF SODDING, A REQUIREMENT OF THE CITY. THE AGGREGATE COST OF SODDING THE TWO LOTS IS $2,400. IF THE LOTS WERE COMBINED, THIS ENTIRE COST WOULD BE PASSED ONTO ONE PEICE OF PROPERTY, INCREASING THE PRICE OF A SINGLE LOT WHICH IS ALREADY OUT OF ITS MARKET RANGE. SHOULD A VARIANCE BE GRANTED THE ABOVE LISTED COSTS CAN BE DIVIDED PUTTING THE PRICE IN THE AREA OF $12,000 WHICH IS CERTAINLY IN LINE WITH CURRENT PRICES OF THE AREA. CONTINGENT UPON RECEIVING A VARIANCE FROM THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, WE HAVE PUT 7625 HIGHWAY 65 N. E. ® FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 ® 786-6911 TOGETHER A PROPOSED HOME PACKAGE FOR EACH OF THE LOTS. THE TOTAL PACKAGE WAS PRICED AT $67,000. BOTH PACKAGES WERE SUBMITTED FOR PROSPECTIVE BUYERS TO THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION FOR FINANCE APPROVAL AND APPRAISAL. THE PROSPECTIVE BUYERS ARE APPROVED FOR V.A. MORTGAGES. THE V.A. APPROVED BOTH HOMES AS THEY ARE PROPOSED TO BE SITUATED ON THE TWO LOTS. HOWEVER, THE APPRAISAL GIVEN TO THE PACKAGE WAS ONLY $63,000. THE REASON GIVEN FOR THE LOWER APPRAISAL WAS CONSIDERATION OF THE NEIGHBORING AREA. THIS DEMONSTRATES AGAIN, THE IMPRACTIBILITY OF COMBINING THE TWO LOTS TO BE MARKETED AS A SINGLE LOT FOR A PRICE OF $23,400, EXCLUSIVE OF ANY ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE. ATTACHED ARE THREE DIAGRAMS LABLED A, B,. AND C. DIAGRAM A DEPICTS THE SAME HOUSE PROPOSED FOR EACH OF THE TWO EXISTING LOTS ON A SINGLE COMBINED LOT. WITH THE ADDED EXPENSE OF THE SECOND LOT, THIS HOME WOULD NOW COST $72,250. EVEN TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE ADDITIONAL LAND ENCOMPASSED IN THE PACKAGE, THE APPRAISAL WOULD NOT EVEN COME CLOSE TO THE PURCHASE PRICE, ESPECIALLY AS IT WAS NOTED THAT ADJOINING AREA COMPARABLES WAS THE REASON FOR THE LOWER APPRAISAL GIVEN TO OUR PROPOSED PACKAGES. AS INDICATED IN THIS DIAGRAM, THE DRAINAGE AREA ON THE PROPERTY WOULD CERTAINLY BE INCREASED, HOWEVER THE SURROUNDING AREA WOULD NOT WARRANT SUCH AN EXTREME PRICE FOR THIS TYPE HOME. DIAGRAM B SHOWS A T -SHAPED HOME, 28' BY 46' WITH A FORMAL FOYER AND A 24' BY 30' ATTACHED GARAGE. THIS IS THE SIZE HOME THAT WOULD FIT THE COMBINED SINGLE LOT. THE COST OF THIS HOME WOULD BE $87,900. AGAIN,'OUT PRICED FOR THE AREA. FURTHER, THE DRAINAGE AREA ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE HOME WOULD NOT CHANGE AND THE DRAINAGE AREA TO THE SOUTH OF THE HOME WOULD INCREASE ONLY BY 2.5'. DIAGRAM C SHOWS A 24' BY 40' HOME WITH A 20' BY 24' ATTACHED GARAGE SITUATED IN LINE WITH EXISTING HOMES. 'IN THIS INSTANCE, THE DRAINAGE AREAS ON BOTH THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF THE HOME REMAIN THE SAME. THE PRICE OF THIS HOME WOULD BE $74,900 ALSO OUT OF THE AREA PRICE RANGE. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE SHORT SIDE LOTS OF OUR TWO PROPOSED HOMES ARE BETWEEN THE HOMES THAT CERTIFIED WOULD CONSTRUCT. WE WOULD THEREFORE BE ABLE TO CONTROL THE MEANS OF DRAINAGE IN'THIS MINIMAL AREA TO INSURE AGAINST ANY DRAINAGE PROBLEMS. WE WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT THE TWO LOTS IN QUESTION WERE PLATTED PRIOR TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MINIMUM PROPERTY DIMENSION REQUIREMENT. WE BELEIVE THAT THIS IS A POINT OF CONSIDERATION. HAD THESE PLATS BEEN RECORDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE MINIMUM STANDARD, WE WOULD NOT BE ENCOUNTERING OUR CURRENT PROBLEM. WE FEEL THAT THE ABOVE EXPLANATIONS EVIDENCE THE NEED FOR.THE REQUESTED VARIANCE. THE HOMES PROPOSED FOR THE EXISTING LOTS WOULD ENHANCE THE AESTHETIC ASPECT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND ADD TO THE PROPERTY VALUES OF THE AREA. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOTS WOULD CERTAINLY BE AN IMPROVEMENT OVER THEIR PRESENT STATES AND WE DO NOT FORSEE THAT THE ADJOINING HOMES WOULD INCUR ANY HARDSHIP DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED HOMES. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION IN THIS MATTER. VERY T ULY YOURS, BORG YJCE • PRES DENT 0 5431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TELEPHONE ( 512)571-3450 Notice is hereby given that the Appeals Commission of the City of Fridley will conduct a public hearing in the City Council Chambers at 6431 University Avenue Northeast at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, July 31, 1979 in regard to the following: Request for variances pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code., to reduce the minimum lot area from the required 7500 square feet for lots platted before December 29, 1955, to 5584 square feet, and to reduce the requirement that there be 20 feet between living areas of adjacent dwellings on any parcel of land 60 feet 6r less in width, to 10 feet,,to allow the construction of two new dwellings in CPR -2 Zoning (flood plain) the same being 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. Notice is hereby give that all persons having an interest therein will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above time and place. VIRGINIA SCHN.AUL CHAIRWOMAN APPEAL$ GQMM $,- WN Item #2 July 31, 1979 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.053, 1B) On a plat recorded before December 29, 1955, the mini- mum lot area is 7,500 square feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to avoid the condition of over- crowding of a residential neighborhood and to avoid an excess burden on the_ existing water and sewer services, and to avoid reduction of surrounding . property values. Section 205.053, 2, (B,3) On parcels of land less than 60 feet in width,- but not less than 50 feet in width, and are comprised of one or more full sized lots or parts thereof, on a subdivision or plat recorded before De-.;,.. cember 29, 1955, the minimum required lot width can be lowered to allow a building on this parcel with the side yard requirements reduced to five (5) feet minimum on each side subject to the distance between the living areas in any two adjacent buildings is at least 20 feet. Section 205.053, 4, b, Two side yards are required, each with a width of not less than 10 feet. Public purpose served by these sections of the code is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to con= flagration of fire and also to allow for aesthetically pleasing open spaces around residential structures. B. STATED HARDSHIP: See Attached Letter dated July 23, 1979 C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: These lots are located within the flood plain, therefore a substantial amount of fill will have to be brought in. This will result in raising these prop- erties above the neighboring structures. The proposal consists of four 25 foot lots on which the petitioner has proposed to build two homes 10 feet apart. They are two full stories above grade (approximately 16 feet). The staff recommends that the Appeals Commission consider denying all vari- ances for the following reasons and that the petitioner consider building one house on four lots. 1. The houses would only be 10 feet apart and that will appear to be very close since the vertical height of the wall is 16 feet. 2. With one house, the degree of slope between the lot line and the elevated area could be lessened with more distance to make up the difference in elevation. A lot area should be left on the lot and a catch basin'installed and be con- nected to the existing basin on Glencoe. This would allow for a better drain- age plan as the one proposed does not allow adequate fall away from the exist- ing home. Item #2 July 31, 1979 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.053, 1B) On a plat recorded before December 29, 1955, the mini- mum lot area is 7,500 square feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to avoid the condition of over- crowding of a residential neighborhood and to avoid an excess burden on the existing water and sewer services, and to avoid reduction of surrounding property values. Section 205.053, 2, (B,3) On parcels of land less than 60 feet in width, but not less than 50 feet in width, and are comprised of one or more full sized lots or parts thereof, on a subdivision or plat recorded before De- cember 29, 1955, the minimum required lot width can be lowered to allow a building on this parcel with the side yard requirements reduced to five (5) feet minimum on each side subject to the distance between the living areas in any two adjacent buildings is at least 20 feet. Section 205.053, 4, b, Two side yards are required, each with a width of not less than 10 feet. Public purpose served by these sections of the code is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to con- flagration of fire and also to allow for aesthetically pleasing open spaces around residential structures. B. STATED HARDSHIP: See Attached Letter dated July 23, 1979 C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: These lots are located within the flood plain, therefore a substantial amount of fill will have to be brought in. This will result in raising these prop- erties above the neighboring structures. The proposal consists of four 25 foot lots on which the petitioner has proposed to build two homes 10 feet apart. They are two full stories above grade (approximately 16 feet). The staff recommends that the Appeals Commission consider denying all vari- ances for the following reasons and that the petitioner consider building one house on four lots. 1. The houses would only be 10 feet apart and that will appear to be very close since the vertical height of the wall is 16 feet. 2. With one house, the degree of slope between the lot line and the elevated area could be lessened with more distance to make up the difference in elevation. LOW A 1 O area should be left on the lot and a catch basin installed and be con- nected to the existing basin on Glencoe. This would allow for a better drain- age plan as the one proposed does not allow adequate fall away from the exist- ing home. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 DEAR COUNCIL MEMBERS: JULY 23, 1979 RE: REQUEST FOR VARIANCE OF MINIMUM_' PROPERTY REQUIREMENT - LOTS 27 & 28, BLOCK S, AND LOTS 29 & 30, BLOCK S, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS AS IS OBVIOUS BY THE ATTACHED DIAGRAMS, THE LOTS FOR WHICH WE SEEK THE ABOVE VARIANCE FALL SHORT OF FRIDLEYtS MINIMUM PROPERTY REQUIREMENT. WE HAVE RESEARCHED ALL REASONABLE ALTERNATIVES PRIOR TO SEEKING SUCH VARIANCE AND HAVE CONCLUDED THAT OBTAINING THE VARIANCE FOR EACH LOT IS THE ONLY FEASIBLE COURSE OF ACTION. THE FIRST AND FOREMOST CONSIDERATION IN''THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ABOVE LOTS IS THE SUITABILITY OF THE LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION. WE FOUND THAT BOTH LOTS ARE BELOW THE FLOOD PLAIN AND THUS WOULD REQUIRE AN EXTENSIVE AMOUNT OF FILL TO BRING THEM. TO BUILDING CONDITION. THE ESTIMATED COST OF REQUIRED FILL PER LOT IS $4,000. IF THE LOTS WERE COMBINED, A TOTAL COST OF $8,000 WOULD BE ADDED TO A SINGLE PEICE OF PROPERTY. THE PRESENT PRICE OF EACH LOT IS $60500. IF THE LOTS WERE COMBINED, THIS PRICE WOULD DOUBLE TO $13,000. ADDED TO THE COST OF THE REQUIRED FILL FOR THE COMBINED LOT, THE PRICE OF THE LOT WOULD THEN BE $21,000. OBVIOUSLY THIS SUM WOULD BE FAR OUT OF THE CURRENT PRICE RANGE FOR THE AREA.. ANOTHER CONSIDERATION ALONG THESE LINES IS THE COST OF SODDING, A REQUIREMENT OF THE CITY. THE AGGREGATE COST OF SODDING THE TWO LOTS IS $2,400. IF THE LOTS WERE COMBINED, THIS ENTIRE COST WOULD BE PASSED ONTO ONE PEICE OF PROPERTY, INCREASING THE PRICE OF A SINGLE LOT WHICH IS ALREADY OUT OF ITS MARKET RANGE. SHOULD A VARIANCE BE GRANTED THE ABOVE LISTED COSTS CAN BE DIVIDED PUTTING THE PRICE IN THE AREA OF $12,000 WHICH IS CERTAINLY IN LINE WITH CURRENT PRICES OF THE AREA. CONTINGENT UPON RECEIVING A VARIANCE FROM THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, WE HAVE PUT i 7625 HIGHWAY 65 N. E. ® FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 o 786-6911 v i I , TOGETHER A PROPOSED HOME PACKAGE FOR EACH OF THE.. LOTS. THE TOTAL PACKAGE WAS PRICED AT $67,000. BOTH PACKAGES WERE SUBMITTED FOR PROSPECTIVE BUYERS TO THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION FOR FINANCE APPROVAL AND APPRAISAL. THE PROSPECTIVE BUYERS ARE APPROVED FOR V.A.* MORTGAGES. THE.V.A. APPROVED BOTH HOMES AS THEY ARE PROPOSED TO BE SITUATED ON THE TWO LOTS. HOWEVER, THE APPRAISAL GIVEN TO THE PACKAGE WAS ONLY $63,000. THE REASON GIVEN FOR THE LOWER APPRAISAL WAS CONSIDERATION OF THE NEIGHBORING AREA. THIS DEMONSTRATES AGAIN, THE IMPRACTIBILITY :OF COMBINING THE TWO LOTS TO!'BE MARKETED AS A SINGLE LOT FOR A PRICE OF $23,400, EXCLUSIVE.OF ANY ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE ATTACHED ARE THREE DIAGRAMS LABLED A, B.. AND C. DIAGRAM A DEPICTS THE SAME , HOUSE PROPOSED FOR EACH OF THE TWO EXISTING LOTS ON A SINGLE COMBINED LOT. WITH THE ADDED EXPENSE OF THE SECOND LOT, THIS HOME WOULD NOW COST $72,250. EVEN TAKING. INTO CONSIDERATION THE ADDITIONAL LAND ENCOMPASSED IN THE PACKAGE, THE APPRAISAL WOULD NOT EVEN COME CLOSE TO THE PURCHASE PRICE, ESPECIALLY AS IT WAS NOTED THAT !.- ADJOINING AREA COMPARABLES WAS THE REASON FOR THE LOWER APPRAISAL GIVEN TO OUR PROPOSED PACKAGES. AS INDICATED IN THIS DIAGRAM, THE DRAINAGE AREA ON THE PROPERTY WOULD CERTAINLY BE INCREASED, HOWEVER THE SURROUNDING AREA WOULD NOT WARRANT SUCH AN EXTREME PRICE FOR THIS TYPE HOME. DIAGRAM B SHOWS A T -SHAPED -HOME, 28' BY 46' WITH A FORMAL FOYER AND A 24' BY 301 ATTACHED GARAGE. THIS IS THE SIZE HOME THAT WOULD FIT THE COMBINED SIDLE LOT. THE COST OF THIS HOME WOULD BE $870900. AGAIN, OUT PRICED FOR THE AREA. FURTHER, THE DRAINAGE AREA ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE HOME WOULD NOT CHANGE AND THE DRAINAGE.AREA TO THE SOUTH OF THE HOME WOULD INCREASE ONLY BY 2.5'. DIAGRAM C SHOWS A 24' BY 40' HOME WITH A 20' BY 24' ATTACHED GARAGE SITUATED IN LINE WITH EXISTING HOMES. IN THIS INSTANCE, THE DRAINAGE AREAS ON BOTH THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF THE HOME REMAIN THE SAME. THE PRICE OF THIS HOME WOULD BE $74,900 ALSO OUT OF THE AREA PRICE RANGE. IT SHOULD BE NOTED.THAT THE SHORT SIDE LOTS OF OUR TWO PROPOSED HOMES ARE BETWEEN THE HOMES THAT CERTIFIED WOULD CONSTRUCT. WE WOULD THEREFORE BE ABLE TO CONTROL THE MEANS OF DRAINAGE IN'THIS MINIMAL AREA TO INSURE AGAINST ANY DRAINAGE PROBLEMS.- WE ROBLEMS.WE WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT THE TWO LOTS IN QUESTION WERE PLATTED PRIOR TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MINIMUM PROPERTY DIMENSION REQUIREMENT. WE BELEIVE THAT THIS IS A POINT OF CONSIDERATION. HAD THESE PLATS BEEN RECORDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE MNIMUM STANDARD, WE WOULD NOT BE ENCOUNTERING OUR CURRENT PROBLEM. WE FEEL THAT THE ABOVE EXPLANATIONS EVIDENCE THE NEED FOR THE REQUESTED VARIANCE. THE HOMES PROPOSED FOR THE EXISTING LOTS WOULD ENHANCE THE AESTHETIC ASPECT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND ADD TO THE PROPERTY VALUES OF THE AREA. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOTS WOULD CERTAINLY BE AN IMPROVEMENT OVER THEIR PRESENT STATES AND WE DO NOT FORSEE THAT THE ADJOINING HOMES WOULD INCUR ANY HARDSHIP DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED HOMES. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION IN THIS MATTER. VERY T ULY YOURS, i `, t S ORG YICE'PRESIDENT ,... %, CITY OF FRIDLEY• APPEALS *CO1,-1rZISSION MEETING - AUGUST 14, 1979 CALL TO ORDERS Chairwoman Schnabel called the August 14, 1979, meeting of the Appeals Commission to order at 7130 P.M. ROLL CALLS Members Presents Poor. Plemel, Mr. Kemper, Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Gable, Mr. Barna Members Absents - None Others Presents Clyde Moravetz, Engineer Aide/ Adam. 1. APPROVE APPEALS COT.tiMISSION MINUTES 1 JULY 31, 19-79s MOTION by'Tvlr. Barna, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to approve the July 31, 19799 minutes of the Appeals Commission. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. V E TH_w OI:1 T THE ARE FEET, AND TO REDUCE T71E REQ.UIiiL:iiENT THAT THERE BI: TWENTY J..i-u.:_,s ab_:a:,ia 1I1 Y.L1'4lz nit_lt:a V.0 ui�l hill W'* ND 60 FEET OR LESS IN 1IDTH TO 10 FEET TO ALLOva THE CONSTRUCTI _T:^JO D'�^• ELLINGS IN CPR -2 ZONING FLOOD PLAIN), TIS SAI.... -LE BEING 812 d 81 RIVEILVIEec TERRACE Td —3 (Request by Excalibur Homes, Inc. 25 Hi�hwav 7'6� PTE. �Prid1 Pv. 1'1-n_ MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the Public Hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWODIAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:33 P.1.7. Ms. Schnabel asked the petitioner, Ernie Pasborg, to come forward and read the Administrative Staff Report as followss ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED -BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.053, 1B) On a plat recorded before December 29, 1955, the mini- mum lot area is 7,500 square feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to avoid the condition of over- crowding of a residential neighborhood and to avoid an excess burden on the existing water and sewer services, and to avoid reduction of surrounding property values. APPEALS 00131ISSION 10ETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 PAGE 2 Section 205.053, 2, (B,3) On parcels of _land less than 60 feet in width,• but not less than 50 feet in width, and are comprised of one or more full sized lots or parts thereof, on a subdivision or plat recorded before De-.,., cember.29, 1955, the minimum required lot width can be lowered to allow a building on this parcel with the side yard requirements reduced to five (5) feet minimum on each side subject to the distance between the living . areas in any two adjacent buildings is at least 20 feet. Section 205.053, 4, b, Two side yards are required, each with a width of not less than 10 feet. Public purpose served by these sections of the code is.to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to con- flagration of fire and also to allow for aesthetically pleasing open spaces around residential structures. B. STATED HARDSHIP: See Attached Letter dated July 23, 1979 C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: These lots are located within the flood plain, therefore a substantial amount of fill will have to be brought in. This will result in raising these prop- erties above the neighboring structures. The:proposal consists of four 25 foot lots on which the petitioner has proposed to build two homes 10 feet apart. They are two full stories above grade (approximately 16 feet). The staff recommends that the Appeals Commission consider denying all vari- ances for the following reasons and that the petitioner consider building one house on four lots. 1. The houses would only be 10 feet apart and that will appear to be very close since the vertical height of the wall is 16 feet. 2. With one house, the degree of slope between the lot line and the elevated area could be lessened with more distance to make up the difference in elevation. A lot area should be left on the lot and a catch basin'instal'led and be con- nected to the existing basin on Glencoe. This would allow for a better drain- age plan as the one proposed does not allow adequate fall -away from the exist- ing home. The following two pages consist of the letter referred to in the Hardship section of the Administrative Staff Report. Lis. Schnabel read this letter into the record also. 'JULY 23., 1979 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE FRIDLEY, INNESOTA 55432 RE: REQUEST FOR VARIANCE OF MINIMUM PROPERTY REQUIREMENT LOTS 27 & 28.. BLOCK S., AND LOTS 29 & 30., BLOCK S, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS DEAR COUNCIL MEMBERS: AS ISI OBVIOUS BY THE ATTACHED DIAGRAMSp THE LOTS FOR WHICH WE SEEK THE ABOVE VARIANCE FALL SHORT OF FRIDLEY'S MINIMUM PROPERTY REQUIREMENT. WE HAVE RESEARCHED ALL REASONABLE ALTERNATIVES PRIOR TO SEEKING SUCH VARIANCE AND HAVE CONCLUDED THAT OBTAINING,THE VARIANCE FOR EACH LOT IS THE ONLY FEASIBLE COURSE OF ACTION. THE FIRST AND FOREMOST CONSIDERATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ABOVE LOTS*IS THE SUITABILITY OF THE LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION. WE FOUND THAT BOTH LOTS ARE BELOW THE FLOOD PLAIN AND THUS WOULD REQUIRE AN EXTENSIVE AMOUNT OF FILL TO BRING THEM TO BUILDING CONDITION. THE ESTIMATED COST OF REQUIRED FILL PER LOT IS $4-000. IF THE LOTS WERE COMBINED., A TOTAL COST OF $8,,000 WOULD BE ADDED TO A SINGLE PEICE OF PROPERTY. THE PRESENT PRICE OF EACH LOT IS $6A500-- IF THE LOTS WERE COMBINED, THIS PRICE WOULD DOUBLE TO $13,000. ADDED TO THE COST OF THE REQUIRED FILL FOR THE COMBINED LqTj.-THE PRICE OF THE LOT WOULD THEN BE $21..000. OBVIOUSLY THIS Sum WOULD BE FAR OUT OF THE CURRENT PRICE RANGE FOR THE AREA. ANOTH R CONSIDERATION ALONG THESE LINES IS THE COST OF SODDING, A REQUIREMENT OF THE CIT. THE AGGREGATE COST OF SODDING THE TWO LOTS IS $2,400. IF THE LOTS WERE COMBINED, THIS ENTIRE COST WOULD BE PASSED ONTO ONE PEICE OF PROPERTY, INCREASINGITHE PRICE OF A SINGLE LOT WHICH IS ALREADY OUT OF ITS MARKET RANGE. SHOU A VARIANCE BE GRANTED THE ABOVE LISTED COSTS CAN BE*DIVIDED PUTTING THE PRICE IN THE AREA OF $12.,000 WHICH IS CERTAINLY IN LINE WITH CURRENT PRICES OF THE AR CONTINGENT UPON RECEIVING A VARIANCE FROM THE CITY OF FRID'LEYA WE HAVE PUT 7625 HIGHWAY 65 N. E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 786-6911 APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 PAGE 4 ,-"W 'I 4 TOGETHER A PROPOSED HOME PACKAGE FOR EACH OF THE LOTS. THE TOTAL PACKAGE WAS PRICED AT $67,000. BOTH PACKAGES WERE SUBMITTED FOR PROSPECTIVE BUYERS TO THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION FOR FINANCE APPROVAL AND APPRAISAL. THE PROSPECTIVE BUYERS ARE APPROVED FOR V.A. MORTGAGES. THE V.A. APPROVED BOTH HOMES AS THEY ARE PROPOSED TO BE SITUATED ON THE TWO LOTS. HOWEVER, THE APPRAISAL GIVEN TO THE PACKAGE WAS ONLY $63;000. THE REASON GIVEN FOR THE LOWER APPRAISAL WAS CONSIDERATION OF THE NEIGHBORING AREA. THIS DEMONSTRATES AGAIN, THE IMPRACTIBILITY .OF COMBINING THE TWO LOTS TO BE MARKETED AS A SINGLE LOT FOR A PRICE OF $23,400, EXCLUSIVE OF ANY ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE. ATTACHED ARE THREE DIAGRAMS LABLED A,.B, AND C. DIAGRAM A DEPICTS THE SAME HOUSE PROPOSED'FOR EACH OF THE TWO EXISTING LOTS ON A SINGLE COMBINED LOT. WITH THE ADDED EXPENSE OF THE SECOND LOT, THIS HOME WOULD NOW COST $72,250. EVEN TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE ADDITIONAL LAND ENCOMPASSED IN THE PACKAGE, THE APPRAISAL WULD NOT EVEN COME CLOSE TO THE PURCHASE PRICE, ESPECIALLY AS IT WAS NOTED THAT' ADJOINING AREA COMPARABLES WAS THE REASON FOR THE LOWER APPRAISAL GIVEN TO OUR PROPOSED PACKAGES. AS INDICATED IN THIS DIAGRAM, THE DRAINAGE AREA ON THE PROPERTY WOULD CERTAINLY BE INCREASED, HOWEVER THE SURROUNDING AREA WOULD NOT WARRANT SUCH AN EXTREME PRICE FOR THIS TYPE HOME. DIAGRAM B SHOWS A T -SHAPED HOME, 28' BY 46' WITH A FORMAL FOYER AND A 24' BY 30' ATTACHED GARAGE. THIS IS THE SIZE HOME THAT WOULD FIT THE COMBINED SINGLE LOT. THE COST OF THIS HOME WOULD BE $87,900. AGAIN,'OUT PRICED FOR THE AREA. FURTHER, THE DRAINAGE AREA ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE HOME WOULD NOT CHANGE AND THE DRAINAGE AREA TO THE SOUTH OF THE HOME WOULD INCREASE ONLY BY 2.5'. DIAGRAM C SHOWS A 24' BY 40' HOME WITH A 20' BY 24t ATTACHED GARAGE SITUATED IN LINE WITH EXISTING HOMES. Ill THIS INSTANCE, THE DRAINAGE AREAS ON BOTH THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF THE HOME REMAIN THE SAME. THE PRICE OF THIS HOME WOULD BE $74,900 ALSO OUT OF THE AREA PRICE RANGE. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE SHORT SIDE LOTS OF OUR TWO PROPOSED HOMES ARE BETWEEN THE HOMES THAT CERTIFIED WOULD CONSTRUCT. WE WOULD THEREFORE BE ABLE TO CONTROL THE MEANS OF -DRAINAGE IN THIS MINIMAL AREA TO INSURE AGAINST ANY DRAINAGE PROBLEMS. WE WOULD LIKE*TO POINT OUT THAT THE TWO LOTS IN QUESTION WERE PLATTED PRIOR TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MINIMUM PROPERTY DIMENSION REQUIREMENT. WE BELEIVE THAT THIS IS A POINT OFCONSIDEP.ATION. HAD THESE PLATS BEEN RECORDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE MINIMUM STANDARD, WE WOULD NOT BE ENCOUNTERING OUR CURRENT PROBLEM. WE FEEL THAT THE ABOVE EXPLANATIONS EVIDENCE THE NEED FOR THE REQUESTED VARIANCE. THE HOMES PROPOSED FOR THE EXISTING LOTS WOULD ENHANCE THE AESTHETIC ASPECT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND ADD TO THE PROPERTY VALUES OF THE AREA. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOTS WOULD CERTAINLY BE AN IMPROVEMENT OVER THEIR PRESENT STATES AND WE DO NOT FORSEE THAT THE ADJOINING HOMES WOULD INCUR ANY HARDSHIP DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED HOMES. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION IN THIS MATTER. VERY TULY YOURS, RNit- ASBORG YICE•PRESIDENT APPEA1 S COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 - PAGE L Ms. Schnabel stated that at the last meeting, no action was taken, so they could have to start at the beginning. She indicated that the Commi.sioners had received additional information regarding this reque t in the mail during the week. Mr. I4dravetz stated that the Staff position had not changed and they would recommend denial. Staff would be receptive to one.. Mr. Psborg stated that the homes would be built under Excalibur Homeslnot Certified Homes. An error was made with the letterhead for the 1etter stating the hardship. He gave the Commissioners a copy of a sugey indicating the proposed drainage plan. I..r. Keith Graham will certify the drainage after the project is done. Dlr. Graham, the surveyor, has been to the site three times and they have gone to great lengths and expense to do the topos and check the outside areas of the surrounding homes and they feel the drainage from these two houses will not cause a problemwith the two adjoining houses. The two adjoining houses are on small lots and he did not see how the Commissioners could discriminate against the people who want to buy these two homes and the people who want to sell these two lots. He has two buyers who want to buy these two hones. The way they are set up they will be aesthetically nice homes. They would be 2 -story homes and Mr. Pasborg showed the Commission- ers pictures of the proposed houses. The pictures indicated how the houses'I would be layed out. Mr. Pasborg stated that there would be 10 feet between the two houses and the prospective buyers did not object to that. He went on to explain the floor plan which includes suspended decks, a flying eve on the front which would be 6 feet. 'The decks would be 8 feet protruding past te flying eve. There would be a patio door in front with a bay window'on each side. He did not feel it would decrease anything in the neighborhood. Ids. Schnabel requested that 17r. Pasborg show his drawings to the people in t* audience. Mr. Pasborg did so and went on to explain that the exterior of the houses would be hand -split shakes on the face and a brick front. The siding would be cedar with a timberline shake roof. The houses would be energy homes and there would be shutters on all the windows. He stated that these are the only homes they feel they can build and that he haLalre,ady brought one lot. They have not yet paid for the second lot be ause of the negative reaction he received from the Staff. It was indicated to him that he would not get the variance and he had already invested $1,000.00. Pits. Sc�nabel stated that in the past, based on Staff's experience with the code, these things have not been generally favored. DTs. Schnabel statedjthat she was concerned about the elevation and the drainage. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 - PAGE 6 Ms. Schnabel asked if the highest elevation point was 824.9? . Mr. Pasborg stated that was correct and that would be the floor of the garage and the first floor of the house. Ms. Schnabel stated that around the lot,.824.9 was the highest elevation she could find. Mr. Pasborg stated that was correct. Ms. Schnabel asked if they were dipping towards the house in some way? Mr. Pasborg stated that they were dipping away from the house. -He stated that on the survey, PE was the proposed elevations and the others indicated were the existing elevations. Mr. Pasborg stated that they were coming up 15 feet and would then drop it down and bring it around. They had also indicated that they would put in a retaining wall if necessary, but he did not feel that would be necessary. Mr. Pasborg went on to explain the drainage and also stated that he would be willing to sod the neighbors lot which was presently weeds. He stated it would drop 20 in front from the roof to the street. Ms. Schnabel stated that she was not convinced because the first floor elevation was 825.3 and they had a proposed exterior of 824.9. That is .4 feet of difference and she did not think he could contain it all in the lot and get it out in that space. Ii7r. Pasborg stated it would drop to 823. Ms. Schnabel stated that it would then run into the neighbors lot which is at 822. Mr. Pasborg stated that he would be willing to put in a wall or else fill it and sod it for him. Ms. Schnabel stated that he would have the same problem in another area. She did not think that the neighbors fence would stop the heavy water. Mr. Pasborg stated that then he would put up two walls. Ms. Schnabel stated that she thought the Engineering. Department would want more than that and asked Pir. Moravetz what his opinion was? Mr. P.Moravetz stated that he didn't believe such a.design had been requested and was not sure how it would be received. It would have to 'be revi6wed. Mr. Kemper asked if he would be proposing a cement block wall? Mr. Pasborg stated that would be the least expensive and least attractive. PPEALS C01111ISSION MEETING AUGUST 14, 1979 Itis. Schnabel stated that it appeared to her that as it looks, she felt it would be unacceptable in terms of drainage and the people. in the Engineering Department would have to take a closer look at it. Mr. Pa0borg stated that he had asked them about the walls and they didn't think it would make any difference. He was told that the percenages of drop were within the regulations and that the only footag� problem was the difference between the two homes. Mr. Kemper stated that in looking at it there were definitely some problems. But that didn't mean he could do some adjustments. Mr. Pasborg stated that Keith Graham would verify that there would be proper drainage. He thinks it will work. Itis. Schnabel stated that from experience,' they have found that if they aren't diligent and get it on paper to begin with, the work is not done properly and once it is in, it is tough to go back and change it. This is not the first problem they have had in that area and she felt that if this is approved, at some point further along, either at the Planning Commission or the City Council; he would.have to have some new proposals for drainage. Idr. Pasborg asked what would be acceptable? Ms. Schnabel stated that he would have to talk to the Engineering Department. Mr. Pasborg stated that this was what Engineering told him to do. Ms. Schnabel stated that she didn't believe that because Engineering would not tell him to drain it onto the neighbor's property and that is what this would do. Mr. Kemper stated that if this was passed they would have to take a look at some of the figures and come up with a different proposal because the way it is,'water would be running onto the adjacent pro- perties. Mr. Pasborg asked if they had the other survey because it was done twice. He gave them another survey and stated that was the correct one. Mr. Plemel asked if a mound of earth sodded about 6 to 10 inches along the edge accomplish the same as a high concrete wall? Mr. Barna stated that it would have'to come to a sharp edge at the .. lot line and, wouldn't bccomplish much. The retaining wall would be a maximum of 2 courses out of the ground and they could put flagstone on it or paint it to make it look nice. It would be secured with 1 course below the ground and with 2 courses above it would move with the frost. Water pressure would not move it. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 PAGE 8 Mr. Moravetz stated that they should consider the relationship of ° the top of the curbing on Riverview Terrace in the northwest corner of the lots. The top of the curb elevation is 822.4 and it is not a full curb. It is just a blacktop berm so the actual gutter line is probably only one tenth of an inch or so lower than the top of the curb or berm. It was only two to three inches at the most. At the southwest' corner it is 822.3. The proposed elevation immediately north of the house is lower than the street elevation. Ms. Schnabel stated that there were remarks on her copy written by someone on Staff. One of the remarks is that it is too flat and if the curb is removed the water will back into the .yard. Ms. Schnabel stated that there were other things they should look at but it would suffice.it to say that there is probably drainage problems and they would have to be worked out. Ms. Schnabel-asked if it was correct that he had two buyers? Mr. Pasborg stated that was correct. Ms. Schnabel stated that she understood they had been approved for mortgages and that they were aware of the distance between the buildings? Mr. Pasborg stated that the VA was very strict and the buyers had signed documents regarding that. Ms. Schnabel stated that another problem was because the dwellings were so close, they had to be sure that there was no possibility of the spread of fire. In some cases they require fire walls to prevent that, and she thought that might include the elimination of windows. She explained to the petitioner that this was the whole basis of the requirements to keep the dwelling far enough apart. Also, there was the consideration of enough room for the fire trucks to get through. Mr. Pasborg asked what the required distance was? Mr. Barna stated they should be 20 feet apart. Mr. Plemel asked if these were factory built houses and if they came in two sections. Also, he asked who the manufacturer was? Mr. Pasborg stated that top part of the houses were built in a factory and that top would come in two sections. The manufacturer was Terrace. He stated that the lower half of the houses would be constructed on the site. Ms. Gabel stated that she was sure a fire wall would be required but was not sure about the windows. Ms. Schnabel stated they would have to research that question. . APPEALS C011-IISSION MEETING, AUGUST 14, 19-79- - PAGE 9 Mr. Pa:sborg stated that in his original proposal, the houses were to be put in the center of.the lot and Mr. Sobiech stated that he should push them closer together for more drainage. That was why they were 10 feet apart. The original proposal called for a distance of 16 feet. That would have left less drainage on each side but then they would have put the cement wall up. The garages would be closest together on the downstairs floor. They could move the window in the.garage or eliminate it. He would rather have the houses farther apart and so would the buyers. Tvlr. Barna asked what the height was from the peak of the house to ground level in the front? Mfr. Pasborg stated it would be 20 feet. Ms. Schnabel referred to the last paragraph in the Administrative Staff Report and stated that it was a typing error. It should be a. "low" area, not a "lot" area. Mr. Barna stated that would make it about 22.9 feet above the street level at the center of the lot. That would make it about 4 feet higher than the house to the south and about 9 feet higher than the house to the north. AZr. Barna stated that he felt the two houses would stick up and look funny in that narrow space. Mr. Pasborg stated that they would not be able to see one of the houses because of the pine trees which he planned to leave. He pointed out that it would be about the same height as the house going in across the street, and the -one further down the street. Mr. Barna stated that the one two blocks down as caused some problems because it doesn't really fit in. 14s. Gabel asked what the price would be. She was concerned about getting some reasonably priced homes in Fridley. Mr. Pasborg stated that they would be priced betwen .$63.,000 and $67,000. He stated that there would be 2 bedrooms finished and the downstairs would be framed in. Ms. Schnabel asked if these were pre -constructed homes. Mr. Pasborg stated that the top half was. If they were built on site, it would cost a lot more and they would not be able to put in' -all the options they were. He stated this was different from other modular homes. He also stated that the City of 11inneapolis had accepted them as a builder. APPEALS COr117ISSION MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 - PAGE 10 - Mr. Barna asked what the 1969 flood level was at this point or whiat the high water elevation was? Ms. Gabel stated that it was 822.9. Mr. Kemper asked if Mr. Pasborg had considered single story houses with unattached garages? Mr. Pasborg stated that he didn't know how he would get the garages in there. Ms. Schnabel stated that would create more of a lot coverage problem. Mr. Kemper stated that he asked that because of the fire walls. Mr. Barna stated that he couldn't put in a full basement. He could put in a basement below the flood plain but would have to protect the sewer and water and the furnace would have to be hung from the ceiling. Also, he could not build the basement in such,a. way that it could be improved into living area in case of a sudden flood someone would be trapped in there. The houses with full basements were built before the 1969 flood. Ms. Schnabel noted that the lots on each side were 60 feet not 50 feet. Xr. Barna stated that the outside lots were not 25 foot but 30 foot. Ms. Karleen Rice, 696 Hugo Street, came forward and stated that she had a petition against the construction of two houses. Ms. Schnabel read the petition as followss To the City of Fridley, dated July 28, 1979: This is a petition against the building of a new dwelling at 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace NE and the request for variance pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code to reduce the minimum lot area from the required 7500 square feet for lots platted before December 29, 1955, to 5584 square feet, and to reduce the requirement that there be 20 feet between living areas of adjacent dwellings on any parcel of land 60 feet in width or less to 10 feet. The petition was signed by -52 people mainly from Hugo Street, Glenco Street and Riverview Terrace. MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Kemper, to receive the petition against the request. UPON A VOLE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Rice stated that they could not understand how they could put two houses in that little area. They would not have any air moving back and forth. I:Is. Rice stated that she lived at'696 Hugo Street and that she also owned the house at 683 Glencoe Street. They were planning on renting the, house on Glencoe Street as soon as they fixed it,up. APPEALS COM1AISSION i:°EETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 - PAGE 11 Mr. Dan St. Clair, 8141.Riverview Terrace, came forward and stated that his house was located to the north of the lots in question.. He stated that he objected to the construction of these two structures because he moved to Fridley because he thought it was aesthetically beautiful. He stated that he had a privacy fence that was put up by the people who owned the house before hint. It was there because of the unsightly lot next door. If there was one nice house he would remove the privacy fence. He was concerned that the two proposed houses would block the sun. He also would not object to two small. houses. He did not feel that those two houses would add to the neighborhood. A single structure would be his preference. - Ms. Rice stated that she would not object to one house either. Ms. Schneppmueller, 8151 Riverview Terrace, stated that she was concerned about the drainage. She felt that with two houses in there., they could not handle the water. She stated that when it rains hard, the water goes all the -way up to her front door. She did not want another lot draining on her lot. Dir. St. Clair stated that he agreed with Ms. Schneppmueller and also that he did not want to see a wall ?o in there. He stated that the petitioner had mentioned his fence. He stated that his fence would not and does not hold back the water. Ms. Schnabel stated that she had the same concern's and it did not seem that they had adequate land to handle the drainage. Isis. Julie Birkholz, Route ;4, Isanti, came forward and stated that she represented the owner of the property at 812,E Riverview Terrace. She stated that the owner was a 74 year old lady who lived on a farm in the country and it.would be a'hardship on her if she could not sell the property. She owns the southerly two lots. Mr. Kemper asked Irir. Pasborg if those were the two lots that he had started to buy and held back on. Mr. Pasborg stated that was correct. 146. Birkholz stated that her grandmother needed the money and would like to sell. Ivis. Schneppmuller stated that she took a picture of the other house that was recently built in the area where the builder was supposed to take care of the drainage. She stated that the lot he built on drains into the neighbors. Mr. Scott Anderson, an associate of Mr. Pasborg, came forward and asked about the builder who wanted to build a house on pilings in this area just recently. He asked if they could build a house on pilings because then there would be no drainage problem. APPEALS CUIMIS SIGN MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 - PAGE 12 11 Y PTs. Schnabel stated that was his -intention in terms of the pilings. He wanted to raise the house up and then skirt it so it would look like a regular house. He had planned to use the space underneath as a catch basin. But there were problems with the swale lines and with the elevations. She stated that there was no problem with the pilings other than one neighbor was concerned about the pile driving disturbing his.foun.dation. Apparently there is a method to avoid that. Ids. Schnabel stated that she felt the problem here was that the people did not want two houses there because of the crowding and the drainage problems. ldr. Pasborg stated that if he built a single house there it would take up as much room as the two houses. It wauld be a T-shaped house and it would be big. Mr. Kemper stated that the Commission was not trying to make it difficult for 11.1r. Pasborg but was trying to find an amenable solution for everyone. PTs. Schnabel stated that there were alternatives. If he wanted to rethink it or withdraw his request and go with a single dwelling, he could. She informed Mr. Pasborg that if Council reviewed it and it was denied, he could do nothing with the property for six months. Mr. Plemel stated that the final decision rested with the City Council. The Appeals Commission only advises when.there is neighborhood objection. Plr. Kemper noted that neighborhood objection carried weight with them and with Council. Tis. Schnabel stated that he could request that the item be continued for two weeks which would give him time to review the situation. Mr. C. Schack, 685 Glencoe Street, came forward and stated that lie would object to the retaining wall and did not believe that would hold the water. Pls. Schnabel stated that they had the same concerns and they were trying to protect his property. She informed Mr. Schack that the petitioner had requested this be tabled for two weeks to give him time to rethink his request. Mr. Pasborg stated that he would like it to be continued for two weeks. He felt that would be fair. MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by ills. Gabel to table the request for variances pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Firdley City Code, to reduce the minimum lot area from the required 700 square feet for lots platted before December 29, 1955, to 558 square feet,' and to reduce the requirement that there be twenty feet between living.areas of adjacent dwellings on any parcel of land 60 feet or less in width, to 10 feet, to allos the construction of two dwellings in CPR -2 Zoning (flood plain), the same being 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. Pis. Gabel requested that in the next two weeks, Staff research the ouestio7,zs that were raised such as the fire walls and th window L e dr inane oblem and that Mr. Pasborg check with Sta�f regarRing the water Drob em. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1,972 PAGE 1'I UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANII:IOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel informed the petitioner and the audience that the public hearing was still open and invited all interested parties to return in two weeks. Ms. Schnabel declared a recess at 9:25 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 9:35 P.M. 3. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CI3APTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO R-, DUCE T.KE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM THE REQUIRED 10. rEET TO SEVETd FEET. TO ALLOW THE CONTaTRUCTION Off', ADDITIONAL LIVING AREA ON s Skilling, 575 Glencoe 5 GLENCOE STREET K.E. (Request reet N.E. , Fridley, ITM. 55432) . MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by P:Is. Gabel, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9=35 P.M. Tris. Schnabel asked the petitioner to come forward and read the Administrative Staff Report as follows: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 575 Glencoe Street N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.053, 4B, requires a minimum side yard setback of 10 feet for living area. Public purpose served by this requirement is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to conflagration of fire. It is also to allow for aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential structures. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "More living space is required. The best way to add living space to the existing house is to add on the top of the garage which is existing approximately 7 feet from the west property line." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The house to the west is on the corner lots and faces Broad Avenue. It has 10 feet (verified) between the structure and the common lot line. If the variance was approved there would be approximately 17 feet between living areas. ri APPEALS COIUdISSION MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1979 - PAGE 14 - to 1 MIs. Schnabel stated that she understood that this was existing.gerage on the west side of the house and it appeared that the top was removed and the petitioner wished to build on top of the garage. She asked what the addition would be? Mr. Skilling stated that part of it would be to add room on the kitchen and part of it would be a family room. He showed the Commissioners a drawing of what he proposed to do and explained how he planned to do it. Ms. Gabel asked if the garage could support the structure? Mr. Skilling stated that it could and that he had checked it out. If necessary, they would run an extra header. Ids. Schnabel asked if he would do the work himself or hire someone? IL'!r. Skilling stated that he would have the work done. Mr. Kemper asked what the addition would cost? Mr. Skilling stated it would cost around *14,000. Ms. Schnabel asked if the exterior would tie in with the existing exterior and if the roof line would tie in with the existing roof? Mr. -Skilling stated that it would. TSIs. Gabel asked about the windows? Mr. Skilling stated that he would relocate them on that side. Ms. Schnabel asked if he had talked to his neighbors about the addition? Mr. Skilling stated that he had and they were in favor of it. Mr. T.Ioravetz showed the Commissioners an aerial photograph of the area. Mr. Kemper stated that they were looking at a 3 foot variance. Ms. Gabel asked when he would start? Mr..Skilling stated'they would start as soon as possible and the actual construction would take about five weeks. MOTION by TSIs. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHIdABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 9,50 P.M. :r u�. CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - AGUSUT 28, 197 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the August 28, 1979, meeting of the Appeals Commission to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Kemper, Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Gable, Mr. Barna Members Absent: Mr. Plemel Others Present: Darrel Clark, Building Inspector APPROVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 1,_1979: Mr. Barna noted a correction in the minutes. Page 10, paragraph 7 reads, . in case of a sudden flood someone would be trapped . . ., it should read, . in case of a sudden flood someone could be trapped . . . MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Ms. Gable, that the Appeals Commission minutes of August 14, 1979, be approved as corrected. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED TNANIMOUSLY . I• CONTINUED: REQUEST FOR VARIANCES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM LOT AREA FROM THE REQUIRED 7500 SQUARE FEET FOR LOTS PLATTED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955 TO 5584 SQUARE FEET: AND TO REDUCE THE REQUIREMENT THAT THERE BE 20 FEET BETWEEN LIVING AREAS OF ADJACENT DWELLINGS ON ANY PARCEL OF LAND 60 FEET OR LESS IN WIDTH, TO 10 FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO DWELLINGS IN CPR®2 ZONING (FLOOD -PLAIN), THE SAME BEING 8125 AND 8133 RIVERVIEW TERRACE N.E. (Request by Excalibur Homes, Inc., 1267 N.E. 80th Street, Spring Lake Park, Minnesota 55432). The petitioner, or anyone representing the petitioner, were not present at the meeting. Ms. Schnabel reminded the commission and audience that at the August 14, 1979, Appeals Commission meeting this Public Hearing was tabled until this meeting. MOTION by Ms. Gable, seconded by Mr. Kemper to remove this item from the table to allow further discussion on the requests. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLAIRED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel asked Mr. Clark if he could fill the commission and audience in on the current status of this request. Mr. Clark said there were 2 items of concern in the minutes. One pertained to fire walls and the other to drainage. As far as the fire wall is concerned the building code does not require fire walls if the building is 5 feet or more from the lot line. The building code is being met by buildix.g the two houses as proposed. However, Mr. Clark felt there could be some danger in building the 2 story homes so close to- gether with regards to the possibility of fire spreading from the lower level of I APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 289 1979 PAGE 2 one home to the upper level of the other home. Mr. Clark also said that the only drainage plan that he has seen would not work. He went on to explain that the petitioner had called on Monday asking questions about building one home on the 4 lots. He was called back on Tuesday by the _ Planning Department to see if he still wanted to be on the Appeal's agenda, and he said yes. Mr. Clark assumed the petitioner would have been here tonight and he or the staff had not heard contrary to that.. Ms. Schnabel asked if anyone in the audience was representing the petitioner and, there was no response. Mr. Clark said that since this commission is only a recommending body and since the petitioner is not here, he felt that the commission should take action and he would recommend denying the petition. Mr. Clark felt that even if the peitioner brought in new evidence of feasibility to the Planning Commission or Council that the de- velopment would not work or look right. MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Ms. Gable to deny the request for variances pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code, to reduce the minimum lot area from the re- quired 7500 s,uare feet for lots platted before December 29, 1955, to 5584 s,,uare feet: and to reduce the.requirement that there be 20 feet between living areas of adjacent dwellings on any parcel of land 60 feet or less in width, to 10 feet, to allow the construction of two dwellings in CPR -2 zoning (flood plain), the same being 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. Ms. Schnabel asked the audience if they:had anything to d-iscuss or comment on at this time. Ms. Schnabel explained to the audience tn.at this board was recommen- ding to Council to deny this request and it is up to the petitioner to decide what he wants to ao before it gets to Council. If the Council concurs with their decision then the petitioner cannot present this request before Council for 6 months. Mr. Clark said he (petitioner) could still build one house on the 4 lots but would still need a Special Use Permit and that request would come before the Planning Commision at a later date. The audience asked when the Planning Commission meeting was. Ms. Schnabel stated it would be on Wednesday, September 12, 1979, and that they (homeowners) are not given written notice but it is an open meeting to anyone. Ms. Schnabel felt that at the September 12th meeting the petitioner would be able to show them exactly what he intends to do,.meaning the possibility of a single family dwelling on the 4 lots. The purpose of the Planning Commission meeting is mainly to decide whether or not he will be able to build in the flood plain area, and not with the house or houses he proposes to build. Mr. Chester Schack, 685 Glencoe Street N.E., asked if the peitioner would have to. build the house on a higher slope® Ms. Schnabel said it would have to be above the flood plain level. Mr. Schack was concerned that bis house would be lower and have a drainage problem. Mr. Clark thought that the Engineering Department would have a drainage plan drawn up to advise the Planning Commission at the September..12th meeting. Mr. Schack also asked if Fridley had considered buying the lots to use as a natural catch basin. Mr. Clark said he was not aware of any plan. w APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 28 1979 PAGE 3 Mr. Schack said he hated to see someone get stuck with some land they could not use and this would be a good way to use the lots. He said he would be willing to cut the weeds on his side of the catch basin and thought the homeowner on the other side felt the same. Ms. Schnabel felt that decision should come from the Planning Department or Council and recommended that he contact his Council representative, Ed Fitzpatrick. Ms. Schnabel asked for any further comment from the board members. Mr. Barna said he would have to agree with the motion because he felt he hadn't heard of any hardships from the petitioner that he had not created himself. He also firmly felt that the building of 2 homes would create a safety hazard to the public health and welfare. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel said that this request should go to Planning Commission on September 12th and to Council on September 24th. Council can set a Public Hearing if they want. 2, RECEIVE MEMORANDUM FROM VIRGIL C. HERRICK, CITY -ATTORNEY, DATED AUGUST 2L 1979, ISSUE:_ WHAT ARE THE PROCEDURAL AND SUBSTANTIVE RE UIREMENTS THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH IN GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, A VARIANCE, OR A RE -ZONING CHANGE? MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Ms. Gable to receive the memorandum from Virgil C. Herrick. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel asked if there were any thoughts or comments on the memorandum. Ms. Gabel said she had one comment. She had noticed that the courts had done some kind of a swing around with regards to considering economic feasibility when con- sidering a_request. Prior to this you could not use economic feasibility as a determining factor. She also noted that the Appeals Commission according to this. memorandum could impose stipulations whereas before they questioned if they could do this or not. Ms. Schnabel said she had not been able to compare this with the old guidelines yet". Mr. Kemper asked if this should be considered as some sort of guidelines. Ms. Schnabel said yes, that in the hopes it would help clarify some issues in the past and also help in future issues that would be pertinent towards a recommendation. She went on to say the Planning Commission received it at the end of their last meeting, but did not discuss it. Mr. Kemper said he had not had time to really look through'it. Mr. Barna had read, through it and said he had no comment to make on it at this time. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 28 1979 PAGt-°4 ADJOURNMENT: u MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Mr. Barna, to adjourn the August 28, 1979, meeting of the Appeals Commission. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNAGEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted: Paula Long,•Aeco Y g Secretary CITY'�, a� ?a �,.��.: � Fla �� Y, y,:. ...... 5 M....c.,:,., 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FFIIDLEY, IN.NESOTA 66432 TELEPHONE � TO WHOM IT MAY,CONCERN:. August 23, 1979 This is to notify you that the variances requested by Excalibur Homes to construct two dwellings on Lots 27 through 29, Block S, Riverview Heights, to be addressed as 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. will again be heard by the Appeals Commission on Tuesday, August 28, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber at the Fridley Civic Center at 6431 University Avenue N.E. Any and all persons wishing to be heard on this item may appear at the above time and place. VIRGINIA SCHNABEL CHAIRWOMEN APPEALS COMMISSION To the City of Fridley Date July 28 1979 This is a Petition against the building of a now dwelling on 8125 and 8133 Fdverview Terrace E.E. And the request for variances pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley Cite Code: to reduce the minixt= lot area from the required 7500 square feet for lots platted before December 29,, 1955, to 5584 square feet., and to reduce the requirement that there be 20 feet between lining areas of adjacent dwellings on any parcel of land 60 feet or less in with., to TO feet* Name � u�U AAJ Address D.J. AJ /'-7 6 9b f 0-1 Ji If �w 0 00 A CI'T°Y OF FRI LEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E.. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 812)571-3450 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Appeals Commission of the City of Fridley will conduct a public hearing in the -City Council Chambers at 6431 Universi't'y Avenue Northeast at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, July 31, 1979, in regard to the following: Request for variances pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code., to reduce the ' minimum lot area from the required 7500 square feet for lots platted before December 29, 1955, to 5584 square feet, and to reduce the requirement that there be 20 feet between living areas of adjacent dwellings on any parcel of land 60 feet or less in width, to 10 feet, to allow the construction of two new dwellings in CPR -2 Zoning (flood plain) the same being 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. Notice is hereby give that all persons having an interest therein will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above time and place. VIRGINIA $CHNABEL CHAIRWOMAN APPEAL$ CQMMI�$,IQN I PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, August 8, 1979 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #79-10, by Excalibur Homes, Inc., Per Section 205.157, 5, D, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of two new dwellings in CPR -2 Zoning (flood Plain) on Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block S', Riverview Heights, the same being 8125 and 8137 Riverview Terrace N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall ,be given an,opportunity at the above stated time and place. RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: July 25, 1979 August 1, 1979 s•'" City of Fridley AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS �- ------- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. r � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. t � � CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 �• -''� ,•� 612-560-3450 SUBJECT APPL.ICATION TO BOARD OF APPEALS NUMBERREV. 910-F23 1 DATE 3/21/75 PAGE ,1 OF ,2 APPROVED BY 800 Name ddress Excalibur Homes, Inc. 7625 Hwy. NE, Mpls, Mn. 55432 Phone 786--6U4 Legal Description Lot No. ffia73G2IM90 Block No. 5 Tract or Addn.� 1 Riverview Rights ` Variance Request(s); including stated hardships (attach plat or survey of property showing building, variances, etc., where applicable) 205.053 MB - Lot size reduction from 7500 Sq. Ft to 5584 a4_ ft_ l 205.053 (2)B3- Lot width to 50 feet with reduction of condition B-3 from 20 feet to 10 feet. Date Meeting Date Fee Receipt No. -7— 3) $80.00 9' �y Signa - Comments & Recommendations by the Board of Appeals City Council Action and Date 0 City of Fridley AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS �• COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. may_------ r PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. i r CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 --- `� 612-560-3450 SUBJtCT APPLICATION TO BOARD OF APPEALS (Staff Repprt) NUMAFRFiEV, 910-F23 1 DATE 3/21/75 PAGE OF 2 2 APPROVED UV 800 Staff Comments .- Board members date notified, notified of meeting by List members, and "Yes" or "No" for plans to attend hearing. Plan Date To Attend Name Pearson making appeal and the following feet notified: ® Name property owners having property within 200 By Whom d% Date Phone or Mail Notified MAILING LIST Request for a special Use Permit SP #79-10, and variance by Excalibur Homes, Inc. on Lots 27 through 30 Block S. Excalibur Homes, 7625 Hwy. 65 N.E. Mpls, MN. 55432 Planning Commission 7-20-79 Appeals Commission 7-20-79 Inc. Casper V. Dosch 677 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Roger Olson & Connie M. Howe 696 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John & Karleen Rice 683 Glencoe Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Chester & Margaret Schack 685 Glencoe Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Viola M. Teig Rout 1 Isanti, MN 55040 Thomas J. Dalton 1420 Silver Lake Rd. New Brighton, MN 55112 Allan C. Mattson 7950 E. River Rd. Mpls., MN 55432 Daniel L. & Pamela J. St. Clair 8141 Riverview Terrace Fridley, MN 55432 Gerald A & Jeanine E. Blille 680 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard A. & Magdaline E. Burgess 670 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Douglas & Patricia Cloutier 666 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Mary S. Masonick 669 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 George F. & Connie Elliot 695 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Donald & Dorothea Schneppmueller 8151 Riverview Terrace Fridley, MN 55432 Robert M. Lindbloom 8181 Riverview Terrace Fridley, MN 55432- Kim 5432 Kim D & Vicki J. Wall 8065 Riverview Terrace Fridley, MN 55432 Robert B. & Vaughncille G. Johnson 680 Glencoe Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Joel & Kathleen Dumphy 670 Glencoe Street N.E. Fridley, MN -55432 P OF +4 . 270 REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1979 PAGE 9 think the citizens should be put off when they haven't made the effort to contact anyone to let them know they wouldn't be at the meeting. She stated just because there weren't many people present to voice their objections, they shouldn't take this as meaning they were in favor. She stated it has dragged on and people were getting weary of attending all the meetings. Mr. Herrick stated, on special use permits, there is some burden on the Council to show reasons why they should be denied. He stated excerpts were sent to the Council of a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling that overturned a Council's decision on the theory that the Council had not been consistent in the community. He stated he is nervous about denying a permit where the applicant is not present to state his case, even though that applicant knew about the meeting. He stated the people present here this evening, who object to the special use permit, could be heard and their statements made a part of the record. Mr.. John Dunphy, 155 Stonybrook Way, stated it was his observation that Tom Thumb was interested in the property as a special feature, if the special use permit was allowed. He understood that 40-50% of the revenue that was taken in would be in gas sales. He mentioned that the location would have a 25 foot entryway which is close to Stonybrook. He stated the neighborhood is almost totally opposed to this business at this location. He felt there was a traffic hazard involved with the vehicles and children crossing the road, and a question of whether it is a needed service in the area. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to table this item to the next meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion:carri.ed..unan:imously. EAST RIVER ROAD COMMITTEE: Mary Martin, 133 Stoneybrook Way, brought up the possibility of an East River Road Committee. She stated there used to be such a Committee which is now defunct and felt such a committee would do a lot of good, if just keeping the people informed. She didn't feel the action the Council took regarding East River Road was the only way and -felt there had to be other. alternatives. Mayor Nee indicated he could see no objections with such a committee. RECESS: A recess was called at 11:05 P.M. by Mayor Nee. RECONVENED: Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 11:13 P.M. All Councilmembers were present. (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION REQUEST, SAV #t79-04 BY ALLAN M JOHNSON � OF JIM MILLER REAL ESTATE 7751 EAST RIVER ROAD : j MOTION by Councilman Shcneider to set the public hearing for October 15, 1979. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 28, 1979: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES TO REDUCE MINIMUM LOT AREA AND TO REDUCE REQUIREMENT OF 20 FEET BETWEEN LIVING AREAS ON MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Commission and deny the variances. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy. REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1979 271 ,1 PAGE 10 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of September 12, 1979. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Councilman Schneider questioned if a moratorium could be placed on conversions of condominiums, until the Council decides how they wish to proceed in this area. Mr. Herrick stated he would do some research on whether they could adopt a moratorium or an ordinance to regulate this or set conditions under which it could be done. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayoe Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 1, 1979: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the Charter Commission Minutes of May 1, 1979. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OF REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME ON Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated a letter was received from Mr. Stahlberg requesting this extension of his special use permit until the spring of 1980. Mr. Stahlberg was not present at the meeting and Mr. Qureshi stated he would recormnend a six months extension and, if Mr. Stahlberg hasn't proceeded with his plans by this time, would ask him to come back before the Council. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to allow a six months extension of time on Special Use Permit SP #78-10 for Allan B. Stahlberg. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR OCTOBER 15, 1979: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to set the public hearing for October 15, 1979 on the Comprehensive Development Plan. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CITY OF FRIDLEY BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE NORTH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated a staff member is attending the Northtown Corridor Management Task Force meetings and they will keep the Council informed as to what is happening at the meetings. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to receive the memo from Jerry Boardman to the City Manager, Mr. Qureshi, dated September 20, 1979 regarding his attendance at the Northtown Corridor Management Task Force Meetings. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. REAPPLICATION OF REVISED PACO INDUSTRIAL PLAT DUE TO SURVEYOR'S MISTAKE: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to approve the revised Paco Industrial Plat due to the surveyor's mistake and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign same. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF AN INDEMNITY AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS REGARDING ADVANCED DRIVERS TRAINING COURSE: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the indemnity agreement with the City of Minneapolis regarding advanced drivers training course. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONTY OF FRIOLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)511-3450 October 3, 1979 CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN NOTICE r. -Excalibur Homes, Inc. 1267 N.E. 80th Street Spring Lake Park, -MN 55432 Gentlemen: On September 24, 1979-( the Fridley City Council officially denied your request for variances on Lots with the stipulations 7ste be ow. 27-30, Block.S, Riverview Heights Please review -the noted stipulations, sign the statement below, and return one copy to the City of Fridley. If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call the Community Development Office at 571-3450. JLB/de Stipulations: Sincerely? .A* PLANNER Concur with action taken.